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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1904)
February 12 , 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE - - - - - < < , Japan and 'RuJ'J'a F2t96e in War : , . - - - - - ( . , , The long looked for oriental war is on land Russia : ' and japan are engaged in actual hostilities After ' ; gulch delay and diplomatic sparring , Japan took matters into ; \ - her own hands and precipitated war by a night attack on the 4 , Russian fleet in the harbor of Port Arth r , The attack resulted - ' . suited in a victory for the j apanese. Up to the present writing the following events have taken place. Under cover of darkness the Japanese fleet made a rush to the mouth of the harbor of Port Arthur and bv the use of torpedoes disabled three Russian warships , escaping w'i'thout damage. Two Russian officers were wounded , nine , men killed and fortv-one w'ou11ded. \ A second naval battle is reported at Chemulpo , in which one warship was sunk and another disabled. Leading powers of Europe have announced their intention . tion of maintaining neutrality. The United States will sound the powers on the ques- , tton of maintaining the integrity of China. In I a dispatch from Tien Tsin , dated February 9 , a correspondent - respondent of the London Daily Mall says it is reported there that the Russian cruisers Variag' and Korietz hauled down their flags without firing a shot , and that 8ooo , Japanese immediately - mediately landed at Chemulpo and the march to Seoul . com- I menced. , It is reported from Peking that the Japanese have disembarked - embarked at Chelnulpo , notwithstanding the presence there l' ! ' of two Russian warships. _ Japanese j troops landed at the chief points of southern and westen1 Iorea. One division of the J Japanese guards holds Fusan and Chenlulpo and altogether three divisions of the Japanese guards , each of 12,000 men , have been mobiI- k 'izecL ' Russian warships at VladivQstock are reported ice-bound. ' A telegram from Port Arthur under date of February 9 , says that the Russian advance has commenced , General Ki as- i . : ' ta.insky . will leave l Lie : Van for the Yalu . river , at the head . I of the tlllrd brigade of artIllery , consisting of twenty-four guns , and three regiments of infantry. The Third , Fourth and Fifth infantry brigades are entrenched along the railroad for a distance of forty mils from HaiChengand three bat- teries of the Fifth brigade are at Kin-Chou. The greatest activity prevails at Port Arthur and new recruits are being enrolled with feverish haste. A dispatch to the London Daily Mail from ' 1'okio dated . February 9 , says that a plot is on foot at Seoul to bring 2,000 . soldiers from Pen Yang to take the Korean emperor to the French legation , to which place the imperial treasury has already been conve\'ed. Japan j has added to its victories at Port Arthur and Che- mulpo the capture of three transports containing 2 , 000 men. At St. Petersburg there is the greatest excitement and . expressions of loyalty are seen on every side. People anxiously "iously await the news , which is slow in arriving- The "I ' rans- Siberian telegraph line receives no commercial business. A rumor of Russian victory on the Valu river is current. The czar has issued declarations of war. f\t Paris the officials deny co-operating' with Russia in ; . Asia , but it is reported that France will not endorse the poi - i sition taken by Secretary Hay , as it might hamper Russia in . its program during the war. M I , A.t London Barol1 Hayashi gives an official account of the engagement in Chemulpo harbor and says that Japan is I preparing for a land attack upon Port Arthur. The British , ministry will issue a declaration of neutrality , probably tomorrow - morrow At Berlin there is much speculation as to the whereabouts of the new Japanese j cruisers and it is expected that without , l L full equipment they may attack 1 Russian vessels enroute to the far east. Much interest is taken in the report of the bat- les and the inefficiency of the Russian force is commented upon. \Vashington Count Cflssini has presented the czar's formal declaration of war upon Japan. At Tokio the report of victory -hemulpo : and the : capture of Russian soldiers is received and sent out. , if , Church Notes A series of revival meetings will begin at thc Baptist church on Sunday c'cningrhc services - ccs will hc conductcd ( by Rc\ H. A. Ryder of 'l'ckamah , Ncb. - - - - - - - - - - - You