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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1909)
THE COMERS AND GOERS HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME «Vhat Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. — Eat Sowles Candy. Dr- Wilson, Wahl's building. Dr. Tefft. Dentist. Maddox block, opposite court house John Santo was up from Eulo Saturday. Good hay for horses $5 per ton H. I- Hunt. Prot. E- L Tobie returned from a few days spent in Chicago. Mrs- E. F. Sharts is visiting a few days with old friends in Hum boldt. Guy Crook returned from a business trip through the western part of the state Wednesday. Mrs. Patrick Gunn left Wed nesday for Chicago where she will spend some time with rela tives. J. J. Manlove of Mt. Vernon, Mo., is visiting at the home of his uncle. S. H. Harvey and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Ed May have re turned from their trip to the east and are spending a few days with relatives in this city. Mrs. Tobie returned to her home in Hiawatha Tuesday after spending several days at the home of her son. Prof. E. L-Tobie. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beaulieu of Welch, I. T., were business visit ors litre this week. Their many friends are always glad to give them a hearty hand shake. Miss Laura Holmes came down from Table Kock and spent a few days with Mrs. I. C- Maust She left Sunday for Kansas CityT where she will make her home. The city council met in regular session Monday evening. A number of bills were allowed and as no other business of any im portance came before the council they adjourned. Murt Sullivan and family left Tuesday for Effingham, Kansas, where they will live in the fu ture. This has been their home for some time and we regret very much to have them leave us. John Mosiman was thrown from a wagon the latter part of the week and was badly shaken up. His back and side were bruised and it was hard work for him to get around for a few days. On Saturday afternoon Sam Stewart and wife came up from Reserve in their automobile and when near the Baptist church the machine ran over and killed a pet dog belonging to Mrs. Hattie Snidow. Bartlesville Presbyterians have received Si 000 from Carnegie to help buy anew pipe organ and the Hiawatha World says the Hi awatha Presbyterians are trying to have him make them a like donation. Miss Susan Gehling who has charge of the Kindergarden at Harlan Street school has made a line showing so far this year Among the 40 babies who go to school to her she has had only one tardy mark This seems re markable and wfe feel safe in say ing no other grade in our schools could make a better showing. Fresh Fruit Ice Cream b?& °r Candies Home-Made I Nuts and Cigars When we say at the • Candy Kitchen we think our patrons understand the QUALITY of what they buy. Candy Kitchen P. G. BACAKOS, Prop. REWARD The City of Falls City will pay a reward $5 for information that will lead to the conviction of any person, old or young, anywhere in this city who is guilty of shooting at win dows with nigger shooters air guns, or any other shooting device, or throwing stones or any other hard substance, the force of which will break a window glass at any build ing in this city. 9-2t W. W ABBEY. Mayor H. J. Kloept'el was up irorn Rulo on business Friday and was a caller at *this office. He tells that his wife is suffering from that dreaded disease consump tion. lie has taker, her to s* vera'l doctors and there seem- n-. doubt about her condition. /hi- wor thy young couple have only been married about months and the news of her illnes- >jth - a-a shock to their many friend-. Dr. B. F.Bailey o: Lin oln vas called to this city Friday in on sultation with Dr Min* r n the case of pneumonia at the of Harry Pence. That da; the pa tient was reported to be some better. Dr Bailev super tendent of the Green G . b ■ " tni tarium at Lincoln. Dr. and Mrs. Mather- : turned the latter part of the wee*' irorn a few days spent in Kan-a- < ity The doetdr attended the -late dental association, wh *;.