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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1904)
May 20 , 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - LOCAL AND PERSONAL - - - - Eat Sowlcs Candy. \V A. Grccnwald spent Sun- < litY in Salenl G. \V. Inskccp weft t to Pawnee City Sunday Henry Hofcr went to ortcsquc on business Monday. Jim l\IcHI. : was in Craig : : , ll'Io . , . on busincss this wcck. Sec Coupe & 'l'hornton for I M . fresh mca ts of all kinds. 1\11' . and Mrs J. C. l\Iartin , , went to Pawnee City Sunday. Anderson 1\1il1er ' left \ ' y on a business trip to Brcckcn- rilgc , : Mo. wVe arc still making special low prices on curcd ( mcats and lard.-- Coupe & 'l'hornton. Try Bcrry's Chick Food for lit. tlc chicks - just thc . stuff - at Hcck's Feed Htorc. 1\lesclamcs l.1'1'ank ! Vcach and .Moses Veach of Vcrdon visitcd in this city cc1ncsday. . r 1ln'm. . Wilson and 1lrs. ' G. ' \V. Holland left l'\'londay for St. Louis and will spend some timc at thc cxposition. 'Vc kill all our own meats , therefore we can supply you with the best thc market ( afTords.---- Coupe & 'l.'hornton , l cv. Alexander , V. G. I-lY ford and , , , . A. Grccnwald were among those who enjoyed thc fine fishing at thc'Iissouri lakes this wcek. 1\rs. J. H. Cain , Jr. , was in thc city 'Vedncsda cnroutc to her home in Stcl1a. Mrs. : Cain has 1 been ! 011 a visit with her parents at Seneca , J' < : an. wl ' ill Wherry has sold his trlt1S- fcr business to Gco. Jenkins of St. Joseph. 1\11' . 'Vhcrry expects to leave soon for California where 1n will locate. l\'lrs. Ada Sawyer and daughter - tel' , Nellie , and 1\rs. Lcllh Chcn- owcth of St. Joseph arc visiting thc formcr's sister , l\1rs. ' H. I. . { . 'Vill.and family. . N. Bail' has completed plans for a finc residence to bc erected k by A. H. l\lcl\'lu11cn on his farm ncar Stcl1a. 'l'he residence is to cost approximately $4,000. i 'T ' ic Prcsbvtcrian Junior C. E. ] society had it VCr ) ' pleasant pic- nic par ty at thc home of 1\1rs. ' J. l tckin on last Friday aficrnoon. Forty were in attcndancc. 1\11' and v1rs. A. L. Roberts have arrived from Lone 'Volf , O. ' 1' . , and will tuake this city their home in thc fnturc. \ [ rs. Roberts was formerly Eva Schmnchcr. 'l'hc old Commercial hotel has been rcchristcnccl , and under thc ncw managcmcn will bc known as thc Lindcll. The opening of this hotel calls : fur additional bus line spiclcrs , all of which adds to thc excitement that prevails at the depots when a train arri \'cs. 1\11'5. .1ohn Jlolland of Rule , this morning fired five shots at her husband , three of which took effect. 1\11' Holland was not , how ever , seriously injurcd. 'rhc trouble grew out of thc custody of thc scvcn-ycar-olcl son of Mr . and 1\11's. Holland. Sheriff I-Iossack had gone to Rube to get the child and turn it over to thc fathcr. j \ . - , . ' . - . - - - - - . , ' 1l ilfl - t. t.l t V I I ) , , J9 M : I I tW } I W 1 u I ' - - - " Ji ; . . - - - FREE CIRCUS TOKETS ITo PO , l _ - - - - . . . . . . _ _ _ _ To any boy or girl who will bring us two paid subscriptions to The Tribune , we will give a ticket to the Great Wallace Circus free of charge. The only condition is that you bring in your subscriptionS by f10nday even = ing , May 30. . j 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T E FALLS CITY TRI UNE I I - - - - - . _ . _ , . . . . II a I . I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Rir ; , - - - - - - - - - . - - - . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . . . . . . . . . S. P. Hinds , who is now in thc grain business at Kansas City , was in town this wc k. 1\11' ' Hinds was for several years thc Hssouri Pacific agent at Stclla. There was no meeting of thc Fraternal Union last 1\'londay. ' A Meeting will bc held ncxt 1\lon- ( lay c\'cning and important busi- ness transactcd in connection with the approaching fraternal picniG. I-Icnry B. Smith , FV . Cleveland Rube Horrocks , 1' . L. Ilimmclrcicb and Jolla ] Hulchings went to' Omaha 'L'ucsday to at- tend thc annual Council of thc Episcopal church. . 