The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 26, 1904, Page 2, Image 2
\ . TILE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE eb . . . . February 26j 1904 - - - - - - - - - - - - - CURRENT PRESS COMMENT Timely. 'rhis epidemic of grip came in just at the right season for the pronounciation of Russian names. -Auburn I-Icrald. Foolish Feelings. A man never knows how foolish he can feel until he ha talked in- ( to a phonograph and heard the rcsult.-Hasting's 'rribunc. f Yes Indeed. The persons who can success- fully winter a big collection of t house plants has much to bc thankful for.- I.rdon Vedcttc. Good Advice. When a man playfully points a pistol or gun at you , knock him down ; don't stop to inquire whether it is loaded or not , knock him down. Don't be particular what you hit him with , only sec , that it is properly donc. If a coroncr's inquest is held , let it be on the other fellow-he won't be missed.-Robison Indcx. Are You Growing Old Do you wake up in the night and wonder what time it is , and get up and make a light to see ? 'rhis is a sign of Lg"C. ; 'Vhat difference - 1 fcrencc docs it make what time it is ? None whatever , but as you j get older this insane desire to i know what time it is attacks you j every few hours. 'rhe light nick- ; Bring in a house after night is usually carried by some barefooted - cd old man who is OJ" " his way to peer into the face of thc clock. The old women are not so wake- , ful , having ; a good deal of sleep to make up which they lost when their children were little.Atch - ison Glohc. Vile Concocti on. ' l'hat Iowa "bottleleggcr" was a dandy. Hc confcsscd that hc made most of the stutT hc sold as whiskey : and gave as his formula : One gallon ofa1cohol tW0 gallons of water , one pound of prunes , half pound of tobacco and one Junce of 'Iy crinc. Hc said that iiiixtui e did Hthc busincss" all right. No one , Wl" imagil1l' ; , will bc disposed to doubt . his won1. It is strange however , what mcn will put into their stomachs and then wonder why they are not trust ( d with responsible pmd t ions. After taking a few drink of such \ a mhture they will get on to an c urine or , a-sume most another ' position of responsibility and . trust , and then roar" if individuals - uals or corIoraticl -IS \terpose i \ oh- jcction interfering \ with what they please to term their ' \ personal - sonal rights.I 1 a t t H 111 0 U t h : c s F\'r : 11. Call 74 whc.1 you v. ant a nice juicy steak on prime rib roast. NEBRASKA STATE NOTES ' 1'he Burlington depot at Crete was destroyed by fire Saturday nig'ht. Two store buildings at Harvard were destroyed by a serious fire which occurred Friday night. While about to descend an ele- vator in thc Koehler hotel build- 4 ing' at Grand Island J. D. Harri- son , contractor , had the flesh of one han dstrippcd off almost to the finger tips. Dr. A. Opperman , for many years a physician in Auburn as well coroner for several terms , S passed away after a protracted illness at his home in Cordell , Okla. , Fcbuary IS. The lifeless body of John 1'Iohnke , of Columbus was found Sunday morning by John Byrnes , a neighbor , hanging at the end of a rope in1'Iohnke's barl1. It is bc- lievecl l he lung himself Friday night , as the beds was frozen and it was his absence that led to an t1\'cstigation. i 1'In ' I-I. Schneider , wife of a farmer living near 'ontanclledicd } ; Saturday tnorlllilg , aged 42 , from the effects of an injure received a few days ago. She was watching a corn sheller at work on the farm and the sleeve of her dress was caught in thc cog's. Before the machine could be stopped her right arm was drawn into thc wheels and broken : both above 1' and below the clbow. l\r .Barbara Zwieble Papilion , was the victim of an accident last week and one that is seldom re- cordcd. 