The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 11, 1904, Image 6

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11irs. UohflrtT Inns nu xtrAordlnarT Ea-
pcrlGDc4 and Undergoes ul\lurveJolL'
Mrs. E. Doherty No. 115 Coates
street , Moberly , Mo. , la toc.ll\Y picture of
robust health , and yet five years ago , she
barely c8CaIJell death from progressive
emncinUon. To a reporter she told the
following story :
"In 1800 I began to have distressing
attacks of indigestion that continued for
two yenl's. My stomach was constantly
sore and burned as if it WM on fire. It
became finally HO doticnto that it would
not retain oven plain WatCr. ! My inability
toO take food reduced my weight to niuety-
eight pounds , and faintness and dizziness
kept 1110 in bed most of the titno. I was
really starving t.o death amid besides I was
extremely nervous. The doctor was !
perploxed. 110 gave mo tonIcs which
did mo no good , and prescribed exercise
which I was too weak to attempt.
"Ouo day when I was fiO faint and
chilled that I could do nothing but crouch
down on the floor by the fire , my father
brought mo 1\ box ot Dr. Wi11lams' Pink
Pills for Pale Peoplo. I found 011 trial
that they would stay 011 my stomach unlike -
like everything else. I really felt better
after three doses and I kept all using
them. Food began to taste well and to
9 stay down. The pain and the burning
in the pit of my atolllach lessened and at
lust wont away altogether. My weight .
began to increase until it reached
1U5 pounds and my neighbors , who
wore convinced that I was wasting t.o
death before , were astonished at the
chnngo. I resumed my housework and
a have hardly bad occasion to call a doctor
since. I have recommended Dr. 'Vile
lIml1s' Pink PiUs to several friends , and
I say to the pale , thin ones particularly ,
If you want to get strong 1\1ul well take
WitUamH'Pinlc Pills for Palo Peoplo. "
i These puts cure stomach trouble by
their tonic action , building up the digestive -
gestive organs and enabling them to do
the work that lIaturo intended them to
do. They are HOld by all dealers , or will
be sent postpaid on receipt of price , fifty
cents a box or six boxes for two dollars
BUll a butt , by mltlr088ing Dr. Williams
Medicine Co. , Schenectpdy , N. Y. A
diet book giving useful informntiou will
be sent free ou rCQuest.
As 110 roads are so rough as those
that have just been mended , so no
sinners are so intolerant as those that
have Just turned out saints.-Colton.
The Wabash Is the Only LIne Landing
You at the World's Fair.
Uround trip rates from Omaha are
as follows : $8.50 sold dally except
Friday and Saturday , good 7 days.
$13.80 sold dally , good 15 days. The . ,
Wabash is the only lIne that land's
passengers at the main entrance of the
'World's Fair grounds. Also the only
, line that can check your baggage to
.tho World's Fair station. Think what
n saving of time , annoyance and ex-
tra car taro.
AU agents can sell you through
ticket and route you over the Wabash.
Very low rates to many points South , i
Southeast. For beautiful World's Fair I
folder ana all Information call at 1601
o'arnam St. or address harry E.
Moores , Gen. Agt Pass. Dept. WBb.
n. n. , Omaha , Neb.
Condemn Army Step.
The congress of naturalists and
physicians which recently met In
Breslau strongly condemned the
"goose-atop" as practiced in the German .
man and some other armies. Dr. Tbnl-
witwr read a paper on the subject , in
which hc showed that the adoption of
this ridiculous step accounts for numerous -
merous knee and foot complaints
among the troops. Sixty per cent of
the sores on the feet of the men are
In consequence of persistent adherence
ence to this antiquated step.
Any man : nay make a mistake , but
none but a tool will continue it.-
Cicero . .
- - -
. .
- - - -
falls City Tribune
- -
It nlwa'n seem3 like AIMing insult
to injury when the dentist sends In
his bill.
According to Dun "collections arc
casler' " Our duns aren't finding it so ,
thank 'ou.
'I'here's n revolution on In each end
oC the Island of Ha.tI , and the golden .
den mean can't bo found at all.
A young woman in Cambridge has
discovered a new star. If it has rings
like \ old Saturn she doubtless Is happy.
One surprising thing about wood
alcohol Is that It has not been so
thoroughly adulterated aB to be harm.
