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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1904)
I . , I. J " , : . , , , ' ' ' 1 J , . , . . PAGES 2.t1 I t jj a 11 . ! i ( ! t. ttl ' ! ribun I. l' " . ' " PAGES 24 ' : : " ' n . , _ " ' - - ' - - - - ' - "VOLu . " ; ; , Nlil ; f\ \ , , i\lf\yH- \ ; ; . ' - - - - - 1I11 - _ 8 \7ULU\II. I FALLS CITY NEBRASKA 1 LIIAY J MAY 27 ' 1904. NUMBER J " l _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - ' - - - - - - - - - - . - - _ . The Twenty Second Annual Commencement , - - - - B ginning" with the Junior reception - ception on last 1 'l'h ursday evening - s , tint , thc events of 11lmcnce- men t week have followed each other in regular sequence and the week has been one of much inter- . cst in educational circles x On Sunday evening the Class t of ' 04 attended the Methodist : t church in a body and listened to ' ' thc bacala urea te sermon preached t ' by \V.B.Abxander. . The ser- mon was replete with good advice and wise counsel and the seed . sown \ will doubtless hear fruit in 4. the year to come , and the truths impressed upon them by this ser- I. 111011 will doubtless many times prove valuable and helpful to every member of the class. The Eighth grade commcnce- . , ment exercises were held at the Methodist church \Vednesday , "e\'ening. A large class passes this year from the eighth grade \ ' . \ , . to the high school , and the exer- It"t 1 ( ' " " cises \Vednesday evening prov- , . ' : ' , ed of much interest to the class . ' , as well as the large audience that was in attendance. 'l'he program was as follows : Chorus , The Happy Miller , Class of ' 04 , Invocation" - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . .Rev..T. E. Holley , Music , Thc \Vhispcring" Leaves , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ High School Quartette Class 1.Iistory , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lillie Vocgclein , Recitation , The Confederate Sold- ier--- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Edgar Shook . Recitation , Good bye ; God Bless , . ou-------------- \el ie Jennings ' - Recitation , The RidG \IcNcaL _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Alice Va'entine t A j : Music , 'The Butterfly------------ : _ _ " - * " , / ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ High School Quartette pantomine , Home , Swcet Homc , _ _ " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ , . _ Class of 'O.J - \ Class - Lecture ' , _ _ _ _ _ _ -Prof. A. E. Ross . ' The program was carried out I with much credit to all those who ! participated. I 'r'he twenty-second ' annual com- . . iiiencement of the high school "a ; held at the Gtliling theatre last evening , and during the rendition - dition of the excellent program Ir.s. L. A. Kinsey , of Verdon was , visiting in this city during thc week. . A& John 'l'a J , -'lor of Dawson made \ ' a business trip to this city \Veel- . . l1csday. ' t David Noyes of Arago was attending - , ; tending tosomc business matters , Y. 1 ; : in this city : Monday. _ ' Mamic : Ryan , Beatrice Ryan , i , and Margaret O'Grady of Dawson 1 were in town \Vedliesday. ! . " - ' - " . every available seat was occupiecl. It was an enthusiastic audicnce that entered into the spirit of the occasion , and by loud and fre- q net applause expressed its ap- prcciaticn of the very fine and exceptionally well rendered pro- . 'l'his ' ' fol- gram. program was as - lows : Overture , Golden Gate , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ HarJ1acl 'sOt'chcstra Solo------------------- Blanche Kerr Class history , _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ Alice Douglas Oration , .fanual rfrail1ing in the High School _ _ _ _ _ _ Harry Gardner Paper , Children's Ideas of Heavcn , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ glizahcth Ht'ccht Essay , Wit and Humor , _ _ Alice .Taquet ' ' . _ _ _ Brass Quartette , The crenade. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Harnack's Orchestra Story , A Little .Iap's Reward , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hNclle Hanna Historical Sketch , 'I'he : Mormons in Nebraska---Stella Stone Class Prophecy , _ _ _ _ h _ _ _ _ May Maddox Presentation of Diplomas , . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pres. V. G. Lyford Walt'flieTapauica , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u - - . ' _ 7. . . _ _ Hm'nack'stOrchcstm ( : Class Play , _ _ : _ _ _ Diamonds and Hearts 11J the class play , Nellie Cain , aggie Ferg-us , : Meeke'r ' Cain , Mabel ] L\ ' ford , Laura Naylor , George Lyon , IIarry Gardner Guy Crook and Quimby Hossack distinguished themselves and impersonated - personated the various characters of the play in a most creditable manner. Commencement pro- grams are sometimes noted for their dullness , but this was a not- able exception and everbody en- joyed thc program throug-houl. The niemhers of .he Class of ' 04 arc : vlag-gie Fcr.zus , Elizabeth - beth Brecht , NeUe Cain , Nelle Hanna , i\Iabell : Lyford , Laura Naylor , Guy Crook , Quimbr Hossack , Meeker [ Cain , Alice Douglas , Alice