• lat I ter attended a revival at m en* tion hall, which i- be: mi t* ed by Gypsy Smith. Dr. and Mrs Fast .eft this week for their new- • .me in St. Joe. We cannot te how sorry we are to lose till- worthy couple but bespeak success i - them in their new home. Ellett oi Iliawatbc. utoi *Vill j Veach of this place in the 'Inal | shoot at Kansas City for slate trophy,,25 to 21. Veach made the highest record for non-pro fessionals during the meet Mrs Ira Swibart of Webber, Kan., is in the city visiting her sister Mrs. Arthur Harris, She will visit her brother1 Bert and Will Veach near tbit city before visiting relatives at Stella Earl Marts, w.fe and t v ons of Wymore, were in the ity. Ear! returned home Monday, while his wife and babie- wi'. re main several day*- at the home of Samuel Marts and wife. Mr. and Mrs. F. Piper, ac or panied by the latter s two broth ers. Koy and Ed Scbaible, eft this week for Oxford, Nebraska, where they will farm the coming year. Samuel Buitler, sr- end son Chris were business visitors from Humboldt Wednesday- The for mer was a pleasant visitor at this office Mrs- Katherine Wylie who has been visiting Mrs. Maple at South Omaha is now visiting her daugh- j ter, Mrs. Allan D. May at Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. John Ward of Tecumseh were guests at the home of the latters parents, Fred Miller and family the past week. The little baby of Emil Krause, whose mother died last week, died Monday morning. t was only about ten days old. George Russell and 31. bhild* neck were business visitors from Salem the latter part of the week. Bert Grable of Colorado is vis iting at the home of his uncle, L. C. Mauger and wife. Miss Gertrude Lum was down from Verdon a few day. the lat ter part of the week. Mildred Holland and Gertrude Lyford were down from Lincoln to spend Sunday. Samuel and Ewing Ward of Rulo spent Sunday with triads in this city. E. G. Whitford and family spent Sunday with relatives in Pawnee. J. A. Fritsche and wife of Humboldt were in the city Mon day. John Timerman of Salem was a business visitor here Saturday. Wm- Peters and wife of Daw son were visitors here Tuesday. N. H- Judd was a Pawnee visi tor the latter part of the week. Dr. Hahn was a business visi tor at Stella last Saturday. E3 Spring Oxfords! We invite you to call and see them. THE H M JEIN INE SHOE STORE HtheJ Herstaey came down from Humboldt to visit her cousin. Miss Grace Sears. Rrof. T- J. Oliver went to Rulo Sunday, where lie conducte d church services. Ivl Falloon has been in St. Joe this week looking after a case in the Federal court. Lee Bradley and wife of Daw son were guests of Geo. Albright and family Monday. Two young men from the Daw son News Bov were business visi tors in town Saturday. Tom Hargrave was a guest ol his brother. C. G. Hargrave the latter part of the week. Remember the date of J. R. Stew, rt’s sale 2 miles east ol Sa lem on Wednesday. March 10. Mrs. D. G. Griffith and son Heath returned this week from a visit to her parents at Wymore. John W. Wiltse and wife are the proud parents of a baby boy born to them Saturday morning. A. J. Baldwin came down from Stella Monday and while in town was a pleasant caller at this office. Miss Anna Walsh was the guest of Mrs. W. T. Fenton this week and was enroute to Humboldt, where she will teach school. Mrs. W. H. Crook returned this week from Kansas City, Kans-, where she has been helping care for her nephew. Jule Schoenheit. Mrs. Ellen Moran and daugh ter Frankie came up from Kansas City this week to look alter busi ness matters. They were guests at the home of Wm, Higgins. James Higgins severed liis con nection with C. M- Wilson's gro cery store Saturday night and : will begin work in painting and! paper hanging with Vet. Siman ton soon. George Lyons, Donald McCoy and Blaine Yoder were initiated into the order of Elks last meet ing night. Now these boys class themselves among the ““Biggest People on Earth ’ The telephone girls received a crate of oranges from W. S- Kor ner at St. Peterburgh, Florida. They are little ones and were in a crate about three by four inches, but were very novel. The girls feel highly complimented over their gift from Florida. J. W. Dodds who lived near Humboldt has asked for his paper to lie changed t o Tonganoxie, Kansas, where he and his family will make their home. We always feel a special interest in Mr. Dodds for he has the honor of be ing the first cash subscriber to Falls City Tribune Kev. F. E. Day