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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1904)
- a" A . . i , ( lGlt.e j all itl ! T1ihflfl1e. \ . . , - - : - - - . : . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - , _ . ' - - , - - . - - - . - - - - - . . - VOLU1\IE I FALLS . CITY , NEBRASKA , FRI01\Y , DECEIBER . 2 ; , 190.\ \ NUMBER SI - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . . _ - - - , Good Roads Meeting. I The cOll1mittc appointed by the . 400(1 roads meetil1g" met at .Tohn r 1\"uJk's office \Yedl1csday. 'l'here was prescntY.A. . Grccnwald , G. A. Abbott , R. 1. Grinstead , G. J. Crook andIr ! , Babcock mcm- I I hers of the com\l1itte Senator , : --'l'uckcr : , Representatives . Hogrefe it and Lord were also in attendancc. \ W. A. Grccnwald ; wa elected , . chairman after which it was de- j" tcrllined to recomnlen(1 l the following ing' amendments to the road Jaw , 1stro do away with thc I . . ' I , \IICC of road 1 superrlsor. . 2nd To provide for thc ollice , , of county engineer , It a salary , . ! of . r SSOO.OO a year in addition to the fees of county SU1'\'cyor. 'Phis officer to draw all plats and spec- , ilications for bridges and to in- spcct and pass on bridges as . built. This will operate to do : away with thc bridge committee. 31'(1 All poll tax to be paid in cash , no man under lifty years of age to be permitted 'to vote until his poll tax is paid. , 4th All roads to bc built and l'rpalred by the- townships thc , same , : to be lone by thc lowest ! . . Ut 1der. N' ' . 5th F'ifty 1 per cent of/the road . < : ' - , , 'l'i . fund to he e..pcndcd al1nualy un- lcr the suprl'\'ison of the coun i ty I. engineer in thc construction of permanent roads. The following resolution ! was I . adopteel by the commlttce. . After which thc committee adjourned - jou1'l1cd to meet at the call of the chairman " , It is the opinion 01 this com- mitte that any change in our present : : ; road laws must he local L option in kind must eliminate the personal services of the unskilled - skilled population in thc con- : : uction of roals and thc substitution . :1 : _ stitution thcrefor of an intelligent ) authority that will equitably I , i distribute thc burdens 1 \ : : of cost and good business methods in the , l1SC , : : : \ : f\ JI t construction and in aintai n ; Lice 01 " 1- ' = Public liighwa 1 ) : : ' . We would : . further recommend that in a 1 ) , county like Richardson , where r ; one twdth of the entire area of 1/ l' ( . the land surface is subjl.'ct to in- ! , - : , undalwns , which together with . . thc seapagc waters that dIsastrously - .t rously affect our road grades in timer of excessive rainfalls , both .I\ : ross the bottoms and along the uplands where seapag'e occurs , that an intelliretiC system of drainage is inc1espcnsibly con- nccted with any successful road building and further , that pre- Hminar thereto \ a top graphical I < . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u - - . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . - . . . r---- : : : - . . . . -b - - - - - - - - - - - A Cilristo1&.S SeH'nnorlo > I7iJj ) lout Christmas is not only 1 the milemark of another year moving us to thoughts of self-exainination ; it is a season , frpnl all its associations , whether domcstic or religious suggesting thoughts of jO\ A man dissaIis tied with his ; cndca\'ors is a man tempted to sadncss. And in the micbt of the winter , when his life runs lowest and he is l'emilldel of the empty dlllirs of his belo\'edit is well lie should he conclemncc1 to this fashion of 1 thC"smiJing farC' Nohle sappo'intn1l.'nl and noble self-dcnial