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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1905)
T - _ . -.t Y 1 4 - . - - - . . . . , - - - THEY EAT COLD MINCE PIE. - - - - Delicacy Said to Do a'avorito Luncheon - eon Dish with Men-Then I COlllplnin or lIendncho. A young woman who is in an ofllcu ill which there are a nUmlH' of then says that it is a conslant : aurJlrise ) lo her tu ace ! wha ; t these bruin workers cat for luncheon , says the Knoxville Scnlinel Tlw < Ill'lll she is : : ! with ili . one or those which was : : ! burned out \ , and ; " IO : : ! , as thc lunch room which the clerk 1 once frCIUCnted ( was : : ! hUl'nll.also ! ! , t.hese young fellows now patrols ize the basket : : ! which nn itinerant colored JIlHn and his clean and ' ' wile lo the new " portly ring qual" lcl's. tens.The The young ) tvoulall says that one I' ' of thc : most t'apahle ; of the fil'm'i ' cmplo.'cs } l\1nl'IIl'1I \ : : thoughtfully } off n cold mince pie } allli : FCC water , while ] he sort Ids mail She tty : : 1 he complains of headachc crer' nnd anon , ' but he never thinks of attributing il lo his diet ; instead . stead , hc says } he thinks hc is getting . ting what one eslimHule old lady used \ ! to call lit 1 he la gl'ippe. " The other ml'n , 1lie t girl says , are partial } to hot ] gingerbread : \ ( , and when they can'l gel that they will take a cheese sandwit'h l'cluct.aut- : } ' , rhe colol'pd man has a ean or coffee with him , but in this Imi1d. ( I t jug it has no pa t rots , as the clerk 1 agree that "hot coffee is had for a fellow , " cvC'u while hCj' drink freely at the W'11tei ' cooler and : 11ih . hie the el'hrcHd. } Iiping-hot ) giligelbr'ead. /1 wouldn't have helicvcd it it 1 hadn't seep it with m.r own eyes : ' said thc girl to a fl'iC'IHl. " 1 always thought 111pn } II1H'h'd off of porter house heefst'ak llHl : swcctbl'eHIs : ( und nlH'al'oni : allll sC'lIsihlc thing , lInd as 1 a : tte m.y modest beef 5:111 : wieh1H : } ell'ank Hl.Y cup of chore lae I would picture } to mj'sc1f m. friends of ( lie opposite sex living l on ) the t fat of the \ land. If I had known about the cold ( mince pia } and the hot . gitlgerhrad.I : woulll i I ? not hare been astonished that : I f.1ome of our mC'n are tJlin HllIl : ; i I Kfl nle are dcspondent Such H diet is enough io give thc strongest person thc Polly } wobbles forever morc. Amend then they t say women cat ! silly things ! ' - - - - - - - - Supt. Crocker left Monday evening - ning fur Lincoln whprc lie atten- dcd a meeting uf county supcrin- tCllICntS. Albert l\rau5t attended thc shrine banquet at Lincoln Vcd- neRd.l ) ' e'cningfrom there he went to Missouri on thc usual errand , to bc gone over Sunday. There is a well defined d'p- thcria scare in Stella and thc i town board has appointed a board ' of health to stop the spread of this dread diseasc. I There are twenty car loads of , tics at the 1'1. P. depot that agent Varncr cannot account : for. No one around thc depot can otTer , any explanation as to why they ' they are being unloaded herc. John Brockmcycr , Agricultural Specialist of thc l\IP.l 1 : . ; came up from Scda1ia , l\Io. . last Sat- . ' urday , s I Singnvn Coin\ldence in the Lives of 'fwin Brothers in Englnnd- Romance in Old Age. One of thc strangest of coincI , deuces on l'ecol'd is chronicled iu nn old English Jluhlication 'giving l'eminisceHC of udd ] happ'ning in that country , Two counll' . ' ; squires ncaned : } I"caman , of h'.y. hl'idgp-"t thin , dclica te.look. lug old JlIPn ) , twin t brothers , 7 i years olll , with . whitc . hair , very , gentle and : Courteous in malllWI' , red cutaway coats , white cOl'd , black hoolH , caps and glovcs. " Wht'n ( if'al's ) of past years age , one night aft'I' hllnting : one of them said to the other : "I h11ve becrl I lIilldng no i timer of IlS can ha(1 1II11l'h longer to live ill this world amI \\'i1lIH' a tCl'l'ihl1' ( thing for the survivor 10 have ] : ltl t I''main here 8i0rie. : t Don't rOil Ihink onp of' us ought ! 