and Prof. T.J. Oliver left Tuesday for Lincoln to attend the State Sunday School convention. Kev. Day will at tend a meeting of the governing board of the Nebraska Mission ary society of which he is a mem ber. They will hear Marion Lauren one of the most noted Sunday School workers in the United States. Good Morning EYES SELDOM GROW BETTER WITHOUT HELP My Made-to-Order Glasses are a positive help and a permanent PLEASURE Geo.W.Reneker,O.D.,M.D. Eye. Ear. JVose and Throat Falls City, Neb. To The Public We have bought this year's ice harvest from the c’nstal lakes and leased them for a pe riod of live years. We are thor oughly equipped to give you the best possible service and we so licit your patronage. The Crys tal lakes ice needs no recom mendation, and this year s out put was secured under the most favorable conditions and the ice is the clearest ever put up and lof very superior quality Let us know your needs; we will call and arrange for your season’s ice supply. Yours very Truly. Tel. ;JS MAI'S 1' l>li< )S, J. E- Stewart will hold a public sale on his farm, 4 1 miles west of this citv and 2 miles east of Salem on Wednesday, March 10. Among the things he offers are 52 head of-cattle,o head of horses and mules, 50 head of hogs, and some implements. Keen your eye on that two day sale ol D. E. Eeber A Sons of Morrill, Kans., held March 12 and 15, at Hiawatha, Kansas- It will be the greatest sale ever held in northeastern Kansas. See their advertisement in this paper. Miss Florence Wheeler spent a short time with relatives in this city Friday. She had been visit ing friends in Humboldt and was on her way to her home in Stella. Bishop Arnold of Humboldt is making arrangements to move his family to this city. He is cm ployed in one of the local barber shops. The city council were busy people the past week they have now made final settlement for four new wells and also the pump. Albert Kuper and wife of Au burn were in the city Monday on their way home from a pleasant visit with relatives at Humboldt. Mr. Vanlaningham and family arrived in the city from Missouri and with his father-in law David Ransom are going into business. Mrs. Thomas Kleckner came down from Manley to visit her daughter, Mrs. Earl Shaffer wno lives in the country. Misses Anna and Emma Xent ner, who have been visiting their parents in this city returned to Tarkio Monday. Mrs. A. Bentley and daughter Dorothea and Mable Albright were guests of Humboldt relatives this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Breithaupt will leave the tirst of tiie week for their new home in Kansas City. Will Reischick and wife living east of town are the proud par ents of a baby girl born Friday. Men have been busv this week dragging the streets and now they are in fairly good shape again. Miss Orrie French of Salem spent Sunday in the city the guest of Miss Myrtle Kamel. A. E- Ovenden editor of the Pawnee Chief, was in this city Sunday enroutcto Auburn. Dick Ilaggar and Harry Red mond of Table Rock were here Sunday visiting friends. Carl Miller has accepted a po sition wi{h the hardware firm of Wirtli A Winterbottom. Win. Carico and wife leave this week for Diller where they will farm the coming year. Mrs. C. T. Burchard spent a part ot this week visiting her mother in Atchison. Chas. McCool and wife of Sa lem saw the show at the Gehling Thursday night. Mrs. C). P. Heck was numbered among our sick ones the first of the week. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Martinosky on Monday. Win. Strunk and daughter Mary of Dawson were in the city Fri day. Win. Boose returned this week from a business trip to Mexico. W. H. Maddox was a business visitor in Hiawatha Saturday. W. H. Wheeler was down from Stella Friday on business. Mrs. J. C. Yutsy was<|uite sick the first of the week. r Made from cream of tartar, derived solely from grapes. All the ingredients of Dr. Price's Baking Powder are printed on the label. They are pure, healthful and proper. When baking powders are peddled or demonstrated, examine their labels. You will find they are not made from cream of tartar. You don’t want them |T Dr. ^ 'Price’s Cream LPoWdcri Frank Revelle of Humboldt was a visitor here Friday. Miss Ruth Kanaly of Rulo visited relatives here Saturday. Mrs Etta Curran of the Fin dell was on the sick list last week. