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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1911)
Iff Art i n t x V THIRTIETH YEAR gOLE gO L E 5 Thu important part of child rens Shoes are THE SOLES We have a line of Boys Miss es and Childrens Shoes made by S L Pierce Co who make nothing but Boys Misses and Childrens Shoes Therefore they are able to give better shoes for less money Come and see them We guar antee them VIERSEN OSBORN Corner Store 201 Main Seed Laboratory Discontinued During the past three years there has been maintained thru the cooperation of the United States llment of Agriculture and the Nebraska Experiment Station a Branch Seed Laborat ory This laboratory was con necieel with the department of a ricultural botany the head of this department being collaborator in charge oi the seed laboratory Over 3300 tests of seeds have been made during this period an by tins means and thru extensive correspondence there has been aroused among Nebraska farmers great interest an pure seeds The interest in and demand for pure seeds of known quality de veloped -by the work of the Ne braska Seed Laboratory was sufficient to induce the last leg islature to enact a law governing the sale of seeds The enforce ment of Ibis law was placed in the hands of the state food drug and dairy commissioner The state having made provis ion for the continuation of this work it has been deemed best to discontinue the Nebraska Seed Laboratory Accordingly corres pondence and samples of seeds for test with reference to the new seed law should be sent to the state house The departmen of agriculture botany will con tinue its own investigation of cer tain seed problems and of Ne braska weeds Surprise A surprise farewell party was given Mrs J TV TVimer by her Sunday school class of nine girls on October 10 at the home of Mrs Max Anton Refreshments were served and games played by the children between 330 and 730 To Mrs TVimer in remem brance was given a handsome gravy ladle engraved on the back of the handle with her initials and on the front S S Class 1911 Big Stock Shipment James Miller of Perry precinct arrived home on Friday morning last from the Kansas City marke where he Jiad just marketed a shipment of 228 head of stock about half each of steers and cal ves lie got better than five cent for the stuff Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee Iluber is exclusive agent in Mc Cook for the unexcelled Barring ton Ilall coffees Priced at 20c 25c and 35e per pound It is the proved quality of Mag ner s groceries that accounts for their increasing popularity with the buying public Every patron is a satisfied patron If you feel you want to be shown in matter of quality go to the McCook Flour and Feed Store Magners groceries meet fully the pure food law requirements For special on dill sour and sweet pickles see Magner Driftwood Prscinct The Republican electors of Driftwood precinct will meet in caucus Wednesday evening Oc tober 18th at 8 oclock for the purpose of nominating a precinct ticket and transacting any other proper business J II WADE Com The Main Store On Main Street If it is the freshest and best in groceries fruits vegetables etc you seek look no further than Hubers Seed Wheat For Sale No 2 Red Turkey wheat for sale Updike Grain Co Phone 169 Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee and be happy ers only j At Hub- Magner sells better groceries than the just as good kind Try him for an order All- grades of Oxford flour and each sack guaranteed at the Mc Cook Flour and Feed Store Monday Evening Edition LADIES AID CELEBRATES Real Estate Filings 1 The following real estate filings - Entertain Ladies of the Church mve been made the county and the Gentlemen clerks office since our last re- port The Ladies Aid society of the Vina C Rank et eons to Net- Jietnoaist cnurcn recently maae tie Brooks wd to 3 in 10 tne rinai payment oi tue Jjiouu carpet enterprise the3r carried thru to success and it seemed appropriate to them to celebrate the event with a social affair which they styled a butterfly social at which the ladies of the church and the husbands were honored guests About a hun dred members of the church and friends participated in the social with the most enjoyable results of any similar affair of many moons The ladies and guests met in the church auditorium first and the formal ceremony of burning the 500 not was disposed of the president of the society Mrs Brown and the treasurer Mrs A R Mehaffey officiated at this incident 1st McCook 4000 Lincoln Land Co to -R M Osborn wd to 4-5-6 in 10 7th McCook 400 United States to Ami C Teel Jr pat to ne 12-4-28 