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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1904)
i . . . " " . . . . , . . ' , , . . , . . . . , . . . . : . . . . . ' . ' , . . - , , " , , . . , ' . , . . . ' " . _ , . , . -.r. " , ' . . " . . . \ , . . . . ' ) ; December 16 1904 ' ' : " THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE ' . , . : t , ? ' " What Others Say. - - Childless . I . elme comc ill where you sit wceplllg -ayc I.etllJe who have not any child tonic Weep with you for the little one whose Jove 1 have known lIothillg' of. The little arms that slowlyslowlj'lom.ed 'i'hclr pressure roared , your neck ; the hams ! you used 1'0 Ids\-slIch ! ' arlllsslICh hams ! never . knew , May I not wecp with yon ? Pain wOIIIII I ue of servicc-sa , ) ' something , l1etlreen the tearsthatwonld he com- forti IIg- , Bill all l so sadder than yourself am I Who have 110 child to die ! , -James Whitcomh Riley - - - - Mrs. Julius Ruegge came up from I.'alls l City 'Puesday for a visit with her friends in this city. 11 rs. Nlegge will be remembered by most Humholdt PCO Pie as Amiss I mma Ilayes.-H1IInboldt l nter- prisco . She Apnlnlizctl. ! A Kansas City throat specia- mist leas about to make an e \ . - amination of a nervous woman patient and as hc exhibited his laryngoscope : hc said : "You would bc surprised to know how far down wc can sec with this instrumcnt. " As hc was about to place the laryngoscope in her throat she apologized for hang a hdl ill her stoc1dng'-Jndex. A jack rabbit which has won the namc of "Dan Patch'make s its home near Jesse Jl'lccther ti ; place on Route ? . The rabbit is i a big one and } the neighbors have all come to know it. For } thc pmt two years the swiftest dog around Pow Iiatan have given - - - . . - - , - - , chase to this jack rabbit , but so far no clog has come within many yards of tasting distance of the jack. The rabbit scents to enjoy " thc chase : as munch IS anyonc. 'Plnc''boys" living in thc FeHch- cr ucighborhood say they arc willing lack thc rabbit against any hounds in the county.-Hia- wa thaVorld. . . . - - - - - Reform i\.t Hints City. The recent affray at Nines City which cal11c near resulting in a 1I1t\1'dcr has caused } thc moral cleaning up of the town , thc joints having been closed and the town placed on thc dry list. 'l'hc better clement of thc population rejoice that this condition at last exists , although regretting that it was brought about by such unfortunate - fortunate ci rcumstanccs.- UI11- bold En tcrprise. Monday Evening Club. 'T he ladies , of thc Monday g\'cning' Club gave a rcccption Wednesday < night at thc home of . Mrs. ia I ; K Hitchcock , the guest of honor being Mrs. Wilson , of l.'alls l City. A short musical program was given , after which was given a very interesting talk and paper hy Mrs. Wilson , followed by a dainty two-courscd luncheon con- sisting' of cake and sherbet ; pnd cocoa and wafers. The c'cllingwas spent in a social way and all went home ha'ingfclt the evening was well spent , and hoping to meet our Dist : President t sometime ! ; gai n. -Stcrling' Sun. - - - - - - - August NC' of Falls City placed thc foundation for a hand- some monument at thc grave of \lrs. ! P. II.Reimcrs.Stella Press - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A Good Ad111inistration. J. Allen Cook and estimable wife arc entitled to thc gratitude of thc citizens of this county for thc efficient way in which the ) ' have conductcd the poor farm. \Vc bcleivc that Ales "Wherry was responsible for their employment - mcnt several years ago and a wiser selection could not have been madc. A visit to the farm is convincing proof of tHc above asser tloiis. Does it Pay to Advertise. HcaV1S & Abbey have taken thc exclusive agency for thc sale of thc celebrated Globe \Vcrnickc elastic book casc. This firma 1 brought this book case to thc attention - tcntion of thc people last week through the advertising columns of this paper and the News. As a result they had six calls on , last Saturday for book cases. If you have anything good , tell the people about it and times will do the rcst. Love's Young Dreanl. John Gcrdes of Humboldt age 71 years secured a license from Judge \Vilhite last week to marry Elizabeth Rauchs age 71 ycars. \Vhat ] is mqrc beautiful than lovc's young dream ? RECTOR OF ST. LUKE.'S. Ashburnham Testifies to the Good Qualities of ChamberJntn's Cough Remedy. ASllBUHNIIA\ : [ , Ont. , April 18 , 11)03.