No. Drlght's mllsetjso Isn't contagt
Otis 01' Infectious , but high living is.
It frcquently amounts to the same :
thing ultimately.
Venders of wood alcohol as a beverage -
erage may Insist , of course , that It is
harmless , as it comes from the
"grain" of the wood.
In the New York city hall there is
a man who says ho gets too much
pay- Was , rather ; ho's probably in 0
straitjacket by now.
And now 11. doctor asserts that drafts
are good things for people with colds.
They are good for everybody , if they
arc properly endorsed.
Princess Chlmay announces that she
Is going on time stage. Let us hope
she will appear clothed in something
of greater length than her name.
One of the most effective excuses
for long summer vacations will be lost
forever Ie the new cure for hay fever
proves to bo all that Is claimed for it.
A Nevada young woman won soy
oral thousand dollars at faro , but quit
when she found she had lost all ot
It. Women are proverbial for cold
A Nebraska boy wants to marry his
stepmother. This should serve as a
pointer to stepmothers. Let them be
lelnd. 'fhey never can tell what may
Prof. JeOl11S Gorbott Is said to have
written n play. Probably a red head.
ed , freckled faced villain Is knocked
out In the third act by a blow in thE
solar plexus.
If that sea eagle that has just been
presented to John D. Rockefeller look !
too much like a bald eagle the oil
Icing will probably regard the gift asa
n personal Insult.
Another curd for dyspepsia is an
nounced. All you have to do is to
cut Thus there still Is hope
for those unfortunates who have triad
the sand cure in vain.
If Princess Louise hadn't eloped
she'd bo the Queen of Saxony now.
This should be n warning to women
who are thinking of running away
with their French tutors.
We shall one day be able to do with.
out sleep , a scientist says. Wo shall
need to If wo are to exercise that
eternal vigilance which appears Uter.
ally to be the price of l1bert ) ' .
It has become the fashion for novelists -
ellsts to go to Europe for the purpose
ot recuperating after each boole. Considering -
sidering the blood they have to shed
It is no wonder they require , , rest.
No man finds himself until he is
willing to be lost. . - -
French In Great Britain.
There are 20,000 French In Great
Britain and Ireland , more than three
fourths ot the number being In Lou-
don. The business most followed
among these is cooltery.
The Largest Colladlum.
The largest colladium known 11I ! In
Denvertown , Pa. Some oC the leaves
are four and one.half feet long and
forty inches wide , while the circum-
fercnce of the stalk Is forly-nino feet.
Mr. Chatsworth-Dld you enjoy the
matinee , dear ? lrs. Chatsworth-Oh ,
very much. I sat next to 1\1I'S. Gaddie ,
whom r have not seen for years , and
wo did have a nice long chat.-Phlla-
delphia Ledger.
Mrs. Pare ,
wife ot C. 13. - _ -
Pare , Co prominent . -
Inent rest- = . . _ _ _
dent rf Glas- , - .
, - " - = =
" , ---0-- . 1"- , - -
go w , 11"0 , . . . I " "
"t - - - " ! ! df r ; , = - - "
says : was - = . ' .1 , I , , ' , -
ft cring i g- } . \ \ ' f : . _ - :
su c r n g - - ; = - - = . . . 'tJ."i > :
from f. com : : : : = . _ _ , r1. . . . " I - - :
plication of- - IC > _ _
kidney trou- = s" - -
= , , _
bles. Besides =
a bad bacle ,
I had n great
deal 0 : trouble .
ble with the
. 0 ere lions ,
which were exceedingly variable ,
sometimes excessive and at other
times scanty. The color was high ,
and passages were accompanied with
a. scalding sensation. Doan's Kidney
Pills soon regulated time kidney secretions - I
tlons , making their color normal , and
banished the inflammation which
caused the scalding scnsalion. I can
Jest well , my back is strong and
sound , and I feel much better in every
" ,
For sale by all deniers , price 50
cents per box. FOSTER-MILDURN
CO. , Buffalo , N. Y.
Louisvlllo Is time largest glass bottle
market in the country.
