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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1904)
_ , . _ , _ _ _ . _ , - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - _ A II" J-.17I1..1C-J. 12 TI-IE FALLS CITY TRIBlTr\E February 51 190. ' - - - - - - - - - MEDAL IN PAWN , Badges of Courage That Tell of Pathos , Romance or Crime. This sollier pawned his valor for live cell ts. In J H window of It Philadelphia pawnshop hangs the bronze oc- tugouai llH'dal for which a 'Ollug' ; soldier faced death , says Uw PI'eHs ' , ] Ih''pn ) to dpsp J'byhllngel'ull wallt , this priceless ) tJ'eaS111'e went l' fOP / It tJ'ifle. : NOP did it come to the pawnshop } alone , for hY itself it wOllld bring S ( ( : 1'cely enough to t huY It loa of hl'l'lUI. . . I - The medal I fll chief hangs sus pcme ] ) ] hJ' two chains ( of four / 01' five small links from a crossbar , i bearing the wOl'd'alol' , " A i I l'aisc < 1 figure of a soldier ill ( 'am. pllign u1lifOl'm stands at iiraae } > l'l'sL UPlll'ath him aye the wOl'ds : " lEWS. " "JIIIr-AlIgust , O\'el' Ilse t head are ( ille t words : " ' ' ' d to " and d J'ed , "P1'l'Sl'11IPd ( ( , (1ire'ily un h IPI' } tllPI11 is ] a bI11llk.slaet' ) for the 1 lW1I1l' of the recipient ( o1'th : award 1'01' services in the ( war wit Iii Hpaitl. I "Oh , , yes , " said the t urn 11l''y- ] l'IH1- I PI' , in a nuitter . ol'-l act way , "I [ have ' had a nllmhl'l' of t hell1. They ain't ; WOl't II a1lYt lung ; , t hough , 1 only take them along ; with a lot of other st 1111' . No , they are seldom redeemed , " :1.f ter : the I lute t runs out 011 hem t , I hang them t up in Uw win- dow ( and some WP II.dyessed chap conics ( in II mid buys l 011 ( ' , The only kind of service lie's SPl'n ( was behind - hind a counter , but when lie poP ; out oj' town whl'l' nobody knows him h0'11 pose ' as II hel'o " " Tile badge h-m't worth any- 't hing' YO\l see this kind oj' badge is out of style no'I'h ( ' grand : \1'111\ \ , \ptpI'ans most h' , WPHr bl'onzl' 1I1Iton:4 ( : iu their blltton- holes. fears 11g : : : 'O a soldier would think it a disgrace to sec this ill t he window of a Ia ] wushOI ) , and hI' would hasten to 1m\ ) it. " 1 guess I'll keep ' it for 1111\ ( , " "PI'pspn'd ( by 'itiz'ns ( of Phil , - adelphia t 0.- , " bu permission to inspect and to hell thl' story of It 1H'antirlll 1111'dal , 01' rather two I of hem ] , which stand 01lt 'onspil" ( iic.S1y , ag'aim ( a lI1as oj' rings , re' ' , oh'el'H , hosing gloves ; , kn \ 't ( , "pl'I'a gin wH. 1'1 ( ' " , ill Ill ( ' window of u pawnshop on lion I st 1'1.1 I was given only on the promise } that t the male would not lip meat ioned. " 'I'hpsl ' , lIlPdals al'p companions ) , On ' is ' H'l'd 1 till' above one pngl' \ ( 11I0' ation. ( On the 01IH'I'is : Ji'ol'Jn 1 , InaIlity and l1ei'oism Ii l ; ) Iayed in Rescuug ] the Passengers tllli : C'l'CW ( of the Sten1l1ship lpnmal'1\ . in ? d i(1OC'e1u1,1899. ! ) ! ) I' I'Olll ( 'it I izens , ; of l'hilndelphia ( to Onil'l'I'S and Crpw of Stpamship ] ) l\Iissotlli. \ The medal is i extremely hpanti- ful 'J