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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1904)
S , . . - " .t , , , ' . . - " . . . " , c " . - . " . , . . , of. ' i , t.a0 , ' , t r alts Gt it1Jribunt. ! ( : - VOLUME I FALLS CITY t I , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 4 , ' 1904. NUMBER 44 - - - - - - . - - . , - ATTEMPT TO DECEIVE ; _ _ e _ , - No political party deserves to succeed on false pretenses or false v assertions. No \rty' which attempts by false assertions to de- x" ceiv the voters , deserves thc favorable consideration of honest men. The Falls City News of last week contained an alleged answer to'1.'he Tribune's article wldch for unadulterated to . tax , , misrepresentation - tation was the limit. \Ve do not know who wrote the News article , but we do know who so ever did write it , is either a very ignorant . or a very untruthful man. It will he remembered that 'l'he 'l'ribunc stated that on June 30th , ) .904 , there was on hand in thc county treasury the sum of S4,3 6.94 in county funds without an outstanding warrant. 'rite Tribune stated further that S5J,003.00 was the largest sum of money collected by this county in taxes for anyone year. A four mill levy by the county board would have produced the soul of S24)5.00. 'rhe amount on hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S46,3)6.94 Amount fGur .mi11lcry would produce. . . . . . . 24,65.00 . . . . . Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ $71,022. , A four mill levyvith thc amount of monGY on hand would to- duce the above sum of S7T,022.9.l 01 MOIm 'rIIAN $18,000.00 , IN EXCESS - CESS 01 THE COI.1.HC'I'IONS l OR ANY ONE YHAH. A four mill levy would have decreased thc taxes ( state and county ) of every tax payer in Richardson co un t y. The democratic county board , however , levied nine mills , five mills more than will , bc required and for this reason and this eason alone , the taxes of fr- ' thc property owners of Richardson county will , be increascd. S Now comes thc Falls City News and says that the 84OOO.OO was not county moncy. Let us quote thc statement : "Hut all of thc S4,000.00 , as reported by the county treasurer in his last semi- annual statemcnt , does not belong to thc 'county. This is proven . . by thc report itself , which shows that a large percent of this fund belongs to the state and school fund , and must go to thc schools and state and to no other source. So then , instead of S4,000.00 of county money being on hand , * * * * but a small percent of this sum is really thc property of thc county. " Wc now assert and will prove that the abovcquotatiol\ either an unwarranted mistake of its author or is a deliberate attempt to deceive the voters of this count" The records of the county treasurer arc opera II to thc inspection of cverybody. \Ve ask you to go to them and sec whether or not Thc Tribune made a false statement when it asserted and now repeats - peats that every cent of this S4ooo.00 was county money and not i one penny of it belonged to thc state or schools. ' ' ' ) - / " On page 133 of the book of balances in thc ofHcc of the county 'f" treasurer will be found all moneys hand , June 30th , 1904 , thc ' ' end of thc fiscal year. You will find there the following county . ' . ' . - 'money. } , County General fund. . . . . . . . . . $28.310.42 . . _ County Bridge fund. . . . . . . . . . . 11,625.64 . : Count Road fund . . . . . . . . : . . . ( ) ,093.46 . . , { , - , Soldiers . Relief fund. . . . . . . . . . . 340.42 ' . : ' ; Total . . . . . . . . . . . . $46,399.94 r' tr It'l'he . Tribune had dcsired-to . descend to the low lc\'elof false . . ' . . . . and fradulcnt statcmcntslt could have said that the county treasurer had on hand the sum of 880.194.28. The same page of the same book shows that this stun was on hand June 30th 1904 in state , county , - township and school tax.Vc however , desired to present only the truth and therefore stated that the county had on hand an unex- . pened balance of $46.000.00. More than that , at thc bottom of this " ' 1. < , page will bc found the following. 'f : : : " \Vc do hereby certify that wc have examined the above statement - I mcnt of Martin Zook county treasurer of Richardson county , Nebraska - braska for thc six months ending June 30th , 1904. 