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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1909)
The Falls City Tribune Tol. VI FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAY 7. 1909. * Number 18 THE WEEK’S SOCIAL EVENTS AS TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR Various Kinds of Entertainment by Individuals. Lodges, Clubs, Churches. Etc. T he Highlanders enjoyed a social dance at the close ot the regular session of their lodge. The K. K. club met at Jenne oper house Thursday evening and enjoyed a roller skate party, p Later in the evening all enjoyed an old fashioned tally pulk The Presbyterian young people 11 hold an ice cream and cake social in the parlors of the City Hotel on Friday evening. Ad mission only 10 cents. Every body please come. Mrs. S. M. Beachy was hostess to the Methodist Missionary Ken sington last Friday afternoon. The attendance was not as large as usual on account of the cold, damp weather. A nice luncheon as served. Mr. and Mrs. Will Crook jr., entertained at whist on Wednes day evening. A dainty lunch v. as served by the hostees. At a late hour the guests returned home and all feel indebted to Mr. and Mrs. Crook for so pleas • t an evening. Misses McDonald and Jennings accompanied the pupils of the Central Kindergarden to the city park Tuesday afternoon, where * they enjoyed an old fashioned picnic. The little ones thorough ly enjoyed their lunch and all re turned home about seven o’clock. A number of the relatives gathered at the home of Mrs. Jesse Crook Saturday evening to ctlebrate her seventy-ninth birtli ^ day. A nice lunch was served at ten and all enjoyed the pleasant gathering. She was psesented ith several beautiful little gifts. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Davies en tertained a number of their friends Friday evening. Many j.ames were played and some fine music helped to make the evening a very enjoyable one. Mrs. Codgersi who is visiting her sis ter. Mrs. Dr. Griffith, was the only out of town guest. A de lightful lunch was served by the hostess. Thursday evening the members o i the W- R. C. planned a very clever surprise in honor of Mrs. T. P. Jones and Mrs. John Par tier, who left on Monday for Sligo, Colo. They met at the home of D. C. Kirkpatrick and went in a body taking the ladies * completely by surprise. They took well filled baskets and a nice lunch was served by the visitors. The Woman's club wras enter tained at the home of Mrs. M. L. Wilson Tuesday afternoon. A goodly number of club ladies were present and the program was good. A personal sketch— Herman Suderman by Mrs. Morehead, and a review of “Frau Sorge’’ by Miss Uhlig, were both good. Miss Banks favored the ladies with a piano solo and Misses Snidow and Agnew each vocal solos. Virgil Falloon entertained the members of the senior class at at his home in the west part of town Thursday evening. T h e house w’as beautifully decorated in class colors and red roses, the t class 'lowers. Games and music * furuished the evening’s entertain ment. Punch was served also a delightful tw'o course lunch. As each guest departed they were . resented with a sou venir'09 pen ant, and a beautiful red rose. The city federation of women's clubs held a regular meeting Monday afternoon. Committee reported that Dr. H- R- Miner would deliver a free public ad dress on tuberculosis under the auspicis of the federation, Thurs day evening. May 13. in the court room. The president reported that the executive board of the federation, had purchased one of the pictures at the recent art ex hibit, Mr. Dudley Watson’s Blue Lake, and also that Dr. Miner had bought the same artist 'sFirst Frost, as a mucleus for a public art collection for Falls City- The federation gave a rising vote of thanks to Dr. Miner for this gen erous encouragement of a public interest in art. A rising vote o! thanks was also given to John L. Cleaver and Russell Keim tor as sistance in advertising the art exhibit, to Samanton and Pence for the fresh cut llowers provided throughout the exhibit, and to all others, and especially thecotn mittee for hanging the pictures, who helped to make the exhibit a success. The next regular meet ing of the federation will be Mon day, June 7. The Ladies Dorcas society of the Presbyterian church will have a fifteen Cent tea with strawber ry shortcake, at the home of Mrs. Bohrer on next Thursday even ing. May 1.3. The reputation of the ladies is a guarantee of some thing good to eat when they in vite us to attend their functions. Miss Gertrude Lum will be hos tess to the Friends in Council at her nome in N erdon, Friday ev ening. The last meeting of the club was held at the home of Miss Jennie Keirn.on Stone street. The Baptist ladies’ kensington will meet at the home of Mrs. Reichel next Friday afternoon to do sewing. If you have any or ders kindly leave them with any of the Baptist ladies. The Ladies Auxiliary to the Cemetery association, will meet with Mrs. C. W. Farington Mon day afternoon. May 10. Let every member be present and bring a friend. The Shakespeare club will meet today, with Mrs. A. Gra ham as hostess. A very interest ing program has been arranged and an enjoyable time is expected. