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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1906)
THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 16 , 1906. The Lady Sheriff's Captive , nv w.v. . HINKS. Down the one street of San Carlos came a scurry of hot alkali dust , then the sound of two revolver shots , and a couple of cowboys from the Triple X ranch went tearing by on little , undersized cayuses that could run , and were then running1 , like , as Monty Jacobs remarked , "a couple of scairt jnckrnbbils. ' "Ked" Cutcheon was in com pany with his bosom friend and boon companion , "Slim .lim" Morlcy. With the annual round up on the Triple X over , and with three month's pay in their pockets , the two were drinking in large drafts ? from UlV cup of pleasure afforded tiiem by the pleasing1 practice of "shooting up" San Carlos. They were , or rather had been , drinking other things many other things , but principally "mescal" whisky , which makes the brain feel like the interior of an active vol cano , Ueitig "shot up" was an old story to San Carlos and its citi zens. It was just one of those little occurrences which are none the less inevitable because slightly unpleasant. About once a month a delegation of two or more cowboys from the Triple X performed the opera tion , which consisted in getting Very drunk and then riding up and down through San Carlos' main , and only , street , yelling ; it the top of their voices and firing their pistols. But the "mescal" must have been worse than usual on this day , or else Ked and Slim Jim had absorbed largely of it. Their spirts were too high to be satisfied with the harmless amusement of yelling and dis charging revolvers into the air. They were "hunting trouble. " " \Vhoop-ee ! " they yelled , as they drew rein in front of Jacob's store. "Come out , you old .lew. "We want licker. " Monty came. tie was no coward , and besides he knew that the only danger lay in the fact that he might accidentally stop a bullet meant for another destination. 'You arter behave yourselves better , boys , " said Monty , as served the drinks they demand ed , "we've got a new sheriff ol Hanger county since you were here last. " ' "To Halifax with the sheriff- of Hanger county ! " said Red , "What's become of old Mike Callaghan ? " ' Mike died two months ago , " said Monty"and the boy. thought his widow needed UK fees of the oflice , so what die they up and do but elect his daughter to the oflice. SOUK people said twarn't legal t < elect a woman sheriff , but tin boys said they didn't care twc whoops in a hot climate wheth er 'twas legal or not. So yoi fellers had orter quit sich fol ishncss as shooting up tlii town. " "Whoop-ee ! " said Slim .lin Morley. "Hurrah for the ne\ sheriff ! Is she pretty ? " "Well , of course , there's dil Icrence of taste about beauty , said Monty cautiously. "Bu most of the boys swear as hoi she is the prettiest girl i Hanger cyunty. " "Here's young , you old .lew , said H e d enthusiastically "We're going 'round to call o the new sheriff. Where is she At the court house ? " Monty had no hesitancy i answering in the attirmativi for he knew the boys won ! never think of harming a w man. Yelling like wild Indians , an punctuating the yells with r volver shots , the mescal-crazt cowboys started at a gallop fi the little red court house. In front they drew rein wi a final yell and a volley fro i their six-shooters. Not a man was in sight. T whole town looked as thouj every one was indoors and asleep. "Wlioop-ce ! " Bang ! Bang ! ; "We want to see the new sheriff. Come out and arrest us sheriff ! Whoop-ce ! " The door in the front of the court house was quickly opened and a young- girl stepped out "Whoop ee ! " began Kcd and Slim Jim in unison. Bang ! went a pistol in the hands of the girl. Evidently the new sheriff took the duties of the oflice in dead earnest. In each hand she held a heavy Colt's revolver , and she began firing deliberately , first with one and then with another. A b 'lklt- ' struck nu ndobc house On the farther side of * the street , another kicked up the dust at the feel of Red's cayuse. A third slung the flank ol Slim Jim's cayuse , and he started off on a gallop. Not knowing the cause of his comrade's desertion , Red re viled him bitterlyi The sound of her own pistol shots was ringing too loudly in the sheriff's ears for her to hear this shout , but she recognized the fact th ; it neither one of the t\v6 men had fired at her and she began to wonder in she had not done wrong in sixing them up as desperadoes. Within the court house walls she had nerved herself up to the point of believing that ( he duties of her oflice required her to go out and subdue the outlaws with their own weapons. That they would refuse to meet her on equal terms , she never dreamed. It was galling to her pride. Both men evidently regarded the whole affair as a huge joke. Her pistols were empty and ac cording to Hoyle , she should have stepped inside the court house door to reload. Instead , she threw the two revolvers down on the floor at her feet and began crying bitterly. Red scratched his head thoughtfuly. Tears were some thing her could not understand. Dismounting , he threw the bridle rein over the pony's neck and walked over to the court house. The girl continued to cry. "Don't cry , ma'am"saidRed. 