he ' l'l'ossbal' is fully two incites long :1nd : 1eprPSPUts I , il heavy timber of a wrecked ] ship. In thc center of the crossbar is i a ; life 1)J'efWl'\'PI' ) ( 'oiled al'otJIHI either end of the hal' and l'xtl'11l1. ' * lug diagonally downwHI'd are two cable's > , thudded with r11inIIIInre pulleys. } ) 'l'IH.'j' support the t medal . )1'OIIl ) ( ' . l'hl' 'tigUl'2 ' ' of a 11linistem'ing an- , t . . , . . . . , _ , . , _ . , ' . Jt. ! : . ! l. . . . : ; . . . . . . . . - ' , . t' , . . . . . gel 011 pendant wing graces one side of the disle In one hand ] ( sIll' olfcl's a wreath of laurel ] to It kneeling lign re. . 'Vith the other the sign 01' a blessing is given 'Pit is one is made of silyel' ' 1'h(1 other in ' ' tlw , gold , represents Amel'il'nn eagle Honrin aloft with a crossbar of wl'pl'kagl' tightly 1 i gripped ) ) ) ( in its powerful talons , allginA" front I he eagle's prizeam'e two chains which carPy ) the story \ of the 'eSl'IW ) 'l'his is the sIOl' ' of their stony pitwn [ - lug : "PlIlIy Piglet years ago u man ) sonll'what past the pl'ime of lifl' cattle in I0 I lily shop H till drew this case from his pockcl } ( ( with Irem- bung maid , " said the 1)1tlvilbroker. ) } "I 1 saw that he was up against stal'\'atioll. 1.1t sHid ( io me : 'i ( haY nol a cent in Ilse t WOl'ld Everything else has gone Now these must go 100 , for I must live. i'ecp ) > thou t carel'tllyforule ) , Some day I will conic for tIlPm-if I ever go lo semi again ; live me as much as you can ( and take two'eal's' in- tCl'est Oil L' "I did HO and I guess lIP went to sea again , fOl' J have received three I'pmi ( hakes 01' interest n1Oncy from as many dilJ'el'pn foreign l ( 'Oil n t l'iPH , . . "I ha\'n't ( lien t'(1 from Him for two t , rea I'S. Perhaps hc's ( dead I will kepI > hpsp t l11I'da a whilf longer in hope I hat t he will tarn up Asidl ! fr'Ol1l ) Illeil' t sell timc11 tab value they are : worth consider- " able. " BIRTH < < 0. ? A SA1'i ; LITE , - 1\10011 \ Origiu : from That of Any Other Eody The ' plwels : Mars , Jupiter , Sat. urn , VI'HIlUS and Neptune have theil' satellites , and it , wo11ld not be 11una t11l'al 10 classl'fy ) OUI' own moon as simply ] Oul' mol'l' ( ' ill a Se- Pie , or objects with precisely similar - ilar histories. Of course , sayS Hal'lcl" Maplizine ; , the earth ; is 5 Illilal' ill that it is It planet at- Ieuded ha " satellitl' , but test . books of astl'oIlOIllsearel'l , ) ' give sulli'ipll ( t l'mphasis ot'hl' ( fad hat 1 ' the earth and moon really do dif fer widely from other plttnets and atl'llit'l's ; 1'he palth is i , in fact , only 80 ) times as heavy : tS lilt' ( mOOIl , whl'I'eas Haturn is i 1(1) , ( ) ( ) ( ) times us heavy as Its j ( satellite ri- tau , itself by far the largest satel- lite in the solar s'ystl'm ' , ' It l'l'ms , then , that there may be 1' ( > a8011 to suspect { } : that the mode of genesis , . sis of a satellite rclalively so large } as t liP moon IlHlj'.Im llif pl'ed 111n tl'riaIl.r front 1hat of all other sat , I1itl'S. Such a Suspicion is eon- firmed lJJ' the investigation of the ptlrt } which tidal friction ha probably - ably played in till' t \'on1 ] ion of our plmwt , 'I'hl' ] present } > article ( would ue l'xpandl'd to undue proportion } ) if I were to attempt to touch fur titer on this point , but the argu- meat would alive seemed weaker than it is if it had been entirely passl' o\'cr. Accepting , Own , the sn lJs tUIl tia I correetncss of the Ilp1mlal' hypo th - esis , 1. throw out rile ( 'OlljCctUl'l , that ( there is a second tvji' G'r , A GREAT DEAL . Of satisfaction 1n stllall SpaCe 1S I } what foil get 1vlth evel 1' lump of ' Coal von get from 115. SatlsfaC- ; ' ' doll sells more Coal-than all the < _ ; _ boasts that were ever made , ai cl ) , cr.I ° . \ q ' . : ' the Satisfaction that Our 'Coal . t 1ves the customer 1S what we s clepcmncl upon to hold , his trade. E. ' 15 SAT & SOJS PHONE NO. 38. - birth in which tile suboriiimiitc bodj' is born all in one picee It is : ; ( 'ItS , ' ' to imagine a stint illllons gradation - dation between these two ex- tl'pmes , fur Wl' ma\ imagine a lop- sided ring , and if the absPlIl'p of blllalll'P ( were extrenie it mighi bl' ' ' lilOre , ( exact to regard it fl'om the first as being It single satpIlitp \\'lIt'lI , limed , j say that time birth of ills moon was probably ] unlike ililt 1 1 of all flue other bodies of our system , 1 mpan that t t wp slittil lJl' lwar the tJ'lIl ill lassilying the origin of the t planpt anti ! of the ( othersaIPhIites as Iwlollging 10 the Laplal'ian t-rJl' } , while thutll of the moon should bp regarded as mOl'e nearly I'psemblino' the t second type. RUNS BY PNETldATIC Po \ ER. : - - - Small But rral ] ' velous " . Machine Dis- plac.s Fourth ' n Men. 1\ Il\l' ( , ellellly has Invaded the great pine 'OI'PSS { ! that i'I'illge the base of lollnt Shasta mid ( Spread ) for hundreds of miles in ] away s u ever' , cJ it'PI't 1011 } , ( a ! : I'1 l'l'l' , Illree t ( , five , seven ( feet iu tliatltl'tpl' , that ha\'p all hut dcfpltl'd : tIw slow \\J'k ( of ( the woodsman , who with ax and saw on shoulder mal'l.'hed agafustthe forest giants , are falling before the modern en- gines ' The axmau i8 bound to ( lisap ' pear from the 1'0l'pstS of the coast I'angc Thll' u ( " "lllmhl'I'man : , " in ills form or a pneumatic } P1Ig-illl" has l'oml' into the forests t and i 5 displacing ScoreS of the bl'a wny wielders of the ax. Hp\'pt'a 1 of IUPS t ( ' engine lu'e now in use ill the fort's t of Shasta t ( 'OllntY , some 12 01' 1,1 tides from Ilotlnt I t Rhasta. Eaeh crew of Sl'Yel men does t lIP work ha t t formerly l'plu ( } I'pd 25 woodst11l'u each ganghas a traction cngiup whif'l , climes ' ' t'reservoit- . l' ; a compressed at l'I'sPI'\'o l' Long rubber tubes lead fl'om the tank to that part of the forest where the gang is wot'king 1'0 the fay l'nd of the IUUl'H are al' ( Cached : pneunlatie } ( engines , whieh dl'h'p gieaI ; t I'I'OSS-ll t sI'\\'s : \ at n Ierritic t { speed One of these saws will cut through a pine tree five feel ' ill di anleter ill fin minutes , whereas t lie same WOI'k. lone ( lJy t t\\'o m1l ( 'onsullwd ( at