James TV Ilatfield et nx to Paul P Anton wd to 1 to 15 inc and 21 to 25 inc in Ilatfield park 13400 John TV TVimer et ux to Gertrude Van Camp wd to 5 and 6 in 4 Second Mc- Cook 3200 Hazel Hare Vahue et cons to Clarence R Livingston wd to part sy swVi 20-3-29 3000 Sunday School Rally The Sunday school of the Meth odist church will hold a Rallv Dav Sunelav October 22nd Tliis happy consummation cupying both morning and even ed the dining room in the base- ing hours Plans are being per ment was sought and a banquet fected for a big day with a fine of attractive particulars was dis 1 program both morning and even posed of A surprise in this ing The public is invited to connection was one of the hap- these services py thoughts of the evening - ter assembling around the ban- First of Series quet board and a few remarks by The Thursday whist club met Kev Lewis the chivalrous cmo their unselfish work and tion Silver Jubilee The Lincoln Convention Com mittee announce they are ready to take care of the great num ber of Christian Endeavorers of the state who will attend the Silver Jubilee convention which convenes at the Lincoln Auditor ium Oct 26 29 1911 This convention is slated to be the largest religious gathering the state has seen and the pro gram is the drawing card Dr TVm Shaw the general secre tary of the Endeavor movement Avail be the conventions guest Mr Shaw is the man who fought the presentation of the Jeffries Johnson prize fight by moving pictures in the United States and who succeeded in getting a great majority of the governors to prohibit them Fifty speakers make up the program consisting of the Na tional Superintendents of Young Peoples work in all denomina tions men of political promi nence etc Any one desiring information in regard to this convention can obtain same by writing Ray G- Fletcher 361 Fraternity Bldg Lincoln Neb on th eveninc of the 12th with tenderly assisted us during the ill nes and after the death of our dear son and brother John Mr and Mrs James M Brady and family Getting in Form Colonel Suttons band boys are Seed Wheat For Sale No 2 Red Turkey wheat to sale Undike Grain Co Phono 169 TO HENT Unfurnished rooms tage at 906 W 2nd st at Tribune office 9tf TYPHOIDS QUICK WORK Marshall Trammell a Victim Af ter Brief Illness Marshall Trammell saiccumbed Saturday morning about four oclock to an attack of typhoid fever of but a few days duration Services were conducted at the home at 806 East 3rd street Sun day afternoon at three oclock by Alfric J R Goldsmith rector of St Albans Episcopal church with music by a quartette compos ed of Mrs P F McKenna Mrs F L Wolff F M Kimmeli and F M Colfer Interment followed in Calvary cemetery of St Pat ricks church There were a number of lovely floral offerings designs etc from orders clubs and individu alsthe B of L E Old Com rades the Research Club Mart Trammell at the time of his death was night round house foreman but for several years served the company as an engineer He was widely known among railroad men and was one of the popular men of the Mc Cook division for his big heart ed jovial social ways A large attendance of railroad men at his funeral attested his popularity among them while many others outside railroad cir Civil Service Examination The U S Civil Sen ice commis sion announces a competitive ex amination to be held Sautrday October 28 1911 for the position of clerk male or female and carrier for service in the Mc- practicing weekly now and tho t Cook postoffice the band is not as large as on this examination Applications fo must be made some other occasions they are a on the prescribed form which ready coming into fine form and j with necessary instructions may give promise of their best efforts hs obtained from the sions local represenattnv E J Fine Rain Sunday Brady at the post office The rain of Sunday afternoon and night amounted according t Marriage Licenses a local guage to 95 of an inch j Ray Springer 22 of Danbury One o f the best rains of the year and Jessie Iloleomb 19 of n and those having in small grain dianola Married br James E are feeling very jubilant Ryan of Indianola justie of tho i pace Will Not Be Here Lidy Isabells Daughter hooked fcr the Temple theatre ifor Wednesday evening October Dont be skinny and chilly this 18th has failed the local manage fall Rexall Emulsion of Cod Lb ment and will net ba here er Oil a palatable prescription will fatten you so that tho cliill i We have some good bargains in will not penetrate wall paper L W MeCONNELL Druggist A fine eight pound daughter was born to Mrs Dora Stewart Classified Advertisements Good land to rent for wheat Mrs S E Christian phone