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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1909)
THE COMERS AND GOERS HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME. What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. — Eat Sowles Candy. .Dr. Wilson, Wahl's building. Dr. Tefft. Dentist Maddox block, tpposite court house Chas. Hunt of Detroit, Mich., was in the city Sunday. Ed- Smith gave a dance at Wahl's hall Monday night L. C. Edwards was a business visitor to Humboldt Tuesday. This week A. E. Ja<|uet orders the Tribune sent to his son George at Yonkers, N. Y. A- C- Steinbruck of Republican City, Kansas, was a business vis ilor here Tuesday. Morris Self spent a few days the first of the week in Kansas City with relatives;. Ida Seff returned the latter part of the week from an extend ed stay in Kansas City. Mrs. D. A. He wit of Ritzville, Wash., spent Tuesday in the city with Miss Maud Graham Miss May Van Dusen and W. W. Ankney and L- T. Houser are among our new subscribers this week. # Chelsey Starks came up from Kansas City the latter part of the week and spent several days in the city with his aunt. Mrs. tjeo. Prater and family. E. F. Sharts. who has spent some time at the Hot Spring"- in Arkansas, returned home Satur day. He is much improved in health and reports a fine trip. John Oswald returned from Peru where he spent three days. He has secured the senior class work of tlie Peru Normal and is busy finishing the pictures lor the Annual Peruvian. The class numbers 175 and the class picture will be the largest ever done in the city. It is thought by Highland peo ple that the Highland road is to be extended to Falls City and some say that John Lynds is to have the contract for grading. Probably premature report, but the proposed route would tap the rich Irving township now without a railroad. James Pecht has purchased a barn of the Bober Bros- and has moved it to his place this week. Mr. Pecht has gone through three fires and a cyclone but still thinks life is worth the struggle. His new engine arrived Tuesday and now has everything in readiness to saw wood. Manager (jehling wishes to in form his patrons that he has se cured for one night only the Bos ton Ideal Comic Opera Co., and guarantees this attraction as one of the very best he has furnished this year. The company is com posed only of high-class artists. Among the features are all the latest specialties, novel in their way. funny comedians, well bal anced chorus of ladies and gen V tlemen, elaborate costumes, ele gant stage settings, etc. Don’t fail to see this company as it is guaranteed- Thursday, Feb. IS One night only Private Money. Private money to loan on Real Estate. Mortgages bought and sold. Call at First National Bank. 3-tf A. J. Wravek _ __ . Good Morning I Did the letters blur while you were reading the ^ i last evening's paper • My Glasses Make the Vision Clear!! Geo.W.Reneker,O.D.,M.D. Eye. Ear. JVose and Throat Falls City. Neb. Hexamethylenetetramine The above is the name of a German chemical, which j-. one of the many valuable Ingredients of Foley's Kidney Remedy. Hexamethylenetetramine is recognised by medical text books and authorities as a uric acid solvent and antiseptic for the urine. Take Foley’s i Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice any irregularities, and avoid a serious malady. Kerr - Pharmacy. —-— George D. Carrington, who re-I cently resigned the office of coun-| ty superintendent of Nemaha county to accept a position with ] the American Correspondence: School of Law of Chicago, has; once more resigned. He has, given up his present place in or der to accept a very line position i witli Hammond Bros. A Stephens) of Fremont. lie will call on county superintendents in Illinois and Wisconsin and present for their consideration the line of school supplies manufactured by that company. His headquarters will be Springfield, 111., and he left Saturday for that place. Prof. Wagner, the new princi pal of the Auburn high school arrived from Hebron, Neb., and assumed the duties of his new position. Prof- Wagner is a thoroughly experienced educator and will doubtless make good as a successor to Prof. Spencer, who resigned a few weeks ago to ac cept a position in a bank at Lin coln- Mr. Spencer is well known to Falls City people, having been employed in the schools here a few years ago. 