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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1908)
^ 240 acres well improved, li miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring. Best of terms. Will take ^ X 0^^ 40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest. £ I 0^^ 200 acres l>z miles trom depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. Good buildings and land Will _ B B B B L B B take 40 or 80 acres as part payment — — l*5**! acres upland, 1 mile from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. #12,000. 160 acres Johnson county, Nebraska. 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent. _ 107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska. I JB B J/Wi I 80 acres M-mile from Falls City high school. B m 1^1 ■ B J^^kM B B J# B m B ^1 040 acres, $8,000 improvements Also >40 acres adjoining. Will take lOOacres as part payment. S iJ JPB*% i «L»~ \$ai& B^m B Pine tunning water. A No. 1 opportunity. | * * ^^^^Money^^loan. The County in General The “Doings” of our Country Friends and Neighbors. RULO \lr. Graham was a Falls City visitor Taft day. Mose Frederic was a Falls City visi tor Monday. Mr* Jeffries heulth is in a serious condition again. Mrs. Will Cunningham was a Falls City visitor recently. Mrs. Lizzie Davis Is building an ad dition to her bouse. Win. McClain ot Oklahoma visited friends here last week. Mrs. Will Craig of North, is visiting her mother here. Stella Craves has been quite sick for several days but is Improving. Nellie Kermode is spending the week with relatives in Kansas, Win. Johnston and wife were Falls City visitors one dav last week. Herman Kloepfel and family visited in Omaha several days last week. Wm. Carieo Hnd wife of Fails City spent Sunday with relatives here. John Wiltse of Falls City was a busi ness visitor here one day last week. Tom White of Oneida, Ks, visited friends here several days last week. J. A. Hinele and children spent Sun day with his fathers family at Fortes cuc. Lena Caver/.agie left Thursday for a three weeks visit with St. Louis rela tives. Mrs. lleast and little grandaughter left Friday for Tecumsoh to visit rela tives. Will Calkins, who is working at Ta ble Rock spent Sunday with his family here. Mamie and Gertrude Kanaly wont to Falls City Saturday- on a shopping tour. Mrs. Clarence Simon of St. Joe arriv ed here last week for a visit with rela tives. Three more of the large gasoline lamps have been purchased by the city and will lie put in working order as soon as possible which makes seven of the new lights and they are giving good satisfaction. John Gustaffson of Wymore was here Monday putting in a new drain box at the waiter tanks. Clyde Adams has taken his old posi tion on the Atchison train and will move his family here. Nettie O’Mara lias returned to her home near Falls City after a visit with her sister here. Oscar Leose of Fortescue commen ced us helper al the depot here Mon day. Howard Maze of Dawson was a visl tor here Sunday. Si Hunker of Fortescue was a visitor here Saturday. F. H. Hinton of Omaha was here ! this week. t l.d Davis was a Falls .. iy visitor on Monday. Jim Mooney was a Falls City visitor j Monday. A pain perscriptlon is printed upon each 25 o, box of Dr. Shoop’t Fink Fain Tablets. Ask your doctor or druggist if this formula is not com plete. Head pains, womanly pains, anywhere get instant relief from a Fink Fain Tablet. Sold by all dealers. SHUBERT Lee Bolejaek was an Omaha visitor last week. Charlotta Itnler was in Falls City Saturday. Cora Hill was shopping in Falls City Saturday. Nellie Harper of Auburn is our new hello girl. Bennie Sawyer of Syracuse is here visiting relatives. Chas. Johnson of Humboldt spent the last of the week here. Mrs. Nellie Gibson has been visiting her sister, Mrs. John Evans. Chas. Goddard of Auburn was a bus iness visitor here during the week. Frank Kinton and wife were the guests of relatives in Salem last week. Chas. Smiley and wife entertained Mr. and Mrs. Morris of M issouri last week. John Speece of Ord is here visiting relatives and looking after his farm interests. Mrs. Steele and little son of Nebras ka City were visiting her parents here last week. Chas. Baeoti and wife entertained at dinner Sunday Henry Barker and wife of Nemaha. L. M. Weddle and wife returned from a several weeks stay with