The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 31, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Budington TIME TABLE
Hulls City. Neb.
Lincoln Denver
Ontnlta Helena
Chicago Uuttc
St.Joseph Salt Lake City
Kansas City Portland
St. Louts and nil San Francisco
points cnst niut and all points
south. west.
NoJ2. . Portland St. Louis
Special , St. Joseph ,
Kansas City , .St.
Louis and all points
east and south 7:17 p in
Ko. 13. Vcstlhulcd express ,
daily , Denver and
all points west and
northwest 1:33 : a in
No. 44. Vcslihulcd Express
daily , St. Joseph ,
Kansas , City St.
Louis and points
Mast and South. . . . 11:17 a in
Ko. 14. Vcstibulcd express ,
daily , St. Joe , Kan
sas City , St. Louis
and all points cast
and south 7:47 a m
No. 17. Local express dally
except Sunday , Con-
cordia , and points
north and west. . . . 12.10 p in
No. IS. Vcstilnilcd express ,
daily , Denver , and
all points west and
northwest 1:23 p in
No. 43. Vestihulcd Express
dally , Lincoln and
the Northwest. . . . 1:44 pit ;
I've 16. Vcstibulcd express
daily , St. Joe , Kan
sas Oity , St Louis
Chicago and points
easi and south. . . . . 4:35 : p n
No. 18. Local express dally
except Sunday , St.
Joe and points
south and cast. . . . 4:05 : p n
No. 41. St. Louis-Portland
lena , Tacoina and
Portland without
change 10:07 : p n
No. 115. Local accommoda
tion , dally ex
cept SundaySalem ,
Ncmaha and Ne
braska City 1ll5pn :
Sleeping , dining and reeling chaii
cars ( scats free ) on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked t <
any point in the States or Canada. Foi
information , time tables , maps am
tickets , call on or write to E , G.VlHT
VOKI ) Agent , Kalis City , Neb. , or J
Francis , r . P. & T. A. , Omaha.
Missouri Pacific Railway
Time Table , Palls City , Neb.
Xo , 135 Omaha , local 7:45 a. in
No. 105 Omaha and Lincoln
Express A 1:57 a t :
No. 103 Omaha and Lincoln
No. 127 1-Voin Kansas City. . . 8:15 : p n
passenger A 1:11 : p 11
No. 191 Local Kreighl , Au
burn A 1:16 : p t :
No. 104 Kansas City local 7:50 : a i :
No. 10f > Kansas City and St.
Louis and Denver A 3:10 : a i
No. 108 Kansas City and St.
Lonls and Denver A 1:16 : p i
No. 138 1'rom Omaha 8:35 : p i :
No. 192 Local , Atchison. . 10 : 15a r
A. Daily. U. Daily except Sundaj
J. IJ. VAKNJCK , Agent.
What a Great Convenience Is i
Fountain Pen !
Any person who \vill sccur
six new subscribers for Th
Kansas Oity Weekly Journal a
Uie rate of 25 cents per yea
each , making a total of $1.50
and send the amount to us , to
gether with the names , will b
mailed , as a present , a beautifu
fountain pen ; line rubber handle
14-karet gold point , fully war
ranted. Address the Kansa
City Journal , Kansas City , Me
This offer expires Oct 1 , l'OC )
iThat is just what yon arc
doing when you fail to get reg
ular and sufhcient sleep. Your
Body requires this unconscious
period for repair work ; with
out it your nerve energy be
comes exhausted , and yon are
tired , worn-out , nervous , ex
citable ; have headache , neu
ralgia , indigestion , poor appe
tite , or other ailments caused
by. a lack of nerve force. Make
it your business to sleep. If
you are restless , take
Dr. Miles' Nervine ; it soothes
and strengthens the nerves ,
and brings sweet , refreshing ,
life-giving sleep , and gives the
organs power to work natur
ally. Try it to-day.