ash 36S2 FOR SALE OR TRADE 15 small house 16x32 barn Fenc ed and cross fenced Well with fine water Price is right Terms 25 4ts GEO FENNEY A McMlLLEX Druggist McMillens Cream Lotion Tho best for chapped hands this morning Mother and baby fiU ips or roughness of the doing nicely iskin 25c A McMlLLEX Druggist McConnell for drugs Everything in drugs nell Try a Tribune want ad and acre ranch joining McCook New watch results J McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA MONDAY EVENING OCTOBER 16 1911 tions of Alex Mehaffey and a Mr and Mrs Barney llofer with eles indicated their deep numoer or his compatriots as- a full Thei Episcopal guild ladies will S2rve a waffle supper election Jday November 7th 35 good steam heated rooms 808 3D 2d street J M Henderson for rent by day week or month FOR ftENT A tit Cnrrmiprmnl lintel which has six room cot- i l x - Inquire uueY ing room is also open now m con- nection and Ave are serving the FOR SALE Harness and sin best meals in the cityvvvvWe invite gle buggy Incpiire of O N you -to give us a trialWV Rector Phone red 349 H C CRAIG OLD FD2EMEN BANQUET Have a Feed and Post Prandials at the Palmer Last Thursday evening the members of McCook s old fire de partment met about the board at the Palmer hotel and indulged in a parting farewell banquet among themselves with ex Mayor Joe Stephens and ex Mayor Ed Hub cfr and a few others as special guests of honor The spread at the Palmer was one of Joes best and was not without appeal to the boys where it would do the most good After the banquet Earl O Valine assumed the role of toast master and there were several responses the ex mayors and others among them and by members of the old department After the banquet the boys headed by the ex mavors march ed to the city hall and thence to the Pastime where they enjoyed the courtesy of the proprietor TV II Harmon which concluded an enjoyable evening and the infor mal disbandment of the old de partment which recently offered the resignation of its members upon the reduction of tthe rate per horn- for services by the city council Straiffhten Un club attendance The thy for the bereaved wife and j If any of your children show a serted themselves and donning odds won the points of the the littl eson by their presence the aprons ot the lady waiters evening Miss Lute McCullum of they quite took away the ladies TV unta sister of the hostess No Fees at Church Doors breath It may be added Was a guest and gave several St Louis Mo Oct 13 The er that afterwards the boys greatly appreciated recitations practice of asking a contribution washed the dishes after part of the evening at the door of almost all Roman Adjourning to the auditorium Catholic churches or of charging a few remarks by II E Satisfactory Sale a fee for a seat in the church is son several recitations by Miss i y xianlvlin of the Citizens ordered discontinued in a circula Stella Faus and music by tioni jjank jias disposed of the letter addressed to all archbish ers orchestra concluded an even 1 yyQ known Scott Bennett ranch ps and bishops of the church in ing -happy mem jup in Frontier county at a tlw United States that Monsignor ories factory price There are 1440 De Falconi apostalic delegate at The Ladies Aid is to be con- acres jn rtjie ranei Some big Washington has sent out It is gratulated and felicitated upondeas are oecasionaiy being pun praised in the most sweeping of ed off in real estate serins ana condemns present any standing these quiet financial practices in the strongest manner times Monsignor Falconi speaks of the practices as bringing scandal to Card of Thanks both Catholics and TVc wish to express our thanks Its- and heart felt appreciation to our The circular warns that any kind neighbors friends and the clergyman who disobeys the or- Kniffhst of Columbus who so der will be condignly punished NUMBER 41 PERSONAL MENTION Fred Stevens and family visit ed Mrs Stevens mother Mrs M Jones Saturday Mrs Charles D Ritchie enter tained the bridge whist club on Friday afternoon Mrs L M Copeland was the guest of her daughter Mrs J G Sehobel end of week Mrs C Sehindler of McCook is visiting her son Carl Sehindler Culbertson Banner Editor Corrick of the Culbert son Banner was among our out of town guests Friday Mrs E E Thompson of Indian ola was the guest of her friend Mrs D P Clouse Saturday Art Pantenburg spent part of the week seeing the great elctrie exhibition in Denver this week Miss Allie J Peck spent Fri day in Palisade looking after her millinery interests in that place Mrs D L MeBride left for Lib orty Neb on Friday night to at tend the funeral of a grandchild Miss Mabel