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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1912)
A n r i L i rt J rfMrillVJKMBjIIJ A V Franklin Prea G H Watkins Vlce Eres R A Green Cshr ESTABLISHED 18S2 F M KIM M ELL Editor Here is a remedy tnat will cure your cold Why waste time and mon ey experimenting when you can get a preparation- that has won world wide reputation by its cures of this dis eases and can always be depended up on It is known everywhere as Chamberlains Cough Remedy and is a medicine of real merit For sale by all- dealers THE INTERMISSION for all kinds MAGAZINES AND DAILIES Temple Building Kansas City Post 5c week miss Mcculloch Trained Nurse Phone red 479 804 East Second Street Jrew Furniture and Carpet Co Furniture and Carpets China and Glassware West BSt Ebxrae black 273 Most for your money lazy ed t u The Citizens National Bank of McCook Nebraska Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000 DIRECTORS Franklin A McMillen R A Green G H Watkins Vernice Franklin l - Ti McCS ooSt THfetin e Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County Entered at ter Published postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class raat Tuesdavs and Thursdays Its leap vear boys Consistency is still a rare jewel among politicians The Salvation army has been offkcLly and synoclieally barred out of Kussin In polities as in many other human activities it is 13 no meams coey to discern the real thing from the near or spur ious Ex Congressman R D Suther land cf XeiOn has filed nomina tion papers as a candidate for congress in the Fifth district on the Democratic ticket It may be acceptable news to the ins to know that President Taft recommends that all local offices turnout the country be put into the classified service They say that Victor Rose water and Norris Brown are no v smoldng the pipe of peace and Lliat George Tlmmmel is to be the next postmaster of Omaha JL Healthy and Wise rew Year Resolution No 1 I will try to be come more intelligent concerning my body says Dr Jean Williams in Womans Home Companion for Janu iry looking with greater respect upon my physical resources and trying to realize more fully that upon them the force and success of my life largely depend Resolution No 2 I will arrange if possible to supply sufficient pure air for every breath I take thus better to combat every source of disease that might attack me to improve my chance Tor long life and to increase my ef ficiency Resolution No 3 I will be kinder to my digestive organs avoiding all ex cess and not asking them to struggle with food for which they have repeat edly shown antagonism Resolution No 4 I will treat my Drain and nervous system with great er consideration and 5G hours of each week shall be devoted to sleep Resolution No 5 I will try to do in eight hours as much hard work as should do In one day Resolution No 6 I will devote at least two of the 24 hours to such exer 2ise as I find most beneficial Resolution No 71 will give my aioral support to every effort public or private in behalf of the betterment of lealth conditions McConnell for drugs Y Z32S23S3 Shalfzspearean Mottoes foi the New Year Heaven grant us its peace Meas ure for Measure Let each man do Henry IV his best King Time is the nurse and breeder of all ood Two Gentlemen of Verona Take from my mouth the wish happy years King Richard II of Time shall unfold what plaited cun ning hides King Lear That it shall hold companionship in peace with honor as in war Corio lanus Be of good cheer They shall no more prevail than we give way to King Henry VIII This lies all within the will of God To whom I do appeal King Henry V Theres rosemary and rue these keep Seeming and savour all the winter long Winter Tale Be just and fear not Let all the ends thou aimst at be thy countrys Pliy Gods and truths King Henry nil ELECTRIC HOTEL FOR PARIS Current Will Do Everything in the Proposed Structure Except Pay Guests Bill The interesting news conies from Paris that a hotel will be built there I in which all the domestic service will Le performed by electricity If the promoters of the scheme keep their promises everything will be done by electricity except the guests payment of their bills Even then they can give the cashier a shock by refusing to pay There will be no waiters no bell hops no coat boys no chambermaids Look at me Im up and dress- If he feels that he needs a cocktail he can touch another button One touch brines a -martini twn whtslrv t McCook Nebraska December 27 1911 The board of county