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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1904)
4. - . Neighborhood News Dawson. Special 'I'hc 'rdhllIlC. 'l'he barber shop has been r < . ! - Hhing-Ied this wcek. 1\'lrs. W. B. Alexander visited her parents in Humboldt last weck. 1\'l'rtle Stratton of Humboldt visited over Sunday with 1\'lrs. ' N. B. Judd. ' Will ' 1' . Fenton transacted bus- incss in l ' alls City between trains li'riday. George and Cora Adams visited over Sunday with relatives at 1 ' alls City. Lora l\'fcCool and Carrie lIar- aug-h were thc guests of friends in Humboldt.Ii'riday . and Satur- day. 1\11' Larabce and wife were over from Sabetha during the week visiting thc Li'airbanks . families. H. E. Fcn ton went to Haildam , Kansas , Friday and \ ' si ted until Ionday morning with 'Vm. Fen- ton and family. L. E. Taylor , B. S 1\1. claim agent , was down from \Vymore the last of the week looking after thc company's interests. 'rhos. O'Connell and Edward Ramsey and wife arrived here Tuesday c'cningfrQm Spaulding- being called here by the death of their mother , Mrs. O'Connell. J. J. 'faylor returned home Saturday from New Jersey , where he was called by the serious ill- ness of his mother , which terminated - natcd in her death before he reached her bedside. Don. O'Grady had quite an exciting - citing run away while making his rounds on Route No 2 , Mon- ' day , but he managed to get out of the wagon before it was upset , and thus escaped injury. 'rhc wagon was badly broken. SterlGentry , of this city , ( lied at the home of his brother near Salem ? londay night , of quick consuml > t on. l\'lr. Gentry was one of Dawson industrious farm- ers and had always been a rugged man until a few months ago , when his health broke down , and although everything possible was 0 clone to obtain relief hc failed rapidly until the end camc. Hc leaves a wife and eight children , thc eldest being about seventeen and thc youngest a babe of one year. The funeral services were conducted from thc Christian church south of town Wednesday forenoon and thc remains laid to rest in thc Hcim cemetcry. 1\lrs. Michael O'Connell died quite suddenly at her home in this city Sunday evening of hear t 'disease. 1\lrs. O'Conncll' had been a victim of several attacks during - . . , 'I'i1I ; ht\L1S ClTV ' 'RIHt'\i , Fehrnar ' 1 Igo - the winter , but latcly was getting along nicely and she attcneled services Sunday morning and was around thc house all day. About 10:30 : that evening she was taken suddenly ill , and though medical aid was summoned immediately she was beyond human aid and passed ! away without regaining consciousness. : Mrs. O'Conncll was about sevcnty-fh'c years of age , 'and was a devout member of 8t. 1\ary's ' Catholic church , from which place thc funeral was held Welncslay morning- In- tcnllcnt took place at Shubert. Besides her husband she leaves two sons and three daug-htcrs , all married , to mourn her loss , tq all of whom thc community extends sympathy. . Barada. . . Special to The 'I'd hUllc. EeI'g-ar Smith was quite sick several days last weck. \Vm. Nutter wa trading wi t h our merchants Saturday. Eel. Spitznag-Ie oracle a business trip to Shubcrt 'l'uesday. Thc little son of Aud Hend- ricks an(1 wife is quite sick. John : Mark is now postmaster , \Vcslcy Smith having resigncd. Bert McKee ' was over from Craig , : ? ' 1o. , a' few days last wcc : Dr. Lecpcr and H.obt. Hoback were transacting business in Falls City lVlonday. Dr. VanOsdel reports Grace Stevenson quite ill at her home south of town. lVlr. Lively , thc wail carrier was several hours late 'londay on account of rough roads. Dr. Flcming of Falls City and Dr. VanOsdcl were called to at- tcnd1\'lrs. ' J. C. Shulcnbcrg who is suffering with an abcess of the throat. Ed. Lawrence and famly moved - cd to Craig , 1\10. . Saturday. \Ve regret to see them leave for they made many warm friends while at this piacc. Ira Presser mo\'cd his house- hold goods to Falls City i\-Ionday and from there he shipped them to St. Joe where they will reside in the future. Ohio. Special to 'r 'l'ribuue. 'Vm. Horstman bailed hay Fri- . day. . 1\lr. Rhodes shelled . corn 1\on- dar. ; : Mcttie Bartlet visited in Rule last week. . Chas. 