"I had a severe spell of fovcr. whlcr
left TOO In a very weak condition ant :
very nervous. 1 had severe spells 01
headache and neuralgia , and couli
sleep but very little. Kvcry effort thai
was made to recover my btrenKth was
of no avail until I began taking Dr
Miles' llcstoratlvo Nervine. After
commenced to take the Nervlno TO :
elcep was profound and restful , am
the pains In ray head , as well aa th <
neuralgia , pains , left TOO to a ccrtati
extent and I crew gradually better. "
821 Berylan Ave. , Belvldere , Ills
Dr. Miles' Nervine It cold by you
druoo' * * . vvho will euarantee that th
tint bottle will benefit. If It falls , h
will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , In
They Are na Smooth ni If Coiuontcx
from End to End Oreatoat
Constructors on Earth.
The greatest roiul bulldera ii
the world are u npecics of rcdanti
found in South America. In build
ing a road they carry minute par
ticlcn of clay , with which they lini
all the roads as well as the galler
icH and passaged of their nests til
they look as smooth aa if cemcntcc
by a master mason. Some idea o
their number can be formed whei
it is remembered that the whole o
this road to their tree , perhaps
nearly half a mile long , is dcnacl. '
thronged with a multitude golnj
out empty and coming back will
their umbrcllalike burdens , whih
thousandB upon thousands Hwarn
in the doomed tree.
That this vast army is under tin
best discipline can be proved b ;
watching them only a few mo
mcntB. The drivers are constant
ly running up and down glvinj
their orders to the workers , whicl
they do by touching heads for i
moment. The individual s <
touched will slop , turn backhurr :
forward or show in some such wa :
that he is following some com
maud. Hut a better proof of tin
discipline is found in the fact tha
when the army meets with an ob
stacle , such as a log or large stoni1
there is a jam of ants on both sidei
and they run about in dismay an <
disorder. Instantly the driven
hurry up , showing the greatest ex
citcmcnt , and run over , aroum
and under the impediment to flm
the best way out of the difficult)1
When they have decided they leai
of ! the line of march in the prope
direction. Hut until they taki
this step the workers make no at
tempt to pass the obstacle.
When a selection of-a level piec
of ground has been made a pet
pendicular shaft some eight incli
CB in diameter and six or sevei
feet deep is formed. This is fo
drainage and ventilation , neve
for ingress or egress. If th
ground slopes the shaftis horizon
tal , the mouth , of course , beluga
the bottom of the hill. From th
perpendicular shaft , conuncncin
at the bottom , radiate galleries
ike the spokes of a wheel sot a
11 slight angle. At the end of eac
ieries of galleries' spokes acirci
ar gallery is made , forming
is it were , a set of wheels on
above the other. In , or rathe
ibove these circular galleries th
icsts or dwelling places are coi
structed. These are oval in simp
and about a foot long. The nai
; -ow end of the oval is downwar
ind opens into the roof of the ga
cry , and as the spokes alway
slope slightly toward the shaft n
ropicul rains , no matter hoi
icavy , can enter the homes an
Breeding places of the ants.
Blind Indian Falls Into Kino Shal
and Subsists Until Friends
Rescue Him.
Maccy Hall , a blind Modoc Ii
dian , living three miles northwes
of Seneca , fell into an abandonc
mining shaft about GO feet dee ]
over which brush had been hcapei
Eleven days later Ball was re
cued. "There must have been coi
siderable water in the shaft , " saj
the Hustler , "as the Indian d
clares he never struck hotter
It scorns that in some way , whc
he arose to the surface of the w
ter , he caught on to somethin
long enough to keep from drew
ing , and had dug a hole in the su
of the shaft with his hands larj
enough to crawl into , and thei
he had remained the entire 11 da ;
without food of any kind. A roj
was lowered to him and he plac <
the noose around his body and wi
pulled out. He seemed none tl
worst for his fasting , as he wi
able to walk home , about half
mile. Sam Lawyer had been o
hunting for the missing man , ai
his dogs , passing the shaft , hea
the Indians making queer aount
peculiar to his tribe , and set uj
howl. Sam looked into the sha :
but could see no one , as Macey hi
burrowed deep enough to be c
tlrely out of sight , but he hea
him and secured the help of B <
Lawyer and Tom Welsh and th
rescued the imprisoned man. "
The Morning After.
