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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1904)
" " " " ' " ' " 14:1" r" , , : + , - . . rw : . . . , . , . . . . , . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 'THE FALLS CITY TRIBPKE Ft-'brllary 5 , 1904 - - - - - - MEDAL : IN PAWN Badges : of Courage That Tell of Pathos , Romance or Crime 'Phis soldier pawned > his valor for live ccnts In n window of H Philadclphia Plt\vrtshop hangs the bronze octagonal - tagonal uH'dal ( for which a YOtlllg' soldier face ( loath , Ha } 's the Press. I Driven I ) t.o despair I'UY huugcI' and wa111 , this pI'i'eless treasnrc'enl for a trifle ( , Nor did it. come to Uw wnHhop alone , for hy itself it would bring s'al'c'elj' ( euongh to [ huy It loaf of hl'pad ' 'i ' he medal fn chief hangs HUS' fended ( bJ' two t chains < of I'Otll' err r fin small links from a cI'oss-hal' , hearing IItP 1 wo'd'ulo ) ) ' , " A I'aised : figure of a : soldier in cam- ) ¶ 1 paigu unifol'm slands at parade 1 > ) I'PSI" Ul'11path ; him are OIP words : 'JnlyA11gtlst , " 1808 " Orel' IhC t head are the words : "I'resenI(1 1 to , " a111(1 directly i un , der hpt11 1 is a blank paee ! : ! for tIll' 11a111e 01' tIlt' I'Pl' pient of' t.w ! awal'l1 1'01' sPI'\'ices in Ihit 1 \ 'iI'VIIIi Rpaiu " 011 , , yes " Slid the 1 1l1011.y-PIH1- ] , PI' , in a maHel'-o-fad , ( / way , , "I have ( hild a number 01' t hem l'll'y ain' ! I worth auyt.hing , 1'llOUgh ; i only ] take them along ; with a lot of ocher stulL No , they are seldom I'ed eemed. ( , "After the time 1 runs out em tlwm , .r [ hang 1IIP111 up in the wiu- \ .low and ' lI.tIn'ssed din ( some WP ( ( p ) C'OUH'H iu and buys 011C' The only ] kiud i of service lP'H ] seen was 1- ( l1ind counter bit when lIP ( a , POP ; 1 out of (0"11 ( ! wl1I'c nobody kllo\\ him ) he'll pose ' liS a i hC'I'o " " 'l'hl' badge ! -m't ! worth any - 'I hing- You see this l\iuc1 of' badge is cut 01' style 1I0W 1'hp h " 'l'wc1 : 1 : \ I'mP1PI'HIIH , mostly ! wpal' ( bronze bnt10m ; ill their button holl's Fears ! :1 : ; ; O a soldier ) would ] ] I hink it a diRg1'a'e to HC'P this in I wiudow of' a Iit\\'n5hop I ] ) , and lIP would haHtl'1I 101mil" , . h1 1 guess \ I'll keep iI for Inck. I " "PI'PRPnll'd by citizens of Phil , . . 10 " hut ' ' adelphia - , pC'I'mis8iou 10 inspect and to hpal' 1 tlw story of a : ' ItUIil'ul ) \ t i nll'da I , OJ' rather 1 I wo of 11\'m \ , wldeh stand 0111(01151)X- ( , nOI\ ly agaillsl a mass of rings , I'P- ' ; I\'PI'S , boxing gloves ; , 1\11i\"P , ; ' leru ) ) glasses , etc. , in the t willllow of a pa1l8ho ) on front si reel was : ! ; given oily on the IH'omisp that tllp t nanH ? 1\'ollld ] ] not hl' ulentione(1. ( ' h'l.'hl'H ' uwdals are compullions , On one is pngl'a'ed the above Iluo- cation. : 1 011 hp 1 ottier is : iI orlln- iiumnity ) aml ' isplaypd ( in Hescuillg Ilk PaHspngl'l'H Itlld } ( ( ' ! 'ew of the Steamship C'Jllllal'k I . in i I idoc'C'a , I S99. ! ) Ii'l'om l ( 'i 1 tizens of Philadl'lphia 10 Olli'PI's and Crew of S1C'amshipl\lissoul'i. ' " l'he ' medal is extremely l'au1i. l > fn 1. The crossbar is fully two t inches loup ; : 11Uc1 represents . .1 . heavy timber of a wrecked ship In the eentpr of the crossbar iH It life 1H'PRPI'\'PI' ( 'oill'c1 : \I'otllHl \ . either end of the t bur Hlal exteu(1- iug ( diagOJm d0wn\\urd:11'0 : two 1 ) ( 'ahlps , stnddp 1 with m illlaIii1 t ' ( ' , 'l'I1\ ' ' he 1 medal ] Imlle\'s 'l'I1sUPPo.l't pr0Pet' } . ' l'he ' ' figure \ of a minister an- - I . . . ; . ' " _ " 1 " _ ' ir xV .x4.11..117 ' , . : , " - . gel on penlllnt > wing graces one side of the el list ; . In one hand she offers a \vrcatIi t of laurel to a kneeling figllre. , 'Vith Ore other the sign of a blessing is giyen 'I'his one is made of sil\'e ) ' 1'11(1 ' other in ' ' ' 1w ] , gold , represents } ) Amel'il'au eagle son ring aloft with crossbar of ' ' ' . ' H ( WI'p'kagl' tightly grippc(1 > in its powPl'ful talons. I-Iaugiltg front ) 1 lie en gle'a prize are two chains which ' ' ' the ' < carry } story of the 1 , 'PSC'\Jl' ) \ 'l'his iH the stop , } ' of their Pawning - ing : " 1'filly } eight 'eal'H ago a man aonlPwhat past the Prime of life came into my shop atHI drew thiH case c from his Picket } with 11'em' 1)1 lug hanel , " said the itvnbroker. , "I saw , that 1 t ht WIS : up against . stal'\'a1ioll I-1P said t.o me : 'f have not a < pll in the wOl'ld B\'l'I'rthing else has gone Now IheHe lIlllSt go ; too , 1'01' I must li\'t' Kl'pp hem 1 ) ( 'al'l'full.1'01' . nlt' , Somc clay I will comp for tlwlIl-if I ever g-o t.o spa again ( ( tire me as inn (11 ( as Pen { 'an ancI ( taw ] two "eal's' interest . terest 0\1 \ L' . "I did so and I guess he wen t. to sea again , for I have received three PpmiItaaces of interest ' front m ; ilrel'en 1 monC'Y many < t ' ' eoun1I'ip foreign . . "I ha yel'I ) ( 1'lll'd ] ( f'I'om Him 1'01' I\\'o 1 years. 1'erllaPS hp's ( dead I will ] keep } : Il1ps ( itleluls Iwhil : longer ill 1I0\lp \ Ilia I 1 he will tarn \ \1)1. \ ) aside ( ( 1'0111 ) t hph' sentimental value her t are worth consider- able " BIRTH 0..1' A SA1'.L.f.LITE ! Moon' ' Origin mffarcll fl:0In That of Any Other Eody. 1'he ' planets Mars , Jupiter , Sat. urn \ , Uranus and Neptune hare their satellites , and it. would not bp unnatural to ciassPfj' our own moon as simply 011 ( ' 1ll00'p in a SC' Pies of ubjCets'it.h precisely ] ] sim , ilal' histories. Of ' ' ' ' ' l'S t'O\11'SP \ , sa'y'd : Hal'WI"S } Magazine , the earth is 5illlilar in that it is a planet at- . teuded 1)a , satellite , but felt books of astronomy scarcely ) give sullicieiit t'mphasis tot'lw fact \ ( that the 1 cart h and' moon Pearly do differ - fel' widely from other Planets : \ and -mtt'llitl'H : The earth is , in tact , onlY , SO ) times as heavy as tl1 moo1l , whcl'ew : Saturn is lO/ , ( ) / ) limes I all heavy as ilH ( satpitt' ] ] 'Pi- tau , itself by far lie ( largest satel- , site in the solar HYStt'JIl tIt st't'ms , then , that i here ltlily be l'pa80Il 1'o ( SUR1)C'ct ) that the modp of gene , sis of satelliterela ( ' ' . ' ' a ( > l'elal'iI.rsolat.g'l' ( as the mooIlllHl'y , ha n' liti'C'I'cd ( mn