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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1904)
wNM.4AwY . . . . + . . - - . . _ K . R . . ' r . . ' . . . . . " l " f ! 7'J fi , t ' " athr. ' . ' al1 otitJI' ( Jributtt. 1 ' 1 Ir t M. , , ' " ' . . 0 - - ' , 'i , : ' . . J'- ; ' \TOLUl\IE I FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , AUGUST 26 , 1904. , NUMBER - 31 - ' : ' . . . : , , o. . Tax ii\junctions On Tuesday of this week two " . cases were filed , in the ( tistrict . , . , ' . , , ' court by Edwin S. trowle who . appears for himself and all other " . ' . . tax payers of Richardson county : asking that the county clerk be . enjoined from proceeding further . : . with the spreading of the ten per ' , cent increase made by the state 4' . board of cqualization of Richardson - . : . ' son coulit ) ' property on the tat records of Hichardsotl coun ty. Judge 'Wilhite granted a tem- 1)Orar injunction in the absence : ' , of the district judges and thus i , . prevent anything further being ' : clone in the matter until the case . : is finally heard Reavis & Reavi r " . appealer the petitioners in : that the increase of the state . . : ' , board , is illegal and i n violation i : ' of the constitutional rights of the r . . . . . : " . citizens of this county For in- ' " . . (0 , AU cash returned : stance , was by r \ , , the assessor at its full value , and . . . ; . by the increase of ten per cent h" , . " " . . ' made by the state board , every ti : : : ' . : man in this county will have his , C. , ; ; money valued at 110 cents on the t ' , Y " " ' , fI' / ' : . dollar , while in Otoe county and . . . . . / . . : . ! ' ' . ' other counties where no increase valued : . " . ' ueel at 100 cents ! on a dollar. ' " : , This seems a direct discr mina- sion and should be declared il- . . , " legal. 1 : : 1'hcSlt11C character of ; ' , case has been brought in Nema- ha county by Hon Church Howe , and is bring argued today. Cl ' Hca'vis is participating with the , Nemaha county lawyers in the , trial of this case. A petition in ' error will also be filed from the ) finding or the state board in order that if the court should hold the , , t act of the state board to be final . , . , . , . against a collateral attack , such , , as , the injunction cases filed here , the matter may be heard by the supreme court on a review taken ! direct from the state board. The . petitions also contain an allega- . . tion that the finding of the state hoard in violation of the constitution ; , - tution of the United States by depriving - - - priving persons of their property without due process of law. This will enable the petitioners to . , , take their cases to the United States supreme court if desired. _ \Ve have not heard further from , Nemaha county as to the result of the case argued there today. City Hospital. . Through the kindness of Dr. Houston a reporter was permitted - to take a hurried trip through the ' 'Mercy Hospital. " Dr. Hous- . r . : . . " ; , . " . ' . . ' : . , . . . , ' . - . . ! \ . _ - - - - - - - - - - _ . . - - - - - - , t f ! -qJIY. . , 9 7Qr4r } , Wrd " 7Q / " ; . j' cJI .t.D - a vtJ ! . Wi.1II ossavwm.x..a. It may be said that this paper is smaller . than its competitors , but as the publisher of an cx . cellent little magazine recently said , "it should be borne in mind that : radium is more valuable than coat. " We try to print ; aH the nevvs. That our efforts are appreciated is shown by the fact that without solicitation we have added the names of 09 new sllbcribers during the last , week. Any "Doujting ! Thonlas" is privileged to caB and hasped this list. These subscribers are practically ! all farmers and aU live contigu' 0115 to PaUs City. \Ve desire to express our gratitude tb the members off . the farmers telep phone companies for securing us these subscrip- tions and to ask them when in town not only t.o call and see us , but to visit the stores of those merchants who advertise in these columns in order that here may be a mutual and enduri P interest between this paper and all lerd ; , ; a tro n s. \ . - . ton will have his office in the south wing of Chic building and' Dr. Wiser will office in th ( ; north \ving. : There will be its ward in the northeast part and the private rooms will be on the second and first floors way from the .ward. The main operating rooms will be on the second floor and will be fitted with every convenience