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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1906)
1 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 16 , 1906 5 The Fairy Land of Jewels The \\oncler working1 of Queen Mab herself with all her fairy subjects skill to aid her , could not equal the production of the Goldsmith's art as it is understood today. For delicacy of form and coloring1 , for grace of design , for multiplicity of shapes and uses , modern jewelry has reached the highest mark. Our connection with those producers of beau tiful jewelry is very close and we can offer their creations to our townspeople as soon as New York can see them. Just now we are showing- new ideas in Bracelets. Fall designs in plain and colored gold , with or without sets. Rings in all the latest designs and of all prices. None but solid gold in stock. Call and see our stock first-class in every detail. A. E. The "Old Reliable" . . Jaquet Jeweler LOCAL LORE Eat Sowles' candy. Corn buskers wanted at the ] < Cargrave Ranch. A. R. Bentley was a Sabetha W itor Monda } ' of this week. C. H. Dale of Omaha was in tfee city Frida3' on business. Apples arc still being shipped t > nt of Falls City mostly in bulk. Robert Kanaly was the guest ot Dawson friends last Sunday. Ed Nolte and wife spent the 7)-iSt Sunday with friends at Re serve. M. Taylor of Shtibert was a business visitor here the past Friday. F. W. Robb of Vcrdon spent Sunday the truest of friends in this citv- Mrs. Ida White left Saturday ior a visit , with friends at Topeka. R. B. Thomas was here from Verdon in a business way last Saturday. Ethel Parchen was the guest of friends at. Reserve , Kansas , the past Sunday. John Ross returned Sunday from a brief visit with his brother Will , at Forest City , Mo. L. Ililgenfield and daughter Ida left Friday for St. Joseph , Mo. , to visit with friends. Samuel Bucher went to Ver sion and Stella the past week to r.ttend to some building matters. Allen D. May and family of Salem were Sunday visitors with Will Uhlig and wife in this city. V " * Beulah Greenwald , who is ' ? % , * ' teaching school near Shubert , - ' spent Sunday at her home in this eity. Mrs. Ada Wells left Tuesday or Frankfort , Kansas , where she ? : will visit with her brother , Mark . . Wright. ff . Sheriff Fenton and family went " * t-o Dawson where - Sunday they spent the day with friends and relatives. Cards are out announcing the wedding of Miss Bessie Dayis and Mr. Will Schmelzel , which event will occur next Wednesday. Mrs. Sue E. DeWald and grandson , Master Otho Watson , went to Verdon Saturday morn ing and spent the day with her slaughter. Mrs. V. E. Emerson while enACT ACT return from Kansas City to ier home at Dawson spent a few } jours in this city Tuesday , the guest of Mrs. William Cade. The Vinegar factory is still building more tanks to hold their eider vinegar. They now have ten and will probably build two yiore this year. Each tank holds 20,000 gallons. M. D. Lum and wife came . * rlown from Verdon Saturday \fj evening. Mr. Lum returned the next day while Mrs. Lum re mained in the city fora visit with ier mother , Mrs. Sue E. DeWald. C. A. Stalder was over from Hiawatha the last of the week. George Hall has been passing the ten centers to his friends this week. Fred A. Richards of Hiawatha spent Saturday evening with friends in this city. C. A. Ncdrofr , of Verdon , was attending to business affairs here the past Saturday. Mrs. D. M. Dayies and sons , Paul and Lloyd , went to Stella last Saturday for a visit with rel atives. Sam Freeman , formerly ol this city , spent a few days the latter part of the past week with old Friends here. The skating rink opened at the Jenne opera house Saturday eve ning and enjoyed a liberal patron age from the young people. A new republican arrived at the home of Representative E. M. Pollard , in Nehawka. on Monday morning of this week. - Mrs. Jane Shoup , who has been visiting with relatives here for the past month , left the latter part of the week for Forest City , Mo. Mo.J. J. F. Shubert , of Shubert , our recently elected representative , was a pleasant caller at these quarters the past Tuesday after noon. R. S. Moloii } ' , who has been under the care of a physician for several days , suffering with an attack of la grippe , is now able to be out again. Preparations are now under way for the Farmers institute to be held later and it is proposed to make the one this year the most interesting ever held- Win. Palmer , who has been doing contracting work on eleva tors in the western part of the state , spent a few