10 lIIal'I.r' : I "Yes " ' till' t ' ] ' , "I , WlS : I'ep"I have tho"ghl so for a long time. " " \\pll , (10011 ( , know of any I In < l\ , " ! " . l"Y "Y ( ' , I (1(1. IR there anyone 'yOtl Pancv . ! " . On ( 'oIllJlal'in notes if appC':1rC'I.1 ) : they had both selected ( } I lie same WOlllall , the mlnag'I' : ; of a hotel at I Okchunipton. : ! " \\(111. " ' sa id ( One , "we have lived ! together t : tII t thQScyears'lIhont 1 a : \ ! WI'.V \\0111 , :11\(1 : \ ( it 'sa : pity ] weshorll(1 fall 0111 t : tt ! I one time of life. " Self ! they 1 ORH0(1 t ( 111 ] which ShOI1 ] { ' : inn 1'1' y hI' The win11Pt' I'od < 10\\1' to Olwhnmplon IIpxt mOI'ninnl : \ \ wits : \ ; t ( ' t ' cpt0(1. ( ( . \ II three ) lived to gpth'I' :11)(1 : ) 111\ f l ; wife nursed \ ( } hot1 ] brothers in their last ] ! illness autl ] , was left their 111 nIH' . " . j Tu Guide the Wnyfnrer. A curious old t'tHtom is kept up ' at the picttlresque'ensleydale } ] village of Bainbridge , England , wllPl'p every wint'I"S night , aT : uinp o'clock ! , a large : horn is blown on t lit village green to aid any I \\\j'fal''I' : \ , who might chance to be : on the } SItI'l'OI1IH1ing fells , to find , his \\I.r : to the villagc. The fine i horn \ ) now ill use was presented to the village sonic years : ago , and at I oUP t imp adorned the t head of a ! lingo Afl'ir\n : \ h1111. Thc ancient horn in previous ] use is It good leal lie ] worse for vicar ( , and is kept as fin intcl'estin r\1i . - - - - Falls ) City Poultry , Butter & : Egg Co. arc paying S cents for hens. G , A. Alexander ] of 'Table Hock and John Alexander of Dawson - son was in this city on business 'l'hursday , ' \ ' . J. Boyd of this city was in Dawson Monda on business. C. Ii' , Rearms is before the dis- trict court in Hastings this week trying a tax case for hountz Bros. , banking house of New York. ,1\rs. Hurst returnecj l to Okla- homa the first of thc wcek. Marriage Record. no'no' Kozal. South Shoco S. ) ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2/0 / Lulu Pcnnlnltton Sal"III Nth. . ' . . . , . " . , . . .21 1\larrlctl by Judge WilhiloJan. . If 1"05 B.'rnanSto'rns. . lIulllbohlt. . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . _ , Edna E' lIanlhllt IInlllboltlt. . . . . . ' . . , . . . , 20 Colonel Alonzo Ilr.dley. Falls City. . . . . . . . . . .25 1lIIl11a : : Lonbu Schlcrdh , l all Cit- . . . . . . . .2:1 : 1 . . , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Do You Want to Get Well rIr.s. Ed Nolte ' healer . . , rIagtletic . . . , ] has practiced in Falls l City and vicinity for five I years. and her success ha long heen csta IJlish ' . d. She has effected cures in many instances where thc patients have been given up to die. MAGNETIC HEALING IS A SCIENCE --onc that re- quircs a perfect kl1uwledg-c of the human \lnatom ) ' . Its application - plication is logical and its cures arc certain and pcrmancnt. It is not : a myth , because it is founded on common sense and appeals to the judg-cmcnt of every unprejudiced pcrsan. : If there is one blessing more to bc desired than allotherit ' ! is - . - . , I' good . heal the If you arc diseased the great question with you "How to ' , . " Get VeIl. - { Lct lmme tell you frankly , my friend , it is not only a question - tion with you but it is a qucstion with all schools of them 1)11- tics , what to do for you. 'l'hc little mounds in yonder cemetery arc evidence of thc , facts : the practise of medicine has faded to add a single day . - - . to the average life of man. There is scarcely a grace hut what a fitting sentence ! : night ) be added to the epitaph upon , the burnished marbles : " 'l'he'cn' ' best medical aid was ad- mini't'rcd ! but to no a\'ail. " 'l'hesl' arc not scare lines written to frigim ten a single . soul , hut arc facts that cannot bc denied. In view of these facts tit is now high time one should think for himscl f. . Magnetic Science is becoming so popular that , like other good things , unscrupulous pcople , who know nothing of the . Science arc imposing upon the public. This , however , is 110 fault of thc Science peware of such peopl who not only impose ! upon you , but who arc doing' the profession a great Injury. j Magnetic Hcnlc. . ' t [ 1OS . E 0 N 0 LT E Falls Nebraska City , ( ml I Office at Residence , 'l'hrcc Blocks East of Library. ! < n ' ; ; ; 'Ji. ; : : VfI' ; : " " ' i _ _ . 'z-IJII'P " - . : . . - S . 'E' < , . . _ . . ' " > 'J - ' - : : ! t : t"'f k OjePfl a Farm ' _ 1 i I _ - . . LLY = itm tioY' : , . : Q : 'iie . a ! JI , Buy an irrigated furlll for yourself or your son before the advancing price shuts you out.rj he time is fast coming in this country when the owner of a \ good . \"ill he a very independent man ; the -acreage of farm . . lands is limited , but our population is rapidly increas- , . . . . mg' a The entire acreae of land available for irrigation , ( 'ither hy Primate or Governmental enterprise , will make ; but a small numher of eightY- lcre farms compared . with the number of young men who expect . to become ; farmers. The Big Horn Basin has ample water , a s'plcn- , " did sunshiny . climate and a soil which , under water , is as rich and productive . . as any in , the ! temperate zone ; I I. s'IHI for [ our special Big 1 lorn ! basin folder , and keep m that locality in your mind in looking into the future. : I _ _ L. . W. WAKELY , L General Passenger Agent , Omana , Neb. ' . . = ; : : , : -1 Judge 'Vilhitc was a Lincoln visitor thc first of thc weck. Hayden Prater has secured an excellent position in thc wholesale - sale house of Burgess , Frazier & : Co. , in St. Joseph , and will remove . move to that city thc first of next mon the A ten cent tea . given by thc ladies Sf ! the Episcopal church at Mr. Linn Himmclrcich on Tuesday - day evening'as attended by a very large crowd About twelve dollar was realizcd Harmon Ray , who owns over I 1700 acres of land near Auuurn has dccckd his entire property to a w , Hc\ Oscar .Lampl' of Thayer county , Neb. No\ comes August Praute , nn phew - . : hew of Hay and petitions . , " ) the. , .7 _ . ! court that a guardian bc appoint- cd over Hayo\\ " ning- to his fceulc. . ness and failing mental powcr- Another big law ] suit looms of the horizan John Brockmcyerwho is con- nccted with the telephone comp- any of Eldon , l\Io. , has appointcd D. H. Scars of this city to take . charge of the exchange in Eldon. . i\Ir Scars will remove to that , - < { city the first of next weck.