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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1909)
The County in General I he “Doings” of our Country Friends and Neighbors. STELLA I. W. \ Hugh* went to Omaha Sun day. C. A Harper of Auburn was here Monday H W, Lowe wii- here from I’eruon Saturday. W. K. CrlfllA wa- in Auburn the past week. Thus. Biggins of Elk Creek spent Sunday hero Robert Stephenson of How- -old a horse here Saturday. liny Crook of Kails City visited rela tives here Wednesday W. J, McCray -pen* a few days in Kails (’ity the past w. k M. E. Stinnett w a - a vi-itor near Kansas City the past week. I. II. Swihait of Jewel county, K» , is visiting his parents here Frances Jenkins of Chester visited relatives hero the past few days. W. It. Uohinson returned Friday front a week’s stay in Kalis City. Fred Colgla/ier and J. M I,vans were over from Shubert 'J’liui .-day« Mrs. Hogrcfe and Harry v i-it■ it Hit ie! ut Midland college Wednesday C. A. Kapt-r ha- rented th** lLtltlee iarnt near Verdon for the coming year. Miss Lueile Jones who attending the state university spent Sunday at home. Miss Verda Tirnerimtn ha- taken Miss Kibe Ham's place in the telephone office Lawyers llawxby and (Juaekenbush of Auburn were here Monday on legal business. G. W, Davis of Ho We was here Sat urday and has rented the II. K. Clark farm west of Howe. d. It. Johnson will leave soon for the western part of the state where he will farm the coming year. I. B. Heltniek and wife left Friday lor their new home near Dcwecsc, w here they will reside in future. Clyde Harden of near Vet don, sulo amounted to $2,100 He will leave soon lor It its new home in CarHeld county. The M. I’, claim agent was in town •he past week settling with the men * ho lost in the numerous tires lust fail, H S. Mullen und J H. Coons of west uf town have new sataltne lighting ylauls placed in their homes the past week. Tne L. H. H. society of the Luthe ran church gave a social at the parson age Friday evening and a good time was had by all. N.W. Lowe had«a fainting spell oil Tuesday, falling and cut his fare and breaking vine no. At present lie is improving rapidly. I- L. Gilliland's sale amounted to ever $2000. Ho will leave the first of Hie month for Kearney where he will engage in the implement business. J. II Cain, jr , returned from Lincoln Saturday fora visit w'th his family K A. Clark came down from Lincoln also to visit nis family, returning Mon day. I lios. Jam' s started Tuesday for Idaho but when he got to Uuiuhu he ecuU1 go no farther on account of the storm, so he returned here to wait for better weather. MissKdna lleiuiers assisted by her gave u shower in honor of Miss V.i'it ll.tiu \\ vdnesday afternoon. A number of young ludhs gathered and u piiasanl time is reported. K A. Clark is having trouble with ibe water works in his new home. Lust week one of the large pipes bursted causing • the piaster t.) fall off. ,\ plumber of Omaha came down to re pttlr it. VERDON Miss Chistn was a Stella visitor Sun day. Claude Ytrtl is on the sick list this week. Hr. CrifTith was Up front Falls City Wed nesday. B. F. \'eaeh and wife are in Kansas I'ity this week. Wallace Arnold was a Falls City vis itor Wednesday. Mrs. Amanda Corn has been quite ill for tile past week. Hr. Houston was a professional vls' \or here Wednesdav. Mrs. John Walker was up from the county seat Saturday. Julia Fraunfelder of Falls City spent Sunday at her home here. W.dter and Wes Rose if Salem were in town a short tune Tuesday. Mrs. Shaw and children of Reserve visited her sister, Mrs. Corn Sunday. Cora and Fred Douglas and Lou Far were Sbubert visitors Tuesday •ii idit i*eae Uirdsley and wife of Reserve visited his sister, Mrs. Corn the first of Jisi- week. ’M-’v- Howard arrived from North Ferny. Neb , Monday. to be with her iMltr. who is ill. HUMBOLDT | li. K. Stoops wa- in Ontfeha this week. James I lav I* had ba-ines- in Topeka this week. Jennie Kub e of MeCook is visiting i friediB here. Homer Howe was In Kan-a- C ity last week on buitoes-. Charles Seeley of < imaha ti-.ted his brother here this week. Ida Creed has returned from a visit with a sister at Beattie, Kat . I*. .1. 