days with his family in this ity the first of the week. Dr. Fast and wife left Monday on their trip to the old country. They will visit Rome , Italy , Egypt and the Holy Lands amongst other European places of interest and fame. Charlie Rickards returned on Monday from a few week's visit his daughter at Kansas City. He is still very weak from his recent illness , but it is hoped that he will soon be well and strong again. The ladies of the Christian church will give a ten cent tea at the home of Mrs. Joseph Gulp , from 5 until S o'clock Thursday evening , November 22nd. An invitation is extended to the public. A. J. Weaver arrived in this city the first of the week from Battle Creek , Michigan , in which place he has spent several weeks with his wife , who is taking treatment at a sanitarium. He reports the condition of Mrs. Weaver's health as much im proved. John Schute bagged a nice bunch of mallard last week. C. F. Rcavis made a business trip to Kansas City this week. P. 13. Weaver left Thursday on a business trip to Kansas City. Gust II. Roth of this city is now a reader of this great week ly. George Cleveland was a busi ness visitor in Omaha Wednes day. Mrs. Ray Miller spent the past week with her parents at Hum- bold t. Grace Saylor spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Omaha. Morgan Severns residing near Verdon was a visitor in this city Tuesday. Matt Moore of Humboldt visit ed with friends in this city the past week. George Gulp left yesterday for California where he expects to spend the winter. Mrs Helen Bentley of near White Cloud , Kans. . is visiting relatives at this place. Farmers Institute at Falls City December 18-1' ) and 20th at Court house. Come and be one of us. Superintendent T. J. Oliver was out of town several days the past week visiting the district school. T. A. Lindenmeyer visited in Humboldt from Saturday to Mon day. While there he preached for the Christian church. R. M. Gillan , of the South east Nebraska Building & Loan As sociation of Auburn , was looking after business in this city Wednes day. Mae Meyers of Kingston , Pa. , a cousin to the Misses Meyers of this city , stopped here the first of the week while on her way to California Charles Wedner of Humboldt was in this city Monday looking after business connected with his duties as administrator of his mother's estate. Rev. II. IJ. Smith formerly pastor of the Episcopal church here , was down from his home at Lincon on Wednesday , yisiting with old friends. John Mosiman , jr. , and Ernest Werner took the 1:57 train Wed nesday morning for Omaha , where they attended the Imple ment Dealer's Convention. C. L. Manshardt , wife and chil dren , of Leonardville , Kansas are visiting with his parents , Rev. Manshardt and family in this city. Mr. Manshardt was elected County Recorder at the recent election in his home town. Word was received Wednesday of the serious illness of Miss Anna Martin , who together with her father , Rev. E. Martin , have made their home at Coweta , ! . T. , for the past two years. Miss Martin is a sister of Mrs. G. J. Crook and Mrs. Benj. Foster , of this citv. NOW IS THE TlflE To use Stock Food. We have a Stock Food of our own make that we have been selling for several years. It is made of the Purest and Best Drugs and nothing in it that will injure the ani mal. It keeps them perfectly healthy , enables them to di gest a much larger per cent of their fooddestroys worms and keeps all the secretions of tlio animal active and nat ural. This Food will more than pay for itself in extra flesh produced. Try our Dip. It is better and cheaper than any other. Citv Pharmacy Dr. MCMILLAN , Prop. Removal Sale ! Too many GROCERIES to move and prices will be cut to sell. Commencing SATURDAY , Nov. 1706 F. n. Harlow will commence to reduce stock , consisting of canned goods , about 3,000 cans , Spices , Coffee , Pickles in various forms , Sugar , Flour , Brooms , Crockery , Oils , Potatoes , Apples and all forms of Dried and Evaporated Fruits. Now is your time to get a winter supply of Qro = ceries at COST and BELOW COST Now is your opportunity to get a winter supply of Groceries CHEAP. I am not going out of the GROCERY BUSINESS , but want to move to my own building by December 15th , and must reduce stock. FERD M. HARLOW FALLS CITY NEBRASKA John Gilligan returned Sunday from Oklahoma- Mrs. John Martin is visiting her sister in Leavenworth. Begin planning now to attend the Farmers Institute. It will pay you. Prof. Werner and son Max played for a social dance at Stella Tuesday night. Henry Sandrock of Merrill , Kansas , has our