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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1908)
Matthews’ Fall Opening Sale Closes Saturday, October 17 This Store’s Standing and Irrevocable Policy: It shall be our aim to be known as a thoroughly reliable store; that our goods shall be known as dependable; that our prices shall be known as just. To that end we say to all patrons, if at any time, for any reason whatever, you are dissatisfied with your purchase made at our store, return the goods within a reasonable length of time, in the same condition you receive them, and we will exchange them or refund the purchasing price, and this we do without a quibble. This statement within itself is enough to fill our store with visitors. Our buyer has just re turned from the wholesale markets and was fortunate in securing some phenomenal bargains in seasonable merchandise, and we believe we have brougnt to Falls City the most complete lines of merchandise ever brought to town. In our efforts to continually please our customers we have left no stone unturned to obtain representation of all the newest, all the most beautiful, all the most desirable merchandise on the Fall markets. The goods are here, and will be displayed on counters and in windows, all plainly marked in our usual very low price figures. To add impetus to the trading and to start Fall business we have gone through each stock and marked a number of the newest and most desirable goods extremely low. Those who secure these may indeed consider themselves fortunate. There will be plenty for all comers. The items quoted below tell you of only a part of the bargain offerings. Our Shoe Department Bows to None Separate Skirts A showing that truly must be seen to be appreciated—for neither type nor picture can show you half the values we offer you. ^ Our assortment is now complete and com prises all the latest models from the best manufacturers in the country—from the plain man tailored to the most elaborate trimmed effects in buttons and novelty braids. Ask to see our new Directoire buttons all the way down the front. See them at the opening and we believe you will all agree with us that you have never before seen in Falls City such a complete selection of skirts so modestly priced. Our Opening prices range from $3.98 to $15 and always the best for the money. All new— fresh from the manufacturers—every pair made within the last thirty days—every pair sold under a guarantee of perfection or money refunded. Our selection comprises everything in Men s, Boys’, Ladies’, Misses and Children’s Shoes. And we certainly won’t forget the Babvs —for every day is Shoe Day at our store. !h“ss Soft 15cto50c sloes.’... 50c to $1.50 Shoess$1.25to $2.25 Is£ $1.35 to $3.00 “$1.45 to $3.50 ‘shoe: $1.45 to $5.50 Table Linens and Towels The lines are very complete. Looks as though we bought everything good in Linens that was to be had. In many instances, too, we secured some very rare bargains, which we will distribute among our patrons. 4oc Union Uinens .25c 50c Colored Linens 42c T5e Bleached Linens .55c $1 Bleached Linens, 72 inches wide at. #71/ $1.25 Irish Linens, 72 QO_ inches wide at. 701/ $1.50 German Damask, 72 I IQ inches wide at.