'tT. G. Ranger a harness maker of Salem has purchased the Klmer James farm of 15b acres, 1 mile north of Salem for $7,000. Mr. Ranger will take immediate pos session and Mr. James will re move with his family to his farm near Stella. G. M. Wertz and daughter, Mary left this week for Marys ville, Mo., where he will meet a brother who is visiting there from Seattle, Wash., and also visit his sister, Mrs. Lulu Robin son who lives in Missouri. W.H.Putnam and wife returned Friday from a two months stay in Madison, Wis, and northern Illinois. They have a son at Madison and numerous relatives in Illinois. They report a very pleasant trip. Jack Smith, who was 'ound guilty of horse stealing at the be ginning of the term of court, was sentenced Wednesday to three years in the penitentiary. SherilT Fenton took him to Lincoln that night Mrs. John W. Powell will en tertain at whist this afternoon in honor of her sister-in*law, Mrs. Frank McDermand, of Kansas City, who is visiting her. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Kerr went to Kansas City Wednesday to visit their son Dr. Lee Kerr. They will visit in New Orleans before returning. Mr. J. R. Wilhite and wife and W. H- Crook were called to Kan sas City Wednesday by the serious illness of Mrs. Wilhite’s son. Jule Schoenheit. A. J. Jloehen. clerk at T. P. Matthews store, who fell and broke his leg about two weeks ago is able to be around on crutches. Levi Thacker and family will move to this city in the near fu ture- Mr. Thacker recently sold his mill near Preston. Miss Sadie Ross of Albany, Mo. arrived in the city and is enr ployed as stenographer by Henry C. Smith Wm. Thompson is in St. Joe this week where he will have an operation performed on his left eye. The German paper announces this week that they will start a big prize contest March !()• The Highlander drill team will go to Howe tomorrow night to do some special work. Mrs, Wm. Deuchler and Miss Louise were St. Joe visitors this week. Miss Edna Carico went to St. Joe Wednesday to have her eyes fitted. It is reported the Morrill News has changed hands again. Sophia Kuegge is in Hiawatha this week visiting relatives. A now line of Trunks and Suit Cases arrived at Seff's this week Miss Helen Resterer, who has been sick for the past two weeks is improving. 1. C. Maust spent a few days in Kansas City, returning home the lirst of the week. T. 1*. Matthews was in the city this week looking after matters at his department store. Mary Murphy of Preston is spending this week in the city at the home of Ed McKiever. Missl'arrie Slocum s^nt part of the week in Kansas City the guest of her friend,Mrs. Seabury. James Davies, wife and little boy of Trenton are visiting in the city at the home of his brother 1). M. Davies. Miss Gertrude hum came down from Verdon Friday and visited friends and attended the meeting of the Friends in Council. Mrs. Hurst returned to her home in Dunbar Monday, alter spending a few days with her son, Prof. E K Hurst in this city. J- Hines of Leavenworth, re turned to his home Tuesday alter spending a few days at the home of Morris Sheehan in tnis city. Frank Pecht returned the latter part of the week from California, where he had been with a car load of chickens for Hermes Pros. Paul Weaver sold lots just across the street west of John Holt’s residence to S.L-Redwood, where he will erect a fine house. E* J- Satterwhite was suffering from a severe attack of erysipelas of his hand Sunday and it became necessary to consult a physician. Prof. E- K. Hurst, who under went an operation for appendici tis two weeks ago has sufficiently recovered as to be able to be out for a ride Wednesday. With this issue the Pawnee Chief closes the ninth year of its existence. It claims 300 of its original subscribers still on their list and less than half a dozen in arrears. A skating rink at Humboldt has been opened up with O. C. Reid as manager. They have an orchestra and good lights and will remain permanent if patron age is sufficient. The preliminary debating con test was held at Peru last week. The debates commenced Monday and continued until Saturday evening. There were about 50 students entered the contest this year. Among those from this county were. Vesta Lively. Falls City; Glenn Jenkins, Stella and Ethel Robinson of Dawson. 