Guest ( to bell boy ) Is this
foundry ?
Bell Boy No , sir ; this is a hot
That thumping you hear is on t
inside of your head. Detri
Free Press.
The Results of Earthquakes.
The story of Robinson Crusoe
has been made more real tc
many a youth because of the
narrative of the experiences of
Alexander Selkirk , and , what
ever the charm of DC Foe's ac
count of the adventures of the
castaway , there has been an
added element upon the thought
that there really was an island
where a man actually had had
something of the experiences
accredited to ( Jrusoe. If then
the reports of the disappear-
of the island of Juan Fernandez
in the wake of the earthquake
are to confirmed there will be a
district loss to the world from
the point to view of the senti
mental. And , after all , senti
ment is of much influence. The
individual who had the plea
sure of looking upon the Cam.
panile at Venice will always re
joice over the less fortunate
one who must read about that
graceful tower in a guide booker
or else accept some new erected
struture , modeleeupon the fami
liar lines of the old , as satisfy
ing the particular element of in
terest which once associated it
self with the famous old
tower. So the visitor to the
San Francisco will miss many
of the things which made ihe
old city famous , and will have
his attention often called to the
sentimental loss which accom
panied the eartquake.
But the possible disappear'
ance of an island has another
suggestion. Geology tells in
its annals of marked changes
in the earth's surface ol up
heavals and depressions , ol
mountains and hills resulting
rein some earthquakes and
nakcs it clear that these
lianges are likely to come
gain and again during the
enturies. The examination oi
he country visited by tlu
arthquake may be expected ti
isclose some marked changej
f topography. The depth o
he water in the ocean maj
ave been considerably atTectec
nd if an island has appearec
n a new place , as one repor
ays , and another well knowr
lit of land has sunk out of sigh
he possibility of changes whicl
lay not be known for lonj
nonths is apparent. Chicagi
Quite Realistic.
"Talk about dreams comin <
rue I dreamed last night tha
i burglar entered my room , tool
ny watch from the dresser am
ncakcd out before I could catcl
litn. I woke up , jumped out o
bed and looked for the watch. "
"Was it tfone ? "
"No ; but it was running. "
All Truth.
"Of course , " said the gossij :
'I don't know anything certai
about her , but then one can pu
wo and two together and mak
"Yes , " replied Miss Champior
neaningly , "some people ca
put practically nothing togethe
and make mischief. "
I. W. Harris of Stella , wh
put the new top on the fat cattl
market at Kansas Cit
market Monday last , is one c
the pioneer farmers and stoc
raisers of Richardson count ]
He located here back in the earl
days before there were any Mr
souri river markets. "Tl
changes that have taken plac
in this country from the time
located here down to the presei
time are too numerous to mei
tion , " said Mr. Harris. "Whc
I came here land was worth bi
little , but now it is almost tc
high priced to keep. Good far
are now selling around $100 a
acre , and some higher than tha
But the land is very productiv
We can raise as much con : to tl
acre as can be produced an
where , and the blue grass th :
we raise is simply the best th ;
grows. Our corn this year w ;
late in starting , and we h ;
some dry weather which will e
the yield down some. "
A Toss Between Rivals.