tel'ially froth that of all other sat ellUl's Such a suspicion ! \ is confirmed - firmed bj' the investigation of thp pa I't whi'h t tidal friction hats \ probably . ably plaJ'pd ill the CVOl11tion I 1 of our \ plaJlPt The Present article would bC' expaulded to wldue \ pl'OpOl'tiOIl if 1 were t.o aUempt to touch ful'- then on this point , but the 1 argu- ment woulll have seemed'eaket' than it is if it had been entirely passed o\'el' accepting , then , the subslantiaI I COI'l'cctJIt'SS of the nebular ] hypothesis - esis , I . Ilu'oout the conjecture that there is a second tYi C'r , = A GREAT DEAL . Of satisfaction small ' 1n -5 1 ) 1CC 1S ( I I w . , ? what you get with every lump of , r ' Coal von get from u5. Satisfaction - \ . . . . - tion sells more Coal-than all the I - . - - . - d' ' boasts that were ever made , and 4 , , the satisfaction that Quit' Coal , ( ; 1\'CS the customer 1s what we \ dep ( n(1 upon to hold , his trade. E. AL MAUST & SOJSQ PHONE NO. 38. - birth in which the suboi'ilinate body is born all in one pieee H is i l'asto , imagine a c'ontinllotls gra- ( htti0n between these two ex tl'emes for ' imagine n - , Wt' may lop- sided < ring , and if the t absence of balance were extreme it : might be- " " lOI'P" I exact to regard it 1'1'0111 the first as being a single satellitl' \YWll ] , then \ , I say that the birth of' the t moon was pl'obaby1nli1 ] \ t' chat 1 t of all nIP other bodies of our system , I mean that 1 w'e shall UP 1Ipal' the tt'utIi in classifying the origin ; of' the 1 Planets ami of the other satellites as belonging ] 10 the Laplal'ian l'ypCVliile that of the moon should be l'egal'dC'd as mote Meanly [ I''sembling' ( the see'oJ\(1 \ ( type ) RUN.3 BY PNETMA TIC POV/ER. - - - Small But Marvelous : Machine Dis- placas Fourteen Mcn. A new J'llel1llIas invaded the great pill ( ' forests : 1 hlI : l fringe Uw base or'IoU111 : Shasta mid : spread ) away for htllHll'pds oi' miles ill ) ' ' il'eci ioll. 1 1 rlt t I ' ' ' l\'el''y q ) } real : \ Pees ) ; , lh'pt' [ , tire , SC \'Cll feet iu < 1in1llpll'I' , that pace all but defeated the slow wo'k ) 01' woodsman 1 , who with ax and saw on shoulder lllal't'hed against the forest giants , ' before the ] modl'I'n al'e falling ) ( en- hives. . The axman : i8 bound to disappear " pear from the 1 forests 0f the 1 coast l'anpp ; The m'\\ , : , , lumberman ] ; ; ' in the fOl'm of a pnCU111atie png-inp has come < into the forests and iH clisplat'ing scores or the braW'iy wil'ldl'I's of the ax Several I of these t C'1lg-inps sire now ill use in the forests of Shasta ( 'olmty , some ; ' ) 12 : 01' 1.1 milps front , Ionnt Hhasta Each crew OrSP\'PI l11e11 does flip ] work that f'Ol'uH''IY ) l'pqnil'C'd 25 WOO S11W11 , Eaph has traction 1 ' which gang n : engilie'llicll t'arl'ips a ( < 'omI'l'ssed ) ) air I'PSPI'\'oil' , Long rubber tulles lead ] fl'om the 1ank to that part of the forest \\'hel't' the gang is wOl'kiug' ' 1'0 the fair pm1 of the tubes- are at sachet ilnelllllatt } ( , engilles , whieh drive great t ( 'I'OS8'PU t saws \ at a Ier'rilic 1 speed # One