com missioners met pursuant to ad journment Present F S Lof ton Edward Sughroue and W N Rogers county commissioners and Ulias Skalla county clerk The minutes of the meetings held December 5th and 6th were read and on motion approved On motion the amount of the count treasurers bond ensumsr year was iixed nary Swiss who only stand and wait el1 aAVOrk instead of running and serving there Kld Ulow precinct will be automatons run by electricity and guaranteed not to spill soup down your back or creamed asparagus in your lap The dining table will be decorated with flowers raised by in tensive electrical culture in both win ter and summer for there will be no seasons In this hotel push a button and youre warmer than when you see another fellow walking with the only dear one on earth push another button and youre colder than when the other fellow frigidly asks What the devil are you doing here One of the features of the hotel will be an electric orchestra in which all kinds of stringed instruments will ap parently play of their own accord The inventor a Frenchman named Giorgia Knap who has spent years ex perimenting with the various devices asserts that they are now all abso lutely perfect and has formed a com- pany under the name Societe des Hoj tels Electriques for tho purpose of building electric hotels in every big city throughout the world New York World When you want a reliable medicine for a cough or cold take Qhamiber lains Cough Eemedy It can always be depended upon and is pleasant and safe to take For sale by all dealers i Joe Suiiter road work Red Wallow precinct J B Spaulding road work Red Willow precinct nerbort Iledges road work lied Wallow precinct C J Suiter road work Red Willow precinct Mike Karp road work Red Willow precinct Will Karp road work Red Willow precinct Arcli LTatcber road work Red Willow precinct for the at 80- 00000 On motiion the resignation of Herman Reiners as overseer for district No 13 was accepted The following leladmsjwere aud ited and allowed and theieounty clerk was instructed to draw war rants on respective funds levy of 1911 in payment thereof as follows U County general fund Mrs Ella Lee house rent Mrs Weintz 1 month 10 00 Perry Bee coal E R Moon IS GO Barneitt Lumber Co coal Mrs Taylor 8 50 E Caine Co coal Mrs Quigley 4 25 Pad j Furniture Carpet Co funeral expenses Chris Lareen 26 50 C L DeGroff Co mdse W enitz Balius and Tay lor C G Bosworth board for Mrs Jacob Swart v i C Bosworth board for iMay Patterson Real Eaaterday coal for Mrs Veintz Ghas W Kelley surveying state road Ghas W Kelley surveying staite road MifhllAtnn - liihv nlnmliin C A Rodgers postage C A Rodgers attendance 21 05 1911 poll tax being mem ber of state militia asses ed in Driftwood pre cinct 2 three a Manhattan four vermouth J L Roberts refund 1911 five an ambulance In answer a dumb waiter rises through the floor either to bring the desired bracer or when need be to lower the guest to the ambulance 50 1 10 8 50 7 25 G 50 and material 32 90 C Nadc nt county treasurer expense for year 1911 161 S6 C W Barnes printing tax notices 1 80 University Publishing Co supplies for C Supt 8 00 Ivlopp Bartlett Co sup plies 15 00 Klopp Bartlett Co cash book clerk of district court 15 25 A C Furman printing Per sonal tax notice 70 L M Ilaggins posting 1010 primary notice serving 1910 jury venire 14 00 L M Iliggins attending tiist rict court jury venire 1911 term 28 00 L M IEggins livery hire ad vanced Mrs Jacob Swartz 1 50 L M Iliggins fees State vs May Patterson 3 40 2 00 juvenile court 2 00 C A Rodgers report to state board of health 4 2a C A Rodgers1 fees State vs May Patterson 10 35 County Bridge Fund Frank Talbert hauling sand 27 71 W D Iloskins hauling sand and labor 27 87 Commissioner District No 2 J Hedriek road work East Valley precinct 2 70 i - - and consequently no tips If a guest Jt0t JJierly grading m arrives home at 3 a m all he will East Valley precinct 10 50 have to do is to touch a button which Ike Beeson concrete work will turn an electric sun and then he i In Indianoia precinct 48 00 can say to his wife j Tax Refund My dear youre really getting Frank E Wwnn i ofim 50 personal tax account double assessment assessed in Mc Cook City and Willow Grove precinct 1 86 Road Distririt NTn R- The hotel Promoters lay much Bert IIeJ road rk T - c r i Md Willow precinct 28 50 10 50 9 00 3 00 27 00 15 00 18 00 15 00 18 00 The claim of S R Grisell for one days service as special po nce was on motion disallowed Official bonds approved Frank M Colfer county judge I E Austin