arc not to _ hc admired , not even to be pardoned , if they bring .bittl'1'I1cs ! , . It is one thing to cuter thc kingdom of lien veii maim ; another to maim yourself and stay without. . And the Idng'dom of heaven is of the childlike , of those who ale easy to please , who love and who give pleasul'c. : flighty mel1 of their hands , the smiters and thc buildcrs and the judges , hare lived long and lone sternly and yet prescn'cd this lovely Challlctcr and among om carpet interests and 1.wo- penny concerns , thc sha111e were indelible if we should lose it. ncnt1l'tH'SS and cheerfulness , these come before l aIlI1101'ality ; they are the perfect dqties. And it is the trouble with moral men that they have neither one nor the other It was the moral man , the Pharisee whom Christ could not away with. If your morals make von dreary depend upon it they arc : wrong' I do not say "g''C thel11 up. " for they may be all you have ; but conceal them like a Vice , lest they should spoil the hi I \'es of better and sinipler people.'k * * People nowadays are so fond of resisting temptations ; here is one to be resistec1. 'I'hey arc fond of se1f- ( el1ial ; here is a propensity that c..llnot be too peremptorily dcnicd. There is an idea abroad ; unoug moral people that they should make their neighbors good. ! One person 1 ha\'c to make geol ( ; in \ ' - self. nut 111) duty to my neighbor is much more nearly cx- pressed hy saying that I have tai in nIce him happy-If I may. -l o bl'rt Louis S.te'l . nson. survey should be made ! by a com- petcnt civil engineer especially those roads along and across the bottoms and all other lands affect- cel with Sl'apaJ.C : water where permanen ; roads arc to be con- structcc ! Yom committee would further represent that our legislators should' lend all possiblc aid to thc enactment of any equitable drainage laws or to the needed amendment of allY such laws as wc now have on thc statutes , by which all swamp or wet lands over which courity roads are lo be located may be reclaimed from periodic overflow to the end that pC'rmancnt good roads be mach in all parts of thc county at a mini- mum expense , more cspecia to the end that thc impossibility II of acc'Jnplishin : the same may . Ic l permanently and fore yer climi- nated. 'I'his c01l1mittee would further represent that in the construction of any drainage system for the aforesaid overflowed lands , a topographical - pographical survey to be made by a competent engineer is neccssar- ily preliminary thereto , and when the same shall have been made , it will also serve the purpos preliminary - liminary forsuccess'ful road building - ing- , the same therefore , should be encouraged br our county board of lpcr\ ' i : ; ors anel all other citizens : as prodded for in - chapter - ter Sf ) article 1 of compiled statutes - , utes of lIJ03. The eqCn8C : of the same to be paid for by a ; tax on the lands reclaimcc ! . Seed Corn Special. 'I'hc Burling"ton Seed Corn Spccial" which was aCI\'crtiscc1 tb reach this city at 1:15 : p. 111. on Monday ; arrived on schedule time and was greeted by a large crowc1 ( of farmers , who were anxious to learn what they could of thc relative - lat \'c values of the different varieties - . rieties of corn for this section of the statc. 