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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1905)
1 . I Counterfeit . Two strangers prcsented a five , dollar bill for change to a merchant - ant in 1 4'ortescuc last week and their actions , after receiving the change , aroused the suspicions of thc mcrch 1nt. Upon invcstig'a- 1 ion thc hill proved to he counter- ! feitwhereon the man from 1/'ortes- I cue followed thcm. The two I were caught at the U. & M. depot - j pot in this city on Tuesday morn- ing' and now repose in thc brown stone front , better known ag thc county jail - - - - - - - Sprained Ar111. "rcdncsday evening , while walk- ing' on thc cement walk around I thc Central School building Mrs. Horrocks had thc misfortune to . fall on her left ann and suffeiing in consequence ] of a very severe I sprain of that II1CIl1Jcr. ! Dr. Kerr / gave it medical attcntion and alI - I though still very painful the in- jurcd ( arm is meIHling- Joint Installation. 1 'l'hcI. ! I.V. . of A. and R. N. of A. enjoyed a Joint Installatioll s around their local campfire on Tuesday evening of this wcck. The installation drill of the ladies ' was especially good while thc bountcous supper afterwards par- ' taken of , left no doubt as to a pleasantly spent evening i'T i ' he C. E. Society of thc Chris- I Hau church will give a weight social on Itridac'cning ! , Janu- i ary 27th at the church. Let cvcryonc attend and spend a pleasant evening along with yom I , coin I : Brick I ' Ice Cream 'i I t I I t Fruit Punch ) Nabisco Sugar Wafers Ice Cream atld Ices For Parties , order of Sowles / ill - - - - , - - - - - Wedding Bells 'rhc marriage of hiss ! gmma Hcrmon Keller to Mr. Elgar Myron May , was solcmizcd on Wednesday January 18 , at Nebraska - aska City , thc wedding being a very quiet affair. Both thc bride and groom have grown up from childhood in Falls City. Miss Keller was a talcntcd music in- structer in thIs city and in Dawson - son , and is well known in Falls City social circlcs. Mr. May has been clerk in thc office of thc county treasurer for a number of years , is a member of the local Spinx club and of Prof. Harnack's band and hotels thc highest respect - spect of his many fricnds. The Tribune ! extends sincere congratulations - lations to \fr. ! and trs. May who will be at home in this city after 'cbntary l 1st. Married. C. B. Bradley and Miss Emma Slayer _ were married Tuesday c\'cning. One of thc Noltc cot- tagcs 011 Morton street had been furnished by thc groom and the ceremony was preformed there by Rev. \V. S. Cline in thc presence 01 about twenty immediate rela- tives and friends. After congratulations - gratulations a dainty wcdding supper was RCI'\'cel. Mr. Bradley has been a trusted cmployc of thc telephone company for s01l1ctim , . The bride has a wick circle of . " . I friends who extend best wishes to thc happy couplc. Death Record. Death , that grim reaper , again : entered the community of Falls City , and called : a faithful citizen to his distant homc. \ \ ' . P. \ Ie- ers died at his home in this city 011 Monday morning , heart lis- cast being the cause of his death. 