Every housekeeper should know
that if they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundry use they
will save not only lime , because H
never sticks to the iron but because
each package contains lG oZ.-ono full
Jlound-while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up o/1-pound packages -
ages , and the price is the same , 10
cents. 'fhen again because Defiance
Starch is free from all Injurious chem-
Icals. If your : grocer tries to sell you
r. 12-oz. paclmgo It is because he has
a stock on hand which he wishes to
dispose of before ho puts in Defiance.
Ho knows that Defiance Starch has
printed on every package in large let-
tOl'S and figures " 16 ozs. " Demand
Defiance and save much time and
money and the annoyance of the iron
atlcldng. Defiance never stld , ! ! ! .
Love Is Hfo's neat'.cut to Paradise.
Insist on Getting It.
Some grocers say they don't keep
DefIance Starch. This Is because they
have n stock on' hund of other brands
containing only 12 oz. In n package ,
whlchth ey won't he able to sell first ,
because Defiance contains 16 oz. for
the same mOlte : . ' .
Do you want 16 oz. Instead of 12 oz
for same money ! Then buy Defiance
Starch. Requires no cooking-
Keep the luxuriant , healthy head oC hair
which nature gave .OU. It your hair Is falling :
out you can stop IL-u" Undomu. It gives new
life to sickly hall' It's guarantecll-A1 your
barber. feud us Four name for Creo treatment.
W Save :011 Drugs
w write for our IOO-page catalogUe :
, showing 10,000 articles at cut prices.
GOODS 'l'RUSSF.:8. :
t.r. S"lRMA" & 1O""nL DRUG (0.
. Cot. 16th And Dodge , QmAha. . Neb.
- - - - - - - -
UA good many ' yens ago I bought a
FISH BRAND Slicker , and It has proven s
a valued friend for many a Itoany day , but ti
now It is getting old and I must have
. " t t
another. Please rend me a pdcc-fut.
( The name of tlh7onby ! doctor . obltted
to be oat In all aorta of wnther , viIl "
be siren ! un arpllea on. ) J \
A. J. TOWER CO. q . ' fi
Boston , U. 3. A. V"
. .
COMPANY , Limited 6tr. . . _ _ . .da
Toronto , Canada'II WN
Wet Weather Clothing , faults . and Hats for
all k.ind.s of wet work or sport ,
, t
A striking contrast
between Defiance Starch
land I any other brand will
be found by comparison , '
Defiance/Starch stiffens ; '
Fvhiten6 . beautifies . with \
out rotting. '
lit I . gives clothes baoic
their newne.s.s
, It is absolutely fture. :
I' \ . . .
It will not injure the ; . . .
'most , delicate fabrics. P.
For fine things and all
things use the best there
105. Defiance Starch s
' 10 cents. for If ouncu.
Other brands 10 cents for
X13 : ounces ,
t . . .
'A striking contrast. ,
' . . .
THE DEfiANCe STARCH co. , ti \
Omaha , Nib
. . ,
Magnificent Crops for 1904. - . . . . .
Western Canada's
Wheat Crop this
/ G Year Will be 60-
5vA 000,000 Bushels
and Wheat at Present -
The Oat and Barley Crop Will Also Yield Abundanti
Splendid prices for all kinds oC grain , cattle
ant other farm produce for the crowing oC
which the climate Is unsurpassed. ,
About fjOOOO Americans have settled In Western - I
ern Canada durlu the past ! three years.
Thousands at free homesteads oC 160 acres I
each still available in the best agricultural dis- i
It has been said that the United States will
be forced to Import wheat within a very few
years. Secure a farm In Canada and becoml1
one oC those who will produce It.
Apply \ for information to Superintendent oC
immigration ' . Ottawa , Canada , or to authorized
Canadian Government A ent-'V. V. Bennett ,
501 ! ! New York Lire Building , Omaha , Neb. 'qr :
Strawberry and , '
Vegetable Dealers '
The Passenger Department oC the lll1no'- '
Central Railroad Company have recently Issued
a publication known as Circular No. 12 , in which
Is descried the
! belt territory in this coup ry
for tIle growing oC curly strawberries and early
vegetables. Every dealer In such products
shoulll address a postal card to the undersigned
nt Dubuque , qwa , requesting a copy ot
"CircUlar No. 12. '
J. F. MERRY : , Asst. Gen'l PIUa'l' Agent. " " -
. _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - . . . ,