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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1908)
Henry G. Smith LANDS & LOANS l y 240 acres well improved, li miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring. Best of terms Will take 40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest. 200 acres \ '£ miles from depot, Richardson county. Nebraska. Good buildings and land Will | take 40 or 80 acres as part payment. 160 acres upland, 1 mile from depot. Richardson county. Nebraska. 512,000. 160 acres Johnson county, Nebraska. 80 roils to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent. 107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska. 80 acres ji-mile from Falls City high school. 640 acres, $8,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take 160 acres as part payment, i Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity. Monev to loan. v_ _:_ ^ The County in General The “Doings” of our Country Friends and Neighbors. STELLA. J. I). Curtis and wife returned home Monday. Geo. Anker of Dakota is visiting his manys here. John Mann hu* moved his family to BrownviUe \V. E. Griffith was a Falls City vis itor Tuesday. A1 Ulmer is working on the dray linn this week. Wm Thompson of Falls City was here this week. N. H. Lowe is suffering from blood poison in his hand. A, L. Wiles of Shuberl was here on business lust week. K. A. Clark Is having a new furnace installed in his new house, Alice McCray was home the latter part of the week from Dakota. Iluby Steuffer of Salem is teaching the North Star school this term. Wm.Schmel/.el of Falls City brought an unto party to this place Wednesday. John Ahern arrived from Dakota, where was looking after business mat ters. Maud Montgomery is teaching school in Verdon for Miss Chism, who is quite sick| A number of Germans from here went to Falls City Tuesday to attend the picnic L. T. Swan returns the first of the week from a ui-it with his daughter at Tarkio, Mo. John 1’nland. a farmer living near Howe, says his corn will make 40 to 50 bushel to the acre. Mrs. J. R. Hroeknun of west of town spent last week ir. Palis City the guest of Mrs. J. R. Wilhite. A son was born to Chester Allen and wife Thursday morning. ThlsisChas. Mason and wife’s first grand child Thos. Riggins brought 1(1 head of steers through from Creek, Friday for his father-in-law, John Jenkins. F. M Weller has returned from West Point where he has been helping his brother in the lumber business. Chas. Mason was taken to Green Gable hospital at Lincoln, Friday. He has been failing in health for some time. The F.vangelical Lutheran synod of Nebraska met at Hardy, Neb., Sept. !) to l.'l. Our loeal member was in at tendance. Mrs. Harris and daughter Olive left Sunday for a tour of the north. They will visit Guv Harris in Canada before his return. Lucile Harris, F. M. Weller, II. M. Hayes. Joe Norris and W. P. Plasters left this week for Lincoln where they will attend school. Thomas Coats of Ohio arrived the middle of the week to visit relatives and help take eare of his brother-in law, Chas. Mason. Theo. Schuty and W. H. Wolfe of this place drove to their old home, in Brownville. Sunday. The latter had not been there for twenty years. Geo. K&llemeyne, while swinging in Joe Bateman’s swing Thursday even ing, fell out striking his face on the ground cutting several deep gashes on the face. School began the first of the week i with a good attendance. Friday after- ! noon the Literary society was organ ized and Ernest Morgan was elected president. We wonder how many saw the sun spots this week on the sun. Friday evening as the sun was going down there were two large black spots on the sun which looked to be as large as a dollar compared with the sun as it appears in the sky. They could be plainly seen witli the naked eye. This supposed to be the direct cause of this hot weather. As Millard Goodloe was coming to town Monday evening he met a scared horse and a runaway followed. Just as he was turning he met a horse which was driven by Mr. Straun. The horse was not forty feet from the ma chine at the time of the accident. The horse whirled around and upset the buggy, throwing the driver to the ground. The buggy was badly dam aged and the driver somewhat