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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1904)
i , 1\ II 1I \ . . I , ' . \ , : ' . , MTflTItE WOULD.S BEST WRITgRS 1 .ACCIDENTS ON THE RAILWAYS. I ( 1 Granting that there la a greater , 1 mileage of railroad In this country , Ithe proportlonato travel Is probably Igroator In England than hero. What , ' 'then"ls the explanation of the tower ) fatal accidents , or , rather , the almost , total lack of accidents In that coun try as compared with the frightful mortality on our American roads ? The i exact solution Is probably not easy , hut the moat natural oxplanaUon that will come to the mind 18 that the British roads are better managed and that they are held to a much atrlcter accountability by the authorities. An- thor rellson also Is the total absence -of all grade crossings In England and " the universal employment of the best of safety devices and signals , the block system being practically UDI- versal ; Now Orleans Picayune. \ - OUTWITTING THE SANDS. , ' In hIs article "From Coast to Coast I 'in ' an Automobile , " In the May World's I Work , M . C. Krarup describes how . the motor car was gotten over a sand 'hili. The means devised for thle omer 'goncy consisted of two strips of can. , vas , six feet wide and twenty.four feet long. Where the sand Is round-grain- . 'od , loose and dry the driving , wheels 'of a car can get no hold , but spin around as In water or slimy mud. Our I strips of canvas , laid on the ground 'for the wheels to run over , held the 'sand together , and then the motor power was sufficient to drive usheal , In this manner the two strips , each 'laid down three times , took U8 over Wndsworth hill , much to the astonishment . mont of a number of citizens who had assembled there with a team of horses .and stout tackle to help us. I TO KILL DANDELIONS. - In regard to the trouble owners of . .Iawns and grass plots have In koeplng them free from the pestiferous dandelion . lion , a benevolent citizen who has ox I perloncod lots of this trouble writes t o I the Oregonian to say that many people . plo bring more of this trouble on themselves . solves by trying to exterminate dandelions . lions by cutting the plant off just be 'low the ground. A great deal of this 'is done early In the spring by people l collecting young dandelion plants for I " 'groeml ' , " they being an excellent and I , wholesome pot herb. This , It Is salll , :1 : dOOR not kill the plant , but causes 4 \ each root to throw out several shoots , , : and thus multiplies the number of . dandellon ; i The correspondent mentioned writes to Impress his fellow sufferers that If f t when they cut off the dandelion plant ( " below the ground they will drop a : 'Pinch of salt or a teaspoonful of coni t alt I -011 on the root left in the ground It. I . will effectually kill It. This may seem I z a troublesome job , but to one who ms 1 i n 'sot on keeping his grass plot clear at I 11andellon8 it will In the end save a : tot at trouble . - Portland Oregonian. CURE -FOR CONSUMPTION. Motorcar exercise will cure co n . sumption says Dr. Blancnet of Lyon 'He speaks from personal e3lperleDce : , having recovered his own health by regularly covering about a hundred miles a day in an open motor ca r . Ho avers that by this remedy the 'cough of tuberculous patients Is gra d . 'ually abolished , or greatly diminished , and healthy sleep and appetite pro- . duced. It Is most essential that the , body should bo duly protected from cold. The elements of the cure are tht ' long stay In the open air and the increased atmospheric pressure duo to the rapid mallon , which oqmn : s and strengthens the lungs.-Lolldon , .Mail. a { 1 CAN "GOOD" MEN CORRUPT ? The ease with which good men , and men who are reckoned honorable in respect of their private lives , find excuses - cuses for doing wrong In their publlo action has been a marvel to the agos. It will continue a marvel for long years to coma But it Is not nearly so marvelous as the perversity of human nature that enables men to imagine they are moral and devoted patriots and faithful Christians while they are bending their talent and influence to increase their riches by bribing legis lators l to do for them what they would never do except for a corrupt consld oration or through fear of a dominant Intlucnce.-Boston Herald. LOSS FROM TYPHOID. The Michigan physician who puts the annual money loss to the United States from typhoid fever at $50,000.- ! 