$1* JL7 Underwear and Hosiery Fall Opening Sale This department asks you to visit it, (while on a visit to the Opening Sale) and guarantees that you will not be disappointed in its goods and values. Sample Coats Fall Opening Sale We purchased the entire sample line of one of the largest coat manufactur ers in the country, and during our Opening Sale we will place the entire j assortment on sale at f 20% Reduction '| Our complete shipment of Misses and Children’s Coats will arrive on Fri day or Saturday and will be placed on sale at “price killing” concessions. Don’t miss this—come early and get the cream of the assortment. Fall Dress Goods Are prettier than ever and a goodly representa tion of all that’s desirable in Fall woolen Fabrics awaits your visit to our Fall opening Sale. 35 pieces wool and mixed dress goods in fancy and plain regular valves up to 75c, Fall Opening Sale. Children s Hose all sizes. Ladies Hose, gray and black. Ladies’ and Children’s Underwear, 20% Reduction Fall Opening Sale Petticoats Just a hurry up call in the Petticoat deparment, THAT’S ALL. Don't forget to ask the lady to show you the petticoat assortment. * Ladies' full sized Petticoats QA_ A A at 89c to.OVC tO *p«J#UU Ladies’Silk Petticoats, QQ i.. A A A black and colors. ^ Extra special for this sale, $5 black Silk d*0 Oft Petticoat.tpOaarO $1.15 blk Storn JQr Serge, 54 in wide...* 7** $1.50 blue Storn QO _ Serge, 56 in wide... 7**^* $1.25 Broad Cloth OQ_ 54 in wide.Oarl/ $1.50 blk Broad QO — Cloth, 54 in wide.. . $1 00 blk French _ Batiste.* xC #1.00 blk Panama 79c $1.25 blue, blk, red OQ_ $1.25 Herring Bone _ $1.00 Novelty Suit ings.1 Yard wide Black OQ_ Taffeta.O^fC $1<>5 yd wide blk d* 1 ^0 Taffeta. Our Grocery Department will be in Gala Attire and all the best creations of food products will be on exhibition. None but the best can ever be found here and always at the lowest price. For opening- week we quote you : Fall Hats and Caps Will be arranged for your criticism and patronage. Some special prices for the Fall Opening Sale. Lot One—Caps worth up to 50c all styles and colors. Lot Two -Caps worth up to 7f>c in plain and fancy ACg% cloth. $1.50 Fur hats $1.35 $2 00 Felt hats d»| light or dark ... . J $2.50 Felt hats ^A light and dark ... $11 00 Stiff hats <£<5 4L ff black. $.'i 50 Brown tele»i/J Our Domestic Dept. has been renewed throughout and the Ginghams and Prints are showing touches of Fall styles, while the domestics show the newness by in creased qualities. New Side Bands, Prints, Percales and Flannelettes. Men’s Furnishings Mothers, sisters and sweethearts can buy these and show “him” how to save money. Opening prices : 50c Men’s fleeced shirts and drawers. 50c Men’s and Boys’ gloves 42c 75c gloves, fleeced lined .59c I $1.75 Kaitideer gloves $1.29 Canton flannel gloves and mittens for.Ol/ 75c Overalls and jumpers 65c I ...... $1.00 Good bulk coffee 1 I _ per lb.A AC Hand picked ff _ beans.3C Horse Shoe Tobacco, per lb.■ VC Snyder’s Pork and O _ Beans, can .Ov Heinze Pork and Beans O _ can.OC Gallon can of OO _ Syrup .«jOC Tooth picks, two boxes.jC Egg-O-See n per package.4 \j E C Cornflakes, H _ per package.• ^ Dr. Price’s Breakfast H food, pkg.4 \j Colluloid Starch . 7c 50c Sun Dried Japan OQ_ Tea, lb. 50c Basket Fired Jap OQ_ Tea, lb. <J7L 65c Gun Powder Tea 42c 35c Tea Dust 9c Lenox Soap, 8 bars _ for .6JC Diamond C soap, 8 25c Good Toilet soap, 7 _ bars. Butter Milk Soap, 3 | A_ bars.Ivv Majestic Series soap, f A _ 3 bars. IUC Purity Toilet soap, | A _ 3 bars .*VC .18c Grape Juice, OC-, quart. Household Ammonia 9c Packing House Bacon 14c Picnic Hams 1 1 _ at. llC .c Heavy LL ri/' muslin . 81c yood blea- Hl/yfs ched muslin * ^ 10c Hope muslin. 10c Hedley O^p heavy muslin ® ** 124c Outing flannel . 10c Outing IlHimel. 74c Outing flannel . New Side Hand calico. l5c Heavy Mottled Outing for .Wc .75c to $3 "r,Ul‘ukeu.$3.48 to $7.50 2000 yards short lengths lawn, panama and sheetings, per yard. All wide sheetings at a reduction. 50c Work jf f — Shirts. Men's How | A _ Ties.1UC ior0Ti'!.25c £T“.T!e... 15c ST'“.42c ?J/lov“.79c S. A. LITTLE, Mgr. MATTHEW S “The Price Killer”!