rela tives in Indiana. J. F. Titus and Elmer Rumbaugh of Nemaha were business visitors here during the week. Mrs. Conover from the western part of the state was the guest of Mrs. A.M. Shubert, Saturday. Theodore Hill who is attending! school in Omaha is spending a few days with his parents. Alfred Kenton and wife have rented the Ross property on Elm strett and will soon tuke possession. S J. Davis and wife were the guests of friends at Omaha last week. They also took in the Ak Sar-Ben. Ed Krug spent the greater part of last week at the bedside of bis wife who is in Kansas seriously sick. Mr. Arnold is here from the western part of the state visiting relatives. He will be accompanied home bv his daughter, Mrs. Fred Boatman and little son. Stomach trouble would more quickly disappear if the idea of treating the cause rather than the effect, would coitfr into practice. A tiny inside hid den nerve, said Dr. Shoop, governs and gives strength to the stomach. A branch alsq goes to the heart, and one of the kidneys. When these in side nerves fail, then the organs must falter Dr. Shoops Restorative is dir ected specifically to those failing ner ves. Within -18 hours after starting the Restorative treatment patience say they realize a gain. Ellas Puckett and family moved to Kansu- ibis week where he will work on a farm. Albert Anderson of Wyoming was here Friday looking after Burlington interests. Bob Mullins and wife of Bunkers mill spent a few days with friends here last week. Mr. Marshal and wife have been the proud parents of an 11 pound boy for a week past. Billie I’latto came over from Fortes cue Saturday evening to attend the baud concert. Katie and Agnes Kanaly spent Sat urday and Sunday with their sister Cecil at Salem. Mrs. Iva Hay who lias been visiting with her parents here moved to Hum boldt last week. George Oeomb returned from St. Louis Saturday where he had been to purchase goods. Grandpa Futcher died Sunday. The funeral was held from the Catholic church Monday. Annie Mahan returned from St Joe Sundav and commenced working for S. A. Hinkle Monday. Della Martin got the prize a silver teapot at the show Saturday night as the most popular young lady. Harry Bradford and wife left for their home in Wymore Saturday after a few days visit with Mrs. Kern. The steamboat James D.MePhearson passed through Kulo last Friday on the way from St. Joe to Omaha. Mrs. Emma Kern lett Tuesday for Lincoln where she will be a delegate to the Degree of Honor grand lodge. Will Calkins father arrived from Oklahoma recently where be ha- been spending the summer with a daughter. Blaine Ander-on of Kansas met his mother here recently on her return from a visit with her daughter in Iowa Darveau Bros, have moved their slaughter hou-e from -outh of town to the farm north of town where they have all of their feed. Wm. Evan- resigned his position as foreman of the east section last week. Roy Williams of Fortescue, Mo, was appointed to till the vacancy. Mrs. Easter took a dizzy spell one morning la-t week and stepped off a high side walk, sustaining a sprained foot which is slowly improving. STELLA. W. F. Higgins went to Omaha Friday , on business. Chester A'.len and wifeot near llowe j were here Sunday Mins Mary Felt of Shubert was a visitor here recently. John Colgla/.ier of Shubert was a culler here Thursday. George Messier of Falls City was a visitor here last week. Frank Strunk of Humboldt was a visitor in town last week. Alfred Ahern and T. J. Shafer of Shubert were here Saturday. C. H. Thomas of Lincoln was a caller between trains on Wednesday. W. G. Faukell spent several days in Omaha looking after business. Mrs.Anna Griilith went to Oklahoma this week to visit her son Elmer Henry Albrecht and wife of near Howe were visitors here Thursday. Win. Gibson of near Verdon deliver ed his wueat to tins market the past week. W. H. Hogrefe and wife and Ettie Ham spent a day in Omaha the past week. Elmer King and a party of ladies from Sbubert made this town a visit Tuesday. James Palmer who is visiting his pa rents at Sbubert was a caller here Thursday. Mrs. Jennings and daughter ot Ta ble Rock visited with her daughter Mrs. McBride over Sunday here. Mr. Fuller and Gene Cain of Falls City took a party of ladies to the fair at Auburn Friday, returning Saturday | E. A . Monod who has been running the pool hull, bought out the remain ing interest from J. E Gilbert last week. J. 11. Holland brought some tine ap ples from the farm to this place Thurs day. He sold bis orchard to Kirkpat rick and Vanwinkle of this place. Miss Ellio Martin of Idaho has en tered the Midland college at Atchison again. She has been out of college for some time time owing to poor health R. A. Clark bought Lhe E. FI. Mason ! 