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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1904)
- - _ w _ _ . _ . _ . _ . . 4. . , . . . . . , . . . . . . r September 2 , 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , , _ . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LOCAL AND PERSONAL : ' King's for stattonery. , King's for good soda water. Fred Cleveland Jr. went to t Salem Monda ) ' . J. Jellison went to Tecumseh Sunday. Will Moore wasa Lincoln visit- 01'ronday. . Ernest Bode and wife returned from St. Louis Sunday. Ike Lyons jr , rcturned from Denver Saturday. " ' . I : I. 'Vylie stopped in halls City Monday. ' 1' . J. Gist and son went to Lincoln Monday. 'Vm. Howard of Kansas City I was in this city Monday. F \ VI11.Vatl < ns and Hens attended - ed the Lincoln fair 'l'uesday. Stephen Miles left for California - nia thc first of the week. Jim Nau'ler ! and family attend- I ! ed the fair at Lincoln. Si'mund Snacth and wife spent - . - - . Sunday ill i Nebraska City. John Oswald and Jean Cain r were Stella visitors Monday. Ned Stoughton was in Falls City for aJew hours Monday. Mrs. Nell Tinker and daughter returned to Omaha an Monday. Attorney Ryan ot Hiawatha spent Monday in this city. l\lr. Scott of Atwood , Kas. , visited with Beulah Fry Sunday Mr. and l\lrs. John Holt left for Lincoln Monday. Louie Wirth and Robt. . Preusse were in Nebraska City Monuay. Joe Higgcns and wife were Humboldt visitors thc first of the week. l\Irs. Nellie O'Urien of Barns- ton is visiting with her mother , Mrs. aarry. Julin and George Benchoter went to western Nebraska to buy h ay. ay.Sadie Sadie Hoffman went to St Joseph the latter part of .last week. Mrs. C. , V. Breithaupt return ed from St. Louis the first of the . week. Mrs. O. H. Ross went to Shu- bert Monday for a short visit with ) I relatives. Mrs. I. M. Houston and l I daughter returned from Nebraska . 1m City the first of the week. ,1\1rs. Major Ebbs of Shubert t spent Sunday in this city the guest of George l\IcHenr and 1 i family. J. 'Vhetstine and wife and W S. Leyda and wife attended the State Fair an Lincoln the first of f the week. Lulu Miller who recently re turned from the Kansas Cit y. " wholesale house left for lie r position in Auburn last Sunday r halls City should have a chau- tauq1ia. It has been c en onstrat- , I ed by the lodge picnics that plenty of advertising always se- cures a good crowd. At this time of the year surrounding farmers are ready to be instructed and iIIt1used. Then the town itself can furnish a large quota of intelligent - telligent people. , There is no reason why we should let all the little towns around 11S make good on This without an effort. Dorrington 'Vigton celebrated his seventh birthday last Friday. About twenty little friends gath- ercd at the home of his grand- father W. E. Dorrington and spent a delightful afternoon on the lawn playing games and partaking - taking of good things to eat. Emmerret Donovan entertained about a dozen : of his little friends last Saturday. Mesdames. Wilson - son mil Varner assisted Mrs. Donovan in helping the children enjoy themsclvcs. Refreshments were servcd. Irs. Nellie Harrison of York is , ' visiting friends in town. She , was formerly Nellie Henderson , daughter of a methodist pastor here about twenty years ago. June Rummcl of Reserve who has beets visiting the past week with Miss Spencer returted home Saturday. She was accompanied by Harold Spencer. Misses Deborah Mower and Minnie Neff left for St. Louis Tuesday where they will spend a week at the Exposition. Nellie Weaver returned to her home in i Verdon Saturday after spending a few days in this city. Linna tl"'immerman , who has been visiting friends in this city left for her home in Salem Sat- urday. - Mrs. Grant , Sperry and son Charlie are at home after a few weeks visit with her parents in Mound City. Julia and Grace Cronin return- ed to ' Rube Friday : after a weeks visit with their brother. John Corn of Du Bois was shaking hands with old friends in Falls City Saturday. Mrs. George Story left Friday for St.dla where she is visiting her daughter , Mrs. Stoltz. Elsie and : Ctilp of St. Joseph were visiting their par- ents in this city Sunday. Mrs. Riley and wife ot Glenn Elder , Kansas are the guests of the latters brother , lice 1-leaston. 