'rhe passing awaof'rs was a great surprise to his many friends as his healthy appear- ancc indicated a much longer continuance of his prosperous and useful lifc.V. . P. Ieyers was born in Kingston Pennsylvania , on September 5th , 1847. in which place hc grcto manhood. In 1882 hc was married to Miss Helen Karthee to which union three children were born , Miranda - la , Martha ! [ sand Lawrencc. The deccascd enjoyed thc acquain- tancc of a large circle of Richardson - son county residents for hc past t wcn ty-fh'c years and in 1'JOO. . . mo\'cel with his family to an cle- gant home in thc northern part of this city , where he lived until thc time of his decease Although only Ih'ingto the age of 57 years his quiet and unassuring manner won him an unlimited circle of friends who extend words of sympathy spoken from thc heart to those shrouded in thc dark cloud of gricf. Hc leaves to mourn their loss a wife , two daughters , one ion , a sister , Irs. lIartlmYca'er of Zion City , Illinois , and a brother , 1i' I3 , , , - - - - County TreaSLtrer'S Statei eiit. r ( Continued from former page ) .t RECAP I TV LATI 0- : , July I . cash Oil hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ; 80i94 23 Dec 31 . paid date trdasurer . . . . . . . . . . . : : 1(12(19 : ! (1o Dec :1I.lldlllfJucllt : tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Ijl7 . ( : . ! : : IJCC III paid county Iclll'ral warrantH. . . 1l12' : 94 Dee :11 : . collcctlun tax Prot . . . . . . . . . . . : 120 1)1Cilptit : : County bridge warrallt ! , : . 10591 ojll IIl'C :11. : prinCipal un school tail d. . . . . . . . 252..0 IICC 31 : . paid Cuuuty road ; warrant ! ' . . . . . ( . .S' " n i't IJCC :11. : Interest 011 ! 'clwollanll ! ' . . . . . . . . iHI 4:1 : ! Dec :11. : paid soldiers ! relief . . . . . . . . . . :1100. : . III'cII.'Hatl : ! , appurtiuntttout . . . . . . . . 40i ( : ! ,2 Dec : ii . pall school heeds . . . . . . . . . . . . 20jl II : DCC:11 : . hues allll'lIcI'IISI' ' . . . . . . . . . . . 82 nu lI"l' :11. : paid sebum III'trkt ! ' . . ' . . " . IlIljllo : IWC :11 : , , rid gt' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : I 9n III'C ; :1. : paid foclwol ; dist . ! apportlolllllCl1t :1105 : . oj . . ice :11. : lull'I'I'st "I dtqoslts . . . . . . . . . . . . j02 j\ : \ nee :11. : paid 10fl Ilshlp tn'a'ur'r' ! ! . . . . . :1100 : \ . , IH'clI.r..d'IIII.tIOI1 : , ! ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :10\5' : : \ 9) Ill'clI.pahlpoll'n'cl'i"tH. : . . . . . . . . . . 5,18 : \0. \ . DeCi1 : fl'cH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1l2'5 : Ill'ca. : : paid Arallo HllI'eial. . . . . . . . . . . i,5 00 DeC :11. : paid tllll'lIHhip Ifl'a'Ufl'r ! . . . . . . tall : ' ( 0'1 Dec 31 : , paid city alllilIlall' ; treasurer : lj\rloo : Ih'C :11. : paid rl'I\'IIIPtloIlH . . . . . . . . 2h eli : Ih'c :11. : county In'a'url'rH ( ccs. , . . . . . . . 2i3 ; ' 00 I ) , . c :11. : COO lily In'l'a'ur''I' , ; C0I1II11I.11I1I ! 12. ( 20 Dec :11. : hat aiicc cash ; oil h\l1I1 . . . . . . . . . . Ro,12 2n 167496 I 47 1474 ! % ojj There arc Warrants regist red in this office 011 any accounts against thc County. I Martin Zook Treasurer of Richardson County Nebraska 011 oath say thc above and foregoing is a true and correct statement of the financial conditon , of said county on thc 31st day of Ieceinber' 1'J04 as shown by the books of thc County Treasurers office of said ' county to the best of mknowlcdc and b 1icf. . Martin Zook " . County Treasurer Subscribed and Sworn to before mc this lIth day of Jallllan.