'V. S. horner was called to Bellevue , Ohio , I\onday l ' [ by thc announcement of thc death of his brother , Jerry horner , his death having been caused by typhoid fever C.V. . Farrington has been in charge of thc hardware store during 1\11' Korncr's ab- sence Junior Reception. ' 'the annual Junior rcccption was held at the high school last evening - ing and was a brilliant affair. During thc evening thc following program was rendered ; Piano Duet------Miss Jones , Mrs Gist Reaming _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pcarl Cleveland Vocal solo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . Anna Dorrington Piano ( solo. _ _ _ _ _ _ " _ _ _ _ JutIC l\Iusscll1lan Hcading- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ Gracc liner Vocal _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kerr Flute _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ . Harnack Piano solo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ - Mis. . ; icchcrs Hcfrcsl11ncnts were scrvcd and thc juniors spared no efforts to makc thc rcccption a splendid social succcss. . Fired Five Shots at Husband The mother expressed a desire to talk to thc father and thc sheriff went after him. As thc two approaclwd- house , Mrs. Holland came to thc front door and opcned fire through the screen door , with the above rc- suI ts. Sheriff Hossack broke clown thc door and took thc still smoking revolver from her and placed her under arrcst. Win. 11 cm. 'Vi11iam Hcin died at his house in this city at thc age of sixt-two ycars. . 'Vi1liam Hcin was born in November - vember 184 in the province of Pommcrn , Germany , where hc grew to manhood. At nineteen years of age , hc was called to serve his time in the army and was assigned to thc cavalry where hc served during thc Prussian and Austrian war in 18)6 acting in tile capacity of orderly for his brigade comm pHlcr. After serving - \ring three years on a passenger steamship as fireman and in 1880 came to this country and landed in New Orleans after which hc worked in different places and traveled on foot over thc states of Louisiana , Arkansas and Tcx- as. Hc also spent some time in Illinois and about 1878 went to thc Black Hills where hc mined for two years , being moderately succcssful. On returning from thc Black Hills hc settled on thc Kansas and Nebraska line five miles south of this city. But being - ing- unmarried , hc grew tired of farming and moved to Falls City and has since livcl here. In 1883 he was married to 1'lrs. Dora 'Ycbcr. They have no childrcn. ) , ' 11' . Hein was an upright citizen , very obliging and always ready to help where nccdcd. Hc leaves behind him a kind memory. The funeral was held from thc residence yesterday afternoon and was attended by a large number of fricnds. Fire at Shubert. A blaze at Shubcrt 'l'hursday destroyed it dwelling owned by C. H. Downs and occupied by A. H , . Doma Thc fire was caused by sparks from thc chimney falling on thc roof , and when discovered had gained such hcadway that it was only possible to remove the household goods. Thc building was entirely dcstroycd and was a total loss , there being no immr- ancc. A much needed new crossing has bccnlaic1 on Stone street at thccorncr : of Fifth. . . - . - - . . ; s ) a li 1 rt " , , $ Jt is S 4 ' . . j' ' . .J ' ' i iN i ' ; . - t \ - r Y : I ' I % & , 6 " 1'N . I ' m. I t t i ) , ftt ( ! i L&.bor I'oubles. , . . 4 The product of thc Lcyda & \Vhctstinc cigar facton' will no longer bear thc union label , thc I 'll1llOUnCcmcllt having been made by thc employers last Saturday night On Novcmbcr 11 , 1903 , at thc request of thc employers , thc . shop was unionized and the arrangement - ran cmcn t sccmcd to be to thc mutual benefit of both employers . . . . . , . . . and employees and it was with , l _ It. I surprise that thc men learned on \ Saturday night that thc factory " would no longer be a union shop. Upon malting the announcement , thc cmplo'crs stated that those who desired to remain could dose so , but Ed Glines , Charley Net- tlebeck and George hiller elected - cd to stand by thc card and walk- td out , declining to work in an open or unfair shop. This action leaves thc Tom l\lcLanc factory thc only union shop in the city. Card of Than ! s. 'Ve desire to give our most sincere - ccrc thanks to friends and neighbors - 1 bors for their kindncsand ! sympathy - , . . I pathy during thc illness and death of our beloved daughter , Stella Jones , , ' - , Mr . and 1\1rs. I-I. H. Jones and Family. _ . -u.---- . . . . . , . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . - " " " " ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I Cnn Oct Yon n Widows' Pension Quicker than anyone else I I secured a pension for Mus. AN- NA R\IIB of l alls Ci.t.r. Allowed -'cpruar.r Ii , 190.J. l\lr. Babb died . October 29 , 1903. Also pension for MHS. JENNIE \ " . . ' ' f \j'1NTa'oRTII of 1"alls i . ' : NT\\'O-TII City. Altow- , I . ed March 15 , 904. Ml. Wentworth died November 28 , 1903. . . I John L. Cleaver . PENSION ATTORNEY , . Palls City , Nebraska . . . I I J