'Venz butchered several I hogs 1\londay. Born to Andrew Kcttcr and wife a baby g-irl. S. II. Kinsley and wife visited at E. Pecks last week. Conrad H. Shindler and Amtie Brccht were married at the home . - - . WHEN _ WE BUY COAL . " i ' ' NAaaTE AND G o TDnWOUo ; IiiL We act as your advance . . . , . . . ' 1 agent ; \ve insist upon get . ting the best , and as we ? 2 ? kno\v the difference bet\veen , . . , gcod and poor coal , we get 4. the bestso do your if you ; buy from us. E. A. MAUST & . SONS. 11 PHONE NO. 38. e IT':141' oC the brides parcnts. 'ehe bride is a young lady highly respected Iy all while the groom is an industrious - dustrious young farmer. The young people will begin their wcddcd life on the A. R. Peck farm. . .A cottage prayer nice ting was held al the home of O. A. Burk 11'ednesday nig-ht. . Verdon Special ' 1'he'f'riburie 1\'lrs. ' Van Sailor is on the sick list. Born to A. C. Petty and wife on Ii'eb. 4th a g-irl. . 1. Bull hauled a load of flour to Falls City \'Ionday. ' Born to Robt. Chamberlain and wifc'on Feb. 4th 'it boy. Guy Gage moved into the Kin- scy property on 'l\'londay. ' C. 1\1. Hcinzelman was in Falls City emi business 'fuesday. H.aymond Kinsey is absent from school nursing Hla grippe. " Mart Miller is i suffering from a severe attack of inflamatory rheu- mati , m. ' Gco. Leslie came in from Beloit - loit , Kas. , a few days ago to visit at the home of his son. Meta Kekcr returned to her home near Barada after a visit to her sister , 1\1rs. C. 1'1. IIeinzcl- man. man.G. G. A. Jorn and family were visiting at thc home of Charles Kcker and family near Barada over Sunday. Phinneas Fisher received a telephone - phone message from Lincoln Sat- urday evening stating his brother Henry was no bctter. 1\'lrs. Roberts , a sister of l\Irs. A. Zook is very sick at the home of Robert Chamberlain. Hel' laughter , Mrs. ' L. Logan came down from Shubcrt to care for hcr. Rm' l\lcRca preached his fare- well sermon to a large crowd on Sunday evening , lie with his estimable wife have won a host of friends luring thcir years work in Verdon. R < , \ ' . 1\IcRea has accepted - cpted : : a call at Havclock , Neb. A surprise party was given to Iva Fuller on Saturday evening by about sixty of her young . . . " . . . . . friends at her home two and one , , : . : : ' : half miles cast of town. lY1usic . . < . , and games : filled i the c\'cning' . , . , ! Light refreshments were scn'cd. ( ' : . : . ' ? . \ . , 'J . . . . ' ; f ; ' " Stella.m ; , ° ti. , ' ' ' Special to The 'rdUlII1C. . , , i , . are : \ , . /0' ' " Ellic Stout of Auburn was in . . , . ) . ; town Sunday. - ' . : i . . ' . . ] 4 & ' Ed Thompson of Howe was 111 " ' " town l\londay. , " ' " Incl. Lippold is clerking for C. II. Thomas no\\ . 1 : . A. L. Smith has ben quite r sick the past wcck. I ' .Pad Reynolds left Tuesday ' for . ' : his home in Kansas. / J. N. Vaug't ' : is numbered . 1 among thc sick this wcek. i Myrtle : Holland visited with I I'lrs."T. . Kesler 'V ed n esd ay . J " ' . H. Hogrefc is visiting with j ' . . . . . . _ friends at Norfolk this week. ! J. + t 1\-lrs. E. A. Shiley spent last ' .1 week in thc country . at thc home i of Levi Bright. tl l\Icsdames . H. String'Hcld , - and Dora Atwood visited in Au- burn Saturday and Sunday. i ' Neva Hapcr came down from Omaha Sunday to visit at the home of her ent in this . parents . ! dty. Ii , d Commercial Coffee. ' Coffee is the easiest thing in the trade to adulterate , even whole , A coffee being open to suspicion. t That which is sold ground at 40 cents a pound is frequently half : chicory , the latter being worth about eight cents. \Yhile chicory improves the flavor of coffee , according - I cording to most tastes , defrauds ( I tlll buyer in point ) of value. 'A" . _ thc coffee bean improves with age , I it is a good plan when sure : of a pure , good artiell to buy in bulk , I then roast and grind as lweded. - Rest for the Eyes. A medical journal says that in the continued use of thc eyes in such work as sewing , trpewI'iting' . bookkeeping , reading and study. ing the saying point is looking up from thc work at short interval ! # . ' . and looking around thc I'oom. ' This practiced every ten 01' fifteen minutes relieves thc muscular tension - sion and rests the cJ'cs. Cost of Baths. Australian hotels no charge is made for baths. In Edinburgh tels the charge for a daily bath is ' 3.50 a weck. 4