I'en Arnold and I were chums
nd Dorothy Duintnond was .1
vitch. Giyen a pair of chums
nd a witch , and what is the
nvariable result 'i A quarrc
) ctwecn the chums. If this
nvariable result had happened
n our case there would be notlv
\\K \ worth the telling. So'inan }
uch affairs have taken place
liat they have ceased to be al
east novel. Dorothy said she
vonld have neither of us , de-
laring at the same time that we
vere more in love with eacl :
ther than with any one else. ]
vill admit that this helped Bcr
nd me to keep from quarreling ,
liough neither of us believed
cvr v
vWe invented tests to force Dor
thy to show her hand. Whethei
lie was too smart for us 01
vhethcr she had nothing bui
rieiulship for either of us w (
ould not tell. At any rate noi
ne of our tests gave us any in
brmation. We conspired to seiu
icr invitations for a drive to take
) lace at the same hour of the
a me day , hoping she would
how her preference by accepting
ne and declining the other
Mie little minx accepted both
sking us to call with an equip
go capable of seating four per
ons , as she wished to take hei
grandmother. We were botl
nrious , but dared not disobey
Ve tried to force her to choosi
ne of us to sit beside her , bti
he decline d to enter tin
arriage till all had been seated
She was the life of the party
vhich must have been a diflicul
olc to play , for Ben and I sa
'nursing1 our wrath to keep i
varm. " When we handed th
wo women out , Dorothy wa
profuse in her thanks for an invi
ation which had not been given
One day I told Ben that ther
vas but one way to force a deci
ion between us. That was t
ell Dorothy if she would hav
icither of us she must lose boti
of us. We would both "go west.
Sen consented to this at once
le believed the girl loved hir
ind when it came to the point o
osing him would show her hand
had no doubt that I was th
brtunate man and , if a choic
was inevitable , would be choser
If you ask on what grounds w
based these opinions I reply tha
each drew his inference fret
Jorothy's actions toward hitr
She gave me her photograpl :
exacting my promise not to to !
Sen , and gave Ben her photc
? raph , exacting his promise uc
to tell me. This sort of trie
she played us in a great variet
of ways. It was quite natur ;
that each should deem himscl
the favored one.
One evening we called on Do :
othv together and stated on
proposition. In order that neitl
er should have the advantage c
iiiRr spokesman we were bet
spokesmen. Ben made a prehn
inary statement of the cas <
while I followed with the alte :
native. The little witch's eye
danced while we were doing s <
though when the last words wei
spoken , "or we go west tome
row , " she looked at us inqui
ingly. Seeing determination i
the countenance of each , si :
made a little gasp , then tunic
her back and walked to tl
When she turned toward i
there was a singular expressioi
or rather a combination of e :
pressions , on her face somethin
serious , something comical , am
above all , something extreme !
"I don't wish to drive two sue
fine fellows away , " she said. "
I must choose between you
must make my choice by lot. "
Going to an antique writin
desk , she opened a little drawi
and took out an old copper cen
such as has now gone complete !
out of circulation.
"It is a toss between you.
shall flip this cent. If it coim
down tails" ( she said this to Bet
"I will marry you and make yc
a devoted wife. If it comes dow
heads" ( turning to me ) "you are
the one I shall love till death deus
us part"
"You give me tails. I am not
your preference , " said Ben in a
frightened tone.
"Let us choose for ourselves , "
I said. "Give Ben first choice. "
"You have neither of you any-
hing to do with the method by
vhich I come to my decision , "
she said. "It is I who make the
choice , not you. "
Tossing the cent jn the air ,
giving it a Hip at the same time
vith her thumb , it fell on the
leer , rolled about awhile , struck
he leg of a chair and was still.
Ben and I both sprang forward ,
> ut Doroth } ' waved us back.
"One step and you both go
vest ! " she exclaimed.
Picking tip the coin , which we
could both sec she did carefully
ind fairly , she held it out to us
vithout looking at it herself.
"Heads ! " I cried.
Ben dropped into a chair. She
vent to him and took his hand ,
while a tear stood in her eye. I
slipped out of the room , leaving
icr to comfort him.
Ben acted very nicely about the
iffair and took his disappoint-
nent remarkably well. This ,
Dorothy told me , was because I
secured her by chance and not by
> reference. Bright of Dorothy
to foresee such a result and act
iccordingly , wasn't it ? I would
lave preferred to be preferred ,
nit I was so glad to get her that
. ' swallowed that part of the
natter. At any rate we were
narried and have lived very hap
pily ever since.
