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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1908)
$R\DS£ raxj _-WORK_ i*.-;'"' ' - JJ coMve ap ucr I* M* j: Special Sale of Fancy;] l China Plates % h 4 K All sizes, 50 different decorations. Plates . *1 t from 15c to $1.25 each P j P See them in the South window at ^ fCHAS. M. WILSON’S-! p * <1 U 4 4 4 * 4 4 4- 4 4 4 «4 4 4444441444 4,^ The Falls City Roller Mills Does a general milling business, and manufactures the following brands of flour SUNFLOWER MAGNOLIA CROWN The above brands are guaranteed to be of the highest pos sible quality. We also manufacture all mill products and conduct a general Grain, Live Stock and Coal Business and solicit a share of your patronage P. S. Hea cock & Son Falls ity, Nebr. PRESTON • GRAIN and LUMBER CO. When you have Grain or Hogs to market do not forget that we pay the top price and give you honest weights. ALWAYS GET OUR PRICE ■* When you need anything in ■ Lumber or Builders’ Material call on us—we can furnish you anything in this line as cheap as the same grade can be had elsewhere. ALWAYS TRADE AT HOME AND SAVE MONEY PRESTON GRAIN AND LUMBER CO. It hasjWargest circulating flue a; base1 burner.! ' and this, with (knew side flue heating surface mahesit the STRONGEST HEATER for amount of fuelled EVER. PRODUCED rfeA/ew ROUNDOAlC B AS E BURNER./j wori/ilirivest/gatmg L E ED’S LIQUOR EMPORIUM All Popular Breads of Wet Goods with an experienced mixer at your service. Foreign and Domestic Cigars. L. E. LEED, Proprietor FALLS CITY «-Z3~n*£Z-+ NEBRASKA L _J What Cupid Joins together is usually the attraction of phy sical and mental charms, not least of which is a sweet and well kept mouth, with cie<tn and preitv teeth, whether natural or inserted by Dr. Yntzy. Who w ants to kiss a mouth that is deformed by decayed ami malodorous teeth? They surely don’t attract Die refined. Yon can have all defects remedied by tine crown and bridge work done by DR. YUTZYS BERT WINDl.E, I). l>. S.. Assistant Falls City, Nebraska The New Round Oak Base Burner The greatest heater for amount of fuel con sumed ever known in this type of stove. It is a decided improve ment in base burner construction and com bines new and advanced features in flue build ing and control of the fire, owing to fine workmanship. J. C. TANNER Falls City, Neb. THE LOCAL LORE HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME. What Your Frionds and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. Bryan will be with us next Fri day. Uuluckv day. Wes Hummel of Dawson was a business visitor in this city Mon day. John J. Hartman of Rulo was a pleasant caller at this office Monday. Mrs. John Stockton went to Kansas City Tuesday, lor a few days visit Mrs. Win. Cade.jr., of Osborne, Kas., is visiting with her parents in this city. Ewing Ward and sister of Rulo were guests of friends in this city Sunday. S. II. Bolejack was down from Dawson Monday visiting with his many friends. Sam Ward and Newton Hos ford of Rulo were guests of Falls City friends Sunday. Mrs. E. O. Lewis went to Lin coln Wednesday to attend the art exnibit and visit relatives. Martin Kanaly and wife start ed Sunday night for their new home in Wessington, S. D. A crowd of our young people spent a very pleasant day last Saturday at the Indian settk ment. Ethel Bert Phipps. Floyd Her man and Elmer Dixon of Hiawa tha spent Sunday with friends in this city. LeRoy Judd of Dawson, spent a couple of days this week in this city, the guest of his brother, N. B. Judd. Mrs. Ed- Steele, Miss May Maddox and the Misses Keeling, made up a party which left Tues day for the Rosebud country. Mrs. W. L. White went to Lincoln today to spend a few days with her daughter, Dorothy, who is a student at the university. —The attention of the ladies is . I called to the elegant lint of hair goods on display at the Patzman Sisters millinery store. You can get anything you wish in the way of switches, puffs, curls, etc. John Jones who was injured last week by being thrown from a wagon, is again able to be around. Mr. Jones had two aibs broken by the wagon running over him and was confined to his bed for several days, but will soon be attending to his business again. -Blue Monday is no more. The Adams washer puts the clothes on the line in half the time that is taken with the old style wood en washing machine, and they are never torn out boiling or rub bing. Don’t take my word for it but come and get one on trial.