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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1911)
D THIRTIETH YEAR ton or wool unions and se t PASSING OF GENTLE SPIRIT John Nelson Brady Goes On Be fore and is Mourned John Nelson Brady son of Mr and Mrs James M Brady of our city passed away about one oclock Tuesday afternoon af ter an illness of several weeks with an attack of typhoid fever This is the first break in a home chain of unusual charm ane fidelity to each other and to high ideals and the community joins with parents and brothers and sisters in mourning the untimely departure of this young man whose gentle spirit and noble character qualities endeared him to not only his immediate family but to all who enjoyed his acquaintance or friendsliip John Brady came to McCook with his paients in infancy be ing born June 17th 1885 near Fairbury Illinois and the fam ily coming to McCook in 18S7 where and on the farm north of the city they have since lived John was a twin brother of Miss Rose He was a member of Mc Cook Council No 1126 Knights ol Columbus and of St Patricks church of our city Father and mother two brothers and four sisters survive him all being pres enfc at the funeral services and burial this morning A Requiem High Mcs was el- nl 4 1 Oi Tj Z i l SOME FOLKS SAY that a dollar is- a dollar this fall that value is important in every purchase that time spent and la bors performed and anxieties en dured to gain livelihood should not be brought to nought by childish indulging in mere gew gaws or careless outlays for the necessary things Thats sound reason and we can help you We sell best prints 5c Best apron ginghams Gs Best table oil cloth 15c Outings Gy2 c to 10 c Muslins 5c to 10c Wade s heet ings 23c to 30c Peerless carpet warp 26e Lb Am A 2 bu 16 oz seamless bags 22c Womens lone coats 500 and up Girls long coats 150 and up Childs lin ed coats 50 cents and up Childs bear skin coats 199 caps 35c Ladies warm dress skirts 150 and up Mens blue bib overalls with pant pockets 44c jackets the same Mens suits 500 and up Boys 175 and up Stetson hats 369 Mens shoes 190 and up Ladies 165 and up Childrens 35c and up Yes these are strictly cash prices The Thompson D G Co One price plain figures cash only We so licit your trade ulllu ili rahS cnuren neld each alternate Lords uus morning at 1U oc oek Wfv Arrange for Services The Christian church of Mc Cook has made arrangenvnts with U M Mitch -11 of Indianola whcireby regular services will b vemng addresses wm be in ser ies foim the general thm bing A Man With a Message This series will b a number of char 1 acter studies from the New i tamnt including John the tist Peter Paul and John the Evangelist A most cordial wel come is extended to the resi sliirts and drawers in black tan mf jg GREAT Day lr4Ii fv fr t r nt fl n minr li bather Patton c lebrant assist- ginning with October 15h tin eel by Kev leather Ilaggertv A large congregation was in att nd ance and followed the body to Calvary cemetery thus mutely ex hibiting the sympathy they felt for the living and the esteem and love of many for the dear one gone on before Under Where Of course we mean underw We have a large line Men Thursday Evening Edition THE TYROLEAN ALPINE SINGERS Seven Singers and Yodlers Direct from the Tyrol Alps to Ap pear here a lil0 L IliiU K1VUV111VU JlJt JLV - - -- WT i Tl 1 J Il i 1 Thompson D G Co Utmost val ue for cash only O E S Kensington Mesdames F A Munden and W E Hart entertained the O E S kensington yesterday after noon at the Munden home Us ual refreshments were served and enjoyable time had Lily Patent Flour when once used none other will satisfy you Classified Advertisements FOR RENT Furnished heat ed room 519 Main st 12 tf Seed wheat for Dutton 12tf B sale W G FOR SALE Leather daven port leather rocker chiffonier 2 other chairs library table and Wilton rug Call phone 121 FOR SALE A first class xnan with Ceeilian piano player at a bargain on terms Inquire of this office for particulars 9 28tf FOR REXT Steam heated fur nisbed and unfurnished rooms in Electric theatre building and ov er hardware store McCOOK HARDWARE CO FOR REXT Furnished room modern house Inquire 319 1st W Phone red 281 W21tf FOR REXT OR SALE A nine room modern house Ilot water and heat 504 west 2nd s TO TRADE Have the follow ing city property to trade in on land all clear of incumbrance 7 room dwelling in very desirable location 1 four room dwelling also in desirable location in Mc Cook in first class condition Call phone red 295 or write H E Culbertson McCook Neb 12 4ts WANTED Place to work for board by young man Inquire this office Chickens Hotel 2t wanted at National WANTED Pupils on piano and or gan beginners preferred Terms 50c per lesson Susie McBride phone black 464 L W McCOXNELL Druggist Precinct Officers At the Republican precinct caucus Tuesday evening the fol lowing nominations were made II X Rosebush for constable W B Wliittaker and S S Silver for justices of the peace C II for road overseer Commenced Diffeinsr Beets gar beets in the Red Willow Dis triet commenced on Wednesday of this week Rooms for Rent Suitable for office or livinj rooms Inquire at McMILLEXS DRUG STORE Saturday Candy 40c candy for 29c on Saturday only McCOXXELL Druggist Everything in drugs neli Subscribe for the Semi Weekly Tribune 100 per year Home cooking home made can dy at the Dorcas exchange Sat urday Bailie March can at least be the architect of his own fortune Buy your cabbage in small or large quantities of J A WILCOX SON Try Dr Swans Kidney Pills for all kidney trouble A McMILLEN Druggist The Research club will meet at the home of Mrs Mary Waite at the usual hour next Monday I afternoon October 16th most common use though of a Juusuruciv won uri prize iroiu lvprescuiuuve vomers ur tiie eu hot watef bottle is to give com- ti Tyrol land fort to those who suffer with - member of the part is Fraulein Gross a niece of Mr cold feet Fieehtl who has a soprano Aroice which in the words of the Our fall stock of hot water hot- ie Lester B Colby climbs as high as the Matte rhorn in a single ties is in and we are showing arun ant iiLU iumPS round on the crags just to show how easy splendid assortment of the strong it is to sing when you have the voice- durable denendable kinel that I Cora Genevieve Ramsden an American reader will be an added and attractive feature to the are made for long wear Various programs sizes at right prices REV FATiiEK J M CLEARY The committee feel they are fortunate in securing this emi nent anel popular lecturer Ilfc has few equals on the Ameri can platform today Father Cleary combines a charm of person ality with the graces and power of an earnest orator He is es teemed alike by Catholics and non Catholics A priest for a quar ter of a century his life lias been one emphasized and punct uated iby devotion to the cause of the suffering and toiling mass es The Minneapolis1 Journal says of him lie is a man of af fairs interssteel in the welfare of the community a large-mind ed liberal progressive citizen Ur magnificent stage presence The work of harvesting the h a broad thinker and deeply scholarly It will be a privi lege to mear mm COLONEL GEORGE W BAIN This eloquent Kentucky orator needs mo iriliouuction to Tribune readers He is one of the most widely known and pop ular of the lecturers on the American platform An enthusiast hsoribfs him thus No audience ever felt the sway of has ora tory without a vision of a great personality matchless in charact er masterful in brain sympathetic in heart and sublime in pur pose Dr now bishop Mclntyre says Twenty five years ago when a young preacher I heard George W Bain That lecture was a golden milestone in my journej of life Dr Gnn saulus says I know of no more wholesome influence in our American life than the career anel message of this rich and vital man You will feel richer after hearing Colonel Bain THE INTERNATIONAL OPERATIC CO This company will offer scenes from grand opera in costume and will give selections from the bst of the imodern popular or light operas together with oratorio and concert singing These singers will come with the highest recommendations as to their superior equality any one of the company being able to give an independent program of merit They are able to offer solos in Swedish Norwegian or German and of course in English as may be desired In fact they are musically equipped to present a program of musical