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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1908)
I ...SEASONABLE GOODS... j _ ^ Here are a few things in our line that we feel sure z would interest you at this season of the vear. z £ 1} The MOTOR WASHER a Mond; iv morn- - insjf necessity that you cannot afford - to be without. - Then we have the JEWEL GAS- ~ OL1NE STOVE, the ALASKA = REFRIGATOR, the house wife’s - friends this hot weather. - ! Lowe Bros’., PAINT l "will interest you, both in quality and ^ price. ~ I CALI. AND LOOK THROl'GH OCR LINK 3 I j. C. TANNER E Ours Are "Dependable" Goods FALLS CITY, NETB. .. 'Japanese Ghina: [» L A special purchase of this case enables us « r to sell it at, your choice for 41 t SOc and ISc I F 41 Nicely decorated, good ware. It will be « F displayed in the south window at * £CHAS. M. WILSONS’ The Falls City Roller Mills Does a general milling business, and manufactures the following brands of flour SUNFLOWER MAGNOLIA CROWN The above brands are guaranteed to be of the highest pos sible quality. We also manufacture all mill products ar.d conduct a general Grain, Live Stock and Coa! Business and solicit a share of your patronage F. S. Heacock & Son Falls City, Nebr. ¥ ' PRESTON GRAIN and LUMBER CO. When you have Grain or Hogs to market do not forget that we pay tlie top price and give you honest weights. ALWAYS GET OUR PRICE HS When you need anything in ® Lumber or Builders' Materia! call on us—we can furnish you anything in this line as cheap as the same grade can be had elsewhere. ALWAYS TRADE AT HOME AND SAVE MONEY PRESTON GRAIN AND LUMBER CO. £ The Fruit ofthe Savings Tree * U .44 LONG ago a man planted the seed for M f this tree. He saved a dollar and de- M f posited it with us—now the tree has at- M f tained great proportions. By careful tend- M f ing and strict attention to his savings, the M man has a tree bearing the fruit which will keep r him comfortable. You-plant the seed for a tree like this—de- * posit your dollar now—from small acorns grow * great oaks. « l The Farmers’ State 5ank * j* PRESTON, NEBRASKA L E ED S LIQUOR EMPORIUM All Popular Brands of Wet Goods with an experienced mixer at your service. Foreign and Domestic Cigars. L. E. LEED, Proprietor FALLS CITY o-D»i«£=-® NEBRASKA The County in General Crowihnl oft tlio regular t'orrpsiHmdence Page. . RULO Frank Hicks baby is very sink. Si Hunker was over from Fortcsoue. Dr. Plumb of Yoik U visiting here. Kiiith Kern went to Humboldt Mon ti u> . J, A. Hinkle spent lust week in Lincoln. Mrs .1. C. Huber visited in Atchison last week. Tom Plumb of Fall* City was bere last week. Herman Kloepfel was in Falls City ■Saturday. Carl Frederick returned from Falls City Sunday. Lilith Hinkle is attending school at Fayette, Mo. Leonard Simon was down from Pres ton last week. Mrs. H. Smith was a Fulls City vis itor Saturday. Karl Shepherd -| i lit hist week with St. Joe friends. 13. Coppoek of Hiawatha was a Llulo visitor last week. Henry Smith moved his family to Falls City Monday. Sim Burk was a business visitor to St. Joseph last week. Ed Scott of McCook is visiting rela tives here last week. Mrs. Helpier is visiting relatives at Tecumseh this week. Pete Liberty of Kankakee, lit., is visiting friends here Alma Rorste of Fort Hazel is attenil lnv high school here. Win. Johnson ami wife were Falls City visitors last week. Ira Hay of Humboldt is visiting her parents here this week. Ben and Jesse Sciglor came down from Chester Saturday E. C. Walbridge of Falls City was a business visitor Monday. Mrs. A.C. Graves returned the first of the week from Denver. John Martinoskv was a business visitor in Rulo last week. Chas. Scott has sold nis farm and wil move to the country. Catherine Gold'zen of Blocton, Iowa is visiting her brother here. Leslie inks of Salem is visiting her sister. Mrs. Emma Wallace. Mrs. W. M. Vastine returned the lustof the week from Lincoln. Henry Hriuegar, our mail caaru r is enjoying a fifteen day - vacation. Maggie Pierce returned from a few days visit at Iowa Point recently. Mark Durfee and family of Preston visited relatives in ltulo last week. Mrs. ('has. Schaffer and daughter were Falls City visitors last week. Mrs. Hattie Wetzel visited with her brothers family at Somerville. Kas. Mrs (trace Asbury shipped her bouse hold goods to St. Joe last week. Garnett Vanvalkinburg and wife of White Cloud visited in ltulo Monday. Mrs. Caverzagie is visiting her 1 brother at Rock Port, Mo., this wi >-k. Prof Marrow of Lincoln visited a few days with R do friends this week. W. H. Smith and faaiitv returned from a visit with relatives at ijuinev, 111. Mrs. Emma Kern went to Falls City Monday to see the parade on German d ay. Mrs. Geo. Ocamb and son Herald returned from a visit with Falls City friends. Frank Thorn and wife of White Cloud was the guest of J. A. Osbnrn and wife. Mrs. Chas. Best of Blue Springs is ill with typhoid fever at the home of her parents, E. F. Martin and wife. Her husband came to help take care of her. A neat house boat has beeu anchored just north of the bridge for tb.e past week. One of the occupants has been telling the past and future, and while she sometimes makes a mistake, she has told a great many' things that have caused peeple to wonder. A hack load of young people went from here to the Big lake Sunday. They were A. C. Graves and wile, Grace Cronin, Essie Marsh, Cecelia Emig. Lena Caverzagle and Caroline Goldizen, John MeClelan, Earnest Shepherd, Fred Taylor and Vaugn McVey. On Friday night, at the regular meeting of the jfcgree of Honor, tho members gave a surprise in the form of a miscellaneous shower to Edith Kern, whose marriage to Harry Brad ford is announced for September 211. Edith soon recovered aDd thanked the members for their thoughtfulness for her future happiness and said the latch stripg to her future home would always hang on the out side for the members of the D. of H. A nice lunch was served. At a late hour Wm. Carico and wife of Falls City arrived. They did not receive their invitation until late that evening fll AWPQ IF MADE RIGHT ULAJjCj Preserve SIGHT Our Glasses .Are Made Right GEO. W. RENEKER. O.D..M D. HUMBOLDT George McConel was u Lincoln visit or over Sunday. Howard Norton was down from Lin - coln over Sunday. Rose Gingrich has returned from an extended visit ir. Illinois Sarah Edie is now employed in At rierson A Hummel’s ottiue. Lee tie Boss has accepted a clerical position in Carsb's notion store A little daughter was horn to Rev. W. H. Hamilton and wife Monday. Rev. H. \ . t’rice is reported recov ering from a recent serious illne--. Ed. I’hrl and family returned Erl day from a months outing in Colorado. The ladies kensington in >t with Mrs. C K. C.ijper on Wednesday afternoon. A seven pound hoy wa- born to R. E. Wat/ekeand wife on Tuesday morn ing. Madge Ford i* serving a- apprentice in the west side millinery establish ment. Carl Mann returned Monday from a businist trip to tiie western part of the state The laying of th e foundation of the new Mejhodist church, commenced this week. Mrs. A. E. Wolf aud little son were up from Falls Cltv this week visiting her parents. Mrs. \V. G. Soncs and daughter Grace, departed Thursday for an extended visit in Illinois. Rev. C. M. C'antrall attended the an nual fall meeting of Presbytery in Fair bury this week. Mrs. Hva Hall and son Virgil, moved Monday to the property they purchased of Owen Downing, Mrs, Anton Novak urrieved in the city Monday from Chicago, for a visit with numerous friends. Robt. Marimt was taken to St. Jos eph this week, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. II. A. Mann has commenced the erec tion of a seven room cottage on his lots in the south part of town. Eva Cooper has returned from an ex tended visit with friends in vurions points in the state and Iowa. Rev. H. A. Hohenwald and family' left the last of the week for their fu ture home in Clatonia, Neb. Joy Mann and family were over from