80 acre farm north of town Thursday ! for $1)5 per acre. Mr. Mason bought; the T, H. Edmonds farm northwest of j town at $100an acre. E. E. James closed the deal for the Hopper farm southwest of town Thurs day. Thos. James of north of town sold his farm to Mist Edith Clark of Kansas City this week. The horse sale Saturday which was conducted under the supervision of VV. F. and VV. F. Mowery was a good sale. Col Marion was the auctioneer. Every horse was soid at a good price. Mrs. Bessie Haskett had a good sale Wednesday, amounting to IdO’JO. The growing crop was sold. Harry Gilli land who will move on the farm in the spring bought the corn in the field. J. R. Cain, jr, and I. W. Harris went to Humboldt Wednesday and the for mer took the train for Pawnee. Mr. Harris attended the bank meeting at that place. Mr. Cain rode from Paw nee to Fails City with the Taft party. G. W. Lambert of northeast of town badly smashed his thumb while grub biug stumps. He got his thumb in the machine ana crushed his linger split ting the skin until it lay open on the bone. He had the wound dressed and is getting along nicely. The cement blocks are here now for the cemetery gate and Jim Jellison of Falls City is engaged to place them in. A cement walk is laid in front of the gate. The cemetery is being greatly improved under the supervision of the new cemetery association. The Trail Chib had its first meeting i of the year at I. H. Martin’s Thursday evening. A good time was had and many members were present. The first prize was won by J. F. Elchert and Mrs. Clark and the consolation prize by H. L. Hogrefe and wife. The lecture course as laid out by the Stella Entertainment association is now assured to the public. The tirst number will appear the 15th and other dates will follow as are outlined on the programs. A good number of reserve seat tickets have been sold for the season. Miss Maude Montgomery mst with 1 an accident with a hat pin while ex- j perimentiug a> to its springing quality | the past week. She held the pin in her ! haud and it flipped loose and struck her in the eye causing a very painful in jury for a few days. The eye is im proving rapidly and no evil effects will probably result. George Jenkins, brother of John i Jenkins west of Stellu. bought ari unto- j mobile in Omaha and in company with the agent drove to his home near Kan sas City Friday. On his way he stop ped for a few minutes at the home of Mrs. Clyde Harden's near Verdon. He drove from Omaha,leaving at 11 o'clock and arriving in Verdon about 5. They drove on to Horton thatevening before stopping for the night. The Harvest Home services which "ere held in the Evangelical Lutheran church Sunday morning were well worthy of the name. The house was decorated witli the fruits and grains of theffeld. The pastor brought forth the glories of the autumn as it seemed never before were seen. On Monday afternoon the fruits were sold and the proceeds used for missionary purposes, E. M. Pollard spoke to a good sized audience in the opera house Monday evening on national and state issues. Calvin Cros-er of Buffalo spoke to about the same size crowd on Wednes day evening Will <tout of Auburn is working on the telephone this month. As soon as the board is shipped with complete fixtures it will be installed. Gertrude and Ethel Robison who have been attending tee Peru Norma! are home on a visit. Miss French went to Kansas City Friday evening remaining with her cousin until Sunday. W.J. McCray went to Falls City Monday to attend the county' option convention. H. D. Weller left this week for Pen der and other points on u visit to his sons. Sam Query and A. Weaver left Tues-! day for Dakota to the land opening. Art Ranks is drilling wheat for John Jenkins west of town this week. Messrs. Harlan and Parker of Au- j burn were here Tuesday. Foley’s Honey aud Tar cures colds coughs quickly, strengthens the lungs and expels colds. Gel the genuine in a yellow