We had been married but a few
nonths when , hunting for a pair
of sleeve links in a Japanese box ,
came upon an old cent bearing
date 1S5S. Being an old fash
ioned , enormous coin , I was re
minded that I had not seen one
of them since Dorothy "tossed"
between Ben and me. Turning
it from one side to the other , I
was astonished. It was a double
header. S. HUKTEK HAI.SKY.
The Secretary of the Interior
has rejected all bids for the con
struction of 135 miles of laterals
for the irrigation of lands under
the Interstatecanal , North Platte
projects which were recently
opened at Mitchell , Nebraska.
The bids were rejected on the
ground that they were greatly in
excess of the estimates anel new
proposals will be asked for un
less the bidders promptly sub
mit lower bids.
For those attending the state
fair and wishing to spend the
evening in Lincoln for the home
coming reception of Hon. W. J.
Bryan the Burlington will hold
their special trains on September
5th until 10:15 : p. m.
ISo Age Limit.
"Yes , " said the old man to his
visitor , ' 'I am proud of my girls ,
and would like to see them com
fortably married ; and as I have
made a little money , they will
not go penniless to their hus
bands. There is Mary , 25 years
old , and a really good girl. I
shall give her $1,000 when she
marries. Then comes Bet , who
won't see 35 again , and I shall
give her $2,000 and the man who
takes Eliza , who is 40 , will have
$5,000 with her. " The young
man reflected for a moment and
then inquired ; "You havn't one
about 50 , have you. "
Special trains to state fair via
Burlington September 4th , 5th
and 6th.
Foley's Kidney Cure will cure all
diseases arising from disordered kid
neys or bladder , For sale at Me-
Brlde'a Pharmacy.
Cures Colds ; Prevents Pneumonia
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
. . . . $1.00 a Year. . . .
c. H. HARION ;
Sales conducted in .t
scientific and busi
nesslike manner
Falls City , Nebraska I
> <
; Large or small buyers g
> can locate on adjoining
For information write < i >
Luella , Neb. |
Having secured the exclu
sive agency in Falls City for
Sycamore Springs Mineral
Water , we nre piepiired TO
furnish custom1 with the
the same. Price (50 ( cents per
five gallon cnsk. Cull phone
ISO or phone 3D.
H I M I n M I I M M M > I M
D. S. HcCarthy
Prompt attention .riven
to th removal of hun-i -
I II M I M M M M H I I > 8 I H H
W. H. Madclox
Real Estate Agency
See me before your purchase. I am
selling city property , loaning1 mon
ey at lowest rates , selling farms and
making farm loans. See me if you
wish to buy , sell or make a loan. I
am here for business. Write
W. H. Maddox , Falls City
Stock Vird : ? . Kiinsms City. Mo. E.xpcrl
Salesmen , Uattlf , Ilo > rs , Slji ep Careful
ana lutflllfi'iit ytirrl boj . Perfect olllco
methods. Correct ir > : irkd. Information
furnished. Ilon fiiU KunsiisClty.Omaha
SlouxCIty , Denver. Ht. Joseph St. Paul ,
Chicago. IHitlalu
EL. R. HAYS , M. E ) .
Onlce over McMillan's Drusj Store.
Offlco 'Plione 213. Itesldcnco 'Phone US.
Dr. A. E. Wolfe
Treats successfully without
DRUGS , all curable diseases.
Office over Lyford's store.
Office Phoac2o" Residence Phone 214
Uxpcrieaced teachers. Fine Equip
ments. Gymnasium work. Assistance
in securing positions. Work : to earn
board. Individual instruction. Hater any
time. Lessons by mail. Advantage * of
a capital city. Write for Catalogue No. . ( ,
Lincoln Business Collotf *
Dr. R. P. Roberts , dentist
over King's Pharmacy