-1 think it is only right that I should tell you what a wonderful effect Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has produced. Time day before gastcr I was so distressed with a cold and cough that I did not think tQ be able to - . - : ' y .1' J take any duties thc nest day , , .as 111Y voice was ; almost choked by I thc coug'h. Time sank ; day I rc- , f ceit'ecl an order from you for ; . ' \ . ' 1 bottle of your Cough Hemcd y. I at once produced ; a sample bottle and took about three closes of thc mcdicinc. 1'0 my great relief the cough and cold had coin plete- ly disappeard and I was able to preach three times on Easter Day. . I know that this rapid and effective { - ti.c cure was due to Cough Reined - . ed } ' . I make this testimonial without solicitation bcing'thanl ful to hay found such a. Godsend - send rcmcdy. Respectfully yours , ' E. A. Lan - feldt , M. A. , . Rector St.Luke'sClturch. 'I'bis . . rcmcd ' is for sale by . A. \Vanncr. . Winter Tourist Rates. Low round trip rates to Denver Colorado Springs andf PucbJQCol- oradoGah'cston ; and San An ton- io ; 'l'cxns : New Orleans , Louisi- ana ; Mobile , Alabama : Jackson- \ ' "i11e and S1. Augustine , Florida . and hundreds ; of other points. ' If you arc firuring all , a winter , excursion trip , I lan furnish you valuable information , or write tO L. \ \Vakclcy , General Passen- ger Agent , Oinaha.-G. Stewart Agent , C. B. & : Q. H.H. Returned to Grand Is1and. : { } .J' S l\Ir. and Irs. Ed Jones of Grand Island returned to their home Wednesday after a Visit uf two weeks with friends and relatives in this city. .L'hc mall ) ' friends , of Ed and Doc will be glad to . w learn that thc boys are . operating an implement plant at Grand Island and that they are rapidly _ accumulating large quantities of prosperity , The Tribune will I keep them posted on local matters for he t next y'ar. . tix . 4 1i J L G T jtZf a r r r. y. ' , , . " AkLa ± + j . :4 s'ttfZ ' . . " t ijj S h fr ] , } : ' rou CAT' b1 : . n ( . . . , ' . . . " ; , ; \ 1 : : ' . Do not take chances on it wearing away or experiment with some unknown preparation which may leave the bronchial tubes and lungs weakened and susceptible .to attack from the germs of Pneumonia or Consumption. .ri I FoLEY : \ ; . : Q r \ . . ' : J ! N J : _ . / . , & fn ' ; . 1 ' 11) _ . . . , I not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs and prevents serious results I , . from a rnlrl . Contains no opiates. - It Saved His Life After the Doctor Said Ho Had Consumption. W. R. Davis , Vissalia , California , writes : "There is no doubt but what oloJ"s JTpncJP and Tar saved my life. I had an awful cough on my lungs and the doctor told me I had consumption. I commenced taking FoloJ" honey and Tar and found relief from the first and three bottles cured me completely. " A Policem m'J ! Testimony. J. N. Patterson , night policeman , of Nashua , Iowa , writes : "Last winter I had a bad cold on my lungs and tried at least a half-dozen advertised cough medicines and had treatment from two physicians without getting any benefit. A friend recommended Foley's honey llml Tar and two-thirds of a bottle cured me. I consider it the greatest cough and lung medicine in the world. " Three sizes-25c , 50c and $1.00. The 50 . cent size contains two and one-half times as mi eh as the small size and tae $1.00 bottle almost six times as much. Refuse Subs1itutcs. L . , , . SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY DR. . McrIILLAN Proprietor Plal.lnac ! . . . , City Pharmacy. . ,