'egri-t was looking «fter bus - ies- at Dallas. S. I)., la-t wees'. Joe Ueid cane u from IHlIer where hi* i- conducting a box ball alley. Coral I Lee of Tecumseh spent several days this week here with a sister. Florence Hummel was visiting this week with her brother in Lincoln. Barbara Schmei/el left Saturday for a visit with her sinter at Elmwood Mrs. I Vat i was iu St, Joe this week buying h r spring lir.e of millinery. < > C. IU i i ot Lawton. < >k a I- here being in'eif'trd in the -kitting rink. Frank Bennett and family have re cently moved to u farm near Verdon. Will C rawford wa- d/.wn from Ta ble I luck last wi i k tin i-it !ii- mother W, E Ciilian and daughter of Au ptirn spent .Sunday with friend- here. Grandma McrntOsh wa- very ill this week with ar attack ol blood poisoning. Byron Atkins and wife of York were visiting relatives here the past week. The Wes Hummel farm wa- sold this week to Emanuel I'lraer for *10O per Here. Job Morris was in Lincoln recently purchasing stock for Mama’- jewelry store, Sarah I ..lie of the Peru State Nor mal, spout Sunday with her parents in the city. Mrs. Wilson left the past week fora visit with her brothers in Broken Ar row, (tklu. Walter Poland family are planning on moving to the I’nlanil farm north of town in a few weeks. Mrs. Billings and daughter My rtle are in St. .foe this week purchasing their spring millinery. Irving Shirley and wife went to Lin coln Friday where the former's -ister underwent an operation. Lincoln s birthday was observed Friday night in tile opera house Itev. Buell was the main speaker. Basil Stratton hu- sold ins candy kitchen to Cbas. ('ar«li and will locate on his claim in South Dakota. Irvin, the little son of Chris Lion Mer ger and wife, received a fractured leg la~t week by a kick from a mule, Frank Dor I and has sola Li s black ' smith simp and cottage to his brother who will move here from Havelock.He expects to leeate in British Columbia. Mayor Mann and wife were given a “house warming" at their new home one eveUne the past week. They were presented w th a handsome rocking chair. An advertisement party given by Me-dallies I. I. and ti. \V. Segrist, at. i the home of the former on Friday af ternoon, wa- the leading social event of the work. Will Hoagland left this week for Heilville. Kan., where he and his bro ther Archie recently purchased land. The latter will leave for that locality in a shor! time OHIO Mrs. Blyholder i> tt Lincoln visitor. Mrs. Christ/.orn i.« improving from her sickness Grace McMunu- -pent Monday night with Vera Shafer. Mrs. Bartlett enjoyed a visit from her parents last week. Frank '/.ora and family of near Sa lem spent last week here. Kverett Gilliams is suffering with ic ilatnmutory rheumatism. Mrs. Hubert Schindler and son were guests of her parents Sunday. JohnStumo returned home after a few days spent with his uncle. A few of the young folk- spent last Saturday evening with John Hutchin son. Will Strayer and family -pent a few days at the home of H. J. Prichard and wife. F.dna and Myrtle Dodds of near Hum boldt were guests of Wilna and Blythe Shaffer Sunday. Mr. Bloomer of Oklahoma was called to the bedside of his daughter Mrs. G. Prichard