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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1904)
, 4 December 16 1 , 1904 . THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " Ed Howe in a Balloon 'l'herc is everything in contras Onc's true position is bette ; t" " understood by a thoughtful COt1 sidcration of thc position of other than in any other way. If yo ' are unaware how narrow and it1 1 consequential you and your environments \'ironmcnts are , get out into th world and lcaril something of hog the other half lives , and the con trast will teach you an excellcn mId much needed lcsson. * * * : Man never realizes his little ness so much as when viewin : , some Qf nature's wonders. . Lee . upon the broad expanse of th ocean or ragged peaks of th mountains and then con templat man. The contrast is useful i' i ' thc mcasurmcnt of cO.11plrat \ ' il1U cs. I * * * The writer once walked and . Niagara Falls Robed and hoodc 111 .l rubber suit like a monk \ walked ] in the face of a b1indinJ . spray with thc roar which ha sounded for ages beating in m. . cars. I stood beneath ' thc fall . and raising my eyes I looked fa above to a reyish : green sheet of , water as it rushed and plunge from its dizzy height. I shoute I _ at the top of my voice , but a 4.11 . :11 : : \ against ! thc roar no sound came . \ Never for an instant ceasing th . rush and the rbar continued I } - the contrast with this might , manifestation of the creator , ho\ ' little how vain thc struggle : . ; the hopes , the fears , the loves thc hates'of man. So had i . beau in the beginning : , so will i continue until the world shall b l , ashes and the "lirmannent 1 rolIe up as a scroll. " I * * * , , Ed Howe of thc Atchison Glob . . . . . F spent Thanksgiving on th . , . world's fair ground , during th clay hc went up in a balloon. This is what hc says about i1 The trip in the air is said to 1J 7 ' " . Y " " , if " ' .1 , , , . .1"1" , , , . . . I . . . " . . t . . , ) . iUUU HHu e s I\\PI\ , ; ; > ; > . . & . \\\.11\ up just to bc doing somcthing. I l have thc faith and fortitude \ p ' sufficient to be willing to accept " ni" fate in the air or on the . ! gouncl. . . . I was neither frightened - I nervous. ' ed nor nen'ous. * * * " , . . . ' , I don't scare cry easy , now. f don't want to die , but I am not Y afraid to die. After those you j love ] very much have died , one no f' longer fears death. It is then natural to feel that death is thc i only perfect and final event. * * ' " I climbed into thc "swaying- 'Lasket" . and - looked down and t . , heard what people said. Thc top , of thc basket was level with my shoulders. \Vc didn't seem to .b' c . . . . . . . . . . . , , . , , ' . ' . t. . . . . . " . . _ ' . , t. -i > > / ' . : ' , " . . , , au.w..r " L . . . . 1l10\'C' at nll. 'l'hc earth just slipped away from us. * * * There was a suggestion of . . what happens when one goes into ; blank space under the influence of ethcr. Soon the houses looked 1- like flay blocks and the people s . . , like ants. 'l'imey wcre eating , It . . . sleeping , plotting , fighting , pray- 1- _ ing-all on earth undcr thc balloon-in houses , shops , homcs c and outdoors. V , . i- * .x- * it Some were happy and some were not. Sonic were working for moner and sonic were work- ' for ' . Some : _ inn g'lbry-not many. , . . who were ornricr than others k were trying to reform those oruricr than thcmsclvcs. .As all c c were born in sin I supple all will bee c damned unless saved by special intercession. I'd save 'cm all be- n c cc : : use it is possible that those wc want to see in hell may m cct us in heil\'cn. \ . . . er : " . : : : * d My hands got coM and I slapped I them. Thc basket lurched and I - g , grabbed ' the ropes. I could hear s thc voices below all the whilc. r Then thc earth slipped toward us s ag-ain-the distance was swept l' aside , and the ground came up to f greet us. Tie marvellous lights d of the Fair never looked more d beautiful than they did from the - . I wasn't and -is heig-hts. up long , my balloon was always under e control. I ; > upposc it did not get n higher than 1500 feet. It was y my first and last visit towards v the sky and stars.