least : one Boar.11'llen till' tl'l'es haw been l'elIed two 01' more of these t pncllma tic saws are set to work l'utting the tree into logs , and he t work that t woodsmen could ( 1 not do in three hours is now . - lone in 15 ininutes. Two men I with one of the saws " can easily , cut 75,000 ) fpetof logs iu a day \ Of the seven men in a gang the ) first two go among the trees after they are felled and fasten ou the trees hooked frames which hold _ time sa w , The Ihird t man come : along ] ; and SIHld's out the Part beneath - neath the log , direelly Ilndem' the frames The next two men ill turn J attach t the saws and engines l , and following these ( come two more , who watch the \ saws as they cat - tl1eit' wnr tllluugh : tile ( I'CCfJ. ! , THE lYIADNE.S OF HOOPS . Ridiculous Fashions in Dress : , of' Forty Years Ago Reca ld : 'Dress 1 ) reformers who hink 1 that WOUlPll'S gal'lllents still do I not l'Ollfor11l to good sense uIH111.r- : gives : surely han' forgotten whnt they wore ,10 years ago Austin . lICC'l11'Ihy , ill some person1tl ) > : I'l'e' . . . ; ; : - oh heel ions in ' ' ' : - ls published ( llar'pcr's ) I , . " Liagazine , descm'ihes 1 ) ) WOtllplnl . \ . I , < ] I'ess in tile pal'l\ sixties in /t'I'IWi / : that aPP not pxag'gPI'atC't : , as t hose who arc now becoulingeldPPly will . testify. t , If these years ] hind not been so rich in tints ] to l1istol'j'al 1'1'1'01 , lel'tion , Ill' I''mal'ks , crinoline would yet have Secured IhPlil ( lJl : It biding-pIH' : ( ' in the records of liiilllall P'cc'ntyiciIIPS. ( t No one who has not SPPI i1 Hn ( have : any idea of tllP gl'OtpSql1l' ] ef , . fed produced } on fentiniec tosss ( " - . tunic by t his one art - ic ' le , t hI hoop " , . It defied eal'i'atl1l'l' because tlll . ti reality was more rich in him rh'sltie , ( ( - e1'f'ets ! tl1an Tiny pencil } could ( } pOH' sibly I'palir.p A wholt' Hl'JI/ol ! / ot' satit'it'a ] h11l1101' was \It'\'otl ( ( in \'ain to the l'idil'lIh' of t''illnlilll' , , 'PhI' hogs ill the ( 5trcel , 1 sang ( ' ) mfc ( . ' songs about it , but Iltdies ] walkl'll < i - . . . unmO\'pd' monopolizing ] till' ' ] 111\0 - . - " _ ' . ' : . . n1pnt. It \\'HI : : : a strange mHIIIPsS ; ' : : " 1 of fashion , aHl , like a lever ' , it lead . , ' - ' ; : \J " \ to run its ' ' , . - " ' t 'O\lI'Se \ . fl + . . . . - - - - ' - - - - - - - - I Profess oral - Dinner raster. . " r ! : ' f' A llIost I en i ' ions oceupa t iOI1 eon- ' - ' , ; ; ; ; cch'l'd hy a woman is that of n din ' - . ) : . tnstel' She ' , ner spends a plum : \ of . ' each day visiting ' houses and ( t'ast- , . . . . . ing dishes intended for ( diIltH'I' . 4r ! : u She suggests i11lH'0\'enll'l1ts 1 . " ' ) } \ allll . ' . 9t . . shows , the t cook new waJ's ot'ph . ' _ . . : t6 paring ds11es. ] ' I ' - " ' . ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : : ' ' " : , . " CharIty , ' , - . . " . ' II J I .is well enough for chill rity to begin at ( hOllp ! ; but it has 110 Pxus ; : m' , . ' for sitting . . t down there and goin ( ' . .J : \ote a I'unce. ! . ' , n 1:1 : ' 4 . t