who is seriously ill. Miss Bedford returned to her home at Peru Saturday, after a few days visit with her sister Mas. Lloyd Knisely. Guy Prine and family are moving on a farm uear Dawson and Ivan Keller is moving on the farm they just vacated. RULO Fred Marsh wa- in Fall* City a-t week. Jud Carpenter went to St J< ,i*t week. l’auline Kirk i- helping in the pent ottieo. Mae Vastioe went to Sr. Joe a-t week. Klrner Arnold went to Kan-a- City Monday. H. it. Hinton of Omaha wa- here Monday. J M Gustafson of »a- here recently. J. A. i i-horn wa- a Fail- City visitor recently. Lena C'averzagie was a Preston visi tor Monday. John Joy of Texas visited relativi - here this week. George Boa* me returned to White Cloud Tuesday - Olive Graham is visiting friends in low a this week. Clarence Me Wain was a Fail- City visitor Thursday. Mr- Wallace visited relatives in Salem la-t week. Churl!■ Boerner has been quite -iek for the pa*t few day-. Janie- Sti wart made a busire -.- trip to Wymore this week. A. I) Larabee of Pre-ton -pm; -s in day with relatives here. Otto Gcsser of Nebraska < tv visited his brother he re Sunday, Kvan Dunn and lien Xeigier went to Sterling to work Monday. Will Morehouse and wife spent Sun day with relative* in Kan-a-. Will MeVain and -on Delmar were county seat visitors last week. Dave- tieike- and family of Omaha visited relatives here la.-t week. Dan Ratekin has bought the livery barn from Carpenter &• Vastine. Frank Vanvaulkmberg and family arrived Wednesday from Denver. Klin- Duckett and family went to White Cloud Saturday for a visit. Cecil Kanaly came down from Salem and spent Sunday with home folks. Mr-. Ramsey and children of Fall City visited relatives here Thursday. George Boerner of Sterling -pent a few days with home folks the pa-t week D. Vanva’ulkinberg was called to Falls City last week on one of the drainage cases. Charles Best wa- transferred from the bridge gang to night watchman on the river bridge. The public -chool had a vacation from Fridav until Tuesday on account of putting in a furnace. Father Hoffman who some Years ago was pa-tor of the Catholic church here is visiting old friends this week, Foley’.- Orlno Laxative cur. - con sumption and liver trouble and makes the bowels healthy and regular. Orino is superior to pills and tablets as it does not gripe or nauseate. Why take anything else? Kerr's Pharmacy. MARGRAVES RANCH W. C. Margrave -hipped .'I ear- of hogs thi- week. lid Crippen ha- been visiting the pu-t week in Iowa. Lute StotTord- little girl is recover ing from pneumonia. Frank Winsat’s mother of Leaven worth is visiting here. I’d Jeschkie is visiting his parent- at Troy. Kan., this week. Frank Win<or and wife were shop ping in Fall- City last week. Mr- Margrave 1 as been suffering with a bad cold but i- better. Frank Jacason was visiting his daughtar north of Rula this week. Mrs. Darn- has returned Irom Iowa where she has been visiting a sister. Bert Stafford will leave soon for Colorado Springs where he has a claim. Klmer Hoselton of Preston is at Cor don at the sand hill ranch looking after stock. The hard wind of last week blew a portion of the roof Off from George Ge clairs barn. C has. Peacheys little boy is suffering from a fruetured arm. but 1? improving under the care of a doctor. Elsie Wilson is staying with her grandmother at K ilo who has been very sick the past few weeks. .Mamie Margrave of Gordon is visit ing relatives at Preston, bhe expects to return home in about ii weeks. Mrs. I.eclair has moved into her new house. Ed Tapan and Tom Murphy have erected new houses this winter. Mrs. Weddle still suffers with the cruises caused by the runaway the day they moved to Preston. The