-E. II. : ' ISN'T IT THE TRUTH ? " , t Thc ways of woman arc wondrous ways it Sonic of them wc much lcplorc ; She throwcth a stone to shoo a hen , Ie , And hitleth the man next door. (1 She lo\'cth a malt as hard as she can , Yet raiscth his heart in welts ; By looking right through him ; and over e him , e Anti smiling at somebody clsc. c Site sigheth until her skirts arc long , Of grief abdm her cup ; t. 'l'hen when they arc long as she wanted be them long , " Sttc ; c-trcfully ltoliletlt titan it " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 1 " When yon''e carefully figured the way she will go And arc ready to make your play ; 11on't bet on that 01' the opposite way , 101' ; shc'll strikeout a different way Shc's thc opposite thing to what God planned , Shc's thc nc\'cl'yctundcrtood ; , She's the une pectedcst dearest thing And that's what makes her g'ood. ASK THE MAN AT TIlE STAR LIVERY BARN. - - - - - - - - - - - De Quick Not a minute should bc lost when a child shows symptons 01 croup. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy given as soon as thc child becomes hoarscor even after the croupy cough appears , will prevent thc attack. It never fails , and is pleasant and safe to takc. For sale by _ . A.G. \Vanner. . , . , . ' < : . . . . IJ . . . . , " : t Ab ut This Time' I . fi You begin to think about - ( . I : . , . .l bout Christmas gifts. .J' ' : ' " f.4 ; ( For Christmas presents 'Cl/ / , , I / " : , is there is nothing more \ 1 ' 1 \ : welcome and appropri- l l'I ) ( fIt , t ' , ate than jewels' If you - . , I select the gift from our stock , you viII be sure - Jf 'I" you have pureh as ed : > ; ; 'il ' : fashionable _ sonlething . . . . . /J / . und vorthy. 'Ve carry . . u full line of jewelry , cut glass , silver novelties , silver for tile Toilet and Table , dhullonds , watches , in fact everything i . . , Store. that goes to make an up-to-date Jewelry \Ve also have a nev line of chafing dishes. Call n and see them. - - Y.u - - I ---HE IJ I OLD RELIABLE . A. E ? JAQVET , , . ' . _ _ _ _ _ _ F E " -P ' ' : -'z' : ; : ' .1J : : < JI' : ' ; ' s . . . . . . . . . . . . = " " ' = . . . . . q. : ; - = = Junk ! Junk ! 1 , . . , - - - - I will buy all the Junk you have and pay good ! ] prices for it. Just like finding money on your part. \ t A Dollar Saved is a Dollar' Earned. ; ; I I-I ere is. where you can pick em up-dollars we 111 ( 'an. I now sort' ' all Junk here instead of at Omaha and ; can therefore pay better prices. Ivill I buy retail or f r. wholesale lots . and pay city prices , and at the same time fJ ; ' : you ' the ; : ; t. 1 1ai ii Office Between 1st & 2nd . ' on-Chase Street. Deal with me and make mOIH'Y. Ring Phone No. 23q : : ! U and I will call on you , or drop me a card. Prices submitted on application. FERER PROP. FALLS CITY JUNK HOUSE J _ . . . " ' : : ; " -.I'R'- ' ! Burlington Bulletin WIlY IIIBJ : ] nA'l'I ? \Vinter Tourist Rates to Cali- fornia , Coloracta , the Gulf Country , Florida , South and South cast. . . Landscekers Rates , -approxi- mately half rates December 20th , January 3 and 17 to Oklahoma ! , Texas and the Southwcst. Low One Wtty Settlers' Rate ! . December 20th to Southeast points beyond the Ohio River. Christmas And New Year , greatly reduced holiday rates for short and long journeys in terri- tory between the Rockics and 1 Chicago , Pcoria and St. Louis. Live Stock Convcntion , Dcnvcr. One fare plus S2 for thc round 1 . . . . ' ' ; r : . t . . , : . t , , " 3y .J , ; - 1,1 trip January 7 to 9 , 11)05. Ask the went for further information - , formation ot'\vritcto L.\V. \Vake- J icy , General ] Passenger Agent , ' Omaha , Nch. II DON'T D . o. IT ! i- It dun't pay ! Don't send } . way for Nursery Stock ! I. i The best trees , the finest i : fruits , the best results are obtained by purchasing trees of thc FALLS CITY NUI SgI Y. A large stock of choice home grown ; trees to select from , Low prices for High Grade 'l'rees. WM. nOHLER , Proprietor , , Ladies nand Bags at City Pharmacy. p