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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1908)
November Month The time’s at hand for Winter purchasing. No vember. the uncertain month, brings Storms and Snow and Freezing weather on short notice. Are von properly appareled or prepared ? Whatever your Clothing demands may be they can be satisfied here. We are after your patronage. Will you give us the opportunity to show you how much we’ll do to deserve it ? Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats —ot the latest designing—new models, all hand tailored, new Browns and Olive, and scores oi handsome patterns in various all-wool weaves, $12, $15 and $18 See Our Special Men’s Suit at $10.00 Our stock of Shoes represents all the new stvles, lasts and leathers, and at about 20 per cent less than usual Shoe Store prices. M. SEFF 4 Doors South of the Richardson County Bank The County in General Crowded <>fT the regular Correspondence Page. VERDOH. Henry Corn was in Shubert Monday. Orlando Veal was a Lincoln visitor Sunday. Mrs. Bowman returned from Lin coln Monday. Jim A>ers and wife were Falls City visitors Thursday. Mrs. Minnie Walker was up from Falls City Monday. Florence Hull, who has beeu quite sick is Improving Rev. Odgen of Lincoln is holding re vival meetings here. Mrs. Dillon is visiting her sister Mrs. Weddle at Stella. Alma Mayfield left Wednesday for Denver to visit relatives. Leonard Kinsey was down from Lin coln looking after business. Mrs. Mary Bricker and daughters visited relatives here Friday. Mrs. Ayers entertained the ladies club at the home of Mrs. Corn Thurs day. Lee Hart, Joe Parsons and Ambrose Parsons were Falls City visitors Wed nesday afternoon. FRANKLIN Mrs. Sumners is -penning the week her parents. C. C. Pollard ha- purchased a tior-e and buggy. Miss Rebecca Dodd? was a Falls City visitor this week. Mrs. McNeely and sister' have gone to Hot Springs, Arkansas Lost on Nov. .'5. a team of mules They have been returned. A large crowd went to the ratifica tion at Humboldt Monday night. James McNeely is going to spend the winter with his uncle R. Standerford. Mr. Sargeant who has been in the hospital at Fails City returned home last week. It isn't so difficult to strengthen a weak stomach if ooe goes at it correct l.v and this is true of the Heart and Kidneys. The old fashined way of dosing the stomach or stimulating the, heart or kidneys is surely wrong Dr. Shoop tirst pointed out this error, ”iio . to the weak or ailing nerves of these orguos,” he. Each inside organ has its ! controlling or in?ide nerve.” When these nerves fail then those organs j must surely falter. This vital truth is leading druggists everywhere todis. pense and recommended Dr Shoops Restorative. A few days te-t will surely tell. Sold by all dealers. STELLA. .T. i). Curtis is in Chicago on busi ness. Lou Howe ('f hum bold t spent Sun day here. Senator Cain and wife were Pawnee visitors ttiis week. George Furrow o( near Humboldt was here Thursday. Henry Brennor was over from Hum bobu during the week. L. M. Swan left Sunday for Boyd county to visit ills sister. S. L. Davies and men are a*, work finishing the Clark residence. I Mr- M H. Vandeventer left thi« week for Illinois to visit her sister. .J. L. Coleiiek of Shubert came to town Saturday to claim an election bet. Mr. Griffith returned from a wet ks visd with tier -on in Oklahoma to’ Th' ii Stull/ bought a new safe tin? week, tne old one was ruined in the robbery. Iviner Reiniers returned from h wet ks visit with relative? ill Oklahoma and Kansas Joe. MoGonigal, formerly of this plrtO'% arrived Tuesdri to greet hi many friend?. Fred Walker of Weeping Water visited hts sister, Mr?. Max Keefer at this place. Messrs. Dave Davies, War Hutchens and Fuller drove up from Falls City in an auto Monday. Mr-. W. 15. Do?? and Mrs. K. M. Mason ot Johnson were visitors here during the week. AH. Kheilenbarger who is prinking etker ha-* about 450 barrels of cider ready for shipment. N VY. Hodge who has been farming west of town bought the Smiley resi dence this Week for $2000. (’apt. Derstlne raised hi' Old Glory Wednesday morning when he heard Wm. H. Taft *a- elected. H. W Shoemaker, living south of town will move to Kansas next week. He will have a sale Wednesday. Misses Arietta and Florence Wheeler gave a kensington Thursday and in vited a number of the young ladles lit. M. Anderson and J. F. Brown went to Kansas City Wednesday and bought a car of calves to run on pasture the coming summer BertS-venSon of Shickley spent Kun with Glenn Jenkins at this piece. Both thete young men attended the asso ciation at Lincoln. Luther dav was observed In the Lutheran church Sunday morning by renderinga cantata. The collection amounted to $2ii.l(j. W. J McCray so'd his residence this week to .) I). Curtis for $.'!