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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1904)
r d ImL .arawnxwnw.m onrnna.anvnn.rr a'.nmw. . . . , , . - . , , , . . . . . . - . . . . , . . . - , , , , . , .w. . t * . 6 TI-IE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE May 6 , 1904 I' TilE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Published Every Friday at FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA ' . . , _ By T4 I E PUBLISIIING CO" j. I EutCl'Cl'as sccoml-ctass matter , Janu- al'Y 12 , 1904at the post omcc at halls t y , Nch. , tinder the Act of on gress . . of Mm'ch 3 , 1879. , , - ' I ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Telephone No. 226. REPUBLICAN TICKET. Tor ! . Congress : Er.MJtH J. nURKI 'rT , Liucoln. t For State Senator : E. ; tl'UCKHR , Humboldt. her ! Members of the Legislatttl'e. 1' ' R. : u ; . GIUNS'ItAD , Salem . , GUOHGH SMl'H , Dawson ; w. I-I. HOGIUUtH , Stella For County Attorney. w. H. MoRRow , Shubcrt i . , . AN OPEN LETTER. rfo F. : E. Martin , County At- li'rank- notice + torncy-Dcar : - that you have been shedding bit- tcr tears and crying as though your little heart would break , because - cause in thc course of human events it has become ncccssary t 1 that you should bc ptmishe(1. The ; stern parent who takes his way- , ward off spring to thc wood shed . for correction feels that the punt - t ishmcnt hurts him worse than it t docs thc child , but thc punish- I f ment must bc inflicted for thc 1 j - child's own good. It is thc sane in yourcase.No one < 'Ip.sircs to chas- ! j t isc you for plcasnrc it afford , ft but because such a course may ' yet he the making of you. You have proven a very obstreperous .Youl1g ter. You have told naugh- ty stones and broken tip thc fur- I -niturc and made ugly faces at . the neighbors , 'Ye also notice 1 that you have acquired thc habit of saying bad words such as , "silly fools. " Bc careful , boy. bc carcful. Such a habit may . . . grow until you actually find your- self saying"Oh , fudge ! " and then . you will have to have your little . . pink-mouth washed out with concentrated - . ccntratcd lye and formaldchyde. Between sobs you have com- a ; plained that some one has _ been throwing mud at yon. If this be true wc fear that some of it has , hit you , judging from thc black _ L look on your face. But if you have been smote upon one check . with a thud ball , you should bc thankful that it \Vas not a brick- bat , and should turn thc other chcek. But above all things , (10 not let your punishment . discour- age you. rrry to profit by : it and ' take thc lesson to your heart. , Because you have made mistakes " " and done foolish things , is 110 sign "f" that you need keep right on do- ing so. If you have missed your calling , seek to find it. Because " : you have madc' a failure . as a law- ' yer and a newspaper man and a , . . . ' , - J , ' F ' . ' 1.4 . . - - ' : ' : ; : " - ' . - - .a hog doctor , don't think that there is nothing that YOU can do. It is always a sad sight to see a good city scavenger or dog catcher spoiled to make a poor county at- torney. Find sonic vocation that requires neither work nor brains and then do your best to succeed : in that line and some day you may live to become a good and useful member of society ? Who knows FRATERNITY. The sublimest doctrine in the world is that which has fraternalism - ism for its creed and thc brotherhood - hood of man for its dogma. The creeds of man-made theology are written upon paper by thc hand of man ; thc creed of this universal - sal theology is written upon the : hearts of men by thc Maker : of men. That this theology is not more widely acccpted and more generally practiced , is due to the fact that men incorrectly read thc hand writing on their own hcarts. The finger of God has written upon thc hearts of men as surely as it wrote upon the wan of Bel- shazzar's palace. 'Ve cannot read it , and so wc call upon the sages of sectarianism to inter- pret the meaning thercof. lIe that understandeth not his own heart , cannot undcrstand his own mind , and so he sets his own interpretation - tcrprctation up against that of his brother , and where thc two conflict neither will yield and the clement of fraternalism is forced out of personal theology and just so much of God is forced out with it. The men who understand themselves best , arc those who best understand human nature in gcncral. No man can stand in thc proper relation to his fellowman - man until hc has erased certain words from his interpretation of the writing on his own heart , and replaced them with certain words culled from the interpretations - tion' of othcrs. Then shall all hearts rcad alike to all men ; man shall understand man better ; thc sublime doctrine of fraternalism shall have taken permanent root in human consciousness , and there shall be taken away so much of that misunderstanding which makes crccd conflict with creed and holds dogma at vari- ancc with dogma. - rrhere ' is competition c"cry- whcrc. . Even the flowers must compete with the sweet girl grad . ua tc. _ . - - - - G. J. Crook has been appointed 1 postmaster at Falls City. A large package of the goods has been dclh'crcd. . - The former colonel of the Third Nebraska is probably now thoroughly convinced that peace has its battles tlw same as war. Thc city administration has , . changed hands and thc new offs . - - 8 FLOUR FEED AND SAL n . 