bruised. Quick Relief for Asthma Sufferers Foley's Honey and Tar affords imme diate relief to asthma sufferers in the worst stages and if taken in time will effect a cure. Kerr’s pharmacy. SHUBERT Henry Leslie was a Kansas City vis itor last week. Vera Bergsma will attend school in Peru this year. C. G. Tompkins of Kearney is here visiting relatives. doe Splckler was a Falls City visitor the first of the week. J. dames of Kearney is visiting W. W. James and family. Mr. Martin of Barada made this place a visit Saturday. Lee Pond and wife moved into the Hardy Hays property. M. T. Hill was a business visitor the greater part of the week. Chus. Schulenberg and wife were visitors here Saturday evening. Mrs. Chas. Bacon of Beatrice is here looking after property inti rests. F.d Kamsey and family of Spaulding, Nebr., is visiting old friends here. David Hansom of Kails City was in our city the greater part of the week. Mrs. J. C. Schulenberg spent Wed nesday with her daughter near town. Chas. Raper and family spent last week at Adams the guest of the Jewel family. . Nat Titus and wife of Nemaha spent Sunday the guest of H. E. Williams and wife. Rev. Sapp and wife of Nemaha were the guests of friends here several days j last week. , Levi Bright and wife are now enter taining their daughter, Mrs. Charles : King of Pawnee county. Mrs. P. M. Oathout returned home i this week from Minnesota. She re her daughter doing nicely. Peter Frederick and family of Falls City came out Sunday in their touring : car to spend the day with J. C. Sehul j enberg and wife. Blanche Williams and E. H. King were quietly married at the home of the bride’s parents, II. E. Williams and wife last Tuesday at lu.lto a. m. after which an elegant dinner was | served. They left at once for Los I Angeles where they will make their future home. Their many friends here j wish them happiness and prosperity, A clever, popular Caudy Cold Cure Tablet—ea led Preventlcs is being dispensed by druggists everywhere. In a few hours Preventlcs are said to break any cold completely. And Pre ventics being so safe and toothsome, are very line for children. No quinine no laxative, nothing harsh nor sick ening. Box of 48—25c Sold by all dealers. VERDON. Rev. Deck was in Omaha Monday. Amret Hart wus a Shubert visitor Friday. Verna Wilkinson went to Shubert Tuesday. Harry Baldwin was a Nemaha visit or Monday. Dan Ramsey and wife were in Falls City Tuesday. Marie Fastaneuu returned to Neb raska City, Monday. W. F. i^owery of Stella was a busi ness visitor here Monday. Win. Masengale and Johu Pebble spent Tuesday in Falls City. Mrs. Gus Heinzelman returned Sat urday from her \ isit at Ho we. John Haseuyager and family and A1 Randolph and wife drove to Falls City Tuesday. Mrs. Pearl Riley and daughter of Nebraska City spent Saturday with friends here. Mrs. Clyde Hart and daughter of Grand Island are visiting her sister in-law, Miss Hart. While mowing the yard Wednesday John Hatterson had the misfortune to fall and break bis leg. Mrs. R. N. Cox of Elk Creek is here helping care for her mot her, Mrs. Hoops, who is very sick. Millions of bottles of Foley’s Honey and Tar have been sold without any person ever having experienced any | other than beneficial results from its ( use for coughs, colds and lung trouble. , This is because the genuine Foley’s Honey and Tar in the yellow package contains no opiates or other harmful drugs. Guard your health by refusing any but the genuine. Kerr’s pharmacy. BARADA Miss Hattie Lilly spent Sunday at home near Verdon. H. H. Woodring and son wt^re in Falls City Monday J. S. Spiekler and wife and Otis, were in Fulls City Monday. Preaching services at Big Bethel neqt Sunday morning. K. H. and Hazel Dunn were county seat visitors on Monday. Mrs. Wanda Sienaering of St. Joe, is ulsitlng relatives at this place. L E. Falmrr spent last week in Illi nois and Missouri with relatives. T. J. Oliver visited rural schools in this vicinity the first part of the week. Thomas Smith of Auburn, .was shak ing hands with old friends here last week. Joseph Spiekler of Shubert, visited his brother, J. S. Spiekler, on Wed nesday. Joseph Surtuan and family spent Snn day with J. C. .McClain and family near Shubert. Mrs. Theodore Harris of Rosalie, Is visiting her brother Samuel and other relatives here. Miss Emma Heilman of Abilene,Kan. is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Louisa Heilman. Rev. J. W. Martin who is visiting here, conducted services at Big Bethel Sunday morning. Frank Zimmerman of Albian, Neb., is visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Shortledge. Waiter Peters aod family from Walt Hill, Neb., are visiting Mr. Peters brother Jacob and wife. Mrs. Joe Liehty of Spokane, Wash., yisited a couple of days last week with her niece, Mrs. J. S. Spickler. