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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1904)
t. . f September 2 , 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE f n. t ? : : ! 1 : . . : : , Vn.d - : . . .y , , , , : r .tf A Jk. : : ! \t \ tM : t. , ; ; rJ'l ! : y . , : s ) O 7 7 . . : . : .7 7 7 " .7 . . - . ; .7 " . r 7 - : \ ; . .7 I'f " . TIle Great State of Kansas = = the Agricultural Woiidet of the Word ! ( Lincoln County is its Center and is now Attracting ' the Attention , of tlonle Builders and Investors. , ' . ' : _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , Lincoln county is centrally located and i'l i right I - in , ' the heart of the corn wheat and alfalfa belt of thc state , the seasons are as sure and regular as those of. . Nebraska , the pastures consist of a luxuriant growth 5 of - blue stcm , and one acre is worth about four of west- ' ern Kansas or Nebraska. The I alfalfa will average 3 iiJ , or 4. crops per season and the seed crop has been ' paying - _ ing S 15 to $ 20 per a , Lincoln is the county scat of , Lincoln county and is the best town in the state of its size. It has a population of about 1600 Intelligent peo- 1 P- , pIe as can be found ; has 3 good banks , $ 'I4 , 000 public school building , 5 r 2 , 000 Normal college ; one of the } finest court houses in the state of its size ; and the busi- . ness houses are all substantial brick or stone buildings. ' The county is prosperous and the are exceptionally industrious - dustrious and intelligent. Real estate is advancing rapidly and will continue to advance until it doubles in . value as it has done in the last 8 or 10 Years. The soil is a black rich loam , limestone formation , plenty of . i good water , timber and building stone. Below we - J i publish one or two of our large list of farms and ranches that we have for sale.Vill publish a larger list later as the papers are just going to press and have not room I > ' F' for any more. , . 1 ; . No. 1-320 acre farm 6 miles of Barnard , a good ' R. , R. town , over 100 acres in cultivation , part of this s is good rich creek bottom , .excellcnt alfalfa land , fine bearing orchard of 250 trees , soil rich black loam , this Yet : f is a' fine stock and grain farm , most all can bc farmed if desired as there is no rough land on this tract , 3 room : ' ) cottage ; good corral , granary and small stable , all ! fenced and cross fence l ; with ! stone posts , = 1nd 4. wires , J all in good repair and in a high state of cultivation , " -'t. J of a mile to good school , price , only $ 18 per acre on ' good easy terms. No. 17-120 acre farm 3 miles from Lincoln , the tJ comity seat , all ill a high state of cultivation , good orchard - chard and grove , plenty of good water , all fenced with , . I r : . " , , ) , 3 wire and stone posts. This is a beauty , no incum- , . 'brance , price 54 , 000 , on terms if ' desired. No buildings on this tract. l. No. 27--6. acres of fine land , all in pasture , tlOO acres of this is fine wheat land. This is a square section ff- all under good fence , watered 1) y nice creek , 4 miles .I ( from BcvcrlX ; , a good little town on the R. R. in cast- s : l\ \ ern Lincoln Co. , free from Incumbrance , price $ 15 pel" a. , part cash , balance on time to suit purchaser. This PIC is a dandy section. No. : P--36S : acre farm' 7 miles from Lincoln , good l ! barn , house and other outbuildings , good orchard , creek runs through this farm , 120 acres of this is fine bottom PIC ( land and this 120 is in cultivation , bal. pasture , all fcn- 4 ced with good stone posts and wire , fine young timber l ! growing along the creek , this is a fine stock and grain A farm and'a money maker. Price $22 per a. ! . No. 46--320 acres 3,4 miles l from Lincoln , good house , barn and other outbuildings , one mile to good l\ school and church , all under good fence , 100 acres in Jf cultivation. This is a dandy for $25 per a. PIC " No. 47-32.0 acre farm , 2 , % miles front Bernard , a good ( . m t H. town goocl'room house - sheds - ' ' l\ , - , stablingsheds , granaries , plenty of good water , windmill and tanks , all fenced and cross fenced - ed , 240 acres of good corn now growing on the place , and ; iJC about 60 acres fall plowed for wheat. making