package. OHIO. John Hutchison visited with Otto i Rucgge, Sunday. Mrs, O A. Guinn went to Perti Mon day to visit relatives. Lydia Dowty entertained a number | of her friends Sunday. Lola Sturms entertained her friend | Miss Goolsby Sunday. Mr. Wenz had a sale last week and is going to Texas to reside. Herman Fritz and wife spent Sunday with Henry Fritz and wife. F. S, Lichty and family spent Suu day with H J. Prichard and wife. Mrs. N. Peck and children were guests of Mrs. Allie Dowty Sunday. George Prichard and family spent Monday evening with Guy Lichty and j wife. Jennie Brim ot Sabetha, Ks., is vis iting a few days with her sister Mrs. Knisely. Guy Liehty and wife were guests of Chas. Stump and wife in Falls City Sunday. Mr. Butler and family of near Bar ada spent Sunday with liev. Lehman and family. H. Guilliams and wife entertained at their home Sunday Milt Strauss, John Haines and F. Houtzand their families. Anton Knisely and wife entertained about BO of the yoyng people at their home Saturday evening in the way of party. Nice refreshments were served. About 50 of the friends of Mrs. Geo. Prichard went into her home last Fri day evening and completely surprised her but Mrs. Prichard soon recovered from her surprise and entertained in her charming way. Those present re port a good time. Nice refreshments were served. While Chester Stump was going to town Monday with a load of apples something got wrong with the harness and he stepped out on the tongue of the wagon while the mules were going and one of the mules kicked him on the arm and he fell under the wagon and the wheels passed over his legs. Married Man in Trouble A married man who permits any ! member or vbe family to take anything except Foley’s Honey and Tar. fori coughs, colds and lung trouble, is | guilty of neglect. Nothing else is as good for all pulmonary troubles. The | genuine Foley’s Honey and Tar con-1 tains no opiate* and is In a yellow package. Kerr’s Pharmacy. VERDON. Mr. Williams returned to Omaha Friday. Ernest Overton left Tuesday for Dakota. W. H. Moran was a Peru visitor Monday. Vivian Mayfield returned from Oma ha Friday. W. F. Veaeh and wife were Lincoln visitors Thursday. Amret Hart made a business trip to Shubert Thursday. Ed Shubert and family visited rela tives at Shubert Sunday. Charles Weaver and J. Griffith went to Lincoln last Thursday. Frank Bridser of Shubert was in town a short time Monday, Lena and Ralph Shubert visited rela tives at Shubert ibis week. Mrs. Ira Houtz and son were Falls City visitors last Thursday. Jim Ayers and wife went to Falls City Saturday in their auto. Lee Hart and family visited rela tives at Moral, Kans, Saturday. Henry Corn, Fred Heineman and Charley Moran were Falls City visitors Thursday. Messrs, and Mesdames Hasengarand and Randolph were Omaha visitors last week. Mr. Schrader and daughter returned Monday from their visit to Council Grove, Kans. Lou Parsons and Norman Heinzel man went to Shubert Thursday in the formers auto. Bert Waggoner and Lily Shubert were married at Falls City last Thurs day. They have the best wishes of their many friends. BARADA Miss Alice Yoder spent Sunday in Falls City. C. H. Martin and w:fe were In Shu bert, Tuesday. Mrs Wesley Bovvers is in Omaha taking in the carnival. The canning factory made the last run of the season on Tuesday. A large number of our people went to Falls City on Thursday to hear Taft. Oscar Gilson went to Rosalie to en gage in corn husking for the fall sea son. Dr. Van Osdel reports a girl at the home of Hirarn Bogess born, October 2, 1908. Mrs. Whistler of Morrill, Kansas, visited her parents Levi Frederick and wife last week. Mrs. Emma Seharringhausen return ed with her father Ernest Kuhlman from his his yisit to Odell. Miss Anna Severns gave the pupils of the Barada schools a treat of fine watermelons on Tuesday of last week. W. M. Scott of the Bureau of Flant Industry1, U. S. Department of Agri culture, spent several days last week at the Forest Hill Fruit Farm. Mrs. W. A. Cox, Mrs. J, R. Short ledge and Mrs. H. Siemering and Mrs. W. F. Butler donated some nice house plants to the schools last week. R. N. Williamson went to Omaha Tuesday to attend the rural letter car riers convention. Henry Langdon carried the mail In his absence. Levi Frederick and wife went to Omaha to attend the Ak-Sar-Ben. From