justice of tbe peace Lebanon precinct W B Whittaker justice of the peace Willow Grove precinct Henry Williams constable Ty rone precinct J K McDowell overseer No 2 Alliance precinct Prank Hill overseer No 3 Ftfifcseh precinct Jacob Harsh overseer No 9 Indianoia precinct services and mileage t Jacob Swartz overseer No5 Driftwood precinct f On motion the board adjourn ed tbmeiet December 2S1911i F S LOFTON Attest Chairman Chas Skalla County clerk McCook Nebraska December 28 1911 The board of county com missioners met pursuant -to ad journment Present FiS Lof ton Edward Sughroue and W N Rogers county commissioners Chas D Ritchie coiinty attorney and Chas Skalla county clerk1 The minutes of the meeting held December 27th were read and on moldon approved A motion Avas made by Sugh roue seconded by Rogers that the pLacang ol the amount of the county treasurers bond for the ensuing term at SO00000 be reconsidered and the amount of said bond be fixed at 0000000 Motion carried unanimousbr The following claims were aud ited and allowed and the county clerk was instructed to draw Avar rants on the respective funds levy of 1911 in payment thereof as JolJiOws County general fund E G Gaine Co coal for Mrs Quigley W B Whittaker transporta tion of pauper W E MciDivitt professional services Fred Dillon E Benjamin boarding pris oners 4 75 1 10 2 00 4 50 E Benjamin attending dist rict court 12 00 Osborn Burton moving safe Barnitit Hamilton livery hire searching for forg er C A Rodtrers attendance district court J C Moore recording offi cial bonds 3 50 3 00 14 50 11 00 Chas Skalla recording roads etc in 1911 10 60 W B Whittaker fees State vs Lindell 3 55 L M Iliggins fees State vs Lindell 1 GO W B Whittaker fees State vs Wagner and Moore L M Iliggins fees State vs AVagner and Moore F S Lofton commissioner 3 Go 3 10 21 80 v Kagers commissioner fiervees and mileage 22 70 Ccmmissioner District Xo 1 John Cashen read work Bondville precinct 3 00 Win Kircher road work Bondville precinct 3 00 J W MeGuire road work Bondville precinct 3 00 Charles Reiners road work Bondville precinct 3 00 Peter J Karthauser road work Bondville precinct 1 50 Joseph Weskamp Jr road work Bondville precinct 1 50 Herman Rein ere road work Bondville precinct 1 25 Herman Reiners road work Bondville precinct 2 00 Kmil Roedel road work Bondville precinct 6 00 Win Wall road work Bondville precinct 7 50 Robert Johnston road work Valley Grange precinct 12 50 B A Fraser road work Valley Grange precinct 7 50 Will Balius rond work Valley Grange precinct IS 00 Ed Downs road work Valley Grange precinct 12 00 Harvey Phillippi road work Valley Grange precinct 9 00 Harvey Nelson road work Valley Grange precinct 6 00 Ohas Kali road work Valley Grange precinct 4 50 A M Bower road work Valley Granere nrecinot 4 00 W A Irons road work Valley Grange precinct 13 50 A II Wagy road work Valley Grange precinct 11 50 J W Little road work Valley Grange precinct 18 00 Commissioner District No 2 Frank Hill road work Fritseh precinct 10 00 Sam Hoa gland road work Fritseh precinct 7 50 Kurt Hoagland road work Fritseh precinct 12 00 Ben Hoagland road work Fritseh precinct 12 00 Nelson Wolfe road work Fritseh precinct 10 00 Roy Creasman road work Frjjtsek precinct 10 00 Tom Elms road work Fritseh precinct 9 00 Elmer Wolf road work Fritscli precinct 3 L A Bible road work Friitscli precinct 6 Ora Bible road work Fritscli precinct 9 Claud HJolcomb road work Fritscli precinct 9 Ghas Sedden read work Indiamola precinct 13 75 Shepler Frye road work Indianoia precinct 9 50 Calvin Sedden road work A A wA i - 1 - -- - - ih iMMtfiH - - - 00 00 00 00 Indianoia precinct 8 00 W R Haydein road work jnjgujgtrajiBMnju Indianoia precinct Frank Junker road work Indianoia precinct Dan Wolf road work Indianoia precinct Walter Smith road work Indianoia precinct J C Sedden road work Indianoia precinct Albert Price road work Indianoia precinct f Commissioner District No 3 Elzie Hyatt road work Willow Grove precinct 12 00 Road Dist No 1 North Valley precinct P D Brooks road work 24 00 C L Murphy road work 21 00 John Wagner road work IS Of Elmer Turpin road work 6 00 F M Jennings road work 25 00 A E Jennings road work 6 00 Read Dist Xo 2 Alliance pre cinct James K McDowell road work Frank Premer road work Perry Kinniscaii road work Wllkam McDowell road work 3 Osbond Probaseo road work 4 Clifford McCafferty road work 4 Ohrster McCafferty road Avork 6 George Wolf road work George Liston road work John Premer road work IInry Ilahn road work George Rawson road viirk Road