0 D ; f o I have just received a car of salt which I can furnish you in ( J ) ' : t" 3 : lump rock , crushed fine rock salt 100 lb. in sack , No. l rock salt for : I . ; ' . " ice cream , No. l Michigan barrel salt , No.1 Michigan sack salt 70 ' Q lb. in sack just thc thing for house use. - 1 Z Also rcccivcd a car of Illinois washed nut coal , just the thing 0 for cook stove or range , S6.00 a ton delivered , satisfaction guarIJ : ' j < C antccd. I can deliver you flour , feed , gmin , hay and straw , wood --.t t I for heating and cook stove , on short notice. I pay cash for butter m , . . . o e l . eggs and \ poultry , rubber , copper , brass , zinc and old irOIl. I g Oo : "bbp H C1 i ga g J I i CCl'S are to bc found at their respective - pcctive posts of duty. But no matter how conscientious or cap- able these officers may prove themselves , they will bc unable to do thc full' measure of good for thc city unless ] they have thc hearty co.operation of an the pcople. Will you . co-operate - ? V4 ith two circuses and the dem- ocratic convention in : May , thc fraternal picnic in August and other attractions too numerous to mention to take . place during the summer , it is evident that there is going ' to be something doing in Falls City during thc next little whilc. - - - - - rrItc News has taken exception to thc attitude of The Tribune in the matter of the Van Osdcl case. Thc News , however , has misun- derstood our position. 'Ye have never blamed the members of thc county board in this matter. vYe feel that they took thc only course , that was open to them when they took the advice of the county at- torney. This being true , the county attorney , and he alone is to blame for thc outrage. - - It would be difficult to find five men of broader intelligence or more conservative Udgmen j than thc five men . , who make up thc republican county ticket. These men are up-todate in their ideas , have a definite idea of the needs of this community in the way of legislation and are in every way qualified to hold thc positions to which they aspir The pCop of thc county will doubtlcss appreciate - prcciate these good qualities to the extent of endorsing them at the polls. _ _ _ ----f Staple and Fancy Groceries FRUIT IN SEASON Try Our 1775 Coffee Highest Market < < Price Paid for Butter and Eggs First Door North of Post Office. . . : PHONE i4 I A. G. HOPPOCK . " ' 1 ; ' After the coming presidential . I election the democratic leacTrs ; ; I ' will all be united on one subjcct. 'i They will agree unanimously , , that they < made fools of themselves - i selves and each will blame the I other On this proposition they will not bc united and so there { will still be il chance for an argu- } _ nucnt \ . t ' 0 J V"I V" I TIME TABLE . p I Falls City. Neb. - . f ' : Pki "i . -I 0 - . . S Lincoln ! Denver ( . , . Omaha Helena ChIcago Butte " St. Joseph Salt Lake City Kansas City Portland St. Louis and all 5 an F r a ncisco ' points cast and and all poInts south. soutl1. " . TRAINS IEAE AS Itor.r.o\\'s : . t ' . No . 2. Portland-St. Louis ' ' : Special , St. Joseph , , . Kansas City , St. . Louis and all points cast and south. . : . . . 7:27 : pm. . : No. 13. Vestibuled ' express , < ; ; . . . . . . daily , . Denver and . ' ) , all points west and northwest. . . . . . . . . . 1:33 : a InN N o. 14. Vcstiblcd express , , daily ut. Joe , Kan- . / sas City , St. Louis . and all points east and south. . . . . . . . . . 7:47 : a 111 " No. 15. Local express , daily . . . * . , ' . Lincoln and points - . , castwcstnorthwest 1:481rm' : . No. 21. Vestibulcd express , daily Denver , and all points west and . . northwest . . . . . . . . . 1:35 pm , " No. 16. Vestibuled express . . daily , St. Joe , Kansas - . sas City , St. Louis Chicago and points . , east and so nth . . . . . 4:30 : p 111 - ' _ No. 22. Local express , daily 'r Atchison and points . south and west. . . , 4:44 p t11 . , ' ' . " ' - Nd.41. , St. Lotus-Portland . . , ' SpecialLincolnHe0 , : : " , - . . " lens , Tacoma and , . . Portland without. change . . . . . . . . . . . 10:0i : p 111 , i No. 115. Local accom111oda- t . . tion , daily Mon- day Wednsday and Friday , Salem , Ne- maha and Nebraska City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:30 : p m Sleeping , dining and reeling chair cars' ' ( scats free ) on through trains. , Tickets sold and baggage checked to ; u any point in the States or Canada For - i information , time tables , maps and tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart , Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or J. Francis , N G. P. & T. A. , Omaha. I W. H. MADDOX ( " t . . . REAL ESTATE AGENCY ' " , Land bought and sold ' Hartford Fire Insurance Houses in city tor sale Money to 10'-.0 . Telephone 178 . , ? v' , . . . - ' yr W . . .