'Vm. Ross and family of Ver- don visited relatives in this city the first of the week. Frank Raney of Omaha is the quest of Miss Anna Dorrington. J. R. Cain came down from . Stella last Saturday. George Culp is visiting with his parents in this city. - - - -lit ' HOLT'S. - -r-- " . . : . : . " ' = - _ _ _ _ t 'tL'r- ' J -4' : I - - THE CONSERVATIVE SHOE BUYER THINKS " - , OF HOLT AND GOOD SHOE AT SOME TI'I ' ( . _ ' , ' > , ; : ? : . . , ; H , ; ' ' " - - - - Ir : : . , . , ' 'k' " . " . \ ' tql - . . . . . . . ' f " - , .d ' . :1 WilEN 1 IN NBBI OF FOOT WtMR mm liAS i- ; / A - - TENDENCY - . TO . . SUGGEST . . . TUE . . . . - OT11I 'I ' ' " . . 1 , . " , JUST NOW SPECIAL BARGAINS MAKE THE ' . ' .1 . , , , ; : COMPARISON ' VERY ESPECIALLY STRIKING , ' ' , ' , JeD / : ' ' " , " ' " ' - - . . . . . . , . D ' , 'W.I''ID--rP..I : : " . . { 5-I I' ' ! i : . . _ _ " -Yo " . ; LHQES . . --.i . Eel King spent Sunday in this city. Ingram Cain returned to Stella Friday. Buy your gasoline at the City : Pharmacy. , I , Quimby Hossack spent Sunday i in Verdon. - Ethel Bohrer is visiting friends in Auburn. A. J. Helmic returned to Stella Friday afternoon. Maud Graham was a Stella visitor Saturday. Stella Farmer went to Nims City Saturday. George 'fimmerman of Stella was in this city Saturday. James Downs came up from St. Joseph Saturday afternoon. Everybody invited to call on Dr. McMi11an , Druggist. Mrs. Jim Powell is visiting with friends in Bern , Kas. J. S. Everetts of Omaha is visiting friends in this city D. H. , Sears and wife left Sat- urday for Reserve , Kansas. Bessie Bohr returned Friday from a six weeks visit in Illinois. Frank : Stohr and wife left Sun- day afternoon for Clarinda , Iowa. Frank Marvin and wife were Pawnee City visitors Thursday. All kinds of tablets and writing paper at Dr. \IcMi11an's Drug Store. We arc still making special low prices on cured meats and lard.- Coupe & Thornton. Mrs. Towle and little girls of Omaha are visiting with E. Towle and family. \Vanted-two apprentice girls at the Bon Ton millinery store. Reference required. Miss Virgie Mead of Salem is visiting her brother , Cass Mead in this ci ty. - - . . . . - - . I TIME TABLE _ " , : , , I . I I Falls City. Ne , . " " , " ' : ' - . Lincoln Omaha Chicago St. Joseph Kansas City St. Louis and all points cast and . , , , , . . tl . sou 1 " Denver ; ' : : : ; Helena \ " : : ' f Butte ' " " : Salt Lake City : , ' \f . Y A Portland : San Francisco , , . . t and nil points.r : . . . _ . . ' . . .V.II. " " . , . . . . . I" ' - . - TKAINS L1AVl : AS FOr.I.OWS : . : . : : > - No. 4. Portland -t. : Louis , , \ , . . pecial , St. Joseph , r , r , ' : t. . Kansas City , St. , Louis and all points ' east and south. . . . . 7:27 p m n No. 13. Vestibuled ; ' , ' , ' . " expres : , ' . - . , : " ' ; daily , Denver and : , " -5 - , ' ; . ' ; ; . alll points west amI , - - _ 4. northwest. . . . . . . . . . 1:33am ' ' : ' r' . No. 14. Ve.stibuled express , I _ , ; " , ; . . , . ; ; : ± St. Joe Kan- ' ) 'i ' daily , , - % 4 . " < sas City , St. Louis . . and all points east I ' , . . . I " , andsonth..7:43am , ' , ! - No. 21. Local express , daily . . Lincoln and points 1 eastwestnorthwcst 1:28 : pm. . \ , No.1. Vestibuled express , daily , Denver , and all points west and , , northwest . . . . . . . . 1:15 : pm' ; ' No. 16 Vestibuled express ' f daily , Rt. Joe , Kan- \ \ ; sas City , St Louis ) J. . and ' . , . . _ . Chicago points' a east and south. . . . . 4:30 : pm" , . : . . . No. 22 Local express daily , V ' 1 , Atchison and points south and west. . . . 4:44 p m i No. 41. t. Louis-Portland - , SpecialLincoll1He- . , . . . ; lena , Tacoma and - ; . . . . Portland without ' , ; * .tT t _ c change . . . . . . . . . . . 10:0 : pm''I ' No. 115. Local accommodation . r' - ' " . . - -'I . : , tion Mon- II' , ' - , daily - ! . day , 'Vednsday and - ' " ; Friday , Salem , Ne- , , . . : nlaha and Nebraska " , . ' , City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:30 : p m i - Y ' . . F ' , ' Sleeping , dining and reeling chair . , , " cars ( seats free ) on through trains. 'rickets sold and baggage checked to : any point in the States or Canada. For , information , time tables , maps and ; , - . , . tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart , -fi Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or J. Francis , " " ' . G. P. & T. A . , Omaha. Ice ! Ice ! - Good clean ice from Culp's lake " delivered at your door.-Culp Ic . . , . . C ompany. ' , . " t J : , : "t _ . . - . " , . : . , . Coupe & Thornton handle noth- _ " . , ing but , the best of meats. . . " ' , , , > , ' 1fr " ' ,