Jaquct , 1'I(1Y Maddox - dox , Stella Stone , Harry Gard- ncr and ; Gcorge Lyon. Upon the' OCCaSlOll of their leaving the school room and starting out in life , these young men and young womcn have the congratulations of the community as a whole. Ambrose Parsons and Gus Heinzelman of Verdon were in . town ec1neschw. The cable supporting the arc light at Fourth and Stone streets broke \Vcdnesday night and the lamp fell in the middle of the street-and the fragments filled twelve baskets. , Maust Bros. have shipped two car loads of hogs to Kansas City this week. . - - - - - - - - - . - . . . - . - , . - - - . Married . llattic Pearl Cleveland and Chester A. Fisher were married Sunday evening at the home of the brides parent , 1\lr. and 1\1's. George Cleveland , thc ceremony being performed by Rev . , H. n. Smith of St. Thomas' ch urch. The wedding- was very much of a surprise to the friends of thc bride and groom , but their sur- prise does not prevetlt them extending - tending hearty and sincere con- gI-atulations. 'l.'he bride is a well known and highly respected daughter of George Cleveland one of our best ] { 1own business men , while the groom is the son of George . isher , one of the wealthiest and most prominent farmers in this cOUllty. The Tribune joins with thc friends of the bride and groom in tvisliing them the full measure of happiness in the years to come. Postnlaster Crook. Ion. G. J. Crook took charge of the post office Tuesday evet1- Llg and henceforth will be the constituted representative of Uncle Sam in this city. ? \ 1r. Crook has retained Herbert Hedges - g-es as his deputy and employed Clara Tanner and Nell Snyder as clerks. 'fhc re-appointment of Herbert Hedges to be deputy was the proper thing. 1\11' . hedges has virtually bc't the post rooster - er for several years and what he don't know about the business could all bc printed 011 the back of a postage tamp. The selection - tion of clerks is i also very satis- factory and assures good postal sen'lCC. Junior League Picnic The members of the Junior League of the : Methodist church enjoyed a picnic at raddox's grove north of the city last Sat- urday. ' 1 ' lte picnic party waR chaperoned by l\1rs. A. G.Van - ner , president of the league.Vell filled baskets were taken along and it was a typical picnic in every respect. W. O. W. Unveiling. The \Vooelmcn of the \VorJd will publicly unveil and dedicate monuments to the memory of Henry - ry Beac1l' l , P. A. \Vylie and A. Van'a on Sunday June 5th. At 11 o'clock a. m. Rev. Elmer \Yard Cole , formerly of this city , but now of J-Iutchison , Kans. , will preach a memorial sermon at the 'Methodist 1 church. At 1:30 : p. m. the members of the order will meet at the hall and proceed to . . . . . , - 1 ; ' 'f. - - ' - ' - ' - ' - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - ( Steele cemetery where the UII- vciling will take place. ' The principal addrcss will bc dclivered 4 by l e\ ' . C. \\T. Clark of . Omaha and there t will be good music bet vocal and instru1l1en A cordial invitation is extended to " " " all to bc presont. 1 t" ! : - H _ - , - 1 The Holland Case . 1'he'.l l'rilmne last week mcn- tioned , exclusively , the trouble ' which resulted in 1 \ Lrs..loliii 1101- \ . . . land of Hulo Jiring live shots at ' ( ) her hushand from it rcvoh'cr. The trouble grew out of the cl1stody - of their child , and when l\1i. . Holland - land ; had been repulsed hy the ' . . bullets IJe sought to obtain custody ted ) ' of the child 011 a writ of habeas corpus. \Vhcn the hcar- jug on the application for the writ came before the county court this week , thc further hearing - . . was continued for two weeks. " , ' " 'l'he criminal case against A' ' Holland , growing out of the shooting was continued until \ , . ° June 1st. Memorial Exercises. Re\ Haskins will preach the Juuiual memorial sermon at the Brethren church next Sunday morning' ' 1 he members of the G. A. R. and W. H. C. will meet at the hall at 10 o'clock and pro- cecd itl a body to the church. On l\1ol1day morning at ten o'clock the members of the G. A. R. and \V. H. C. and ci tizens generally - erally will meet at the hall and from there marc , li , to Steele cem- eterJ' A short program will bc rendered and the graves of the departed veterans decorated. Everybody invite to participate in the exercises. - Denied the Writ. . Judge Kellig-ar this week heard the case of Shafer vs the mayor of Humboldt , in which the plain- tiffs prayed for a writ to manda- mus compelling the said mayor tu license a pool and billiard hall in that city. The court listened to the prayer and the rcmonst- rance and denied tde writ and here will bc no billiard hall in Ilumholdt this year. Among thc . attorneys in the case was A. G. \Volfenbarger of Lincoln , who is a prospective candidate for presi- dent of the United Seatcs on thc prohibition ticket. Married Ladies Kensington. 1'1rs. J.V. . WVhetstine was host- ess for the Married : Ladies Ken- sington club yesterday aftcrnoon. The members were entertained in a manner that is certain to leave pleasant memories of the occasion , " for ' all. 1 '