(i0(). Mr. McCray is yet undecided as to what lie will do in t tie future. Katherine M Hirer, who h.e- been at tending college at Atehi-on, returned to this place Friday for a few nays visit with relatives. A farmer west of town was very lui'kv ui hii f xperiement this fail with 1 vvinter pears Hie pears had always been let yu and mis year he thought they would ripen if taken oare of, so he placed tin to in boxes and put them in the eiliiu covered with gunny sacks and in Hire weeks they were l ine. I I- foui d out tiiut the Weeping Water men were ttie ones who steile the jewelry from Theo Schulz, 'life. N uni tier.' auil broken works of watches anil other j ;wi lry were found in a brush paten where they had been seen just preceding the shooting of the night WHI llll. Arthur Alien of Auburn and Ur. Montgomery of thi' place went to Lin co.n,i »y to bring < 'ha-. Mason home, out, a- t,e was no better they de cide,t t,i let him remain there fora ! wml ■ Hrugi e. Kev. S'Mrea will conduct sendees in the l.,Mi.'on eiiureli a’ Pawnee next Sunday He vc ts r> commended by the -ynoil 1,1 i.o to Pawnee and help the p,u |,|H o' 11,at i 1 iit secure a pastor. ->.i i> wh le i. '.i Ur.ill >r.l was re tlirniilj home. IJr. Shook passed him in aulnmotele. which frightened his horse, ii r.inuine away throwing film to the hroi-ing hi- hip. Fred sn'iuglielU, a former Riehurd son county hoy, has ho->r. transferred to Venom as from Fort Crook. Mrs. SirinwHeld I' visiting relatives here thi» week. KlUer Adams of li -tnuuy spke in the Christian ehurcn in beh.t f of the Cot lii'i- We'Juesday night. He is trying to raise money to carry on the school work Mary UiUmcr of Miudeu visited lone Shies during Vucalion last wees. Miss Dituner is attending the state normal. Holh ladies returned to their work Monday. Clots. I'mphret amt wife of Yerpon spent Friday aft-ruoiu and evening I at tul* place with fri ill-. Pile e\en 1 mg was spent wiin .1. 11 ('am jr, and j family. KveryOue felt, like getting out and 1 -homing when the stub passed through j : nir piace Monday morning They are the ii.nitiiest trains on the d. P. road. If you suffer from constipation an.1 liver trouble Foley's Orlno Laxative will cure you permanently by stimu lating the digestive organs so they will act naturally. Foley's Orlno Lasalive does not gripe, is pleasant to take and you do not have to take laxatives con tinually after lading Orlno. vV hy con tinue to be the slave of pills and tab lets. Kerr's Pharmacy. The First Pair OF GLASSES SHOULD BE VERY CAREFULLY FITTED Here the fitting is scientific Geo.W.Reneker,O.D.,M.I). Eye, Ear, JVose and Throat Falls City, Neb. j Made from, healthful grape cream oS tartar Will make twice as much good bread, biscuit and cake,pound for pound, as the low priced imitations made from alum and alum phos phates, and will make the food appetizing and healthful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Poivder is not only economical but makes the food more wholesome. PERU NORMAL NOTES Guy Kversole, formerly of Fulls City hut now of Klk Creek, is unending the Normal. Dr. Luther t’. Luddon of Lincoln, secretary of state hoard of education, gave u talk in Normal chapel. Misses Schlec and Lally, members of the faculty, are spending a pleasant vacation In the old country. Mrs Nettletnn is back to school again after a years absence. She had charge of the expression department of ^he Washington state normal. A special train was run from Peru to Lincoln on Wednesday morning to accomodate the students and faculty who wished to attend the state associa tion. Prof. C. B. Cornell, recently of the North Carolinia Military academy, Is a new addition to the music depart ment, having charge of the band ami other c t!lege work Uev. Weldon of the Baptist church gave his farewell talk at chanel Nov, 1 The students and residents of Peru will miss him much but wish him ■ac cess in his future work. New tables and chairs amounting to about $2,000 have been added to the library. These with the new cork car pet, add greatly to the conveniences of the Normal school library. The Falls City students are back to J school, rcHclv for work after a week’s vacation. Among those wno spent ti t ir vacation at home were Misses Olive ami Jennie Thompson, Anna McMahon, Inez Waehtel, Myrtle Yo oam, Vesta Lively, ami Kdith DeMers. 'l i e souvenir flag presented to the State Normal by the legislature thirty years ago wh- one of the chief decora tions at the banquet hall at the state association. This flag Is thirty-five feet long and has on it the initials N. 9. N. 9. Tickling, tight cough, can bo surely and quickly loosened with a persertp tion druggists are dispensing every where as Dr. Shoops Cough remedy. And it Is so very very different than common cough medicines. No opium, no chloroform, absolutely nothing harsh or unsafe. Too tender leaves of a harmless, lung healing mountainous slii ub. gives the curative properties to Dr Whoops Cough Remedy. Those leaves have the power to claim the most distressing cough and to soothe and heal the m l-l sensitive bronchial membrane Mothers should for safety sake alone, always demand Dr.Shoops. It can with perfect freedom bo given to even the youngest babes. Test it yourself and see Sold by all dealers. I am now prepared to do all kinds of Pump and Windmill repairing Can also furnish you Pumps. Wind mills and Gasoline Engines. Phone calls answered. 12-11 J. D. HAYS 127 Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats, 98c | t Dollars Free To Our Customers Every Wednesday ... :=ASK FOR - ,=•■■■ ■■ Clock Time Tickets 376 Men’s and Boys’ panc Worth up V^cipb, to $1. for Ladies’ All Wool Shawls in black, white and colors.Cr^X* 12 /^c Outing Flannel ^. Good Calico, our price only. ioc Outing, here 614c 20% All Our Men’s Gloves and Mittens 20% I With Our Grocery Man >] Good Bulk Coffee, I I/> 4 Cans of Good Peas ft fT j I here., Hv for. 1 4 Cans of Good Corn OCJ^* 12 Bars of Laundry ft F 1 for. fcOv soap. fcOw Men’s Cotton Flannel Mittens, our price, per 7* dozen.C O V Heavy L. L. Muslin, our price per yard Gif' only.31/ Ladies’ Rockford Q-* Hose.OL Ladies’ Black Hose for.Ol/ Men’s Wool Socks “I for.131/ M A TT H F W ^ "THE PRICE KILLER” SwM^m S IS M SLbbs WW Makes Falls City a Good Place to Trade