4 The Hiawatha World says Miss Etta Scott, who was robbed on the train between Hiawatha and Falls City Wednesday, lives in Kansas City. The fellow who robbed her wasthesame who was arrested there last June for steal ing a rifle. He wore a cap and long overcoat the morning of the robbery. The Walker Bros., sons of J. P. Walker, who resides northwest of Verdon, have fallen heir to what promises to be an extensive for tune. Their grandfather died a longtime ago leaving 400 acres of valuable coal land i n eastern Kentucky. One eighth of this land or 50 acres, was left to Mrs. Walker, the boys’ mother who died some time ago. The land lias now descended to the son; who will at once secure legal tal ent to establish their claims to their portion. The land is worth anywhere irom $100 to $1,000 an acre. We rejoice with Messrs. Walker in their good fortune. Verdon Veaette. C. 1!. Kluger, the jeweler, 1000 Vir ginia ave., Indianapolis, Ind , write 'I was so weak from kidney trouble that 1 could hardly walk a hundred feet Four bottles of Foley's Kidm, Kemedv cleared my complexion, cured my backache and the irregularities disappeared, and I can now attend to business every day, and recommend Foley’s Kidney Remedy to ali sufferer as it cured me after tho doctors ar <1 other remedies had failed.” Kerr’s Pharmacy. While out hunting on the Miles farm, north of Salem last week, John Miller, accidently shot his companion, (lien Moore, a 12 year old boy with a pistol. The bullet struck the hoy in the side and passed through the rib into the abdominal cavity. No bad results are anticipated Mrs. Riley Shafer underwent an operation Thursday. She slipped and fell about a year ago and injured her knee cap and as time the pain seemed more severe. Uy the operation the dis eased part was removed and she is resting nicelv. Heacock .v Son closed their mill Friday to rebrick the engine and make a few other necessary repairs. They put in overtime for several weeks in order to get enough Hour ahead so they could shut down and make these re pairs. Mr. C- W. Itreithaupt and wife! will leave in a short time for Kan sas City where they will make their future home. Mr. flreit* haupt has a good position with a hardware firm at that place. Iv O. Lewis left last night for the northern part of the state, after spending three weeks in the city. Mr. Lewis has not been well and took this vacation to rest and doctor for a while. Miss Pearl Peckinpaugh of Ot* tawa, Kansas, was a guest of Florence Wvlie, in this city over Sunday. Monday she left for a visit with friends in Pawnee City. Mrs. R. E. Johnson of Morrill, Kansas, arrived in the city Sat urday to help care for the little son of Dan Johnson who is very sick with typhoid fever Remember the play a t the Gehling Thursday, Feb. IS. The company is a good one and prom ises to be a genuine treat to theater goers. Stella Martin of Salem was in the city Tuesday, a guest at the home ot Geo. Story. She left Wednesday for Stella to visit re* lati ves. Just one marriage license was issued this week and that was to Gustav Herr, age 2d. and Laura Sanford, age 20. both ot Hum boldt. Doc Jones and little daughter I arrived Friday to visit h i s mother, Mrs. T. P. Jones ami : other relatives a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kaiser went to Hiawatha Friday to spend a short time with their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Harnack. Mrs- Fred Piper and little son came up from Topeka and are visiting with her mother, Mrs. Carrie Schaible. Mrs. Simon Beachy returned from Kansas City this week where she spent some time with relatives. Allen Vogle came over from Sabetha and spent a few days with his aunt. Mrs. Thomas Xeil$on. John Thompson nnd family left yesterday for Scott's Bluffs, Ne braska. where he has a large ranch. Mae Pribbeno of Preston was in the city Tuesday on her way home from a visit at Waunetta. Xeb. Martin Werner returned Sun day from a visit with his son. Al bert. who lives at Kansas City. Mrs- Elizabeth Messier spent most of this week with her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Moss. M. E. Turner of Ouincy, 111., a stove salesman spent several days in the city during the week. Bert McKiever returned the latter part of the week to his home at Ida Grove, Iowa A. X. Scott of Grand Island was a visitor in our city EridaY* W. C. McCool of Salem was a business visitor here Wednesday, Mrs. Samuel Wahl spent a short time in Kulo this week. Miss Katherine Wylie is enjoy ing a visit at South Omaha. A fine line of Children s Suits ar rived at Seff's this week. A. I i rail am was a business visi tor in Lincoln Friday. Scott Saylor returned from a trip to Verdon Friday. IVter Frederick, jr., was a bus iness visitor in (bnaha the past week. Mrs. 11. lv Page of Troy, Ks., is visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Wenekor. Charles McCool of Salem saw "The Flaming Arrow" at the (Jehling Friday night. Mrs. C 1>. Klliott is enjoying a visit from her mother, who re* sides at Onida, Kansas. Miss Myrtle llowers returned Tuesday from Kansas City,where she spent a few days with friends. K’ov Nicholson left this week