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gerdes were up from Falls City several days last week, visiting at the home of their son Con rad. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Martin entertain ed at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. R. H, Du nr.. Otis Spickler, Alban Kelley and ladies, attended a psrty at Ivan KellarV near Falls City, Tuesday evening They report, a line time. Elbert Delong and wife left Wednes day for Svmmerfield. Kas , to visit the formers sister, Mrs. Sherman Alexan der, who is not expected to live. Wes Spickler went to Omaha Satur day acdompanied by Dr, J. F. Strong and John Sailors, both of whom purch ased through Spickler Bros., tine new autos. LevF Bowman came in Thursday from his eastern trip. He was accom panied home by his son, Delbert Bow man and wife of Lincoln, who will spend a short time here visiting rela ti vi*. A young peoples society Christian Endeavor was organized Sunday even ing under the auspices of the Evangel ical church. Twenty charter members were enrolled, \V. F'. Butler was elect ed president and Ralph Butler secre tary. Tickling or dry cough will quickly loosen when using Dr. Shoop’s cough remedy. And it is so thoroughly harmless that Dr. Shoop tells mothers to use nothing else,even lor very young babies. The wholesome green leaves and tender stems of a lung healing shrub gives the curative properties to Dr. Shoop’s Cough remedy. It calms tne cough and heals the sensitive bron chial membranes. No opium, no chlo roform, nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. Demand Dr. Shoop’s and accept no other. Sold by all dealers. OHIO. Maud Yocam spent last week with her sistes. Mrs. Joe Llchty of Spokane. Wash., is visiting relatives here. A baby boy war- born to Milt Strauss and wife on September 10. Alice Yoder and Lucy Smith spent Sunday with Mrs. N. Reck. Mrs. Milt Strauss is enjoying a visit from her parents of Thayer Co. Sam Kimniel and wife spent Thurs day with ldd Kim reel and family. Rebecca Cully is spending a few das in Kansas City with her nieeo. H. J. Prichard and wife attended the fair at Hiawatha one day last week. Mona Wilcox and Ida Baur spent Tuesday evening with Barada friends. Herman Beachy and wife were guests of Wes Nedrow Sunday even ing. A party was given at Mrs. N. Pecks Saturday evening in honor of John and Wra. Hutchison. About bo were present anil a good time reported and nice refreshments were served. About sixty gathered at the home of Ivan Kellar Tuesday evening of last week and gave him a complete sur prise. Refreshment? were served. l’erry Shall'erand Chester Stump returned home la-t week after about ten days stay at the camp meetings at Hastings. Jim Gilmore and son and Willis, Lottie ana Vera Yoder spent Sunday in Falls City with Dallas Yoder and wife. Chas. Zentner and family, Frank Cook and family and Guy Prine and family went to the hills Sunday after nuts. Frank Liehty and family and Cleon Peek and wife visited with Lloyd Peek and wife Sunday near Reserve. Mrs. John Liehty and Mrs. Samuel Kimtnel spent one day last week with Mrs. Chester Stump. John Yocam wife and daughter Myrtle spent a portion of last week with Mrs. N. Peck. Geo. Prichard anil family and Mr?. O. A. Guinn visited with Herman Beachy and wife Mrs. James Stewart of Marysville, Mo., visited with relatives a few days last week. Maude McCann is home again after a few weeks visit at Palmyra with relatives. Mrs. G. Stums and Mrs. G. Liehty spent one day last week at Chester Stumps. Joe Cully and wife and Mr. Melvin visited with O. B. Prichard and wife Sunday. FRANKLIN P. M. Gergeus is remodeling his house. Will Thomas was a Falls City visitor Saturday. C. Nl. Snoke