The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 07, 1905, Image 14

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    Twice Told Tales
It really is a pity that the lobby
dosen't adjourn and let thc legis-
latttl.c goo hOll1c.-\VYll1orcan.
Hcrbet Kerr and l Daisy , with
their own opera company , arc
playing at thc Crawford theatre ,
'ropeka. 'l 1'hcy arc Falls City
folks.-Iliawatha .
The Falls City 'I'rihunc has
been sued for lihel. It is not of-
ten that so young a paper
haH this distinction con fe ; red upon
! it.-1 IumLoidt Enterprise.
so nom HVHHYJlOUY H1.SH.
\Vc hope the time will come in
Nebraska when a bright , energetic - I
tic country school teacher will ]
comll1alld better pay that : S25 a
month for her sC1'\'iccs. Some
people seem to think that it does . I
not require much education or
work to teach all the grades hem
primary to hig-hschool , in same
room every da\ wade through
thc snow , carry coal build fires ,
sweep out thc school house ! be
able to lick thc unruly urchins ,
take care of thc babies , and pre-
vent the hh boys front making
love to her , she prodes schemes
to raise funds for the school Ii-
hrary and plant trees on Arbor
day. She must attend county institutes -
stitutes and paRs an examination
in all the branches of 1110(1 era education -
ucation , in climbing agriculture ,
physiology and the I elTccl of alcohol -
cohol Oil hc brain and nervous
system of titan : , all exit in in at ion
that t0 thirds of the sup : rime
j\l\lgc. " , senator3at1\1 con gressn. : 1l
would flunk on , and fur ail these
accomplishments and varied ditties -
ties and services she rccic"cs a
sa ! a y uf 825 a 11I0nth for si } .
month ill tine ' \ear. It's it lift
. . -J' , . "K".7' .
without hope } or reward unless
some young man who knows a
geed thing , when hc sccs it mar-
rics her , and that docs not alway
better her condition. 'l'hc lady
teachers should forum a trust and
.demand dcccnt wages . and then
would get it.-Sutton Hcgistet.
TIE 'AN'1 ' S 1'0 l I.Y.
'l'here is an enterprising young
farmer living near Huo. ] 1\cb.
\Vhile looking ' his mail'cs
h over yesterday -
tcnlay rntng \Iartin Lcnmann
manager of the Kansas City 01'-
pheunt found a letter from a
farm youth whose name is Burns.
The letter said : " 1 notice by a
Kansas City paper that yon are
going to have a clcmcnstra\.tioI1
of lil1l1d airs in your opera house
oon. I have another proposition. ,
I am world on a airship. It ,
will he OK and I would like t01
show your audience how it \\.tH's. ]
Can do it in opera hou c. What
will you give ? H enough wiil.
come at once when aire hip i ,
Ilnishec\ \ Yours George K.
Burns. " " ' 'l'hat fellow . " said Mr.
Ielttnrntm "has enterprise : any-
war. T guess I'll write him tl
Ily to Omaha and } show our manager -
ag-er there his airship. ' Then if
he'1 successful . \\'c'l1 let him fly
nil ever the circuit. II e 'Ii save
a small fortune 1n railroad fare.
However Fat going 10 advise \
him not to forget how 10 plow . jl is
a man can always : earn a good
living ] plowingK. . C. Swr.
- - - -
7:15IAtUZA : m.E 1t1iCOiiD. :
N'emaiJa county is thc house of
remarkable in the ' '
a man person'
uf 1 l'ois. The latter : h.
sc\'cnty-li\l' years of agol' : and his
wife has pass 'd the half century
tulle , IIII-.t of existence. Despite
'hi' l. ct t h. ' lcutc : t.f the ct \ + i'e ;
, : .nt.oI. _
was blessed last Sunday by thc
arrival of a pretty baby girl.
Mr boss is a respected citizen
who camc to this county from
Germany many years ag-o. He
has alway : been a hard worker
and possesses more than the us- .
ual share of vigor for one of his I
ilg-C. For ll1 example of useful
old , milnhooel commcnd him to
President Roosevelt and Prof.
Oscr.-A ] ubut'l1 Herald.
About Rheumatism.
There He tew diseases that in-
flict more torture than rhumaism :
anti there is probably 110 disease
for which such varied flnel use-
less lot of remedies have been
sug-g-estce1. 1'0 say that it can
be cured is , t therefore a bold
statement to wake out Chamber-
] ain'- , Pain halm which enjoys
an extensive sale , has met with
great success : ; in the treatment of
thi disc.\sc. One application uf
Pain \\'iil relieve the pain , and
hundreds of sufferers have testi-
'ied to maneut cures by its !
u-c. Why ! 'uffcrs'hC'11 Pain
Balm allurcls such quick reEd
and costs but a trifle < ? For sale by
K { rrs Drug More ; : .
Farm for Sal .
.A farm of one hundred sixty
acres , six l11ic. ! ' ; from Fall City.
four anti a half from Preston tivi
from Hulo fenced with .