DuBois Sunday visiting the former's parents, L <". Mann and wife. The Christ'an Endeavor of the Pres byterian church were entertained at the parsonage on Friday evening. Dorothy Moser, who had been the guc’t of Humboldt friends, left Satur day for her home at Long Beach, Cal. Hugh Lockard returned to Clarks, Ntb. Thursday night, having been summoned here by- the death of his father. Rimer Qmith who recently arrived in this city from Armisteai, N. M , nas accepted a position in the Scott hard ware. Mr?. I'. Wittwer returned Satur day evening from a week’s vlsft with her husAnd. who holds a position in one of the St. Louis hospitals. Geneva Lickard.who had been called here to attend the funeral of her father E. D. Lockard. returned to Lincoln Monday to resume her musical studies. Samuel Groshong and Bertha Peirce were married on Wednesday of this week, the ceremony taking place at the home of the bride’s mother Mrs. Mary Peirce. Ed. Wanrow. son of August Wanrow and wife, of this city, and Nellie De Witt from near DuBois, were recently united in marriage at St. Joseph, Mo. Tuev will reside in DuBots, where the groom is employed as a butcher. Chet Power who was recently seri ously in jured in the stock yards at Kan sas City, was brought to Humboldt this week and will be cared for at the home of his parents. Charles Power and wife east of town. His wife and little daugh ter Olive, accompanied him. For Sale Pedigreed Poland-China males and females, price Si 5 cash. These pigs are long bodied, the big and heavy boned kind. They are all the same size but thin in flesh, living principally on alfalfa Just right for the buyer. I will also sell Nero, 42766. the herd boar. Price S200. Nero has a short, wide head, fancy ears, short neck, high chest, full around heart, well sprung rib, wide back just arched enough, wide hams coming down where you want ham to be. In short one of the most perfect boars in America. Silverlaced Wyandottes- Cock rels bred for uniformity and fancy points. Price Si each, W. L. Kahi.k. Pleasant Hill farm, half mile west of Christian Church. Falls [City, Neb. 2t WANTED! HORSES MARES and MULES Fat and broke to work from j to 8 years old. Bring in your stock and get the highest market price, at Mettz" Sale Pqviiion, in Foils City, Sat., Sept. 19 J. W. OWENS Most Extensive Dealer in United States. Wheat Harvest Over! Before von plant another crop on the high-priced lands of the old States, pay a visit to Texas and the Southwest Examine the cheap lands, and many opportunities are there for the farmer. Excursions Twice Monthly On the first and third Tuesdays, a special low round trip rate is offered ■ -OVER THE MISSOURI PACIFIC IRON MOUNTAIN touching every part of this Resourceful and Healthful Region Liberal stop-overs are allowed, and limit for return is extended from 2 1 to 25 days. You can stop over in either direction, make side trips to any point and return from any station short of final destinatian, if the complete journey allowed by the ticket is not desired. Such liberal privileges give the homeseeker an excellent opportunity to see and appreciate the country. ^SB|F Round Trip Rates Very low Ask for full information re garding homeseekers’ rates, and secure some of the inter esting literature about the various states in the South west. B H‘ PA™S &P;f mo. J- B. VARNER, Local A?ent The Kansas City Star’s Campaign Offer From Date to 30th November, 1908—$1.00 We will, upon receipt of One Dollar, mail The Kansas Citv Star, Morning, livening and Sunday, from date received to 30th November, iyo8. ACCEPT THIS REMARKABLE OFFER TO DAY The Star reported the Republican and the Demo cratic Conventions on a scale never before equaled by any paper. It you want facts about all parties accept this offer and read The Star as it is independent in politics and fearless in expression. Send along vour dollar to-day, together with your name and address written plainly. ADDRESS Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Mo.