000 Is far from letting forth the full truth. He reaches his estimate by assuming $1,000 as the average value of the lives sacrificed and he omit all account of the money spent in the care of non.fatal cases. The real vale - ue ot the lives lost-so - far as such value can be expressed In money- might more properly be rated at $5" , 000. and at least $100 on the average must bo spent on victims who re covcr. On this calculation , assuming that the Michigan physician Is correct In his number at cases , the annual lose to the country from typhoid Is early $300OOOOOO.-Provldonce Jour- , nal. DIFFERENT MACHINE GUNS. - The first machine gun of any note I was the Gatling. The original Gatling had ten barrels placed ID a circle , with a breech mechanism so arranged that by turning a crank these barrels were successively tIred , the cartridges being placed In a small hopper situated . ated on the top at the gun. The Hotchkiss was n similar gun , having a similar arrangement of bar. roll , but a totally different mechau ism The Hotchkls8 system , however , was used for a larger typo of ammu Hilton than the Gatling. The French mltrallIeuse { had thirty barrels. They were all loaded at the same time and all fired Simultaneously. The recall was so great that It had to be mount od In the same manner as a fleldplece on a heavy carriage , requiring six horses. The apparatus was clumsy , , difficult to operate , and hall a corn paratlvely slow rate at tIre. The Nordenteldt gun consists of a series at barrels arranged side by side , like organ pipes The Norden : fold gun : generally has five barrels , and ! the mechanism Is worked by a lever , the cartridges falling down from n. hopper on the top of the arm Into position where the mechanism thrusts them Into the barrel , fires them and extracts the empty case This gun Is at great simplicity , and for a time went Into extensive use. - Harpor's Weekly. A FILIAL SON. - M. Curio , the discoverer of radium , not long ago declined the red rlbbo This at first was taken as showing extreme republicanism. Ho refuse because his father , a meritorious do c. tor , who has always practiced in the poorest part of Paris , Is still undec rated. l\I. Curio would be pleased and proud to enter the Legion of Honor after his father had become a man bor. At the same time ho does not see how with any fairness he could bo decorated If his wife were not aim 1 lady hODoroll.-l-arls Letter to Lon- don ! Truth. Weeds . Man hay almost always looked upon . the weed as a mortal enemy of the husbandman. Ho would deem himself fortunate if he could carryon his tll logo with never a weed to contend with. Yet the name "weed" Is largely . Iy meaningless , for It 18 merely a term applied to the plants for which we have at the present time no particular use Yet It may bo assumed that each weed has In It some value to the hu man raCb that Is yet to be dlscovored. Many of the weeds that now encroach ' on our cultivated domain wlll some day be so changed by the hand of man that they would not be recognized by us In some It will be the blossom that will be enlarged and de veloped just as we have now devel aped the flower of the cabbage to the aulHlower. In others the root will be the part that will bo developed , a8 we have from their wild and Insignifl cant forms developed beets , carrots and turnips. Thus , as to the future of weeds , and we can safely predict what the outcome . come will be from our knowledge of the history of the past. For we all realize the fact that many ' of the choicest things that como to our tables . bles , whether In the form of feed or for ornament , were within the his. tory of man , but weeds hat were thought below his notice. Asparagus was a riparian plant growing In the sandy margins of the rivers or by the seashore. Celery was a strong weed with nothing to recommend It till . some man found how to make It grow I tender In the shade. Left to grow naturally It 19 of little or no use to man. The beach pea that rambled along the sands and rocks of the Mediterranean . iterranean shores became , under cultivation . tlvatlon , the beautiful sweet pea of our flower gardens and of which we . now have a thousand forms. How unlike . like some of these are the forms out of which they were developed ? A few years ago the country was stirred by the advent of the Russian thistle , which threatened to put mil. lions of acres of land out of cultivation . tlon In ! the Northwest. A panic seized some ot our most conservative agri culturists and the legislatures , both state and national , were appealed to for Immense sums of money to be spent ID checking the dreadful in- vador. But the legislatures refused to appropriate any considerable sums ot money and told the farmers they would have to fight this new weed pest in the best way they could. But before long it was found that this weed , growing best on alkali lands , was greatly relished In a young state by the farm stock , and that it } made good pa8turage. We now never hear anything about the Russian this tie except that