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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1904)
. e December 16 , 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE t . , - - - - - Died t , MARTIN I : . SAVIOR Again has the grim monster in- vadcd thc precincts of a happy J homc and taken thcrefrom one of , its inmates. . , ' \Vc arc called upon to chronicle the death of Martin E. Saylor , ) son of Nelson Saylor. who departed - , ed this life at his home in New . , kirk , Oklahoma , last Tuesday cvcning' J At an early age he with his , parents moved to Sabctha , Kans. , which place was his home for scv- cral ycars. His mother ( lied J while he was yet very 'oung. In , 1900 he went to Oklahoma with ) - ' in farm- his father and engaged - ing' and cattle raising , in which ) occupation hc was very success- ) rut. Hc had a contract with the J govcrnmcnt to supply meat to thc , , school for Indians near Ncwkirk. ) Mr. Saylor was aJ : honored mcm- her of the 1\lasons. J For about a year he had been in bad health , and since October he was Cull lned this home suf- , fcring' from Brightsdisease which was the immcdiate cause of his ) dcath. Hc leaves behind him to J mourn their loss , a widow , lather , a loving stepmother a sister , 3 brothers , and a host of relatives . and fricnds. 'ritc remains will be shipped to to this city and will arrive here this afternoon : , when they will betaken taken charge of by the local Ma- sonk lodge assisted by Hev. Ii' Pong-con and interred in Steele ccmetcry. One by one we are crossing thc river of death to the unexplored land from whence none ever re- turn. Solemn sounds thc bell as it heralds thc departure of this our beloved neighbor but thc Book has dcc1arcd- is appoint- cd unto man once to dic. " Fare- well brother , peaceful bc thc rest and eternal bc t by joys. - - - ANNA CA'1 ' IInIUNE SCHOCK Miss Ammo Catharine Schock ' was born in Union Co. Penn. , E July S , 1832 , died at Falls City Ncbr. Dcc. .2 , 1904. Aged 72 years 5 months 4 days. In 1836 her parents moved to Flat Rock , Ohio. Here her early and mature years were passcd. In 881 Miss Schock came to Nebraska , since this time her home has been in Kansas and Ncbraska. She was an earnest Christian and a member of the Evangelical - cal Association , having joined this denomination when quite young. She was the youngest of eight children. Only one of whom , Mrs. 'Vm. \Vonder of Blue Springs , Neb. survives her. Miss Schock has been an intense - tense sufferer for months. In the last few days she expressed a de - sire to go and meet her loved bnes , " r , . . 1 . I RA COMPLETE , MARKET I ( It i ' " WHEN we say a Complete Market we U i mean that we keep on hand at all . f . , c times everything found in a Complete J , : neat Market acid can supply you with the fa : . \ best in season. In addition to our com = . q . plete stock of meats we have the celebrated : ' . : : , y Heinz Pickles , Mustard , Etc. If you have 1 I not been trading with us , try us . once and t : ] . i y ou are sure to come again. . The City Meat flarl < et . ! s WESLEY fULLER I , Proprietor. . .I . - - who had preceded her to thc heavenly home. 'rhe funeral was held on Tuesday Dcc. 13 , at 2:30 at thc home of Mr.V.S. . Korncr. Quite a number of thc relatives and friends were present. He\ \V. S. Cline , pastor of the 1\1. E. church offi iating. The interment took : place in Steele cemctery. . IA RNIST. The infant son of Albert Earn- cst who lives two and ahalf miles south of Falls City passed out of this life on Friday at the tender age of nine mon ths. Services were conducted Sunday morning at 1l0'c1ock in the Falls City Evangelical church under . the supervision of He\ Abel , who lives two mile south of Preston. The remains were laid to rest in the Stelle ccmctery. The family has the heartfelt sympathies of a host of relatives and friends. CI.TNI A. . C'.1 _ _ . . _ r 1 _ _ L _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ r L _ _ On .intuit VII QUlllli ! , } ' UI last : wee1 , : after eating a hearty dinner , Milton Cline went to the barn to feed a dchorned shortorn bu11 The bull seemed either playful or an- gry for he butted Cline up against the manger three time before he could get away .From the results of of the injuries then received Cline died early Saturday morning" The attending physicans operat- ed Sunday only to find that the intestines were ruptured in sever- o al places and the wonder is that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Ho' _ _ _ _ _ . - I Grea. Ileducti r p ) j : I /w\ Sa.l e h _ _ _ . _ . . . , , , , , , " _ . , " ' : -"w " " : n " ' " 'r < ! 'IE' ; D ; i".H : Ilavingdecided to close out our entire , , Millinery Stock - - - - - --v < - by January 1st , we will sell everything - in . . I our line - _ _ _ at _ ACTUAL COST r I Hats , Plumes , Fancy Feathers , Ribbons , Laces , Flowers. . i - - _ i-- - ' - - . " . ; 1' ; _ . . , . . . . _ We Mean Business . . .Barnett Millinery i - he was able to live so long in that condition. Cline lived about eight miles north of this place on a rented farm and leaves a wife and large family of small children. Funeral services were held Monday and the body was interred - ed in Maple Grove Cemetery A fifteen dollar dressing case given away at City Pharmacy. A chance with every lol1ar's worth of goods bought. . REFRACTIONIST R.L.Baumont , M.D. / . , Sixth & FelixSt.Joseph p 7 ) Formerly eye and ear specialist - ist now limited practice to Eye Glasses 1 1\ J. Oliver , 1\1. J. Byrne and J. F. Mullen/of Dawson were in i this city . . Saturday. , , _ , I.