is building an addition to his house. .Toe Buetler is nursing a severely injured hand. Gridle.v and Phillips marketed some linn hogs Monday. C. C. Pollard went to Pawnee coun ty after peaches Wednesday. Some of the corn in this vicinity will make 50 or 00 bushels per acre and some fields will not make any. Julius WTanrow, Mike Lutz, Robert Buetler. August Dahlka and »ou, were visitors at the home of J. W. Dodds, Sunday. Hack Standeford was in South Da kota the fore part of the week. While there he rented a farm and will move in the spring. School opened in district 10 Monday, with prospects of a good school year. Miss Ina Neher, who graduated from the Humboldt high school last spring, is the teacher. Real Estate Transfers Lewis Plege and wife to Levi Zub rick wd Its 19-20.21-22-23-54 blk 6 in Crook & Towles add to Falls City . :.\.$*oo Wm. H. Strunk and wife to Joshua F. White wd to Its 11 and 12 also Its 1 and 2 all in blk 2g Dawson also four acres in sec 15-2- 14.$6500 .Martin Kanaly and wife to Henry Sandrock wd to part of It 15 and all of lot 16 blk 36 Falls City.$1650 S. P. Gist and Margaret Gist to J. L. Margrave wd to part of It 9 blk 120 Salem .$1200 Geo. Watking and wife to W. C. Rloan It 1 blk 9 Verdon.$75 W. S. Past and wife to John F. ScMnute wd to four acres in sec 10-1-16 .$400 Fredrick Haeflale and wife to Gustav Zimmerman vd to 40 acres in section 28-2-17.$4000 E. A. Litchfield and wife to Charles Strunk wd to its 4 blk 33 Humboldt 1 .$1800 Emma A. Fast and W. S. Fast to Dora Maddox Beacliy wd to It 6 and part of Its 5 and 7 V>lk 7 Falls City .•.. .$4000 W. Bennett Maze and wife to P. J. Sloan wd to n half of It 4 and all of It 5 blk 24 Dawson.$3500 Joseph Johnson and wife to M. E. Gandy wd to 15 acres in section S-3-17 ..$20 -- Senator E. J. Burkett Will Speak The following dates have been fixed for speeches by Senator E J. Burkett in Richardson county. Humboldt, Sept. 24 at 2 o'clock p. m. Salem, Sept, 24 at 5 p. m. and Falls City at S p. m. Tell your friends of these dates. PRETTY SOUVENIR OF YOUTH Sight of Purple Iris Brought Back Happy Days of Childhood to New York Woman. “if yon want to feel like a child again,” said the west side woman, "go up to the corner of Amsterdam avenue and One Hundred and Fourth street, where the institution stands that is familiarly known as the Old Ladies' Home, and look at the purple iris growing in the gar den of the home. ‘Blue flags' we called them when I was a child—the royal fleur de 1 is of France. There is a thick border of them around the beds of shrubbery, and it looks strange to see them growing vigor ously in dry ground, for they belong in the rushes along the banks of sedgv creeks—I can hear the tink ling waters yet and feel my feet cool with splashing barefooted in the brooks. In France and Italy these flowers have the delicious lily fra grance, but in America they give out almost no odor—only a fresh, wet smell, when you burv your face in them. They are inexpensive flowers, yet more beautiful than any orchid. 1 wonder the florists do not use them more.”—Xew York Press. HAVE OVERSUPPLY OF WINE. From Geneva it is reported that wine is so plentiful on the shores of Lake Maggiore from the village of Brione to Orselina that it is given f reely to tramps who ask for a drink. The poorest people leave a howl of wine on the window sill for all com ers. It is frequently refilled and even the birds drink from it. The farmers, in order to make room for the coming vintage, are getting rid of their ordinary wine at nominal prices. Parents give the wine to their children, and teachers complain that many of their pupils arrive at school in an inebriated con dition. It is rare to see a child in the district without a little gourd of wine slung across the shoulder. Public Sale Robert Paul is advertising a public snle at his farm two miles north and one-half mile east of Rulo, on Tuesday. Sept. 29. Mr. Paul will move to Texas and offers all his stock, farm machinery, etc. for sale. This will be a good op portunity for those desiring any thing in this line. Remember the date, Tuesday. Septepber 29, Estray Notice Taken up on mjr farm 6,‘c miles southwest of Falls City a Poland China boar, 4 white feet with tusch on one side, weighing about 