there they go to Waterloo to visit their neice, Mrs. Rosa Arnold. Mrs. Ida Richardson and Miss Anna Gebhart of Long Island, Kansas, visit ed this week with their aunt Mrs. Emma Siemering and other relatives. A little daughter came to the home of Reinhart Herbster one day last week. This is thesixteenth child born to this union, fifteen of whom are liv ing. Wilson Wamsley has purchased of J. F Rumbaugh his town property and will take possession in the spring. Mr. Rumbaugh will move onto the Grand ma Huff farm in the spring. Mrs. Dan Wamsley and Mrs Henry Faller accompanied their cousin Mrs. Otto Scharringhausen to her home at Odell where they will visit their grand mother'and other relatives. On Monday evening a number of friends gathered in response to invita tions, at the home of J. F. Rumbaugh to help him celebrate his birthday. Although Mr. Rumbaugh was not ex. pecting company ne arose to the occa sion and a very pleasant evening fol lowed. Nice refreshments were served To quickly checK a cold, druggists are dispensing everywhere, a clever Candy Cold Cure Tablet called Preven tics at the sneeze stage, to head off all colds. Box of 48—25c. Sold bv all dealers. COUNTY OPTION Contiduod from First page. will be appoin ted by the presi dent, and who will appoint an executive committee and ali other committees deemed neces sary. The president or Secretary will call league meetings and arrange for public speaking in the county and do all things pertaining to their offices to promote the cause of county op tion. The vice president and treasurer will perform the du ties customary to such officers. The league will take no active part in the election of a presi dent, governor, state officers or congressmen, but will confine its efforts to the election of the members of tbe legislature who favor the countv option law. I he committee also recom mended as officers, V. G. Ly ford, president; Joseph Windle, vice president; P. B. Weaver, secretary and W. J. McCray, treasurer. Report of the com mittee was adopted. Chairman appointed D. A. Grush, LeRoy Judd, John L. Cleaver, John Holman and Cass Jones as executive committee and also named the chairman for each ward or precinct. COUNTY OPTION MEETING Monday, October 12, Preston. Tuesday, October 13, Maple Grove school house. Wednesday, October 14, Sil ver Creek school house. Thursday, October 15, Prank Lichty school house. Friday, October lb. Shubert. Saturday, October i7, Rulo. These meetings will begin at 7:30 p. m. Everybody in vited. Public Sale Chas. Zoeller, having decided to move to Texas, will offer for sale at b miles south east of Falls City,3 miies north east of Reserve, Kas., and 3 miles southwest of Preston, 5 head of hordes, 35 head of cattle 79 bead of hogs and a number of farm implements. If you want any of these this will be your chance, as everything will go at your own price. Notice of Sale IN THK DISTRICT COURT OF UK HARD SON COUNTY. N EBRASK A. In the matter of the application of Harvey Houston, administrator of the estate of Frances Houston, deceased, for license to sell real estate. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the Hon. John B. Raper. one of the judges of the District Court of Richardson Coun ty, Nebraska, made on the 2nd day of October, 1908, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter de scribed, there will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the west front door of the court house in the city of Falls City in said county on the 2nd day of November, 1908, at the hour of 2 o’clock 1\ M., the following de scribed real estate to-wit: Lots seven i7), eight (H), nine (9) and ten (TO), block one hundred one (101) in the city of Falls City, Richardson County, Nebraska. tiaid sale will remain open one hour. Dated this 7th day of October. lVus. Harvey IIeaston. Administrator of the estate of Frances IL-an ton, deceased. 1*. B. Weaver, At torney. (First publication Oct. 9rh I times It Tastes Good and Creates Strength the famous cod liver and iron medicine, without oil. Vinol is much better than cod liver oil and emulsions, because, while it contains all the medicinal value they do, it disagrees with no one. As a body builder and strength creator for old people, delicate children, after sickness, and for stub born coughs and colds Vinol is unequaled. A. G. WANNER, Falls City, Neb,