'Vhilc hurrying to the : depot to catch a train she suddenly - ly became totally blind in her left cyc. The organ seemed ag usual , only entirely devoid of sig"ht. Prior lo' this her \ eyes were perfectly hcalthy. Unable to account for the misfortune Mrs. Zwieble consulted an Omaha occulist , who : informed her that - I , she had ruptured a blood vessel 1 in thc cre. The sight cannot be restored. - - - ) When you Ib.v tCold. ; . ; , : rhe first action when yon have a cold should he to relieve the lungs. ] 'rhis is i best acconq > lish- ) L' < 1 ht l 1H' t rn'l't I. . ' .If Chambcr- : ltin' : Cough rC1l1c ly. Thi l'Cl11- S cdy liqitie thc tough mucus and causes its expulsion front thc , air ' cells of the lungs 1 , produces . a free expectoration and : opens thc j secretions. ! A complete cure soon . . < - follow ; . 1'r ale by A. C. Van- - - nero , - - " Cemetery Association t The anl1ul meeting or thc stockholders t holders \f Steele Cemetery ( . .toda ! t ion was hehlon , Saturday l evening at the undel'takeil' establishuient of H'ads.Ahhey. ; : : . l Report of the treasurer showed .J. enHudrl''emll' ! on hand to pay t . . k _ _ 5A _ - I"A CASH OFFER \ \ ' Here l is a chance to earn good wages by de- ( it. voting a few hours of your spare time to ' ft ( ' calling on your friends and taking subscrip- tions for tJ The Falls City Tribune . f The New County Seat Paper . . i i The t subscription price is ONE DOLLAR : J l per ] year and for every - cash subscriber . you 6 S. brink us we yyill pay you + ' . Twenty Five Cents in Cash . i . , . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - nake-- : : B\ W'Iof special inducement we maltliC ' ' ' - . . \ following special offer : \ Bring us 50 Subscribers ai one time ' . , . ( Accompanied by the Ca..h ) , , . t. ' And \ic will pay a cash conll1is"ion ) of ' fr 1 , . ' . . - . ; ! I FIFTEEN DOLLARS 1' Remember that there are no St. Louis I J' x- position strings to this offer The money If will be yours to use as you 1)IeaSC. j ; . . \ ' 'I ' I - - - - - - - - - - - - - l' - - - - - - - - u - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - 4 l ' , 1 The Falls City Tribune \ 1 j IJI" } . . . ' . ; 1 Is a modern newspaper sold at a modern . . ft ' ' , lrice. I n a week , von will have no trouble } , ) ' , 1 . . , " , . . I 1 , l1I- ' . ' ' " ' , " r71 r. ' In security - fifty su 1 ) scn .1' In your own - lH.'ig-hborhood- ; FTEEN DOLLARS I ' \VEEK is a good salary , especially when J : ! . it is necessary for you to devote only a " ' , small part of . hour time to the wort Any . . : , ; t d e ' ' make . oocl after hustling' boy can .roocl wages ' 7 A \ school hours or on Saturday , \ \ TChan : : J - 1 adopted this 111an because we prefer to pay ' l ' , { f com missions to olil' friends at home rather 'f.i i. . than to an imported i solicitor. \ V e will fll I'- D nish plenty of Sample Copies for use in so- J. ! : . ; : - ' 4 licitinQ' If , you desire tln . further informa- . ' \ rt . , Il\l [ f. tlon , call on or write t } 1 f . . - f .z THE TRIBUNE t ? 4 . # t Falls City , Nebraska : 't ' eS ' : r. ! . ( : : ; J * " 'cl'1" & .c ; L'j : . .JJ : " \ , J. . . " 4 : : W : . . " . .J V W ! . . . # .1 JJ. . . 'jI ' . ; , . _ . , . _ _ . . - - - - - --our- " fLiYLaOiIIMYtYSY Yf OYO/rLaR/W - - - iaMYJ tll outstaiidini ; ' claims to create l fund to pro\ , vide for morl' trees in he : cemetery Tot1nd and to de- clare it di rileutl ( to the stuck hold- et.s ; or eightl'CI1 dollars per < .harc. 1'lw building oliiccrs were elect- d.l. l ; \V. Hilt president ; 'V. 1V. Abhey , secr2tarr . ; P. H. JUSSell , n'i1snrc. For whale digestion , belching tl1f : or sour stomach use Chamberlain : ; r- \ Stomach and Lh"er tablets anti , you will get quick relief. For sale by A. U. ' \Tanner. One dollar buy 100 envelopes and 100 sheets of writing paper at . the Tribune otlice. . Good qual : : " . , tty and neatly pnntcl. '