of these saws will rut through a pine tree live { feet in di anwtel' in five minu1es , whereas 1 lie Sallevork ( , done by two 1 mel1 ( 'onsumed at least one hour.1 'hel1 ilk bees harp been felled two 01' 1ll0l'P of these mmmatic } saws al'p set to wOl'k cutting the tree into logs , and the t work that woodsmen could not do in three hours is now clone in .15 in inutes. Two men wii hone of Ow saws . . can . easily , cut 7GOOO feet of logs in n day. Of the seven ! : men in a gang the x first two go among the trees after they are felled and fasten on the t frees hooked framesvhicll hold , } . the sa\\ The third 1 man conies . Along and spac1t's ) out the earth beneath . ncnth the Jog , < 1i1'pc1Iuudel' , the franks. TIll' next 1 two men in tarn t \ I attach \ the Sa\vs and engines , anc1 ( following these ' two come more , who watch t I1w 1 SU ws HS they cat . - their way tluougil tile ( I'cca. r THE MADNESS OF HOOPS Ridiculous Fashions in Dres ; of' Forty Years Ago Rec1. ; ld. : .Iress ] ) reformers'ho ) 1hillk ' ' that WOllH'll'H garments still do not conform to good sense and hy I IrienC' surely have foi , t' 'otICIIvhat they wore 10'pal'8 , ago , fllHt ill 1lcC1u'ttiy in some ' ' I ' > , IH'l'sona r'Cc- , ollec'1 ious published in llal'lel"S } Magazine , dest'I'jJ.JPs'Olll'n'H t ' dress in Ow early sixties in terms - . - . . ' slut HJ'P not C'xag-gPI'at.C'd\R : : \ those who al'e . now hpc'o1l1ingC'l < lPI'ly ] will " tpstify , If these years ) had not been so rich in claims ] to hhtol'iC'al ( ' tpc ) 1- ledion , hp l'e1l1\l'ks : \ , crinoline would yet have ] secured IhpllI Inn : \ hic1ino"-plH'p : il1 the , } 'PCOtls ) ) of hU111a11 pl''pnf.1oi'itips. J ! : No one who has not SC'I ( it can ( ; j have : \ allY idea of 1 hl' g'I'olpSQu ( ( ef . It fpd I'oclut'ed } on fC'1l1inin c'os. ( . . . / , ; tunH' by 1 his ; one arl ice ! t lie 11001' ' _ . . . , It defied ( 'al'Icattu1'e hecaluse the t \ reality was more rich ill hlll'll'sq ( . " efp1s ! ( thou iiny Pencil I.'olllt ! Possibly \ , . sibly rCnlizp. A whole school ! / 01' " ' t sat'iJ'ic'al ( hU11101' \ya5 : dp\'nt ) I(1 ( in I ( ' rain to the l'ic1it'lIlp of c'l'illlllillC' , The hogs in Ilk 'oiti'C'el ' Sit hg ' , 'omic' ! songs ahout it , but ladies : wl11\(1l : ] unmoved , 11101101)01iZilrg ) the ( )1n ) : \ : - - . - " 111\111. It was a strange Illa(111pss : } 1 of fashion , an(1,111c a fever ! , l it ! had ' ; . . to run ) its 'O\l1'SC' \ , ' - . - - - - - - - - - - . . , Profess anal Dinner faster . . . - I :1 1110st curious ' : : ocetllatioll 1 conceived - ceived ] bya woman is that of a din ( , . ' l ' net tasteI' She spends a pHI.t of ; each day visiting ! houses ! > and { listing - ( ) ing- dishes intended for ( (1illllC'I' ) . " ' \ . , j She suggests impl'o\'empnts and } I shows ilie t cook new WHYS or ph - - . . . IHll'ing ( lislll'H ' . . - ; - - - ' - - - ' Cha 1ty . " t , ' - - II is well enough ) for ehal'itto begin at. ( home ; but it has 110 C'XCllsc ; : ' - , . for sitting , ; down there and gain .r' . , tate ; a trunce t . . ' ' ( r.J ! . - S