— W. L. Sears. tf Congressman Scott of Kansas, who is chairman of the Commit tee of Agriculture in the House of Representatives, will speak «t the court house, Monday evening at fi o’clock. This is a meeting which should be attended by every farmer in the community. Let us give him a good house. Go to the blood, If you are to drive out rheumatism. It is more than skin deep. A Wisconsin physician, Or. Shoopdoes this with his Rheumatic Remedy—and with seeming success. Rub-on’s says the doctor never did cure rheumatism. It is more than skin deep—it is constitutional always Because of this principle Dr. Slump's Rheumatic Remedy is perhaps the most popular in exi-tenee. It goes by word of mouth from one to another, everywhere. Greatful patients gladly spread results. It is an act of human ity, to tell the sick of a way to health. Tell some sick one. Sold by all deal ers. Farm For Sale I am still looking for a buyer for my farm six, one-half miles east of Falls City and two and one-half west of Rulo. For in formation apply to, James Murphy Route 2, Ruio. Neb. 37-2t Live Poultry Wanted We will pay the following prices good until Saturday, Oct. 10th. Hens 0c, Springs 11c, old Roosters .1' c, Butter fat 21c. Phone 35. Hkkmks Bros. Falls City. Neb Dr. Beattie of Cotner Fniver sity, will preach for the Christian church next Sunday both morn ing and evening. There is a cordial invitation to alb The subject in the morning, “The Sunday School It's origin and it's meaning to the church and community. The theme is of in terest to every citizen. Congressman Scott of Kansas, who is chairman of the commit tee of Agriculture in the House of Representatives, will speak at the court house, Monday evening at S o’clock. This is a meeting which should he attended by every farmer in the community. Bet us give him a good house. H C. Davis, Pete Frederick.jr., Less Leeds and A- N. Cook, with their dogs left Sunday for the sand hills, where they will on tertain the grouse or any other game that might happen to come their way, for the next few days. For Salk 200 acres well im proved land in Fillmore county. Nebraska, 1 mile from town Good schools, 2 railroads. Snap if taken at once. Address, T. C. Palmer. Shickley, Neb. J7-2t Mrs. Dr. Wilson returned home Sunday from Essex, Iowa. She was accompanied by her mother, who will make her home with Mrs. Wilson during the winter. A.Graham and wife were down from Dawson Monday. While in the city Mr. Graham made us a pleasant call and renewed his subscription to The Tribune. If all the Falls City people who registered for Tripp county land this week, draws a piece of land, they will be able to start a little colony of their own Mrs. James Sinclair returned to her home in Preston Sunday, after spending several days in this city with her mother, Mrs, Margery Grant. Miss Pearl Hanna writes to have The Tribune sent to her at Valley, Neb., where she is now employed as teacher in the pub* lie schools. W. R. Cade and wife left Mon day for Ottumwa, Iowa, to attend a reunion of the 3t>th Iowa In fantry of which Mr- Cade is a member. C W. Williamson and Oliver Emmert came down from the west end Monday. From here they went to O’Neil to register. R. Horrocks and family are now settled in their new home recently purchased in the south west part of the city. Dr. Reneker was another of our people who left Tuesday for Dal las. He will register for a slice of the Rosebud land. Mrs. Neal Mulligan is in Lin coln this week attending the grand lodge of the Degree of Honor. Ashford Edie of Humboldt made this office a very pleasant call while in the city Monday. Robert Cain, jr., spent a