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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1904)
, . . . , , . . I - - . . . . . . - . YI lb Put your rInger i - ger on our trade mark. Tell your dealer you want the best starch your money can buy. ' Insist on having the best , . DEFIANCE. It Is 16 ounces for 10 ce'nt No premiums but one pOund of the very best starch made. We put all ow money In the starch. It needs no cooklnc. " It I. absolutely pure. It gives satisfaction or money back. T THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO. Omaha , Neb. . . . . WESTERN .CINIDA'S Magnificent Crops for 19 0 4. ; Western Canada' " ' - " Wheat Crop his , . Year Will be e o'- 000,000 Bushels , BushPr and Wheat at Present - ent Is Worth $1. 0 o a . Bushel. , The Oat and Barley Crop Will Also Yield Abunda ntly. . Splendid prlc06 for all kinds of grain , cattle and other farm produce for the growIng ot which the climate 18 unsurpassed. About 150,000 ! Americans have settled In W cst- ern Canada during the past three years. Thousands ot free homesteads of JOO ncres each still available In the best agricultural dll- trlcts. It has been said that the United States will be forced to Import wheat within a very few years. Secure a farm In Canada and become one of those who will produce It. Apply for Information to Supcrlntendent of Immigration , Ottawa , Canada , or to authorized ! Canadian Government AKent-'Y. V. Bennctt , 801 New York Life Building , Omaha , Neb. MEXICAN Mustang liniment - fa a positive cure for Piles. l r , . - Strawberry and Vegetable Dealers . , The Passenger Delartment of the 1 11Inohl ,7 Central Railroad Company have recently Issued a publication known as Circular No. 12ln which : i Is described the best territory in this country t for thegr owing of early strawberries and early vegetables. Every dealer In such products E should address n postal card to the undersigned . at Dubuque , qwa , requesting n copy of "CircUlar No. 12. ' J. F. MERRY , Asst Gcn'l Pass'r Agent. UJ Save 2 on Drugs J UJ write for our IOO-page catalo guO' showing 10.000 articles at cut pr Ices . PATENT MEDICINES , RUB BER GOODS , 'l'RUSSES. tI. S"IRMA" & MO""ILL DRUG (0. Cor. 16th and DodAs Omaha , Neb. } 'ortunelln little gash GINSENG I enl Easily grown American everywhere market , Hal ! e In DC $7 to 812 par lb. ; costa to grow lell than U. otII1K demandS roots and seed for Bale ; booklet free ; wrIte io dal. ZABK GINSENG 00. , Dept 8 , lopWl.o , V , - Select Wife's Toilets. Il Is a common thing In Paris for ' n t tie man to accompany his wife to the drosHmnltcr's. The young wife who has lmown no gayer attire than the coming-out gown of the jeslre 1111e needs careful advice as to her toilets , and her hiiabanee , If ho Ue a certain type of man at the world , knows how . to give It. , Try me just OI1P.O and I am sure to come again. Deflance Starch. Hunting In Japan. The Japanese , always keen shorten , I men , used to tape most of their gam o i I with goshawks and sparrow bawl { s . 'rho molly dogs they used were spanIels - eels , which flushed the game. But now they are taking to dogs , and many good animals are elng Imported from England. I'r. . Wlnslow's Soothln" ; lIIyrup. For children toethlng , Buttens the IrUI1I1 , reduces ! Do QammatloD , aUa18 pain , cured wiu4 collu. 23cs butt/e. / Significance In Colors , Colors have three significations when used In decorations , ono relatIng - Ing to things , one relative to time , one of direction. In the first relation red means trIumph or success ; blue means failure j lack signifies death ; white stands for happiness or peace. Many who formerly smoked lOc cigar now smoke Lewis' "Siugh Binder" strnigh ! 't Ge. Lcwis' Factory ! , Peoria , I11. Pay for Abusing "Hello" Girls An angry IIeaIt who called It telephone - phone girl a "sheepshead" over tl leg wire In Nuremburg , Germany , has Ueen fined 6.25. A Viennese who called - ed the W01l1an operator a "Chlneso" ; in similar circumstances has ruffs ed to the extent of $8. "I - went JIome to Din from Gravel Trouble , . Doctors Called. Dr. DAvltl Kennrdy' . F4vur is ReID , e t , . cured me. " ) ! rs , C. W. lIrown , l'eteraburg , N. Y. Antidotes for Microbes. A French ] bacteriologist declares that lemonade , cider , seltzer and simIlar - liar drinks will kill typhoid germs , while alcohol at 25 per cent destroys microbes , an dllt 2 per cent prevents theIr development. . Murino Eye Remedy cures Bore eyes , makes weak eyes strong. All druggists , 50 o. . Comprehensive. "If I wrote on till I told you everything - thing , l\Iavourneen-so ran the closIng - Ing paragraph in a certain impassioned : ed young IrIshman's love lotter-lOrd ] still be having a volume : to tell you , darllng.-New Orleans Picayune Plso's Cure for Consumption Is an InCalllbio mcdlcino for coughs and colds.