350 pounds. E. J. Sattekwhitk Marriage Licenses Samuel Groshang. Humboldt.26 Bertha Pierce. Humboldt.18 Cbas. Reed Falls City.23 Reola Frenchy, Falls City.18 Greece Hum. Rapid City, S. D.22 Archie Webster. Humboldt .21 Ed H. King, Los Angeles.41 Blanche Williams, Shubert.23 Thus. J. Puttman, White Cloud. ...39 Cora F. Gnilliams. White Cloud. ..30 Ray Conner, Auburn.18 Oatus Odell, Auburn.18 Omer W. Wheeler, Pawnee City....23 Mattie Mathilda Snugger, Pawnee..30 Long Have Been Right-Handed. According to authorities from 86 to 95 per cent, of the men in civilized lands are right-handed and have de veloped the low right shoulder. This, however, is no new phenomenon, for even the ancient Greek sculptors had noticed it and posed their subjects so as to make them appear more symmet rical. It’s a pity when sick ones drug the stomach or stimulate the Heart, and kidneys. That is all wrong. A weak Stomach means weak stomach nerves, always and this is also true of the heart and kidneys. The weak nerves are in stead crying out for help. Thi9 ex plains why Dr. Shoop’s Restorative iB promptly helping stomach, heart and kidney ailments. The Restorative reaches out for the actual cause of these ailments—the failing ‘inside nerves.’ Anyway test the Restorative 48 hours. It wont cure as soon as that but you will surely know that help i9 coming. Sold by all dealers. ON THE DIAMOND Continued from First pa are. eel to get down to business, and in the eighth inning Foehiinger stepped to bat with a determined air and landed a neat single, steal ing second. Then Kelsey walked and Ed. Poteet made first on a passed ball and Foehiinger got to third. With the bases full and not a man out, Tom Poteet struck an attitude at bat that meant something and when lie landed on the ball for a home run the crowd went wild. Rut this was not all, for two more of our boys crossed home plate and the score was now 7 to <>. In tne next inning there was some hard playing but to no avail and our boys went down in defeat and the agony was over. But it was different in Wednes day's game, anerwas so onesided that very little interest was man ifested. Each side scored in the first, the visitors again in the second, while our boys made the circuit nine times. Score ') to 2. The visitors played poor ball compared with the game of the previous day, but we suppose too much German day was the cause of it all. Wm. Henniger, who has been employed as a section hand on the Missouri Pacific, was sudden ly attacked with appendicitis on Wednesday, and the railway com oany immediately removed him to St. Louis where he will be cared for in their hospital. Wednesday of next week our people will have a chance to see real league ball playing. The Omaha league team will be here for one game on Wednesday af ternoon. J. L. Slocum, wife and daugh ter, Miss Carrie, and Miss Sarah Hutchins left yesterday for an extended eastern trip. Mrs. John Startzel Mid little son, returned from a visit with relatives at Blue Springs. Ur. Miner and wife leave today for a short stay at Washington, U. C. John, Joseph and Chas. Port rey left yesterday for Oklahoma City. Mrs. McMillan returned home from a stay at the Sun Springs. Nervous Break-Down Nerve energy is the force that controls the or gans of respiration, cir culation, digestion and elimination. When you feel weak, nervous, irri table, sick, it is often be cause you lack nerve energy, and the process of rebuilding and sustain ing life is interfered with. Dr. Miles’ Nervine has cured thousands of such cases, and will we believe benefit if not entirely cure you. Try it. “My nervous system gave away completely, and left me on the verge of the grave. 1 tried skilled physi cians but got no permanent relief. I got so bad I had to give up my business. I began taking Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. In a few days I was much better, and I continued to improve until entirely cured. I am In business again and never miss an opportunity to recommend this remedy.” MRS. V/. 1.. BURKI3, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. Your druggist sells Dr. Miles’ New Ine. and we authorize him to return price of first bottle (only) if it falls to banefit you. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad