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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1912)
IP v1 W g b 4wriK THIRTIETH YEAR L WHILE we are not the largest dealer in the state we sell the best shoes in the world without exception such as A C Nettleton Co N Y neen Quality Boston rce Co Ohio H3 Reed Manchester has fix i Therefore when you get Jftiur shoes you get as good as tyou can get in New York You can see them now VIERSEN OSBORN Corner Store 201 Main Never Touched Us Washington D C Dec 27 There was an overproduction of coal this year and a consequent struggle for trade which depress ed prices in opinion expressed todajy by Edward W Parker coal statistician for the United States geological survey Mr Parker added that there had beer few more unsatisfactory years in the history of the coal miming in dustry and that prices were de pressed to such an extent that wheu the total returns for the 3ear were footed up the balance probaibly will be on the wrong side of the ledger although the production of coal in the United States fox the year proljably was second only to the record veaa of 1910 NOTICE Water tax for fourth quarter of 1911 is now due and payable under the public library from 8 to 12 a m and 1 to 6 p m each day until January 20th1912 in clusive Agents and tenants give this your attention DAVID DIAMOND Water Commissioner The Only Union Made V overalls in the city are the Car hart Huber is the exclusive ageni Also jackets and caps The phone is 97 Aif iter from a Colorado week yftoieh luxuriates in a hunch of liM correspondents1 C G ana lady attended tlLe dance at the L hall Saturday night they both say that the coffee was good The noiseless typewriter is the latest in typewriters A sliding mum out rf -him Irp v liars1 is aid to result in silent pressure instead oi a noisy impact It is the proved quality of Mag ners groceries that accounts for their increasing popularity with the buying public Every patron is a satisfied patron Denatured alcohol is used on German railways and is said to oive a M superior to gas or electricity TTuber handles the Carhart cloves and caps also and a full of other makes Kodaks and kodak supplies McCONNELL Druggist Observe the date after your JLame on The Tribune Notch it ssified Advertisements VYR fRENT Two furnished Jfems Tor light liouse keeping Jinquir -- - flack 2714Htf PudHs on the plant land organ Beginners preferred lTermioUc per lesson ousie jre ftfQxfy Phone black 464 fcrttt RENT Cottage of Kn moms and bath room at 810 w ic4 street Inauire of Mrs H lM yler Orleans Neb 25 2 w Special Meeting The mayor and council of the ciity of McCook met in special session December 28 pursuant tc a call issued by Mayor McAdams Present McAdams Wood Stans berry Middleton The following bills were ed by the finance committee C C Burton Maeh Co 764 50 W II Wilson 1 10 David Diamond 3 33 J C Moore 6 60 John Morris 1 50 Nick Snyder 15 SO E II Thomas 2 00 L M IEggins 4 30 Casper Getman 2 00 D E Nelson 1 50 Ira Henderson 2 00 L M Higgins 4 50 Ross Mitchell 34 30 V Gunderman 19 00 A Rowland 13 60 Nick Snvder 1 80 R McDonald 21 95 V Gunderman 1 00 C W Dinnell 3 SO Moved by Councilman Middle- ton seconded by Councilman Woods that bills be allowed and warrants drawn for same Mo tion carried Water commissioner instructed to allow 400 to library board on last quarters waiter bill Proposition of McCook Electric Co was read and discussed Mov ed and seconded that the proposi tion be tabled Bond of J S LeIIew was read and considered No action taken Clerk was instructed to write city of Holdrege to borrow tap ping machine Moved and seconded to ad journ IN SOCIAL CIRCLES Dr and Mrs R J Gunn en tertained about 30 guests Friday night ait a whist party The house decorations utilized Christ mas bells white and red carna tions in effective detail A sev en oclock dinner of throe cours es was served C D Ritchie mandamused the- icard honors Miss Ford and Mr Ralph Bos worth were the out of town guests Saturday evening Mrs R J Gunn and Mrs F W Bosworth entertained old school mates and friends of Mr Ralph Boswortih to meet Miss Ford of Denver and Mcbs Lulu Moore of Victoria British Columbia About twenty guests participated An elabor ate 3 eourse luncheon was served In the card playing Dr A J Colfeir won the gentlemens hon ors and Miss Moore the ladies Decorations were same as at the Friday evenings event The evening closed with a prolonged and enjoyable vocal and instru mental program participated in by the guests and others FOR THE OFFICE Our stoek of office supplies is complete You will save time and probably money by remem bering to secure these goods here We have everything in the way of office stationery desk supplies calendars and calendar pads letter files bill files blank and account books of all kinds We believe that our book and sta tionery stock is unusually large fon a city of this size and that we can always make it worth you while to come here when ever any thing of this character is needed L W McCONNELL Druggist Death of Father Lavson A letter from Weil F Law son this morning announces the death on December 26 1911 of his father Rev Francis Lanvson in Alhambra California Father Lawson lacked but a fenv days of being 87 years old This splen did old father in Israel will be remembered as having visited and lived in McCook by many of The Tribune readers McConnell fills prescriptions For special on dill sour and sweet pickles see Magner Everything in drugs L W McCONNELL Druggist Jack Frost is- having his inning these stirring below zero days You cant afford to miss the wihite goods and musLirii under wear sale next Friday and Sat urday at H C Olapps Be there Monday Evening Edition Special Service Members of McCook lodge No J 135 A F A M attended services in the Congregation- al church Sundav evening Rev U c r J wliilfi lit RonlrpilmMTi it wv fi i - grees above zero or a difference of 21 degrees in 12 miles Sunday morning Culberlaon re ported 25 degrees below zero j while thermometers at McCc uk registered 10 to 14 below Hial Estate Filings The following real estate filings iave been made in th imty Bayne delivering a sermon appro1 ierks off ice since our last re priate to the New -Tear dawning There was also a special music Iliberd E Waugh ot ux to program by the choir Delay Dangerous for cough or cold To delay treatment is to delay recovery MeMillens Laxative Cold Tab lets will give good results for cold or cough Maroom J Walters wd pt sw qr 17-1-26 1250 itemeniDer one iiue Th Event of ths SeMm A - McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA MONDAY EVENING JANUARY 1 1912 MVVTTYTVTTTTTVVTTYTTTTTTVTTTTYYVTYTVTYTTYTTYTYVTYTTTM - tiend a Hand Club Entertains HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAXAAXAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa A notable social affair of hol iday week was the entertainment by the ladies of the Lend a Hand club to the men of the various families represented in this or ganization The beautiful home of Mr and Mrs E F Flitcraft was scene of this typical holi day event at which many Christ mas greetings were exchanged and at which a niirth and joy prevailed which could not have been excelled had a generous Santa appeared to so mang chil dren in the traditional manner At one oclock the men were ushered into the dining room where three large tables were fairly groaning under the bur den of good things to eat the la dies adding a service of willing cleverness all their own After doing full justice to a rare and liberal menu the tables were cleared and replenished and the ladies were accorded a like ser vice by the gentlemen After dinner the men enjoyed a smoker with Robert Buitos as victims and a generosity that make the atmosphere resemble a summers thunder cloud The climax of the afternoon was reached in the games and so cial joys of after dinner and es pecially in the delightful music rendered by Mrs Flitcraft and daughters Fern and accom panied by Mr Leon Clark It was unanimous expression of all the men present that the ladies be requested to establish this as a regular annual event A BIG LAND DEAL The Old Burtless Ranch Again Changes Hands The deal has just been closed whereby the old Burtless ranch south of the city has again changed ownership Fowler S Wilcox selling this valuable ranch proprety to Dr Joihn W thus securing the boundless con gratulations and admiration of the men for the Lend a Hand club It was five oclock when the time of separation arrived and it was a reluctant company that wended their way homeward af ter partaking of a final cup of fragrant coffee of warmth and cheer for the journey Those present were C H Harman and family Marion Plummer and family George Troendly and family Miss Anna Hippie Albyn and Harvey Hippie J M Somerville and family A Reischeek and daughters S B Rankin and family Mr and Mrs Robert Neelee J W Burtless and family E J Baker and family Charles Smith and family Miss Alta Christian R C Baker and family Dickens Nebraska COMMUNICATED of Opens Wednesday Morning- The public schools of our city will resume work on Wednesday morning January 3rd The Shakespeare club resumes its studies Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs Fowler Wilcox Subject The Merchant of Ve nice Magner sells better groceries than the just as good kind Try him for an order Wesleyan Uni Glee Club Local friends will be pleased to iearn that Josejph C Moore Jr of our city now a fnesliman at the Wesleyan university at University Place is a member of the uni glee club The club is composed of 21 members and it is now engaged in the longest tour since its organization cover- i fk it - l my jauu iiiiitts ami uccupyjiijj Conrad of Sumner Missouri two weeks and three days Coin- The sale includes the 1040 cents are to be given in Gordon deeded land in the old ranch pro- North Loup Fremont Omaiha perty and a lease of 640 acres of Norfolk Stanton Stuart and Al stiate scliool land liance among other towns in The price is 3000 per acre or north Nebraska a total of 31200 for the ranch In addition the doctor becomes Miss Thomson to Marry owner cf a quarter see toon in1 Cards are out for the marriage Dundy county which Mr Wilcox of Miss Elizabeth daughter of sells at 2500 jMr and Mrs A P Thomson The ranch will be stacked in j to Rev Walter A Squires Om the spring and brother-in-law of alia Januaay 11 1912 They will Dr Conrad will come- here from j be at home after Feibruary 1st Colorado and assume charge of 1 1912 in Stockton Calif Miss tine ranch and stock being a J Thomson taught in the Me Geo k competent and practical vstcek schools for several years and Ma man Thomson was for years agent for The Tribune understands thatjth Burlington here the doctor contemplates moving I - to McCcck in the spring Magner s groceries meet fully W O Russell made the sale the pure food law requirements Watch Meeting A Watch Meeting followed the Below Zero Weather This seietion in common with the entire west has been feeling regular service Sunday night in fclle st5n of below zoro wcl3ltilcT the Methodist church Speccal music by the orchestra and hy in dividuals together with talks etc passed the time until thr New Year was rung in at mid night The pastors and congre gations of the Congregational and Baptist churches were invit ed to participate in the watch lor the past few days Saturday morning at Eckley Colorado a temperature cf 16 d grees below zxro wa reported 00 Ella Lee ei eons to Eugene T Smith wd 10 in 32 2nd McCook 1600 00 Tamme R Zimmerman to Eil ent Zimmerman td ne qr 26-1-29 ne qr 20 and mv qr 21-1-28 1 00 jnuoay ana oaturaay jan wife H c c s Mushl Under and Gtfli at II C Olapp s Dry -wear sale next Friday and Satnr Goods store jday Dont miss it A specialty of typewriter supplies at The Tribune Shop Papers of all weights sizes and qualities Ribbons for every machine carbon papers manuscript covers etc All kept in stock William Picklums barn in the northwestern part of town -was damaged by fire Saturday night The fire was put out with the JrTl titan e SP -v PERSONAL MENTION H A Reed was over fromMa rion Thursday afternoon on bus iness Mrs Rose Bayless is visiting Mrs Roy Frenchs parents in Lincoln Mr and Mrs G W Ludwick departed Friday night for Cal- aiorma Mrs Nell Brandt is assisting in the Bon Ton wliile Mrs Mitch eQl is away Mrs W A Mitchell is visit ing her daughter Mrs P P West on in Lincoln H T Groves has been laid up for a couple weeks with tonsilitis is now some better C C Byfield carrier of roiiite No 1 is in quarantine with scar let f ever in the family Mrs D S LTasty and two daughters returned to Arapahoe on Thursday evening last Mr and Mrs Joseph Allen are out from Lincoln visiting the boys on the ranch near our city Frank Moore came up from In dian ola last night on a brief visit to his brother County Judge Moore Misses Clara Rankin Margaret Thompson and Florence Simmons leave tonight for Lincoln and school Miss Flossie Ritnour returned to her home in Stratton Friday no 13 after a short visit with Mrs John Hunt Harry Amick a former liigh school boy here was down from Hayes county Friday on some business matters m the city Mr and Mrs G H Thomas returned to their home in Harv ard Friday night on No 10 af ter spending Christmas here Mr and Mrs John neitzman of Emerson