1'0 thc best of our knowledge we believe each collection has been correctly entered and properly accounted for and that thc vouchers and other items of credit were in proper form and correctly entered and that the FOOTINGS WERE VERIFIED BY US AND FOUND TO BE CORRECT , ' ' AGREES WITH SAID AC- AND TilE ABOVE STATEMENT OF BALANCES . . . , , . . . . _ _ . , < . . n-t" .4 " " , ) f. 3 J1P\ COUNTS IN SAID COUNTY TREASURlmS LEDGER. " 5 . . Joseph Glasser , Chairman li'inancc Committcc. C. J. Santo , Charles B. Sn ) del' Thus wc see , that on a public record , thc committcc of the democratic county board ccrtifiea , on June 30th , 1904 , that there was more than $4,000 of COUNTY MO.HY in the hands of the County 'rreal1rcr. And yet the News says "but a small per cent of this sum is really thc property of the county. 'rhc certificate discloses more ; it shows that the democratic county board knew when the nine mill levy was madc , that a tour mill levy would be more than s\-1fi cicnt. 1\1' Glasser who signed this certificate as chaIrman 01 thc finance committee IS A DtJ\OCHAI' AND IS 'l'I1H IAN WIIO INTRODUCED 'l'lIJ ; RESOLUTION MAKING A NINE MILL LEVY WHEN HH MUSTIIAVE1 NO\VN'1 ' IIA'rAFOURMILILIVY\VOULD IlAVit RAISED MO1iICVI'I'ir : : 'I'Hn BALANCE ON HAND 'l'IIAN 'r III : COUNTY HAD EVER RAISED IN ONE YHAR OH IsviR ; I SPENT IN ONE YHAH. VHY , 1l NOT 'l'q CREATE AN ISSUE ON 'l'I1H 1fl VENUE I.AW BY INCREASING 'I'I1H TAXESVIITN 'l'IIlW SHOUl,1) IIAV BEEN I.oWJDHED ? - \Ve will Bake another quota tion from the remarkable News article : "If all thc money reported by thc county Treasurer in his July report belonged to thc county , then a four mill levy for one year would be sufficient to run thc county ! " \Vc have here thc admission of thc official organ of thc demo- cratic party that a four mill levy would have been sufficient , for all of time S4,000 reported by thc county Treasurer did belong to thc county. If there is any tax paycr iIi Richardson County who doubts the figures and statements herein contained hc has but to go to thc Treasurer's office to ascertain their truth or falsity . 'l'his attempt of the News is to deceive thc voters into voting the democratic legislative tickeL 'l'his is desired , not to repeal thc revenue law , but to elect W. J. Bryan United States Senator and to defeat Elmer J. Burkctt. Don't bc dcceived. Are you in favor of the continuation of thc present prosperity ? Arc you in favor of the Panama Canal ? Are you in favor of the retention of the Phillipine Islands ? Arc you in favor of a protect- ive tariffArc you in favor of President Roosevelt in his fight against MorganIlillBelnnont , ockfcllcr and the wall street gang ? Are you in favor of this continuing to be a government of thc pcoplc-by the people-for the people ? Then vote for the republican ticket-Grin- stcad. Tucker , Hog-rcfe and Smith who will vote for E.J. Burkett to go to Washington to sustain and uphold the arms of him who has staked lmi3 future in thc interest of the t "plain people " The dcmocrats are talking revenue and taxation \Vhat they mean is "scnd Bryan to the scnate. Any republican who Votes thc democratic legislative ticket is casting his vote fpr Bryan and against Burkctt. , Any republican who votes against Grinstead , Tucker , Hogrefe or Smith is voting against Roosevelt and for Parkcr. Don't-Don't 1Je fooled. j4 , of. j4 Since the above was written , thc public dispatches have stated that thc speeches delivered by W. J. Bryan in Indiana , West Virr ginia and Illinois were dclivcrcCl upon thc expressed condition that thc democratic national committee was to send fifty thousand dol- lars of its Wall street money to Nebraska to elect a democratic legislature - islaturc in order that Mr. Bryan shall be elected United States scn- ator. 1\lr. Bryan is now speaking in this state from the rear end of ' ' PARKER GO but all of its train advising them to LET to spend time in electing the democratic legislative tickct. Again wc say-don't be fooled and don't be bought. A republican - lican legislature means Roosevelt United States senator ; a democratic - cratic legislature means Bryan. , . . ; . , . . " - . , ; ' - . ' : . " . " . . . . . - . . - 5-