The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 30, 1904, Image 16
New Years Resolutions. Jake Norris-'l'o promote rapid ) transit between Fallc City and ) Salcll1. j.'rcd . Kcllar , Bert Hcavis and T410)'d Gianini-Ncvcr more to wandcr from our own fircsides. Ward ) Knight -Never again to try to heat a full with a bob tail. - ' - Frank Crahill-'o ) take the conceit out of a few amatcur trap shooters In the good ) . old summer t i mc. - - - - - Joe Varner-'ro locate the division - vision in Falls City without the aid or consent of any other rail- road officials in the business , - - - - - Chm . Da v s-'o ) join the Kellar Heavis-Giannini class of also l'ans before Jan , 1 , PJO ( , . Albert l\laust-1\lc to. G. J. Crook-'I'o secure a government - crnll1cnt building for F I ills < Ci.y or bust a hrccching- - - - - - - - - 1' . J. Gist-'I'o take anti-fat. Rob ule-A ) little of the same plcasc. ; - - - - - - - Sphinx Cluh-'l'o adopt an an- ti marriage by-law. Judge Wilhite-'I.'o sustain Pres- idcnt Roosevelt in his antagonism to race suicide by issuing mar- riag-e licenses at S1.JS - - Peter Fredcrick-'ro abandon the saloon business as it interferes - fcn's with hunting-- - - - - Mayor Ho\t-'I' \ repeal thc tax on clogs so far as it applies ! to hOllnds. \Vhittakcr--'l'o sell thc whole state of Kansas in the next six months . Cco. A hholt-'l'o quit writ- ing- poetry and g'o back to work ( it cuts more ice. ) . . . - - - - - - Ji'red ClC'veland-'l'o invent a winter gauze as good as base ball. luimett ! Sa ttcrwhi tc-'I'o per- fcct my hot air apparatus. - - - - Will Holt To show 'cm all up at the nest fat stock show , - - - - - - - - - Jakc'1'anner , Will Rieg-cr , John liossack I , George Reichcrs , gd Mar ; ct al-.l'o trust in God and keep our powder . dry. - - - - - - George SO\llcrs--'l'o ( take a vacation - cation and secure a rest from over t work. - - - - - - - - - - - Henry King--'l'o keep trade moving if 1 have to (10 It with Ki-ho-ma pink blets. Col. Chas. "Iarion---'l'o write I advertisements for the never fail hair rC5torcr. Salelll Small Pox Cnse. Salem , Ncb. , Deccmber 25. 1904 --Falls City Tribune : It is claimcd hy thc doctors that anyone , - one who is in a moral condition of health , will tell the truth ; on hecominginnoc \ latcd with small pox virus , hecomes a great liar somctimcs. I desire to call the attention of your readers because - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . of the fact that recently a small pox victim , Norman Capps , came into Dr. Hesketh office here , when tht following colloq ensu- cdSaid : Capps , ' - 'I want you to tell mc .vhat is thc matter with me. " Heskctt examincd ; him and said , "You have thc small pox. " 'l'hat is what my , sister said , what shall I do ? " JIcsl\ctt said , "You goo home and ta.r therc. Your sister knows for they have had it. " Now this fellow had already stayed all night at thc hotel here but Hcskett did not know it , but supposed that hc had come direct from his sistcr's home , where the .cntirc family had the small pox sometime ago , and that hc would immediately return to their place souse live miles southwest of Sal- cm. Instead of this however , hc went to the livery I stable here he . got a team and driver and went to Falls City. As he arrived at your town hc remarked to the driver , "Thcy say I have thc small pox. " Capps went to your doctors and city authoritie , telling ti.em that ! "Our doctors and people had suit him onto your community. " The same Having been given pubiicity through the columns of the Falls City News , 1 desire in justice to our people to have yon thc facls.---ours . publish - - - tntl" H , B , Grinstead. utual ' Telephone. RuloNeb.lec. 2i , 1 'J04 , K F. D. No. 1.