Nebraska are in the city visiting her sisters Mrs Geo Elbert and Mrs Peter Foxen Mrs narry Jones returned to Kearney on No 10 Friday night after spending Clnistmas here with her parents Mr and Mrs Tom Rowell Mrs Simpson Finnell arrived from Hamburg Ioiwa Thursday lat en No 1 and will be guest of her sister Mrs J G Stokes for a few weeks Mrs E Scofield who has been visiting her friend Mrs Refeber n the W T March home re turned to her heme in Denver Friday on No 13 Mrs E O Sectt and son ar rived home this mcirning from spending several weeks vVtiner her parents Mr and Mrs J J Gai mrd in Fresno California Jnhn Lanka s went in to Oma ha Siturdnv nijrht om No 6 on a short vrVt to hfe wfe and chil dren rind to ne his srrcterMr3 PflVivcc who arrived here on a vVrt on No 9 next morning A IE Tirrill arrived from Pis gah Iowa Friday and will ppend two or three weeks hre vistirf lvn m rents Mr and Mrs J E Tirvnil ard briefly with relatives at Palisade Mrs George Palivec arrived on 9 Sunday mornong to- visit her brother John Lankas and to ar range for th shipment of their h onychoid goods to Omailia Mrs Pali vcc stntcp that she ha not heard anvthing definite from her lost husibamd MG5i Josephine Stewart depart ed Saturday night for Omohia to take m the study and work of traMfl nurse in thf WhYlv 1 lvrr ital in the metro nclis Manv friends in McCook know that she will make good in this chosen work Olapps Muslin Underwear Sale o next Friday and Saturday Dont forget it The W C T U will meet with Mrs J G Inglis on January 5th in tihe afternoon Subject will ho Franchise This week Friday and Satur day are the two days of Muslin Underwear and White Goods Bargains at II C Clapps A car load of rablxits was ship ped from Orleans to London England recently hebunnies be ing harvested during the- snow storm Gloves in cotton and in leath er you will find a good assort- use of snow and garden hose and ment at the right prices at Hu loss was small bers w iS v i yK i so nMr M1 w NUMBER 63 DAILY MARKET Delivered free any place in McCook Corn chop per 100 130 Bran per 100 shorts per 100 Wheat per bushel Corn per bushel Oats per bushel Alfalfa per bale A Ground alfalfa meal for chick- 120 135 95 70 60 50 en and cow feed per 100 105 McCook Milling Company Phone 29 SEASONABLE FASHION HINTS A much admired and very un usual dress peculiarly adapted to the straight slender lines of girlish figures was recently modeled after the simple design shown herewith of ehiff on vel vet m an exquisite peacock shade possible to no other fabric The prettily cut collar deep cuffs anc smart skirt facing were of fine striped black and white velvet However the dainty peasant waist with its Citoyenne frill anc wmmmffir TWrPt 6554 6596 ssv 6592 the nesit smcoth fittiug two piece skirt are not specially planned for velvet They will prove as smart and stylish in reversible satin eacihemire de soie trimmed with contrasting or two tone saline or in satin finish mere trimmed with printed- vel vet or Venice all over For evening wear crepe meteor marquisette eharmeuse satin duehease and silk- and wool pop lin are favored and of course crepe de ehine chiffons and good old stand bys like mull and lib erty are good trimmed with shad ow or chantilly lace or quite as correctly with the heavy or me tallic laces And the foundations such as might be used in the pretty little gathered dress above are generally of the soft satin over which veiling fabrics most fully display their beauty Week of Prayer Union services will be held as follows Monday and Tuesday nights at the- Congregational church leader pastor of the Baptist church Wednesday and Thursday nights at the Methodist church leader pastor of Congrer gationaL church Friday and Sat urday nights at the Baptist church leader pastor of Meth odist church The subjects will be as follows The Ceaseless Ad vance of the Kingdom The Church of Jesus Christ The Mission- of the Church in Foreign Fields The Mission of Church in Home Fields The Interests of Home and School Personal Faitlifulness These services will be for all people and we trust that every one who can will at tend and help to make them pro fitable that the year may be one of great profit to us and we tJ the world D L McBride E T Bayne L E Lewis Pastors The Ladies Aid society of the Methodist church will meet with Mrs A R Mehaffey on next Thursday afternoon McConnell for drugs Try Tribune want ads jLzr X i 1 1 1 n i ii i