- ' - - ' . - - - . I1J05 J , C. 1'annel - . . Counts' Clerk Legal NUce . in the 1istrict : Court for Hlchaall'ol1 County NI'hraslm. lid gar I'aus I \'S N..llh' I'\'au' The dl'f"llflalll'l'1I lake lIotlel' that on tl1l' 121h day of lI'c"l1Ih'r. JlI\I \ . the plalllliff fill'd IlIlhl' district ! court of Hlcharcboll : COIllIly : r 1IItiUOU against you till' object and prayer of which , are 10 ohmlll a divorce front you f. r thc rc'a"OIl1111 ou the grounds that you hate h11 guilty or adultery with divers I1ICU 111 the city t .r St. JO"I.h.(11. ; . . win ' ; a ii allies arc tin kitowrt 10 this plaintiff and that you ore' 1 now anti have h11 for week prior In the tiling or the ) ll'li- tion allllll1lall' . of thc house or pro'tllutlon 111 SI. .100'l'ph. 1.0. You are required III al1'wI'r titsk petition 11I1 or b , ' fore I\'hrllary 2ith. l'U5. or the SIII1C11I he lall'n : as true. IWAH ( I-\'ANS. : . its ' avis & Hl'a\'I ! Attorneys for plallltifr. 1--1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .feycrs , of Kingston , Pennsylvania - nia" . The funeral will bc held at the M. : : E. Church , of which denomillation he was a conscien- bens mcmber , at 3 o'clock on . I. Sunday fternoon. \ In Pueblo , Colorado , oecmed thc death of Arland Barker 011 Saturday January 12th 't ' he young man lived in this city until a year ago , being employed in thc store of Chas. M W lson , and possessed sterling habits , being I well liked by all numcrolts ac- quaintanccs. 'l'he body was in- erred in thc city of Colorado Springs. The many friends of thc sorrowing parcnts. ) : \fr. and II I I \Irs. Barker and sister , \Irs. [ : ' . Stohr of Pawnee City' Nebr" , cx- tcnd their sympathy in this their sad hour Qf bcrca\'lncnt. . . . .o.Ia..h1 ! . n4 D..n - "o. " Burglar , . . . . . . . a . " ' : JL II. 'L'hcre seems to b. a gang of thieves systematically working this section of thc country. Burglars - lars entered Charles Pribbcno's store at Preston 011 'l'ucsdtY evening - ning by breaking in thc door. ' 1'he money drawcr was opened but fortunately the cash had been taken out with thc exception of a few pennies , before thc store was closcd. Considerable imcrchan- elisc was removed , the thieves being particular to take the best there was. A box of cheap stock- ings they left out on thc side- walk. A son was born toIr. . and \Irs. J. C. Martinn on \Ioilday. 't he child had but feeble life arid died on 'l'ucsday. " ' Legal Notice. . III thc District ! Court of RIlhanlwlI : County . State of Nchrasla. - . 'l'hc City of 1luntl , . . ldt Plaintiff 1 Y. . 1 ; . 'J'III111'r ( full llanll'Iwanl 1'1'iuker . ) and g 1' . 1'1111,1. . I \ \ ' . i { . 'J'hll..I' . 11 . 1) . 't'hnkt'r . ' Olin' " 'l'llIln'r. ' 1'l'ul11an. IcrHIt " , Hnrh'-I. ! ! I ) . 11. \Vrigltt 'L'lul".r.\ \ \\'I'lithl. HolIlI \'rhdlt. Champ- Iou \\'rigltt. l'harlll''rhfltl. . I I'ranl'rllfhl. . III'ph.\\.s of O. J. Tinker . ell.c'.a..eI. lid hng chI- ell"1I of Carolhll''l"Ilthl. . eI'cI'a I 4 feet ! . a sister ofIal.1 ! O. J. . ' 1 illIPI' ] . . deceased alll , Lucy itltticltud . Nl'l1l 1(11111' AlIa I I.intou . .1.V. . ik'ckvithi . anti : I Albert necksvllh lI"k"H and IIt'ph'w s of till' .aid O. .I. I Tinker deceased :11' : heirs al law : \1111 h'lwl n'pn''I'lIlatl\'cs of .alII O. J. 'J'lu'r ] , dcceast'd I . Y' and the 11111010\1"11 heirs or alll I O. J. 'l'illtll'r deeeast'd who arr 11I\llc panic . ; defendant In this I l call'I' ! hr leave of a Judge If \ the DI'trlet Court just ! had ! anrl I ; , t- ; t 1 ohtaillcel. I. I , ' " I 1'0 the , defendant ! ah.I\ ' ( ' named b , ' isr all e t , IIOIl-ft'"iel'nl" of llll' Slate ot Nt'braka . except 1 : . 