Dfet No 6 Perry einet Henry Corcoran road work 6 George Trajihagan road work Read District No 14 Grange preeinst Robert Johnston road work James Phillippi road woirk Bert Shields road work Glen Shields road work A Ebert road work Emil Ebert read work John Ilammell road work PM Kennedy road work f w 3 00 3 00 6 00 t 9 001 1 50 9 00 7 50 8 00 3 70 4 4 5 3 4 4 00 50 00 00 15 70 00 00 pre- 0C 5 00 Vallev 13 50 G 0C 50 50 00 00 50 50 John Calkins road work 16 50 Sam Hughes road work G 00 Road Dist No 15 Driftwood precinct F L McAnineh road work 24 00 W R Ziea loose road work 6 00 R L Drain road work 15 00 County inheritance tax fund Elzie ILyatt road work per contract No 16 54 00 The following claims were on motion disallowed Wm MeCallum 1280 1911 per sonal claims 110000 entered on schedule without his knowledge II C Glapp 16595 damages to automobile Chas Boos 2225 damages to automobile Heirs of R S Baker 5000 damages to land by locating bridge The claim of W E MeDivitt of 1000 for professional service was referred to District No 13 School Dist No 13 On motion the board adjourn ed to meeit January 1912 F S LOFTON Chairman Attest Chas Skalla County Clerk Foleys Honey and Tar Compound is a reliable family medicine Give it to your children and take it your self when you feel a cold coming on It checks and cures coughs and colds and croup and prevents bronchitis and pneumonia A McMillen YOU EISK NO MONEY Our Reputation and Money Are Back of This Offer We pay for all the medicine used during the trial if our rem edy fails to completely relieve you of constipation Ve take all the risk You are not obligated to us in any way whatever if you accept our offer Coidd any tihing be more fair for you Is there any reason why you should hesitate to put our claims to a practical test A most scientific common sense treatment is Rexall Orderlies which are eaten like candy They are very pronounced gentle and pleasant m action and particu larly agreeable in every way They do not cause diarrhoea nau sea flatulence griping or other inconvenience Rexall Orderlies are particularly good for red aged and dedicate persons We urge you to try Rexall Order lies at our risk Tliree sizes 10c 25c and 50e Remember you can get Rexall remedies in this com munity only at our store The Rexall Store L W McDonnell The Danger of La Grippe is its fatal tendency to pneumonia To cure your la grippe coughs take Foleys Honey and Tar Compound R E Fisher Washington Ivas says I was troubled with a severe attack of ila grippe that threatened pneumonia A friend advised Foleys Honey and Tar Compound and I got relief after taking the first few doses I took -three bottles and my la grippe was cured Get the genuinem the yel low package A McMillen C JA3SI THEYRE ALL ALIKE Ask any man past fifty years of age and be will tell you of some time in his life when lie was sailing high Things were coming his way There are few exceptions Why is he poor now Well there are va rious reasons One thing is sure It is not because he placed his money in a sound bank and checked it out only when safe investments were se cured There are more ways to lose money than to make it If you are making any money no matter how small the amount start the saving habit by open ing a jank account The First National Bank of McCook Neb CO i L We now handle the best grades of Colo and Fenna coals in connection with our grain business Give us a trial order Phone 262 Real Easterday I Fire and Wind I Insurance Written in First Class Companies C J RYAN icjy - y Charles Durham of Lovington Ill has succeeded in finding a positive cure for bed wetting My little boy wet the bed every night clear thro on the floor I tried several kinds of kidney medicine and was in the drug store looking for something differ ent to help him when I heard of Fol eys Kidney Pills After he had tak en them two days we could see a change and when he had taken two thirds of a bottle he was cured That is about six weeks ago and he has mot wet in bed since A- McMillen Tribune advertisers get results mh i I nniie Line iransier Company Elmer Hawkins Props Specialty of moving Household Goods and Pianos Only covered van in city Phones Office 68 residence red 456 Mike Walsh DEALER IK POULTRY EGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location n t acrcis nnCnnlr street in P Whlgh bnlaiog McCOOK MACHINERY AND IRON WORKS Machine Work Blacksmithing Horse Shoeing we are agents for the Ford Auto Celebratr 210 1st st W -- Phone red BULLARD LUMBER ft SELLS THE BEST Lumber aii Col PHONE NO 1 i 4 y r