-N. . SAMUEL ° Ocean Grove , N. J. , Feb. J7 , 1000. First Use of Bayonet. The bayonet was first used by the French In 1671. It was first made In Bayonne , France , and was considered a very deadly weapon. The British army quickly copied it , and other na.- tions promptly followed suit. When Your Grocer Says he does not have Defiance Starch , you may be sure he is afraid td keep It until - tit his stock of 12 OZ packages arc eold. Defiance Starch Is not enl ' better - ter than any other Cold Water Starch , hut contains 16 OZ to the package and a sells for same money aM 12 oz. bran ae There have been unearthed at Bury St. Edmunds , England , traces of n Roman villa , yIelding fragments ofa Samlan and Romano-British potter y IMPERIAL HERNIA CURE Dr. O. S. Wood cures Rupture by a new process , In a few weeks , without - out loss of time or itlconvenien Rectal dIseases cured without the [ knife Send for circular. O. S. Wood , 1\1. D. , 521 N. Y. Life Bldg" , Omaha PUTNAM ' Color more goods brighter and faster colors than anyother ! Ask dealer or we will send post paid at 10c a packs oe . WI When Answering Advertisements ' Kindly Mention This Paper. I' 1 - - . - - - . - O.L - t . . r - a- , . ' /ffl / NA11s1Y/iSfiir / i 11'"e 'SZ i " . i. , . ' ' ,1 9 d ,1w Two severe cases of Ovarian Trouble and two terrible operations avoided. Mrs. Emmons and Mrs. Coleman each tell how they were saved by the use of Lydia E. ] Pinkham Vegetable Compound. "DEAR ; l\IRS. PlNInIAM : - I n.m so pleased with the results obtained from Lydia E. PillJcuun's > Lm's Vegetable Compound that I feel it . 0. duty and . 0. privilege to write you about it. "I suffered for more than five with years ovarian troubles , causing - ing an unpleasant would ng discharge , 0. great weakness , and at times 0. faintness come over 1110 which no amount of medicine diet ' , , 01' exercise seemed to correct. Your Vegetable Compound found however , 'Within n few weeks-anti - the weak spot , - an. ! leaved me from > t 1\11 OICrlltion- all my troubles had disappeared , and I found myself and well. " \V'ords fail to describe the real true once more healthy , , grateful feeling that is in my heart , and I want to tell every sick and suffering sister. Don't dally with medicines you know nothing about , but take J.J ' . ham's Lydia E. PJnk- Vegetable Compound , and take my word for it , you will be a villo different , Ont. woman in 0. . short time. " -tIus. LAURA EbUlON8 , 'Valker- Another Case of Ovarian Trouble , Cured Without J an Operation. . ' -1. "DEAR : Mns. PINIIIAM--For { : - For several years I . ° was troubled with ovarian trouble and a. painful ' ' ' and inflamed condition which kept mo in bed part conditiolla , of tile time I did so . rend u. surlical operation. " ' "I tried different rcmedie'l : hopmg to get better but nothing seemed to bring relief until 0. . friend ' . ' % who had been cured of ovarian trouble , through the use of your compound , induced ute to try it. I ' ' 'r' took it faithfully for three months , und ut the end of that time was glad to find that I was a well woman. Health is ' Dature's best gift to woman , . and if you lose it and can have it restored : \ : ' : through Lydia E ' Pinkham's Vegetable Com- . . . : f. round I feel that all suffering women should . . \ \ - - - _ " ' J- : 'ter\Know \ of this , " - Mns , LAURA BELLE COLE } \ " : " : - j--- _ 1 IAN , Commercial Hotel , Nashville , 'l'ean ' It is well to rvuermclnber such letter : : La above when sortie druggist tries to to get you buy something which ho Is " " ' ' says "just as good 'l'hat is , ns no other Impossible - medicine has ham's Vegetable such a record of cures as J.Jydia E. 'filk- Compound ; accept no other and you will be glnd. Don't hcsitate to write to l\lrs. Pinkham if there is , about anything ) your sielmess ' do you not understand. She will treat with you kindness stud her advice is frec. No woman ever regretted writing her md she has helped thousands. Address Lynn , ltlaSi. $5000 FORFEIT It we cannot forthwith the orllflnallottcu . . . f 2Ibovu teStiwonlau , which will prove t r.rodl1ce olllte llllillene lotter.nndeignatnre.ert ' . Lydia E. l'wkl1aw JIIutllcwu ! Cu" Lynn Iaa. HANDY BLUEING BOOK. [ n sheets of PURE ANILINE . Nobottlc ' . BLUE. ! ! NopaddlcR. No waste. Gives thosame lmount of blueing water each wl\&hda ' . Ash your grocer for it or bend TOO for u book ot 25leuves. rhe Handy Blueing Book Co. " 87 E. Lake St. , Chicago , III. FADELESS DYES ler dye. One 10c package colors silk , wool and cotton Write for free booklet-How to Dye , Bleach and Mix Colors. equally lUONIlOE well and II guaranteed to give perfect results AIUNItu1C1111UU CO" , Urltunvuleltl/wlow If .eta aitllct.d ! s .e , molts sue } Thompson' . Ey. Waist BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER I w. N. U. , Omana. No. 43-1904 CURES catarrh of the stomach.