--F'alls City 'l'ribunc--II1 response to your invitation to write the views of a suhscribccr to thc Farmers Mutual Telephone Company of Preston 1 will say that wc have about ninety subscribers - scribers on our lines they arc all far1l1crs and nearly all are patrons of Falls Citro We spend mall , hunCireds of dollars every year with your merchants. We feel . . , . . that wc shoulll have the t same fig-ht tOJHl\'C our'l'elephoncCom- pan ) ' have connection with your town as thc Dell Company and thc Interstate Company. 'Ve want to continue tr.uling at Falls City but wc have about reached thc conclusion that Falls City don't want our trade , at any rate ! they dcn't treat its like they diet. ' Rlspcctfully. A. F. andolph A Sensible Christmas Party. Miss Betts of thc local schools organized a Christmas part oi her students of the eight grade , and visited ten of thc poor families - lies of this ' city , leaving substantial - stantial and useful presents at each housc. They report several 1 families in very destitute circumstances - stances and in need of immediate assistance. In one instance they encountered a family of nine who wcre' lh'ingin two rooms. Two of thc small children being wrapped in a blanket and asleep on thc floor. Falls City should have an organized charity board A J u n k ! J u n k-fl . , - - I will bllY all till' J Junk von hal' and pay good I prices for it. .1 ust like finding' mOIH' \ on yonI' part. ' 4 , A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Earned. r I I Iere is where von can pick em IIp-.dollars we nltan. , :1 : I now sort all Junk here instead of at Omal and " can therefore pay better prices. I will buy retail : or m \ ' wholesale lots and pay city prices , and 'at the same title' n I ' sa'r you the freig-ht. rIain Office Between 1st Vii 2nd I 'I on Chase Street. Deal with mc and makr' mOlwy , Ring Phone No. 2 : -q ; . 1" and I will call on you , or drop me a can ! . Pric's I , t submitted all application. ! - . 0 . . - _ .0. - - " . . . . . . . - , - - _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - ' - . . . . . . . . " t , - . , JM FED i ER \ IF ' I . " PROP. . FALLS CITY : JUNK HOUSE . . . . , . " " " ' 1 ! ' ' ' ' ? i'4-'P. : = 2 : : : 1" mr.l III . ! SKATES ) ' ' . ' - : We have & . full Line of POP A F. f WI ula.f wnees. e Call & .od See - ; I I Them at : cj il MEYERW F HARDWARE - ' \ . . - . . \ g ; s. 4 , , to investigate such cases and re- licvc thc poor who are far to proud to make their wants known. 'l'hcr are many charit- ably inclined i person in Falls City who would consider it a pleasure to make substantial contributions - trihutions towards such a m ove- mcnt. 'fhis is respectfully sub- mittcd to those societies which are raising' funds for the heathen. Dancing Party. A very enjoyable ( lancing party was given } 'fondayc\'cning in thc spacious carpet parlors on thc second floor of Reavis & : Abbcy's storc. "Iusic was by phonograph { with especially , prepared lance records. 'rhosc in attendance were Bessie Da'is , 'V ill Schmelzel 'Valtcr 13o ) lc of Omaha , John Dorrington , Ann Dorrington , Miss Gregg , l'fr. and Mrs. B. 1. Rea\'is , : ; { r. and 1\lrs. ' 1' . J. Gist , 1Ir. and 1'lrs. D. D. Rca \'is , l'fr. and Mrs E. . H. 'rowic , and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. 1 ReaY s. - 1 Horses Frightcned. Saturday afternoon a team des I , , . ( , hitched near the court house square belonging to Mat McMahon - . hon because frightened and breaking - ing- away from their fastenings I . went down Harlan street , ditching - ; . ing the carriage in front of the Episcopal church. The horses were caught it. 1'11' Loucks yard , hc damage being a broken car- riag-c pole and torn h1trncss. 1'1r. McMahon had just purchased a couple of blankets for thc tcam and the blowing up of thc corner of one of these caused the run- way. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . Earl North and wife returned . to Lincoln thc first of hc wcek. ' Francis Martin went to Table Rock last Monday. 1 Sisters Ida and Agnes of the con\'cnt were passengers to York Alonlay. John I ) . Evans of Verdon \'is- , itcd in this city Monday. J