known to modern surgery. The culinary ( icpartnlent , will be in c'a 'ge of Col. Sam Robinson and wife and the wards and surnhal departments will be in , ch lrg'c of trained nurses who are especially fitted for the work. This hospital l is a gigantic undertaking and fills a want that Falls City and Rich- ardson county has long felt. Every physician and surgeon in the surrounding country will undoubted - doubted I ) ' take advantage of it , and the ill and distressed will be enab1ed'to receive all the adyan- tag-es which otherwise they would have to go to a city for and pay for at great expense. huff Case. . The case of Ben Huff against the e"tate ! of his father for services rendered d luring the , life of the deceased , was heard before Judge \Vilhite Monday. The case was instituted by Messrs galleon and Weaver , but for good reasons these lawyers withdrew - drew from the case before the trial Mr. Huff was his own . . . ' ' S. " , " . . " - , ; . . " , ' . lawyer and conducted his case with surprising aLiIit ) ' . A horde of witnesses was Jn attendanc and the case attracted a great deal of attention . tl'he court' found against Ben and he says that lie will'hcrc is i no.question as to the justness of Judge Vilhite's decision , : and ! the { matter should be dropped' , . . , where it is' Ray Land Sold. The Ray land in Barada was sold oil 1\1011day by John Evans of Shu'ert under an order of the o"nrt.trhc. . land brought about 531 an acre anc'l at that price was about the cheapest piece of property sold in this county for years. Wreck at Violet. A bad wreck occurred Tuesday afternoon at Violet , six miles west of Pawnee on tlhe B. & : M. No. 15 a passenger train , was standing - , ing- on the track expecting No. 16 to take the siding , but for some reason No 16 kept the track and ran into No ] 5. The engines of both trains were badly smashed up but no one was killed. Several - eral of the passengers were very . ' . . ' , . seriously injured but It is thought none fatal ) . No. 16 was heavily loaded. A number of the passen- gers were on their way to the St. Louis fair. The injured were attended - tended by the company's surgeon and were taken \Vymore. . : i. ; ' " 4 " ' " . - : . . . . . - To lYir. Morehead. C \Vhy , if as you say your prkc- ! ; arc fair and just , is jt that you have lost the custom of thc farm- ers in the west and norlhwcst part of the county for your tele- phone business. Lee J. Var\'el \ , Rub , Ncb. Central l Committee Meets.t There was a large and ; enthusiastic astic attendance of the County Central Committee in this city \Vcelnesdn.y ( afternoon , nearly 'all the members being present. airman John Hossack called the meeting promptly to ordcr ( tr and an organimtion : was perfected - cd by the election of F : 1Boss as Temporary Secretary John L. Cleaver was elected permanent Secretary and S. 1\1. ( Da\'ne treasurer of thc eommittec. \V. \V Abbey , treasurer of the committee during the campaign of 1903. rendered detailed < " a report - \ . - port of receipts and ( lisburseunents of the last campaign , showing all debts then contracted had been paid and there being a balance of $5.50 now in the treasury. W. W. Abbey was elected , chairman . mall of tim cxecutiv , 3cotutuitt'ec with authority to enlarge the committee to five members. There being a VaCtlncy ; in the mcmbership' of the ; .committce from l alls City . . precinct , j o\ \ , ing ; : to the absence from the state of the committeeman eletted \V P. Fergus comm it teem an'for said precinct. ; tl'he . committeeman for the third ward in halls ] City being in feeble health , Carl yippold , was elected an assistal4t committeeman for SaId ward. Committee then ad- journcd to meet at the call of the , chidrman , Opening of Sch.ool. The Falls City public schools will open Monday Sept. 5th. Monday and Tuesday , August 29 and 30 there will be an examination - tion for teachers at the high school building' Friday , Sept. 2nd all high school students both new and old should register at the high school building. Saturday Sept. 3rcl the city teachers will meet at the high school building at 9 o'clock for a general mcet- ing. ing.It It is earnestly desired that there be the fullest cooperation between - tween teachers and patrons during - ing the coming year so that our schools may attain the highest measure of succcss. , _ \V. II ; PillsbUt"j , Supt. . . . ' , . . ' . ' : ' ' : . . . " ' . I ' " . , , R , 'f .