here aDd there It is being made up Into hay. But apart from this occasional ser vice to man there are other benefits that come from weeds. They are the first to take poses810n of waste places and plough up the ground with roots to make way for the coming of gr 8s. The dry soil , under the fierce glare of the summer sun , loses much at the humus It has in ! the exposed - posed surface lay rs. This loss is now known to be Tory great or would be great , did not the weed take possession . sian and cover the ground with their enveloping tops. Under this shade the ground keeps moist and the humus i is conservel. ( The work of the bacteria goes on in this protected soil . and It was long ado demonstrated ' ! that nl trates were formed uDder the road ot these vers plants that the farmer considers his fees. The writer once hoard Protease Dalloy say that he had just bought a 200 ' acre farm that ' iac covered with weeds. The previous owner sold him the farm at a. low price because It was I so very weedy. The professor laughed I aa he remarked that ho preferred the weeds to nothing , ae It was merely a , Question of plowing them under whenl I ho got ready to use the land. Mean- I while they were improving the land ! \ for him. Weeds do not Impoverish the land , as they fall down and decay on the very son where they have been growing. It Is safe to say that the son that will bear a godd cropy weeds will bear n. good crop crop other plant. The thrifty farmer will have little trouble with weeds , except when he sows them In the crops ot grain that he Is raising. The areas that are cultivated . tlvated by hand hoeing or by the plow J can be kept tree easy eDough. The weed is I a friend that the farmer would 'find it hard to get along , With. out-Farmer's Review , I , I Improving Swine . - - . . - - . - . . . . - - . - - - . " ' " - - _ r.I The improvement of swine must come as It comes in all other breedS of animals , both by selecting and feeding Feeding Is { probably first as no matter how well aD animal may be selected if he Is not fed properly the things that have been gained by sOo s lectlng will be lost. What Is the use of a man trying to breed , up a strong boned animal if . after having selected one that shows the proper conforma' tlon , he goes on feeding him nothing but corn from plghood to maturity ? It Is evident that this kind of feeding would be a permanent check on furth er development along the line desired And if this selection should be con' tlnued for generations and the feed remain bad , little or nothing could be gained. In the past much of the work of Improvement has been along \ these lines and has therefore been \ uphill work. Some of our farmers 1 have tried to sct their breedlIU1J ( ' swine year after year with the hopes of getting an improvement In stamina , but have continued to feed material that went to destroy stamina aDd they have found It to be difficult to improve . prove their animals In the least. The first requisite therefore Is to begin a right system of feeding , ODe that will develop a strong bone aDd firm and abundant muscles. This can be done by limiting the amount of corn that Is fed aDd increasing the amount of foods rich In protein By such a course not . only will the mus cular systems of the animals be improved . proved but the breeding qualities will also be Improved , and the number ot pigs ID each litter will be Increased. The opposite course of feeding leads 'l to degeneracy and impairment of breeding qual1t1es. Then comes the selection each year or each breeding season. With the proper method of feeding selection becomes a very effective method of Improving the animals. Within a few weeks after farrowing the pigs will begin to show characteristics that I should be propagated. A few will be I thriftier than the others. A few will grow more rapidly than their fellows and they will show better formation of body viewed from the pork malcers' , standpoint. These are the ones that should be chosen for the future breed. ers , and should early be put In a lot - by themselves and led with the Idea , of making , breeders of them. At the time the others begin to receive corn In quantities sufficient to make them lay on fat , these should be receivln , . . . . . only a little corn , just enough to bale f"\ ance the protein feeds they are re- ceivlDg. It is obvious that no pig - . _ _ _ _ should be selected for breeding that has been in anyway stunted In de velopment. The pig that was not able to take care of Itself In the gear oral scramble for Its mother's milk has not enough stamIna In it to make a good breeder and It Is not desirable to transmit that tacit of stamina to au offspring The common tobacco dips are very - fjj efficacious as a. dip for tlddlugs hogs at lice. t