forWinfield,Kansas, where he will join his mother and they will make their home. Mrs. Samuel Marts was called to White ( loud, Kan., the latter part of the week by the sickness of her uncle, T F.Mauck, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knicker bocker went to Forest City, Mo., last Friday to attend a theater in which the latter's sister is one of the actresses. The little son of Floyd Morris of Humboldt swallowed a fence staple with which he was placing last week. So far he has suffered no serious results. Mr. and Mrs Norman Mussel matt left last week for a short stay in Kansas City. The former will visit his ranch in Kansas be fore returning home. Fottie Facher, a cc o nt p a n i e d Mrs. Anna Sedlmayrto her home in Kansas, City the latter part of the week. On her return she visited Mrs- Wm. Harnack at Hiawatha John Joy, who lias been visit ing in this city for some time re turned to his home in Houston, Texas. He was the guest at the homes of Ben Poteet. (J. W. Ins keep and Dick Jones. Wallace F. Hoxey came up from Hiawatha Wednesday and made this office a very pleasant call. He tells us he is putting in a plant and will publish a news paper at Hiawatha. This will make three newspapers for Ilia* watha. Robert Bowman and family left the latter part of the week for Oklahoma where they will reside on a farm near Kirnlen. 'I hey have been living on a farm near Stella and were in the city visit ing relatives a few days. Mr. Bowman is a brother of Mrs. Peter Lore. This office is in recept of a postal from Mrs. Minnie (Itin stead Himes from Seattle, Wash. It is a fine likeness of Billy Sun day’' and she tells of a revival he is conducting at that place. She savs they have had 5,700 conver sions and at a meeting she at tended for women only there were 10,000 present and 5,000 who were unable to get in for lack of room. I Sleep Sleep is nature’s re building period, when the energy used by 1 lie brain, muscles and organs is re newed. 11' you h »s(> sleep, your system is robbed ot’ the strength sleep should, give. < ’out billed less ot' sleep multiplier this loss until you become a phys ical wreck. Dr. Miles’ Nervine quiets the irri tated nerves ami brings refreshing, in\ igorating sleep. Nervine contains no opiates, and thercfor leas es no had al ter-effects. “For over two years 1 Buffered tin* told agonies; my friends thought l was going crazy. l could not sleep nor i« t at all, I tried different doe tors. lad fail'd (<» tind relief. My head would mile all t lie time; I was ])!<•• one drunk; eould not concentrate my mind, and was o restless and Worried f iat I* • was out of the quisiion. \fter taking one bottle ot 1 *r. Miles' Nervine I felt wonderfully changed. 1 am now on my third bot tle and am gaining all tin* time. 1 can lie down and sleep 11k• ■ i cldlil. and am able to do mv work.” MI1S. M.W SCOTT, Jdnglish, Ind. Your druggist sells Dr. Miles’ Nerv ine, and we authorize him to return price of Inst bottle (only) if It falls to benefit you. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart. Ind 1 f you are a business man, did you ever think of the field of opportunity that advertis ing opens to von? 1 here is almost no limit to the possi bilities of vour business if von study how to turn trade into vour store. If you are not get ting your share of the business nf your community there's a reason. People go where they are attracted — where they kuojv what they can get and lioyv much it is sold for. if you make direct statements in your advertising see tu it that von are able* to fulfill every promise you make. \ on will ,k1i1 to your business reputa tion and hold vour customers. It will not cost as much to ru:i vour ad in this paper as you think. It is the persistent ad vertiser who gets there. Have something in the paper every issue, no matter how small. We will he pleased to quote you our advertising rates, par ticularly on the year's busi ness. I__I Magnetic Healing Miss Lizzie Ileitland, a gradu ate of the Weltmer School of Magnetic Ileiling, of Nevada* Mo. 1 am prepared to treat dis eases of all kinds. Phone 27 Located at Mrs. Burris residence south of the convent. 4t J&AMtWJW FOWOJPAt Thousands of millions of cans of Royal Baking Powder have been used in making bread, biscuit and cake in this country, and every housekeeper r> using it lias rested in perfect conli- | dcnce that her food would be light, sweet, and perfectly wholesome. Royal is a safe* guard against the cheap alum powders which are the greatest mchacers to health the present day. ROYAL IS THE ONLY RAKING POWDER MADE FROM ROYAL GRAPE CREAM OF TARTAR _ i