thanks for finan cial favors during the past week. Mrs. Will Julian returned to this city Tuesday after a week's visit with her sister , Mrs. McCoy in Hiawatha Did you know that the Farmers Institute is to be held at Falls City in the Court room , Decem ber 18-1't and 20th. A. J. Weaver accompanied by Lawrence Meyers and the Misses Miranda and Martha Meyers left Thursday for the east. Mrs. JayTipton and children are the guests of Falls City friends and relatives. Mrs. Tip- ton came to attend the Davis- Schmcbel wedding. Frank Gist , the thirteen-year old son of T. J. Gist has been very sick with appendicitis dur ing the past week. It is thought by the physicians an operation has been averted. The protracted meetings that have been in progress at the M. E. church , the past three weeks , closed Wednesday night. Rev. Cline , the pastor , has been ably assisted by Rev. C. L. Meyers of South Auburn and Rev. Roberts of Tecumseh. While the result was not what had been hoped for from a human standpoint , the faithful of that congregation have the satisfaction of knowing that an honest effort has been made for the betterment of man kind , and may expect a fulfill ment of the promise , "well done good and faithful servant. " Barn For Sale -Cheap. This barn is 20 x 32 , first class lumber , room for 8 head of stock. Good hay mow and two bins , j Would make good house dwell ing. Particulars call on Ma- comber Bros. One block west of State bank. The first snow of the season appeared uii Tuesday of this week and made one realixe that winter had indeed "come to town. " A cordial invitation is extended to you a n d y o u r f a m i 1 y to attend the Farmers Institute. The best of talent both men and women have been engaged. Ephriam Peck brought to this office one of the finest apples that we have sampled in many a day. The name we have forgotten but the fruit has a morish taste and Mr. Peck tells us they do not thrive in Nebraska , and that he has but one tr * e still living out of a number set out several years ago. Dr. D. F. Hutchison made his last professional trip to this city last Monday , as he intends locat ing at Santa Ana , Cal. , his fam ily having been there for the past two months. Dr. Hutchison is an excellent optician and has enjoyed liberal patronage at this place and in the surrounding neighborhood. While we are sorry to see him go , we also wish him success in his new field. The new I'urit Food utid Drug law will murk it on the labul nf every Cough Curt ) containing Opium , Chloroform , or any other stuplfying or poisonous ilrti'n' . Hut it pusbtis Dr. Snoop's Cough Cure us made for 20 jears entirely free. Dr Snoop till along hits bitterly opposed the use of all opiates or narcotles. Dr. Snoop's Cough Cure is absolutely ufo oven fo.- the youngest babe and It cures , it does not simply suppress. Get a bafo and reliable Cough Cure , by simply insibting on having Dr. Snoop's. Let the law be your protection. Wo cheerfully recommend und it is sold by all dealers , Rye for sale at Heck's feed \ store. { Corn huskcrs wanted at the Mart-rave ranch. 46-31. Foi < RUNT : Two steam heated rooms over the state bank. Sec those work mares and horses at the Margrave ranch. Sweet cider by the barrel , keg or gallon at Heck's feed store. WANTKD : - A girl for house work. Good wages Apply at The Tribune office. 4S-2t. You will miss the best time of your life if you miss the Farmers Institute on the 18-19 and 20th of December. FOK RINT : Good barn for horses , with place for carriage , has hay mow and water. Four blocks east of court house. In- | iiirc of Tribune. * The Farmers Institute has secured - I cured the best talent in the state. Come and hear them December 18th , 19th and 20th. The services of the Christian church will be held at the Bap tist church building and the two Sunday schools will have a union j service. All are cordially invited - vited to attend these services. Hi Henry's Greatest Minstrels ( will appear at Gehlings Theatre on Friday Nov. 16. The press all along their route claim they ' are better than ever. This is certainly - * tainly saying a great deal as every one remembers what a sensation - ] sation they caused on their form- cr visit about three years ago 1 and the fine performance that ! was given. So secure seats at 1 once if you want to witness the * j greatest minstrel performance Hi Henry has ever presented. For Sale or Trade. One 10 guage , Damacus , double barrel shotgun , with leather case , and 150 loaded shells ; $150.00 grade Parker , to trade on a horse and will pay the difference. In quire at this office.