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. John Putnam has been <juite ill this week, A- Graham is in Lincoln tnis week helping to invoice the lum ber yard he recently purchased at that place. Mrs. Nelson Shaffer and daugh ter, Bessie, of Shubert were in the city Monday, the guest of Irene Prior. Sam Stewart and wife of Re serve spent Sunday in thias city with the former’s parents, J. M DeWald and family. Ed- Houston of Stanbury, Mo., j spent a few days in the city with his brother. Dr. I. M- Houston and family this week. Mrs. Frank Schulenberg un-1 derwent a critical operation in St. Joe. Dr. Fast of this city helped to do the work. John Keoppen and Stephen Pri or jr. left Monday for Craig, Mo., where they were called by the serious illness ot their niece. (). R. Wertz and Miss Ella But ler were married at Broken Bow. Okla., this week. The groom made this place his home at one time. * Thomas McEane has a fresh milk cow for sale. She gives 20 quarts of milk a day and wilbsell her for $50. The mayor at Hiawatha has notified all citizens who own dogs I to keep them muzzled for the next I six weeks, or they are liable to be j seized by the dog catcher. Miss Meda Heineman of Ver don was in the city Monday visit ing at the home of her uncle, Clias. Heineman. She also visit ed her aunt. Miss Myrtle Bowers. Henry Asendorf of Reserve left this week for Atwood, Colorado, j He orders the Tribune sent to his address there. He takes with1 . him our best wishes for success in j his new home. In boasting of enterprise Ilia-' ! watha says she will soon have all1 . • | day and night power and light,! i and in the Chautauqua tent in July, fans will be arranged to keep the audience cool. Louie Wise was a caller to this office Tuesday. He is agent for a book entitled “Reuben.” His book is along lines of “Plow Shoes to Patent Leathers.” The price of the book is only Si. Say, Mr. Farmer and Stock man, are you going to I). E Re j ber A Sons sale of registered Per j cheron Mares and Stallions at Hi awatha, Kans., March 12 and to their Short Horn sale the day af ter'."' Don’t miss it- It will be the greatest show and sale ever held in this part of Kansas. Send for catalogues- See advertise ment in this paper. Much credit is due Mr Kobert Preuesse for the success of the young people s orchestra. They rendered several selections at the Woodmen affair Saturday night They met at the Pruesse home Monday evening for practice. Wahoo Basket ball girls are proud of their record this year, as no team they have played has been able to defeat them. They are on the look-out for games Suppose our girlschallenge them? Among our people who accom panied the local basket ball team to Nebraska City Friday were Prof. Hurst, Chester McDowell. Bela Powell, Kill Houston, Gene Cain and Mrs. W. S- Beyda. Stephen Prior Sr- and wife were called to Craig, Mo , the latter part ot tlie week by the serious illness of their granddaughter, Cora Fryman. He nry Sandroek with his fatir ily moved to tins city Monday. He purchased tlie Martin Kanah property just north of Dr. Kerr’s. (luy Hutchings of Shubert was in the iity the first of the week, being cailed by the illness of his brother. James. John Meyer of Hanover, Kan* sas, spent a part of the week in the city visiting his sister, Mrs. Mary Freie. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Eichty and son Ezra and daughter, Florence came over from Morrill Monday Dr. Yutzy’s beautiful white an gora cat lias lieen missing since the first of the week. Irvin Shaffer and wife of Shu bert were visitors in this city Tuesday. Ed Hurriss came down from Peru and spent Sunday with hi* mother. John McClellan was up from h'lilo Saturday. The Advance Guard of Spring Jewelry is now on exhibition at our store. We are always on the look-out for something new and beautiful, with the result that our stock is the most up-to-date in the city. The New Creations id Jewelry are found mostly in the green finish, with large cut stones--Amethysts. To pazes, turquoises etc., Which are very attractive and yet at peices that suit all pocket books. Come in and ask to see the latest in Brooches. Belt pins. Scarfpins, Fobs, Etc. A. E. JAQUET ‘•{he Old Reliable"