few days during the week campaign ing in this part of the county, Wm. Cade and daughter re turned the later part of the week from a visit in Osborne, Kas. Fred Sebold is among the Fails City people who tried his luck in the land drawing. A great many of our people are sight seeing in Kansas City this week, A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hanna on Saturday evening. John Holman of Humboldt was looking after business in this city Monday. Charley Sharts and wife spent Sunday with relatives in Hum boldt. Mrs. E. E. Scott spent Sunday in Salem with her parents. Wanted Walnuts at Heck's feed store. ‘File <OKly powder made from Eoyn! Grape Cream oi Tartar — !V'.: x: ritona crapes— Of greatest Iioa!'hfu!ncss and usefulness. No alum or phosphate acids Absolutely PURE A Jeweler's Experience C. K Kluirer, trie Jeweler, 10(50 Vir ginia Ave., Indianapolis, 1ml., writes, “T was so weak from kidney trouble I eould hurdly wall* on* hundred feet. Four bottles of Foley's Kidney remedy e'eared my complexion, cured my huckache and the Irreg'darities disap peared, and I can now attend to busi. ness every day and recommend Foley’s Kidney Iteraedy to ail sullerers as It cured me after the doctors and other remedies had failed. Kerr’s Pharmacy Washing the family clothes is women’s hardest work. Many women suffer untold pains re sulting from using the wash board or heavy clumsy out of date wooden washer. Try an Adams washer free. It* has no contraptions to it. W. L. Scars. tf Terry Kemist of Dawson was a business visitor in this city on Monday Mrs. Delos Graham and little son of Dawson spent a portion of the week with relatives in this city. NI. SefF returned Monday ni^ht from a few days spent iu Kansas City. He was accompanied home by his wife and children who have been visiting relatives in the city for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. D- W- Sowles and Mrs. Mary Mettz, and daugh ter, f/uci]p, went to St. Joe Mon day to attend the wedding of Hal Sowles and Miss Inez, Shep herd which took place on Tues day. I wish to sell my two farms near Kulo, priced for quick sale. 135 acres half mile south of Kulo with $4,000 house, at $7,000. 100 acres 2': miles southeast of Kulo. Sti,500. Inquire of James Wiltsc or myself. Joshua Murray, 36t4 Kulo, Neb Mrs. Moran and daughter,Miss Frankie, left the first of the week for Kansas City, where they j will spend the winter. Secure your tickets early for the entertainment at the Gehling next Wednesday evening. Glance at the ads in the Tri bune and trade with those who are asking for it., Harry Huber of Kulo was vis-j iting his many friends in this; city Monday. Rev. Ayodlett was among the Humboldt visitors in this city Monday. O. R. Zook was down from Humboldt Monday. R. Horrocks left Sunday for Tripp County, South Dakota, to register for the big land drawing to take place on the 18th. Rube feels sure he will be among the lucky ones and land one of the valuable farms. —Don 't kill yourself ofT using an old style wooden washing machine. This is the “Steel age.” Get an Adams washer of W. L. Sears. It’s built of sieel and is guaranteed to give five long years of perfect satisfaction and costs you but $8. tf Thu wholesome, harmless, green leaves and tender (.tents of a IuDg heal ing mountainous shrub elves to Dr. ShoopV cough remedy its curative properties. Tickling or dry bronchial coughs quickly and salely yield to this highly effect've Couch remedy. Dr. Shoop assures mothers that they can with safety give it to even very young babies. No opium, no chloroform— absolutely nothing harsh or harmful. It cairns the distressing cough and heals the sensitive roenibraues. Accept no other. Demand Dr. Shoop's. Sold by all dealers. 0REHM A grape cream of tartar powder. Makes pure, healthful, delicious food. lime phosphate. There is an infallible test by which every housewife may detect the unhealth ful alum baking powders— The label will tell Study the label. If it does not say cream of tartar the baking powder is made from alum and must be avoided. |