'rhe train was co ' u- posed of three coaches and a din ing car. The coaches were provided with a temporary plat- form , It one end of each and there were samples of all thc best varieties - rictie of corn displayed in great abundance. When thc train : ; 1'- rived thc farmers were intec1 to enter the coaches which they did and they were treated to a scicn- tific lecture of a high order on the care alit ] selection or seed corn a'f ! \ as the proper manncr in caring for their crops while growing' They were inritcd to I question the lecturers which invitation - vitation many of them took advantage - tag-e of and thereby brought out many points of advantage to both the lecturer and the listeners. u _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ Wc were inforll1cd that 1'aJ1 , ; v City turnec1 out a larger ninn lber to the lecture than any outer place bet " vice ti here alld ; Lincoln , there heillg almost 250 ill attenc1- : tnce. 'l'herc was a large nUll1hl'l' of farmers boarded the train at , Humboldt Dawson al1d ( SalL'lu p and callI ( ' dowlI here , rcturnil1l. with the train aril they had a double al ' tntage as they kept plying thc , lecturers with lJuest- ! ions ( luring the entire trip. l1'oJ- { lowing are the lIall1es of those ill 44 f char . of thc train \V.IL. Mans charge : ; , t\ . . . . , ) " , : I iiltititritl ( I ; COnliiliSSiOtier , C . J' . . n" \ ' Q. , Chicago , ill. ! ; a.v. Obel' , Sec. \ " toV. . 1 I. flans , Chicago , 111. ; \ Prof. 'J' . L. Lyon , Prof. S. A vel ' y , I'i : of. A. L. Hccker , Prof. S. ( : . . Iolltg-omcry , Prof. Pugsely , all t of Agricultural ; Dept University ' of Nebraska , 14incolnProf. ; A. N. 1111111e , University of Illinois , Champaign ; ; , Ill , j .m. v. UrackC'll , 'L'rainll1astcr C. ft & U. ( Table Rock I ; 11. L. Lewis D. Ii' l . & P.A. , ' Beatrice ; Chin nceflor l. I laen j. Anclrcws , l4incoln ; Rev. l 'l'uttle , lincohi ; D. I l ; . Dcspain , State i ! DcpL of Labor , also of Lincoln / Star , ' Lincoln.1. ; [ , . I\Iel1c1el1'hall , 'I' F. 8. P. A. C. L' . & Q. Icat- dce. 'I'hcrc is no doubt hut that much Iood will rcslllt Irolll..this tour of the state as it is the lI1C'al1S of bringing thc fatltlers ; together to exchange icleas be- sides getting thc valuahJe infor- 1l1atiol1 from the experts ill this particular branch of fa tin iii g and we heard it suggested that tht'sc trains would eventually do away with the farmer's institutcs. Resolutions. Wh-r'a. . . Il /l1I-aKclllI" / " , ( ; 1':11111.hlh':1 ( of thIJII'rH' ! to n'III11\'l' hy .II-ath frulll our IIlhhl.ollr trt loved Jlrnllll'rIartlll g. l Haylor , III thl'lrlllw of his IIf , ' . :11111 \yilt ' rtavyo havt ' tenons lirothtr/iaylor as a true and falthflll hrutIiruuong II" . a worthy and dlli dUz"1I in our contmunity.utd a good mail alld i trot , wllfl n II ttiniely drat , t.e . with tit ( ' cntirt . . :011I11I111111) lIIullrll. Be It H"Kol".I i. Ity N'wllrlc 1,0011fe No. 21A.1' & A. 11. . III l'I'Ulllar cotnmttnicatiou , that WII exIt . It 'Iul to tilt h'n'av-cl Wlfl all,1 n'latl\'l'fI of [ , a Brolh'r Saylor our Iwarlfdt hYIIIJlath for thl'lII III this sad hour and cUlllmellel Ihelll In lint ! / who is our suit Coin forteI' III lOrro\\ ' . 'I'hat tilt so Muttons \ ho spread upon Uu' , Bout " s oi the T.odlfl , ; 'j'hat UIl charh'r of tire T.uellfu ho draped III 11I011 ntitiK for a period of hint . ) ' days ; I 'j'hat a copy of tiles ollltlollK ho presented to ttllJ I'rean'd I'I-Iatl\'c's and that Ihehu reoolll- tines 1m Jlllhlhhcet III the city papers of New- , 1:11'1" , Olclahul1la. and rails Clt ) ' . NcJrallca. ! J. : ' 1. lIAYNm ; . CI\U1m nuv s. , j : . A. BUKK' n CoutniitU , ' Adopt ' d at a regular cOllll1lllnlcation of Nuw- kirk Lodge No 21. A. 1' . & A. M. , Ncwlclrlc , Oklahoma UecemJer ! 171h , A. I ) . 1704. 11. S. WorKh\J.11I1 \ Master 11. C. IIUOOKS Sccntar ! f - John Dorrington camc down : ' from Lincoln Wednesday cveni ng. Mrs. Dan Watson of Reserve , Kas. , visited with MrR. Jessie Sears ' of this city on \Ve nesday. g