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis will entertain several friends at whist this < Thursday ) evening. A very enjoyable time is expect ed. Miss Florence Boose and her agriculture class visited Pleasant Hill farm and spent a very profit able time;_ CITY COUNCIL MEETING New ...Board Was Duly Sworn In Monday Night The members of the oid coun cil met Monday night and trans acted all unfinished business, checked up all accounts and turned over everything to the new council in excellent shape. Major Keeling was duly sworn in as mayor; Will Schmelzel, clerk; Rob. Neitzel, treasurer; Charles Davis, councilman of the first ward: L. L. Aldrich, of the second ward and Thomas Jenkins of the third ward. A permit was granted Powell & Frederick to build a large brick building east of the Star Livery barn. A permit was al so granted Albert Maust for his new house in the Weaver block. Saloon licenses were granted Jacob Hunker. Jr., F. W. Herb ster. Less Leeds. Smith A Zitn ber and Mat Kaiser. A brew er's license was granted the ] Gehling Brewing Co. The li ! cense fee was fixed at S1,<>'M* | each. Drug store permits were | also granted. .). E. Leyda was appointed city attorney. The water ques tion was discussed and the coun cil adjourned to meet May lfi. LAYING OF CORNER STONE A LARGE CROWD ATTENDED THE SERVICES The Knights of Columbus Enjoyed a Banquet at the National in the Evening On Sunday May 2, 1909, the laying of the cornerstone of the new .St. Peter and Paul’s Catho lic church, drew one of the larg est crowds to this city that our people have had the pleasure of entertaining- for many years. Mass was ottered at six o’clock by Rev. Bex, at 7 by Bishop Bonacum o f Lincoln; at h o’clock by Father Teeney of Au burn. and at 9:H0 by Father Bradley of Lincoln. L a r g e crowds were in attendance at mass and the old church was tar too small to accommodate those who desired to be present, the isles, hall and lawn were full of people. The three alters were decor, ated with potted plants, palms, cut flowers and drapery and the many lighted candles added beauty to the scene. The Holy Sacrament of Con firmation was administered to the class of seventy-eight, ac cording to the laws of the Ro man Catholic church. Tue ser vices were conducted by Bishop Bonacum. assisted by Father Bex, Feeney and Langhran The music by the choir, under the direction of Sister Anastasia was tine and Mrs. L. P. Wirth, Louie Wirth, Peter Kaiser and May Gagnon rendered beautiful solos. At the close of this service a procession was formed a n d marched to the new church yard where the corner stone was laid. The priests who. were present headed the procession in carriages, followed by the Knights of Columbus and the Daughters ot Isabella and hun dreds of citizens regardless of religious denomination. The blessing of the alter and the laying of the corner stone was conducted by the Bishop according to the ancient cus tom. In the corner stone were placed portraits of the St. Francis church, parsonage and Pope Pius, Bishop Bonacum, Father Bex and L. P. Wirth. chairman of the building com mittee, besides the names of the members of the different organ izations of the church. Father Bradley of Lincoln, acted as orator of the day, and read in English, the prayer used in laying the corner stone and delivered an excellent sermon on this occasifm. i he priests were entertained at the home of Kev. H. Rex, where at the conclusion of the services an elaborate eight course dinner was served by Miss flattie Kiting. The K. of C. met at their hall in the evening where about for ty-eight candidates were initi ated into the mysteries of the order. The candidates were from Rulo. Shubert, Steinauer, Preston, Salem, Dawson and twenty-eight from this city. The company then went to the National Hotel which had been beautifully and tastefully decorated. The dinning room was one huge llower garden. The large pillar- were wraped in Smilax and the long tables made an excellent showing with the many beautiful cut flowers and potted plants. The ban quet served on this occasion was the finest ten course