1' . 1'lnlI'I' , I You an' l'achI'r..lI \ ) ' nfllllil'll that tht ' plaintiff I the city uf JIumJJulc1t. III Litt cuwtty of kiolmrcl- ' ; 011 and State of r'hrasl . did on tine 1')111 ) day of Jalluary 1'105. lilt II" petition against you a' " the heirs : lIla\l" and 1I'lal it.'prt'seuatIyes ! of O. 'I'lll\l'r ] laIc ur said Coo ntt anll Slall' . line _ object ; aunt pr\YI'r or which I ; 10 quiet title iii said plaintiff cite . 10 a puhlt : square in sale ! city located hit' tssccn hl"d " , . . all.1 4 aCLonlinJ.r to 1111' original plat ! and fl'CIII.lcll "un''y IIf said . city and ,1i..crih"11 itt said recorded plat an.1 survey ! a-l ! rllllo\\'s : "AI"o set .lon ' al th , ' four corners ur a pnhlil' square oj 25,100 dlaln" loulr . Iallli : \ \ ' . hy oj 12'2 Iinl , . wide N. anti S. III - . ' ' hloells 5 .11111 0" , ' saint 1\l'1'clI s " the ; city comprisiur a Ilarl of the Nortlt half or the Sun tlrsret quarter ( - . tI'r of st .clion lhr , ' . ( :1) ; \ ) 'l'u\I'ushlp Il'u (2) ( ) Han . . . i lhirll''n (1:1\ ( : \ East of the sixth principal nu ' rid- _ ian III "aill c"uUly allli slall' 'l'h ground upon which the litho tn said public s'luan'l is ! ! 'IIUrhl 10 ire Culo.ltl ( In "alii plaintiff city is . that tbo sanll' wa' ! .IPlIicalt'd and given 10 . .a ill city for public use and to be known as ! till' public -1uan' h\ the owners IIf lh , ' land 011 which the t-alh' ! , 1"- " ttaatt'd . to sit hO. . J. ' 'inll"1' and I : . I' . Tirll\l'r. Oil January Hh 1 1Sil. r > c I" .hown h\- the , .aid original plat and st'rv'y of salll city note 111r , " : , r.llu Rc ' 0'11 B"II I ' .P.I.\\ \ : i2.111 tit' olliel' of the Heltistl'r of deed IIIaltl ! count. 'J , 'I : uttl 10 oh1alll a further d"cre of said court \i fOI'I'\'l'r excluding you : tllIl each of you ( runt claiming titles lu said lallli comprising ( said puhllc square . and from the ass ! : rton or any Interest . tI'r.1 ! of allY kind till'rl'ill. You are IInlll'l' r notified that unless you pll'al. ' all"WI'1'1I1' demur 10 said petition Oil 01' lit' fort' the hlh day of "ar'h 1'1..5. tits ! sm wlli . he' taken as true :11111 thc decret' prayed ( for , rendered accordingly. 'rtrl : CITY 0/0' IIUl\UIOr.1J'I' . H'a\'l ! & H".I\'I . \Uorlll'Ys for Plaintiff. 8.-it : : . , , ' Legal Notice " I t. I' , In lhl' District Court of Hlchanl..on COllllt . . . ' < . Nebraska. . ' Rai ) : : McCarty I . ' ' : t5 . ' " . Sal1lll' " 1 AlcCarty > , ' + p , . ' 1'ltt ' tit'feudant will lall' Iwtlcl' that ou the , ' . . ' , 22nll day of Drcenths'r l'I. . till' 1Ialllliff JiIl',1 " 1 ill the district court of HlchanlfulI Count ' . \ i , , 'hra.lm.l petition against ! you . the object . C , 1 : \lhiliraycr u'hlch art' ohlaln adhur , . 11'11I11 n t , . " yott . for till' reason and nn the Itrolllllis the t butt ] . . a' . . I " , , have grossly anti sviilfttlly anti without cause ! -7 " ' failed : anti refused ! 10 SllliJOrt ( plaintiff thou\h ! of sullicicnt ahillty to do " 0. 'l'hl' further \ ' prayer of till' petition is i to give plaintiff tll" ' r care anti custody tuf the minor children Zenith : { . . ' allli KCllilh. \ 1'011 are required to aUS\l'I'r this petition un or before I'l'hurar ) . 2ilh.l"0 : . or the satin' will betaken taken as truI' RUIlY \icCAR'l'Y. 'i Hl'a'ls.Hca'ls. . ' 3 . . \t1orUl'Ys for IllalntliT. 1-1 t , . 'l'hc Falls City Poultry , Butter and Egg Co. , arc paying S cents : for hens. . I -