arc cordially invited to attcnd thc regular services at thc Presbyterian church on next Suif- day morning at eleven ] and in thc evening 7:30. : Rc\ Spencer of Omaha will conduct thc scr- . VICCS. The revival meetings con ducted - cd by E. E. Haskins arc still in progress at thc Brethren church These meetings have attracted more than ordinary attention and have been productivc of a great amount of g-ood. - - - - - - - - - - Quinquag-csima Sunday , L1'cb 14. Holy communion 7:30 : a. nt. ; Sunday school 9:45 < < : a. nt. ; Iorn- ing' prayer and sermon 11 a. m. Subject for ( 'vcning sermon "Con- viction of Sin. " -IIcn1'y B. Smith Rector , St Thomas church. The choir boys of St. Thomas Episcopal church have fitted up the rooms in thc basement of thc church for their own use. The rooms have been nicely furnished and a g'yntnasium instan and they now hate a fine place to w . sleet together in a social manner. The boys arc arranging for an oyster supper to be" ' given at Ryam han on I\'Ionday evening , February 15. - - - - - - - - Thc usual services will be held on the coming Sunday at thc l\'Icthodist church. Preaching both morning and evening by the pastorVharton B.AJexalder , lvIornin subject " 1'his one thing I do. " Evening subject ' L'hou God Seest mc. " Sunday school 9:45 < < : a. m. ; Junior League 3:00 : p. m. ; Epworth League 6:30 : p. m. j regular mid-wcek prayer meeting \Vcdnesday cvening' A cordial invitation is extcndcd all to attend these - - - - - Revival meetings arc in pro- grcss at thc Christian church. Good music is a part of thc pro- gram each evening , as well as a series of pictures accompanied by a short lecture illustrating a re- cent tour of " 'rhe Holy Land" made ( by thc pastor and his . Services us usual next Sunday. 'he meetings will continue all next week with a series of ser- mons 011 thc conversion of great men. 1\.11 arc invited to attcn(1. -J. Elza Holly , postor. W. H. MADDOX REAL ESTATE AGENCY Land bought and sold Hartford Fire Insurance Houses in city for sale Honey to loan Telephone 178 , i 3 Lyric Bards of America. . The famous family of musicians have traveled in more cities and states 'of the United States and in more foreign countries , given more entertainments ; , appeared to more thousands of people , and ! : aye been more years in the work than any family of entertainers in thc world. James De \ ross and wifc and three small children , be- gnu giving concerts in Oregon in 1872 , and three of thc original members of thc company with their cmpanions composc thc present organization. 'l'his entertainment - tertainmcnt will bc given at thc I\Iethodistchurch on Friday evening - ' ing 11'cb. 19 < < , 1904. It will consist of both vocal and instrumental selections. A great variety of instruments win bc uscd. oco. Dcl\'loss win pcrform thc difficult tityk of playing on two cornets at the same timc. 'l'his promises to bc one of thc choicest entertain- mcnts ever given in this city. Procecds for thc benefit of thc church. 'l'ickets win be on sale at Burris' drug store , Geo. Holts , and V. G. Lyfords storcs. Price of admission 25cts , children 15cts and reserved scats 35cts. Prosecute a. Bank 'l'hcCordc11' ' ' , (0. ( 1' ) Sentinel says : "Attorncys Duff & Weaver - cr arc going after thc Hobart National bank upon a charge of uscry. It is charged that thc hank shaved some notes for thc defunct firm 'of Hulet Bros. , of Port , and in doing so it went in deeper than the statutes in cases will an ow. This firm of attorneys arc pretty sure to bc right before they goo ahead , and when started must bc whipped before they lay down and thc chances arc that if thc bank is not convicted it will realize it has been in a lawsuit before it gets out of troublc. " Thc Weaver end of thc firm of Duff & Weaver , attorneys is Paul \Veaver , a Falls City boy and a brother of A. J. \Vcavcr. It is . evident that Paul and his partner have been making a reputation for thcmsclvcs. - - - - - - - Successful Opera , , . . The opera , 'l'hc Housc that 1 Jack Built" given under the au- spices of the Christian church on I last Thursday evening , was vcry good. The entertainment was directed by l\-Irs. Minnie 1vloritz . and the children who took part an did exceptionally wcll. The . public win hc pleased to learn that thc opera is to bc repeated in the near futurc. . WANTED 100 Bushels Sweet Corn at 1 : Heck's Feed Storc. Will pay 81.00 per bushcls. . - - - - - - J. J. Bauer of Vcrdon was- itt.- . t I . , town on business yesterday. . , f