supper ever served by Landlord Spence. Rev. J, .1. Langeren acted as toast master, and it was 1:30 when supper was over. During the evening the fol lowing program was rendered; Flute Solo.Prof. Harnack i Welcome .Father Hex Duet.Mrs. Wirth, Miss Maurer Address. Kev. Shine I nstrumental.Herbert Dies tier j Solo.Miss May Gagnon ; Impromptu.Rev. E. J. Mallaly ! Instrumental. Miss Grace DcMers , The Order.W, A Scholl I Solo .Peter Kaiser CONTRACT FOR NEW CHURCH Will Seng ofClatonia. Nebraska, Re ceived The Contract The building committee of the Presbyterian church met at tiny office of Dr. Allison Monday | evening. After considerable discussion the contract was let to Will Seng, of t’lutonia, Neb. The building will be lifted with beautiful new and modern pews. The window glasses, except those m the basement, will be of tine art glass. Three gable windows will Do furnished in memorial designs with life sized figures in them. It seems now that the build ing complete, the grounds gra ded and everything complete will cost approximately SlL’,000. Rev. R. Cooper Mailey is to be congratulated on his work so far. as he has labored unceas ingly for the past eighteen months lie has been at this place. When completed t h e i r n e w church will be the finest inSouth eastern Nebraska. TEAM FRIGHTENED Horses Ran Away And Young Lady Is Injured Saturday evening while James Brockhalin and sister, Mis>j An na. were untying their team from the hitch rack at the court house square they became fright ened at some object in the street and ran away. Miss Anna was in the buggy, but Mr. Brockhalin had not stepped in yet when they became frightened. Miss Brockhalin was thrown out and rendered unconscious. She was immediately taken to the office of Dr. Boose, where it was found that jbe had sustained a seal]) wound and other minor bruises, but was not seriously injured. The team was caught before they had gone many blocks. ARRESTED SATURDAY Young Man Commits Theft And Lands In County Jail A young fellow nerved up and stole a pair of pants and a gun at the home ol O. E. Pebble in Verdon Saturday morning. Chief of Police Marts was notified and by two o'clock the young man was landed in the county jail. He was identified by Mr. Pebble Monday and will stay there and await trial. _ Gossett vs Heineman Case Attorneys Reavis & Reavis, have just been advised that the Federal court at Lincoln has de cided the case of Gossett vs Heine man, involving a charge of in fringement of a patent by Mr. Heineman. granted Mr. Gossett by the government, in favor of their client.(iossett, with damages and cost:-- He is also granted a peroetual injunction enjoining Mr. Heineman from further in fringing upon the exclusive right of Mr. (iossett under his patent. This was a case of great irn portance to Mr. Gossett, the country and to the legal profes sion! as a question of law new in its nature, has been passed upon and settled by the court. COURT IN SESSION Judge Raper arrived in the city Monday and tried the case of the Missouri Pacific vs Drainage Dist• which was taken under- advise ment. The case of the state vs Claud C. Saylor was dismissed by the county attorney. The court confirmed the sale of the Den Gist real estate. This session closed the Febru ary term of the district court. Judge Raper left Wednesday to attend the funeral of an uncle Si Plunkard >Si Plunkard and his splendid jcompany played to a fair sized crowd at the Gehling Monday night. The performance was good and those present were well pleased. FULLS CITY ATHLETES WIN THE RICHARDSON COUNTY FIELD MEET Held At The High School Ground in This City Last Satur day Afternoon The Richardson County ath letic field meet was held Satur day afternoon, May 1, at the High School grounds in Falls City. A fair sized crowd was present and altogether there were twenty-one entries for the different exercises. Rev. F. Ellsworth Day was chosen as referee and Frank Reavis, Sterling Falloon and Prof. I loll acted as judges, Falls City won first place in each event by a large score. This is the third time they have won tliecupand now they hold it. There were not as many people present from over flu* county as was expected, but it was prob ably due to the fact the meet had not been advertised only a tew days. But those present were full of enthusiasm and made the afternoon a very en joyable and profitable one to the high school athletes. DIED AT DAWSON Mrs. Pat. O'Brien Buried At That Place Last Week Mrs. PatO'Brien.a well known pioneer, (lied at her home at Dawson last week. She leaves a husband and eight children, Mrs. John Rosenberg, Mrs. Nick Carsb, Mrs. M. J. Burns and Agnes, wdio is at home