horse got scared at an auto and turned the buggy over throwing Mrs. Weddle out bruis ing her very badly and cutting her head. Pneumonia Follows LaGrippe Pneumonia often follow# lagrippe but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar, for lagrippe coughs and deep seated colds. Refuse any but the genuine in the yellow package. Kerr's Pharmacy. PLEASANT HILL Fred Werner wa- In Shubert ~-atur ; day. l ari Lilly i- here from Peru on a \ a eation li'-sie Shaft r i- home again after several days at senee Henry Keil wa- in Verdun one day ' !a-t week on business. t’alie Weddle was hurt by a horse tiling on him recently Tom Ahern delivered 1000 bushels of corn to VerdoD this week Frvin Shafer and wife were guests >f relatives at Shubert lust week Pulpit Krug wa- engaged with h's corn -heller in the country this wick. 1 Several from here attended the f nerttl of Mrs. Weddle at Shubert Mon day. Ha -el Have i- under the doctor's care but is thought she will be out again -(ion. -Me-dame.- LaMillcr and Weiekac | com pan led by their daughters Lena and Maggie were entertained at the home of Mis, Charles Shulenberg one day la-t week. H. K. Williams horse which rati away Wednesday ran into Mr. Ahern’s and Was caught with hardly any dam-j age done. BARADA R:chard and Kdward s'agle were in' Si.ubert Saturday. Yal Johnson of Craig. Mo, Is visit ing his brother here. Dr. Stung reports a fine boy born to Joseph Sehwang and wife Feb. 11. Jacob Peters sold 40 bead of hogs to Mr. Maun at Falls City on Wednesday. Homer Sailors moved onto t h e Bridgernsn farm ea-t of town which he will work this coming season. James tsabell delivered a steam threshing outfit for Hd Jones to Henry Zeller near Preston one day last week i . K. Bolt jack ac'ed as clerk ut An derson sale on Monday. L H. .More head held down the bank in his ab sence. Leon Yus-ar returned Wednesday from a visit with his parents at Abilene, Kansas. Mis. Yassar and daughter Opal returned on Sunday. John Rumbaugb and family moved onto the Cline farm cast of town on Tuesday. The same day Wilson Warn -lev and family occupied the town property, which Mr. Wamsley had purchased of Mr. Rumbaugh. A team belonging to Josh Delong broke loose in tow-n on Saturday and | started for home. They were captur ! ed about a mile east of town. They managed to free themselves from them selves from the buggy. No serious in jury resulted. Foley ’s Honey and Tar clears the air passage-, stops the irritation in the throat, soothes the imtlamed mem branes, and the mo«t obstinate cough disappears. Sore and imtlamed lungs an healed and strengthened, and tne cold is expelled from the system. Re fuse any but the genuine in the yellow package. Kerr's Pharmacy. SHUBERT Mrs. Eli Kupart is quite sick. Mr-. Weddle is very low at thi~ time. Jake Peters of Barada was here on Monday. H. Wood ring of Barada was here Saturday. Dr. Korgrave of St. Joe was here Saturday. Edit* Ham of Stella i- visiting rela tives here. J. W Hawk of Stella was heft: .lur ing the week. Mrs. Hanika of Pender is visiting her parents here. M. L. Collins will soon move hi family to Nemaha. L. L. Jones is visiting his -isters at Kearney this week. Miss Collins of Peru spent Sunday with relatives here. Emma l.eskie of Barada was -hop ping here Saturday. Miss Hart of Verdun was the guest of friends here last week. Clyde Hill was down from Lincoln Sunday visiting his parents Chas Wilson and wife of near Stella visited friends here Wednesday. Lewis Shulenberg of Barada hauled i hogs for Con (ierdes to market Friday. Charles Raperhas rented the Fardiu | farm near Verdon and will take pos 1 session March 1st. Mrs. l’atnoe is visiting her parents | in the country