'There ain't no use for crying. It certainly was ornery for that pardner of mine to run away like he did , but you showed first-rate target practice for a lady. See here , ma'am ! You hit me once- " The girl looked up to see a big , lank cowboy extending ; i bloody hand , and shrank back , horror-struck. "Yes'm , " said Red cheerfully , not appreciating her attitude "went right through the hand. . You see them guns of your's an too heavy for a lady. You orter had taken a rest on some , thing. Shall 1 go back and lei you try it over ? I'll go fetcl Slim Jim , too , if you want him.1 "Oh , it's horrible ! " said tin girl , "all that blood ! Are yoi badly hurt ? " 11 There Avas anxiety in her torn v and Red hastened to assure he that a bullet through the ham meant nothing Women wer certainly peculiar. Five min utes before this girl had beei shooting at him with the bes intentions in the world to kil him and now she was alarme over the fact that his hand wa hurt. hurt.As As he reflected on these it consistencies. Hed came to th the conclusion that this daugl in ter of old Mike Callaghun's wzi e far and away the prettiest gii Id he had ever looked at. o- And between her sobs th girl had come to the conclusio id Hed Cutcheon was a particulai e- ly line-looking specimen of tl ed ; d genus cowboy. Then to thin or of his gallantry in standing u and letting her shoot at bin th for what he considered IK in amusement ! She had read < deeds like this in old volumnsi he knight errantry , but she ha never expected to meet it in real life. "I was going to put you under arrest , " she sobbed. " 1 was going to show people that a woman sheriff could do just as a man , and now oh ! oh ! oh1 ! "Don't cry , ma'am , " said Hed awkwardly. "I ain't got the least objection in the world to being arrested. If you'll give me a paper of some kind to old Grey Hopkins , the jailer , I'll go down right now and make him lock me up. I know he hates to have any prisoners in the jail but you bet I'll make him take me in , or get every window in his old shack shot Out.1 " 1 don't want to lock you up " "I'll have now , said the girl to resign as sheriff , for I am not capable of filling the oflice. " 'You ain't going to do no sich a thing , ma'am" said Ked cheer fully and enthusiastically. "I'm going right down now and make old man Hopkins lock me up without any papers. But first off , I am goinjf out and arrest Slim Jim Morley. ' ' Slim Jim meanwhile , had sue- ' ceeded in stopping his cayuse when only a mile or so out of the village , and was already on his way back. He was at first somewhat averse to being ar rested , but Red had the drop on him , and when the situation was explained to him , he fell enthusiasticalty in with Red's idea of forcing old man Hop kins to lock them up. Three months afterward it became necessary for the citi zens of Hanger county to elect a new sheriff. "I " said addressing move , Monty , dressing the mass-meeting of the Democratic party , "that , as the present occupant of the oflice will no longer consent to hold it , the nomination be offer ed to Red Cutcheon. I may say that , although I have not been directly taken into the confi dence of the parties , I have a straight hunch that the present occupant of the oflice will short ly become Mrs. Red Cutcheon. As for Mr. Cutcheon's fitness for the oflice , I can only call the attention of the citizens to the fact that he is probably the best shot in Hanger county. Eight times in the past five years he has passed my store on a galloping cayuse and , al though very drunk on each oc casion , he has never failed to break the two glass bottles in my window with two shots. "I therefore propose that a vote of thanks ior an unusually successful administration he tendered the outgoing tenant of the oflice , and that Mr. Cutch eon's nomination he made un animous by a rising vote. " Both motions were carried without a dissenting voice. Performed Operation. Meeker Cain ran a piece of a wire screening in her right hand the first of the week and it went in so deeply that an operation was found necessary to remove the wire. Dr. E. R. Hays per : formed a very successful opera e tion on the same. Miss Meeker will be able to remove the band ages in a week or ten days. If you like ColToo but dure not drink it , try IJr. Shoop's Healthy ColTec. Ii the Stomach , Elcurt anil Kidneys. IJul Dr. Snoop's Healh Colleo has not : grain of trua collet' in it. Uoin < * muki from parched grains , malt , etc. , 1 forms u wholesome , food-like drink yet having the true lluvor of Old Juvi and Mocha CofTecMade in 11 min ute. " Cull at our store for u fre < sample. Sold by Fred S. Schmitt. in Wanted His Receipt. r- They are telling this story 01 1C Toby Larson : One day his com positor came to him and sail there was a tramp at the dooi that says he has had nothing ti eat for six days. ' 'Fetch bin in , " says Tobias. "If we ca find out how he does it , we ca id run the Vidette another week. " Robinson Index. WAHL & PARCHEN Carry a Full Line of Mens , Boys , Ghildrens , Clothing , Overcoats , Hats and Caps , Gloves , Mittens , Shirts , Underwear and Hosiery. We al so carry a full line of Hens and Boys Shoes , Overshoes , Rubber Boots. In work clothing we stand at the head. Work Shirts , Overalls , Jumpers and Duck Coats , best values at the lowest price of any store in this locality. May we have the pleasure of a call. V I The Falls City Candy Kitchen CANDIES GALORE ! A Complete stock of Candy. The best of Chocolates Fresh Every Day. Allegrettis Creams and best hand-made Chocolates. Head q'u a rters for Good Candy. EVERYONE'S TALKING About our meat market nnd saying "what a nice plaee ( o buy one's meat. The popular price , high- quality business that is attracting the attention of every thrifty woman : n Falls City. She says to heisolf , "there must be some reason for this pop- ulnrsty. " There is , it's because OUR SERVICE IS THE BEST The meat we sell is the depen dable kind. If the few people in this town who have not gotten ac quainted with us would only come in , compare prices and note our up-to-date way of doing business wo would have the trade of the city at otir door. You're invited. Phone 74 Heiser & Mosiman. THE GEHLINC ! Hi Henrys Greatest Minstrels Friday , Nov. 16th 50 All White Artists 50 Direct from the Pacific Coast where they have met with the Greatest Success ever known in Minstrels. Thea ters packed , patrons delight ed , and press notices the fin est ever given. Finest First Part in Minstrelsy Entitled THE PALACE OF ALADDIN Special Scenery , Georgeous Costumes , Beautiful Singing , All kinds of Dancing , Musi- Soloist , Star Vaudeville , lat est Electrical Effects , Moving Clouds , Rippling Water , Ris ing Moon Prismatic Lights. Special Prices for this big Attraction , 35 , sO , 75c Parquet and two first rows Dress Circle - 75c Balance Dress Circle 50c Balcony - - BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds. 1) f * 5 ' 4 3 3 ( i 3i it c f ito i flixed Farming and Dairying eiO ! 2 s O CJ 09 ing = = Become Independent c c : Every mnn who wishes to better his condition in life , or who desires to start his sons on the road to success , and espec 9 ially every renter who wants to own land , should send a postal 9o todoy for a free copy of the folder , "A Good Dairy District. " o It tells about a new legion just coming into prominence as [ ij n successful dairying country. Land is very cheap , puie water and nutriciouB grasses are abundant , there is a market for all produ-lsal good prices , the climate is equable and healthful and the settlers already there ane desirable neighbors. C t : Cv Very cheap round trip tickets the first and thiad Tuesday v of each month affords for . a splendid opportunity investigation. 8 Don't forget to write me for the folder and also send im * the names of your eastern frimds who want to come ii iio iiu DO IT NOW o e BURLINGTON PASSENGER DEPT. c v ti 1004 FARNAM ST. . OMAHA tia & on oo > ) ou NOWISTHETIME TO BUY ! One of those Lumber Wagons. We have just received two carloads of wagons and we have bought them before the advance price on wagons. So if you want a wagon you will have to hurry for they are going fast , and when those are all gone you will have to pay from $3.00 to $5.00 more for a wagon. So buy now and save the advance price. We also carry the Largest and Best Line in Buggies and Surries , and ask you to inspect them. We also have Gasoline Engines in stock' , from a two horse Pumping Engine up to a Portable ten horse power , and we have the Best and Smoothest Running Engines on the market and can save you money if you buy from us. We also have Windmills , Pumps , Tanks , and everything in the Implement line. THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT I Werner , Mosiman & Co. Ii , i * -H H : "W x--x : ' * * * Lincoln Business College. A successful School that was founded twenty-two years ago. Experienced teachers , up-to-date equip ment. Hundreds of former students holding responsi ble positions. All the advantages of a Capital city , We teach GREGG and OHARTIER Shorthand. Send for Catalog B. LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE , Lincoln , Neb.