with her father, also Winnie, who lives in Oklahoma, James of Dawson, Pat of Oklahoma and Walter of Dakota, She was a kind mother and a good neighbor, was a good Christian woman and will be missed in the community in which she lived. To the family, who mourn the loss of wife and mother we ex tend our sympathy. The funeral services were held from tlie Catholic church at that place Tuesday. HIGH SCHOOL CONCERT Was Well Attended and the Pro gram Was Good. On Friday evening at the court house, the pupils of the high school, assisted by Messrs Yoder and Simanton and Misses Cade and Poteet, gave a con cert. There was a large crowd out and the entertainment was first-class. It consisted of band and orchestra, vocal and instru mental music and several read ings. The concert was under the auspices of the atheletic associ ation and the debating1 society. Prof. Burst and the young peo ple feel well pleased with the patronage they received Friday evening. Two Weddings Robert Win. Kanaly.and Mary Haunhs were married at the Catholic church in Rulo early Wednesday morning,Rev. Sproll officiating. The ceremony was witnessed by a number of rela tives and friends. Ire E. Smith and Miss Sarah E. Reichers, two of Humboldt's most popular citizens were mar ried at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Harriet Reichers Wednesday evening. Only a few relatives and friends were present. The Tribune joins in extending congratulations. Bought Barber Shop Elmer Heiser purchased the lower barber shop of John Os waldthe latter part of the week. He immediately took charge of tbe business. Mr. Heiser is one of our industrious business men and we bespeak for him suc cess. SCHOOL. BOARD MEETS Board Adjourned to Meet Thursday Evening The school board met in regu lar session Monday evening. After the payment of a number of bills and looking after some unfinished business, the new board took charge of the meet ing. The two new members, Dr. H. R. Miner and Vet Sim ac ton presented their credentials, which were accepted. The new board was organized and W A. tlreenwald was made president, John liichty vice president and Fred Brecht secretary. The new board made an eitort to elect a superintendent butaf ter voting many times and there was no choice the board aJ journed shortly after midnight. A petition signed by abt -I 2jo ol our leading citizens, in dorsing 1,’rof. F, K. Hurst for superintendent, was tiled with the board. JOURNAL CHANCED HANDS A R. Keim Secured The Same At Chattel Sale 'I'lie Journal ot this city, which has been having its ups an;l downs tor some time, this week passed into the control of A. li; Keim. L. J. Harris, who has beea publishing the paper for the past year, was not able to put the plant on a paying basis, con sequently John C'. Martin, mort gagee, sold the same at chattel sale on Monday at 10 o’clock. The price paid wasSlHOo, which is quite a shrink on property tiiat a few years ago brought S500O and a year ago was so’ l to Mr. Hai ris at s.1400. All is not gold that glitters, even around a print shop. TEAM RAN AWAY The Wagon was Badly Damaged. Na One Hurt While delivering meat Satu day evening, the team belong ing to Neal Thornton ran awa; 'Podge McKiever lelt them stand ing and went into Clay Davis’ with meat and when he return J the team was several blocks away. The wagon was badly damaged and meat was scat tered over the east part of town Two Resignations Oil account of the removal cl J. W. McCray from district No. t to this city, he could no longer act as supervisor from that di> trict and his resignation was ac cepted. Mi. Weddle from near Shubert, was appointed to fiPI the vacancy. John IJenschoter. councilman from the second ward, will tender a similar resignation, as he Li moving to the farm recently pur chased and can no longer serve the city in the capacity as coun cilman. A Sunday Drunk One of the employees on the Missouri Pacific grading gang decided to celebrate by getting ou a Sunday drunk. He was ar rested by Chief of Police Marts, who locked him up. On Monday he was so anxious to work thac the Police Judge turned him loose but in a few hours was back in the cooler again. Broke Plate Class Window On Saturday during the high wind the awning and the iron brace went through the plat? glass window at the lower bar. ber shop. Monday Cleaver & Seabold, who carried the insu~ ance, paid the same and a new window was immediately put in. Charged With Insanity John Yaesel. was arrested and brought to this city charged wit insanity, and was placed in a cel1 at the court house. He has lived in this county for many years and his iriends will regret to learn of his unfortunate condition.