during the absence of | her husband in St. Joe. Leorge Shafer after spending sever al weeks here with relatives returned to hishome at Alberta,Canada.Monday. Friday afternoon the pupils of our school joined the Relief Corps at Tay lors hall and gave a Lincoln day pro gram. The Literary Club met Saturday with with Mrs. Lord and spent a pleasant j afternoon. Dainty refreshments were served. Hoarse coughs and stuffy colds that may develop into pueumonia over night are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar, and it soothes itifiam ed membranes, heals the lungs, and ex pels tHe cold from the system Kerr's I Pharmacy. FARGO otto Hershberger moving {his week Lena Tre'/.t-r - : g with her uncle. M!■. W ■ . • ' -• : - • er< recent Iy Mr. Abe wn- a c< .r *y -eat visitor last Week, Ralph Randolph - nt Sunday with tfiends here. Griffin Wright ur u w ife wet e -hop pers here Saturday, Abe Jones i- visiting with hit brother - near 1 lulo this wet k. Mr. Dicksof Rule attended the dance here Satttrduy n:gC Mr Sttele am’ w ife of Xebra-ka City are visiting friends i.t-re Albert Zimmerman of Hamlin, Ks . ! is visiting his parent- here. A. J. Haekworth and son Sam are cutting wood for I,. Hebster. A number from Winnebago Valiev i attended th" dan e here Saturday night. rM—1 »”■ Real Estate Transfers Ilob Bowman and wife to Guy Hut chin* lot 2 an.i 4 b,K 1' Shubel't $00. Elvira and Eli Bower* to I. U. Whita ker lot* 4 to 1 blk 1' Fall- City $22-‘iO. Jo*. Portrey and wife to Chas. Por ivy 12a at the ne eorct r of * fcf of thn ne qrof see 10 tw|i 1 r i'i $1300. Henrietta Stott* and husband to li lin Polgla7:er lot* 7, * blk 2 sdiubert $900. Henry /.oelier and wife to Allea Lara bee l"t 2' and n ii0 ft off lot 27 trfk * Preston $i;7)0. Harden Hay* and wife to Winnett Hamilton lot* 1 to 4 t> k 3 Humboldt *7)20. Wesley II nun. 1 and wife to E. ri mer * qr of sec 4 t wo 2 n r 14 $2.‘>t>00, Harvey Thompson to John Law lota 2 n If lot 0 blk b Shnbert $1000. Wm. Carsh and wife to O. L. "Ranty. ne qr 2* nr 13 ol ii o m $23uo. I Announcement On or about Feb. 25th 1909, I will open in the Maddox building, op posite the court house, witn a new and thor oughly up-to-date stock of M ILLINERY. Watch for my open ing announcement Miss Hannah Anderson You Can Make No Mistake in Buying a “SURE HATCH” INCUBATOR AND BROODER Come in and let us show you how they work. The way the are heated is their strongest point—it is perfect. J. C. TANNER Falls City Nebraska Plumbing Hardware __ | The Falls City Roller Mills f Does a general milling business, and manufactures the i following brands of flour S SUNFLOWER MAGNOLIA CROWN I « | J The above brands are guaranteed to be of the highest pos- S 5 sible quality. We also manufacture all mill products and V | conduct a general Grain, Live Stock anti Coal Business * 3 and solicit a share of your patronage S | P. S. heacock & Son Falls City. Nebr. | February ■«* March Special Rates WI RY CHEAP TO WASHINGTON. OREGON and CALIFORNIA Daily during March and April, only $25 00. for one way colon ist tickets to the coast, good in through tourist sleepers. THROUGH SERVICE: Daily through standard and tourist sleepers to California via Denver. Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City; through train via direct northwest line to Spokane, Seattle and new “North Bank-’ Colombia River scenic line to Portland ALASKA-YUKON PACIFIC EXPOSITION Seattle, summer. 1909! \ ery attractive rates next summer embracing the whole coast tour—the grandest railroad journey in the world. Plan Now. ^ ASK THE AGENT for rates, variable routes and attractions of the coast tour. . L. G. W nrri'oKO, Ticket Agent. L. W. Wakei.ev, G. P. A. Omaha.