The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 13, 1904, Image 14
- - - - . - - - - - - - _ , . ----.6. _ ' _ . . , _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ . - . . . _ . . _ " _ . _ _ . . . . ' " , . . . ' . , . ' . , " - - " 1\Tay 13 , 1904 . . THE FALLS ( erry TRIBUNE ' " " , The Fashionable Doctor and the Wom- o.n with Weak Ncrvcs-A Spin in nn Aut.o "Yes , " said : the fashionable ( lector . tOI' , as he WI'Oout / ( ! a 1'I'PHC'I'ip. ' lion , accOI'ding" ( to tlw New fork Hun , "you ha \'e told nie'oursyriip ) . - - t0111S a11(1 : ( I ice you at' ( ' iioullcd ] Oval R(91Ic' : IlPI'VOUHIlPSH " "Oh , " wailed the fair in ) ) atiplll , " ( ' \ ' ( Iry little llOise mak's iIlP jump , every limp a clool' creaks ; I slant like I a Pl'I'Hon ill da ngPl' , .By tIll' way , 1)1' I ) , l1il'hal'g'c , I'm just : going 10 lake molol' ' ' out for , rely car ; : a Hpin ; 1 always I run the i lIIal'hine mysplf , yon Imow If you i jump in , ] 'II leave l , you right I :11 : t. . your clool' " 51111 I l'xplaining hp I Had (01101- ion 1 of her nerves , she (11'oVlit. ( ( . . auto dowII Ihcaycmll'al a l'at1ling 'lip. ( III H1lCl : out : of the tangle of vehicles the jolting jllggeriltnl : I flew at 20 ( ) milC's all hOI1I' The IWI'\'OUS WI'p1\ ! inlt ) \ 011 he 1 . hrnlces a lid glma'pc1 emma 11n , l' f'he momtf'cl poll ( ' ( ' who WCI'C ! gallop. inns far belt i11(1. 'rhc pale.faep physician gnBl : > l'd. " 1lcrc's-yo11r honf-p ; , " saW nH patient , swpell ' . " 1 hope your prescripiion will ( 'a 1m my pOOl' , s. weak IICI'\'pS. " c' Those URegret" Forms. The I T.JHly-lIow ill if' ' : - : , my poor 111811 , flint . your life is HO full I f of re- " ' ! - . ii "gl'pt . f OriHy Gpol'ge-1 used to hCll1 : pdit"or , "mulll.-Chil'ngo Daily : News. , Kitc-FJyil1g .Allinml 10coln0l } ( ion Homei hues 1-\110\\8 : \ itself in forms not" , nnliko kit e . flyingand pu'tchntlug. ) ) : : ( t , ' 1'1Ie "PI1'1H'hut : jug animals" : arc mam' Illlls- : lyin ; sl11irrcls : \ of Yal'iou : 1Hls-lJil'llH l ( the t ) ( pigpen ) , re1) ; . 1 ilex , fling ( I fiHheH. Among the "kiip-H.\'ers" are spiders and flies ( -Na : tilral t I n181'01'of Ani1J1 t1 lB. . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - Missouri Pacific Excuraol\s. r On account of thc Republican State convention at Lincoln , Neb. c May 17 and 1S , one and one-thinl 1 ' fare for thc round trip. Return 1 limit i l\lay 21. On account of German Raptisl t tt Brethren A.nnuHl meeting a1 t Carthage , i1Io. May : 1O to 22 one fare for thc round trip , tJ'icket s 011 s(1 : ll' 18 to 24 inclusi ve. Re ' turn limit May 30. s _ - - I Can Get You a I j \tVidO\VS' Pension ! i Quicker than anyone else I I I secured a pension for ' Mi S. ANNA - ! NA BAIHl of Fa11s Cit ) ' . Allowed n Fepruary , 19tH" Mr. Babb died I October 29 , 1903 , . II I I Also pension for MH'S. J1NN11 : ! 1\TINTwoltrtl of l.'alls City. Allow- J ed March 15 , 1904 MI' \Ventworth died November 28 , 1903. John L. Cleaver PENSION ATTORNEY Falls City , Nebraska 1 . _ u _ _ _ . . . . . " ' - - . TOURISTS' FUNNY REMARKS Ona Woman Wanted to Know If the Grand Canyon Wn Open Sun- dnys-"FJ'lcd Cuids , " Burton llolmct : ! has been travel ing in the HImmers ! : allli telling of his travels duriug' the whitens for a dozen J'cars. During ! that time he has visited almost every coun try on thc globe , and now that he is in New York , he is continually meeting friends whom hc first met in Japan , Alaska , Hawaii , Indict , Algel'ia or some other foreign COUll tl'.Y. " . l'he criticism is sometimes madc ( of the J alHlnl'se that they ha'e 110 religion , " said 111' Holmes , at The I.Jumbs thc other day , "but the cl'itic'ism is not we1l founded. L'hcr have a religion , whi'h , whilc simplc is sufJicicnt fOl' their needs , and it has many beautiful features.C ' ( : ! C religion is known as 'Shint.o , ' 01' "Yay of 1 he Uods. ' It is a sort of sun WOl' e31lip ! , and in the temples a rising Still is always a prominent part of the decOI'al ions. In fact , it is about all 'ihel'c is in the tcmples. Some one once said that there is nothing to see in u Shinto templc , and they won't : : let you see it. " Mi' Holmes says that the most tlt'cI'psUng ' feature , of his tray ls has been ) the other travelers whom hp ( has met. 1'he comments that some of 111111 make when gazing for the til'st imc 1 on a wouaer of nature ' ' . lII'e are excI'uciaiingly funny. Thus a woman who gazed into the a we-inspiring ) OI'Hnd Canyon .of' time Colorado for thc first ifmh i said : "J ust as 1 expected ; I knew I would be dfsfP1)oillte(1. It is not a bit like ( Colorado ' Springs. " Au- other woman , when buyiu ; in San Francisco : a round trip ckct to ihe Grand Canyon , captiously asked the railroad agent : "Is Ow l'allYOll open on Sundays ! " A third woman gazed eurionsly at a group } of naked Mold : Indian chi- ! drpn , who scampered : away at the avproac.h of strangers and ran up I ladders with the agility of monkeys - keys , their bronze skins glistening in the sun. Then she said : "They " . look like fried cupids" . - . . Bermuda Dnno.nns. The lwarf banana of Bermuda ; first came from thc Canaries The - fruit is little larger than a man's finger , and is eompuet in textm' and rich in flayol' The fruit ; growu in snunner is of higher quality than that growls ill wint r-if the . word winter can be applied to u lii11(1 in whieh the mcl' < . 'UI' ' rarely I'pgsters : as low as 50 degrees and in which frost is unknown. Th' I single bUlH'h that the tree bear t i should weigh , of this dwarf sort , i from 25 i 0 no or 70 pounds. There ! is almost no expense required in the after I i maintaining plantation it" iR once establishel , and the gross annual 1H'l'eaRe should be from ti400 to OO per : ae1'e. The little bananas are consllpled entirely . til'ely hy the local l11arlwts , for Bermuda is visited by tourists , it has a large garrison , and the rest - iclent 'ople-sonw : ever : 17,000 all told-are fond of the fl'uit.- . Country Life in Amerira. . . . ttNJ ftM'I.M * ' . . ' , 1 1. A Lot of " Pad ) ' Reasons Far Ex -1 . . peCtingYour i Trade This Sprin ' . I Hand Tailored by s4' I CANN , _ 7 I WAMPOLO & CO. America's moot e Cloth s Dlatters 1 : , T % J : , 4' 4's' . , s' I . j ' 'r Ls l fl ' , rtt g Y : Sllf tl , i 1 Co d / f9o4 ( ; . edlm . E L C4 : rJ , ' CtJwEo L'- , ? 2i ? "J - , c. . . ' $ - - - . . . . l.Q g-oods. Ve don't claim to be perfect ; . clont : say : ' nothing 2 : . . , c : ever goes wrong. \Thcn It lees , we right 1t in a Ltiiy Ill ' . I I L If you care about these things , TRY DS. . . ' . " . : .1 It : Vl1o' Cle e ( { uul I ' " . , : 'S - * : J ! ! tf ' % $ j & _ : ' . rJral R.ouie N\ . 3. Emma Ernest was a passeng'cr to Falls City : Monday , via the R. F. D. mai ' 1' . C. Ohert marketed a fine bunch of cattle 'l'uesday. John Veincd is thc only man along . thc route who works . the roads.- Others conmmenced , but have qui t , , Barney Vaglcy , a prominent farmer in this ' \'icinity , has the finest Pcrcheron horse in thc coun'try Jerome \Viltse is i repairing his corn cribs . and other buildings. . John Futchcr went to Falls City Tuesday to attend the May : term of court. Arthur itzsche , residing on Ii. H. No. 5 , left for Sioux City , . Iowa , 'l'ucsday , , where he will worm A crowd of young people gath- cred at thc home of Phillip Zim- mcrman last Sunday evening and spent thc evening plaVing ' games until a late hour. . Supervisor < Santo was tra.nsact- jug business in this vicinity \'lon- ( l ay. , ay.IIent Hcnry Ebel , assessor of cfTer- m have bought " - - for fair prices " . 5 . . . the best goods the mar- . ) . _ let contains. 'Ve of- . " ; fer them to you q at honcst prices ; not , r trying to . get all we : o ; " can for our clothes , but . . trying to give you all . we'can : ; . ' : - for the money I c : : you pay 115. . Our clothes \ contain I : . - thc best work of . exper- ' , . . ' F 1\ . ' I iet1Cpd and cunning operators - : : - , , cratorsj ; and every new ' . 1 feature of . style 1 . i s /p" . , l' show ' u ; fabrics ofstnct- .1 v all-wool yarnf. . . I ' , ' , I Patterns . elwavs 1 . 1111- porbu , Kati'e' bC'll1 sel- ' . . , ectcc1 ( after long deliberation - band l work is ' ' cratiol1j ; is m. \ j . . . apparent in every part , < .if our better grades , lit ( i style and staying qual- $ } : . ities arc guarantced. . 'i.t 1\'e talk to husit1C'sS iI . . ' ' ; Inca in a businesslike ' . . manner ; don't O\'l'r- ' . c' a ee them thinking 0 that they do 110t know r ( the real value'of good ' clothes ; never snake a < < . ' H statement that'e cant . , . . I not back up with thc y . . ' " ' " I son township , was assessing the , ' . J village dads of Preston Tuescl.ay' " " : Mail on this route "wcnt oycr' . . ' route No. 5 thc first part of thc . week because of the high water . , .J . , , ; - < ' ' . , . , - - 1 D. : S. lVlcCartlny , " , . PROPRIETOR OF ' " . CITY DRAY LINE Special Attention to Household \1ovlng. ! . 1 " . . . Phone 211 / : , Falls City - - Nebraska - , ' : ' , : ; > 1 I \ ' , ' ; ; . . . . . . . . . - . . , , , r ' - - - = J - , . : : i t 1- tl Staple and , ' . . Fancy Groceries ; . . . . I I ' .t ' ' . : . . FRUIT SEASON : ' . , , . . , ' . ( We Sell \VANK'S BREAD Cash for ' BUTTER AND EGGS . ; l . ' . " First Door North , of Post Office . . PHONE F4 ; \ A. G. HOPPOCK . - . _ :