Amsdens class of the Baptist Bible scIioqI spent Saturday at her home dn the country TV II Ferguson was up from Lincoln close of week looking af ter liis extensive real estate in terests in this vicinity Fred MeBride of Sterling Colo spent a few hours between trains Saturday with the home folks D L MeBride and family Mr and Mrs A C Marsh will tendency to become stooped shoul have tomorrow for Kenton Ohio clered check it at once with a J thir old home on a visit to rel pair of our perfectly adjusted ativs and friends of some length shoulder braces We have the Rexall brace and know the one that will best fit vour case Price 100 L W MeCONNELL Druggist On the Job Here While the dailies list Charles Skalla eoumy clerk as being among those o attend the pro gressive meeting in Chicago the fact is that Skalla is on the job up in the county clerics office and not in Chicago Bryan at Cambridge William J Bryan spoke last Thursday at Cambridge Many from McCook attended going per train and autos His speech is declared a superb product by his friends Can Pay at the Store Parties owing the Updike Co may pay their bills at Jones Cos confectionery and news stand on lower Main avenue Phone 13 or 169 S S GARVEY Manager If You Have houses to rent list them with TVhittaker Gray They have several applications on file now for houses Phone black 283 Of fice in Temple block Water Tax Due Water tax for third quarter of 1911 is due and payable at the office of water commissioner in the basement of th city li brary The Only Union Made overalls in the city are the Car hart Iluber is the exclusive agent Also jackets and caps The phone is 97 Clinical Thermometers once used by doctors only but fast becom ing recognized necessities for ev eiy household especially where there are children A good clin ical tharmometer enables you to forestall disease by indicatig a marked change in the bodily tem perature Ours are the kind you can depend upon although the prices are very low for such good ones Price 75c up L W MeCONNELL Druggist The acreage of small grain planted it is stated now exceeds that of last year which was claimed to be an unusually large acreage Plenty of Saturday candy now on hand so dont forget our Sat urday candy Oct 21 40e candy for only 29c MeCONNELL Druggist Kodaks and kodak supplies MeCONNELL Druggist Fresh fruits at Magner s Frank Wells formerly Avith Drebeit but now traveling for the Ralston shoe people was a Saturday Sunday visitor in the city Commissioner W N Rogers en tertained recently at Shadeland an old Illinois friend E TV Mc Neal now of Tumwater Washing ton Mrs Robert Jolinston anel fam ily of Valley Grange precinct re turned home Saturday on No 13 from visiting her sister in Red Wm Debener of MeCcok was in Culbertson this week He is making the survye for the new ditch on the south side Culbert son Banner Frnk Humphries on his way to Portland Oregon was a brief guljst of former McCook people Mr and Mrs J G Sehleich in Pocatello Idaho Miss June Waekham of the Mc Cook Electric Co office returned Saturday morning from visiting a few elays at her home in Arap ahoe where she has been reeuper ating from a brief illness J A Clouse and Mrs G TV Billings of Danbury visited their brother D P Clouse and family Saturday Mrs Billings departed on 3 same night for Boulder Col orado on an indefinite visit Dr Z L Kay received a tele gram Friday night from Pon tine Illinois announcing the doah cf his brother in that city his heme The doctor left at once for Illinois to attend the funeral Rev L E Lewis of the Metho dist church was taken ill and un able to occupy his pulpit Sunday Rev Cann filled the morning pul pit anel there was no service at night on account of the rainstonr Mrs Thomas Tucker arrived in the city last Friday and will visr it for som time in her olel home making her headquarters with Mrs TV E McDivitt Mrs Tucker has ben visiting in Lincoln anel other points east anel is on her way home to Spokane Wash Ed Hall in the early days in the hardware business here in the firm cf Hall Cochran spent a few hours in the city Monday on business He is connected with the collection department of the International Harvester Co hav ing charge of the Nebraska Iowa and South Dakota territory with headquarters at Council Bluffs Miss Lute MeCallum came down from Wauneta Thursday afternoon and briefly visited her sister Mrs Barney Hofer She left for Denver Friday morning to enter school for a post gradu ate course She was graduateel from a school of expression in that city last spring and goes now to take the teachers course in the same school expecting to enter that work herself upon its completion JJ i l