about 300 acres u. . in cultivation. , This is one ot the finest farms you ever saw , most all fine level second bottom land and is a money maker l ! as it will pay about 15 per cent on the investment as it can bc bought for $23.50 per arc , SlOOO cash , bal. 5 years at 6 per 'fiJC cent and thc privilege to pay any OJ' all at any time. Renters why pay $500 or SGOO cash ren when you can get a bargain like .this. If you don't believe that these are true facts and the best place to invest or make a home seeMr. Herman Wolf or Henry ! Myres , who bought land in this county last fall iltHl ; after taking off a fine crop of wheat can sell for SlOOO more than l\ they paia. Vve will leave here on the 6th ( Tuesday next ) J over the 1\1. P. , with parties to look at this country with a view of bu'ing. 'ritc H. R. Jar is only $11.65 for the round rfj' trip good for 21 days. \Vn had 2 or 3 parties down in this count last week and will wc believe sell to them. Come and 11\ go with us ann we will show you some of the best country 1 you ever saw for the money. ' " . I WHITAKER BROS. . = = Office in the State Bank Building I' F Office Phone 6Uj ; Residence 216 { I . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ' - , - ' " ; " ' " " " ' - i " : : - --11 : t. ' ? ti\r'i- ' ' ' , WAt - - . : . . -o'j : : : r7' . , WJ ; d. ; a7. d 3.n3 ' ; j 4J : : \ . . ; : ai"L ' 1'1 a 1f . ' , , i.'lr ; ) i' < - " G - - ; i .J J. ; : ZC F-a _ u- . _ . . . . . . . - , . - n . . . _ - , . , - . . . U - . . - - . _ - - . , . " . - - , , _ . . . . . - _ ' _ -L. . . . - _ , . , - _ _ -.r- _ - . - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - . - - . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - , _ " " ' .m = " . " " " ' = " " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ _ : . ( . F&.lls City Business College 1 i . . Tile Falls City Business College'will Open School on L MONDAY ; SEPTEMBER In its new quarters , second floor 'Vahl building , where rooms have been arranged to suit nl needs of this growing institution. These rooms are elegant , well lighted , vcntilation perfect , steam heat , electric light , Qo ova and in fact they contain all the modern 1111- OU R proveuments , and we can now boast of having ; ! one of the best equipped business colleges in 1 the west. NEW I Students wHo have heretofore attended this college , will , on returning 'to school this H 0 M E fall be proud of their new home , and those enrolling - rolling for the first time will ha\c the same Ellill i lltl f ! tt11ll m .W.- advantages they would by attending any other first class business college , and when , they realize : the fact that they can secure all . I " . . . . these accommonations at home and from $25 to S30 cheaper than in any similar institution they will . at once see that it is to their interest to attend this well established school. Saved $20 As a means of introducing the new management to the public , the pres- ident has decided to offer a special discount of S20 to all students enroll- ing- Monday Sept. 15 1904 b ) ; paying cash or note. Many graduates are receiving for one months service more money than it required to complete a full course in this collegc. YOU CAN DO THE SAME. Why not ? D. H. Smith President Falls , . . , , & . City Nebraska J . . . - : - 'K : "F ! " - . , fr2& -.lIo.-- _ _ _ _ " . A _ _ "r " , _ , . - _ . - - - - - . - 5IiUbeE ; I Bessie and Ruby Hcnderson . . . arc on the sick list this we.ek. . 'jDarl Harmon cut his foot on a ppice of glass Monday , hut under the care of the doctor he is fast improvi ng. L. 1\1. Weddle , wife and daughter - er Gertrude left for Indiana Tuesday : on their way home they will stop at St. Louis for thc lair. Those people "in adjoins ng- towns who boast of Shubcrt being such a small and out of way place would change their mind if they could see the improvcl11en our brick block has made. Mr. Louis Brisby and Gertrude Berg were united in marriage at- Falls City August 30. This was a great surprise to the Shubert people. The bride was one of the best and respected ladies of Shubert , while the groom was the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. George Brisby of this city. All the friends extend their congratu- I , lations especially their girl and boy friends. .