O.a1 : ; +
orange . : hcri\'s. ;
There are forest timbl rfI goooc I .
orchard . , two houses : and cl'lInr
and outbuildings two wells . twl
conic ribs , two stahie . ; . il batik barn.
fifteen acres of grass and ] ant'
pit' : ; tnre Terms of f pay umemt : wit ] : :
b' madl' . - . : , .
\p ) I' , to John Wil s C' . F..l
Cty , - \ l > . . ± II ptr'lIa , ; flit
fa : 'ilt.
. .Tl't"I11'Wt1t ! \ , , C' . sr.
. _ > 'Y'--- . _ , . _ " " " _
. to"
. . : , . .
' "
: .I
The Very nO' Remedy for Bowel Tou
. .
bles-No Family Can Afford To . . . ,
Dc Without II.
"I regard Chain berlain's Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoca Remedy
as one of the verbest remedies
for bowel troubles" , say fill' . J.
W. Hanlon , editor of the Dc-
. . . .
patch. Ocil1a , Georg-ia. "I make r .
this statement after ha'i11gt1scl .
the medicine 11fanil ' for ' ,
my \ \ SC\-
era } years. I am' never without t
it. " No family can a11'ord to be ' .
without it hottlc'of this rcmcdy
in thc hou ! ' > c. It is i certain to be .
needed sooner or later. For sale
by Kr-rrs Itrtmg ! : Store. '
l\loncy , Lane ! , Exchange. - f1
Sonic Money to Loan on City
Property. Ii
A General Stock of " : dse. , and
Dl1ildil1 : ' ' ' with H ' sidcncc to E : : - ' \ t I
change for Land. r
A Goa B.isiiis house for t" ,
Sale. '
Iol1ey to Loan crm Land. . -
Itl1 ] , 1\re5 to E I x + .hauge. ! } t 'I
I eery C. Smith.
. , . ,
r1 1- t ) . 1-I. I PARSEI..1 I 1 I _ i "r r : 1- I J . J
'hclc pltotc ; 1-0. : ; S
Col'nc : : r I SL & : StoliC 'c ; :1 t S. ' " ; ' .
OiFice Hours ; : 8 to 10 a. m. :
1 to 3 p. m. .
- - - - - - - - - -
. , - . " . . . . . . . . , , ' J' .
. " L. " 51"1 t 1 _ p . . Jr . . . . . ; . . . , . . . . . \"r..a ' - ; ; : ' ' . ' " 1r . . ; ' _ ' ' : , , ' ,
TmC Ti.hJ ; , 1i5 ! ! City , Neb.
\'OH'l'lI : ) . . _
. .
\0. 51 Cmaha ) 11:1 Lill'11I . -
Isjre , , , ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A 2:25 a lit
Xo. : 3 OtI uha : Iwj Lincoln
1a5t : fng"cr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 1:001 : p tn. . . .
: ; " . 233 LLc : 1 Frcight11 - -I' ,
hl1m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A lCOplll :
SOiJTt [
: \ ' ( ' . S.2 I-al1f1S : City unci : St. 'I
Lf 11 ' ) rllt ! Denver . . . . . . . \ 3:10 : a lit" .
No. 5i KaJa : : City aacl ! : . t. '
Louis nut Denver . , . . . . . A 1,0 1 : p 11\ ' .
Xu. 333 : : ! LOt'al. Atchison.10:30 : : : am
Xo. 220 t tock Frcig-htIIi- ; . ,
a \ \\.ath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 9:20 : pill '
A. Daily. D. Dady l'XCl'pt l1ndit.Y.
J. L' . \ . 4K' ! I < .AeIJt. : Jot
! ! ' : _ ' . " 'I . ' , . . . . . . . _ _ . _ . . . . . . . .
, . . ' ' ' " ' ' ' . ' " . . , .op , -
I ( WHEN YOU CATCH COLD . t- , .f 7
Do not take chances on it wearing away or experiment with some unknown preparation
which may leave the bronchial tubes and lungs weakened and susceptible to attack from i
the germs of Pneumonia or Consumption. .
'f 1 . , .
not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs and prevents serious results
from a cold. Contains no opiates.
It Saved His Life After the Doctor Said A Policeman's Tcstimony. . r
Ho Had Consumption. J. N. Patterson , night policeman , of Nashua ' Iowa , writes : "Last
W. . . . R. Davis , Vissalia , California , writes : "There is no doubt but winter I had a bad old on my lung and tried at least a half-dozen
what J..olcy's Iloney rind Tar saved my life. I had an awful cough advertised cough medicines and had treatment from two physicians
on my lungs and the doctor told me I had consumption. I commenced without getting any benefit. A friend recommended Folcy's Honey
taking Foley' Iloney nml Tar and found relief from the first and and Tar and two-thirds of a bottle cured me. I consider it the
three bottles cured me completely. " greatest cough and lung medicine in the world. "
Three sizes-2Sc , SOc and $1.00. The 50-cent size contains two and one-half times as mlch as the small size and the
$1.00 bottle almost six times as much. Refuse Substitutos.
DR. . I'I1cfULLAN , Proprietor City P ar'macy. 4
I ) ( j