entertainment to suit all and to please all APOLLO CONCERT COMPANY The Apollo Quintette and Bell Ringers present a varied pro gram of high quality They use a wide range of musical instru ments in-the- use of which each is a soloist and specialist You will hear banjo cornet saxaphone flute trombone solos con j -4 1 MS fi McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAYJIVENING OCTOBER 12 1911 CITIZENS ENTERTAINMENT COURSE AT THE TEMPLE THEATRE TYROLEAN ALPINE SINGERS October 30 FATHER J M CLEARY December 12 COL GEORGE W BAIN January 16 INTERNATIONAL OPERATIC CO January 26 APOLLO CONCERT CO some date in March Season TicketsAduIts 2 Children 1 P E O RECEPTION Entertain the Teacher Corps of McCook Public Schools The reception by Chapter X P E O Monday evening to the teacher body of the McCook pub lic schools was a notable social function The ladies in this en terprise were ably assisted by their husbands the B I Ls The Schobel residence on east 1st street was the scene of the event and the guests were ush ered in hy Dorothy Williams to an upper chamber where Mar jorie Schobel and Helen Thomp son assisted them in fthe cloak room Miss Maude MeMillen receiv ed the guests upon their return to the reception rooms and pre sented each to the chapter offic ers Mrs J G Schobel presi dent Mrs G L Burney vice- president Mrs IT D Stewart recording secretary Mrs A M Williams corresponding secre tary Mrs W W MeMillen treasurer Miss Grace Willetts pianist Mrs J A Wilcox and Mrs George Willetts two past presi dents of Chapter X gracefully presided in the dining room be ing efficiently assisted hv thn latest acquisitions to the chapter Mrs R J Gunn and Mrs E S Waate j A lovely and profuse use of i cosmos and their foliage afford ed the decorative feature of th dining room in effective detail To the full pleasure of the cve ning an informal program added its appreciative number Aiv I and Mrs Albert P Buck on pianei jxm viuun gave skillful numbers there were vocal solos hv Ar t Mrs vi -- A great novelty this season is the singers U- Hadley Xeal Quick sinrl i f mentalists and yodlers called the Tyroleans They come direct Miss Marjorie Schobel and a If ii 1 i lC fill IIWIJ 111111 LU 1 IIKIKI 1Y111MWI IS lUllDIHUUU Ulli Ol I- - uy JL1SS I JljrilTill V WlL rwear with tlJ Smhp nf thP PhiiTPh th3 n0st Pieturesqne places in the Swiss Tyrol the summer haunt j Hams all of merit and delightful scot i or tne Austrian royalty paratei j The Tyroleans appear in the peturesque national costume of it I il T- rendition 31r and Mrs J J Iladlov anrl their people the most attractive in all Europe The concert is I Mr and Mrs Xeal Quick of In grey rd etc from 50 cents to pan reiiPVer If you are the own- maae P ot varied tolK and yodel songs sung in tlieir native uianoia Doth ladies bein 250 Ladies unions and er a g0od hotVater bottle you SUISe also songs in English in which they have become proficient hers of Chapter X were ate trarments 33c to 300 Boys iinvrt nwnnil t iinT1fi fn rpliov inf through their long tours in this country and England town visitors and girls unions and separate gai SPOr 0f ailments such as tto Fiechtl is the director and his family has for genera- ments 10c to 100 Infants vests naio ia toothache pains in the tiQs been known as leading folk singers and yodlers Only a few 10c to 75c See us first Thei wf n luiLan ofr Tho years back Mr Fieehtl in a six days yodel and song contest in out-of- Izzer Bed Comforts Made right here in the store 14 yarels of gooels either calico outing cretonne or silkoline A big 6 ft x 7 ft 3 lb cotton bat inside Well tacked and hemmed 200 to 300 You can select the materials from the shelf and we do the rest Dont buy rag filled under sized dye odorous factory comfoits they are dear at any price The Thompson D G Co Utmost values O E S Tomorrow Evening The Order of the Eastern Star will hold its regular chapter meeting tomorrow evening an the Masonic temple Visiting Stars welcome Highest Market price- will be paid for butter and eggs at the City Restaurant 5tf C MATSOX Prop McConnell fills prescriptions The Tribune 00 the vear A MeMillen prescription dnrr gist Everything thats seasonable in fruits and vegetables at Ilubers all the time F E Bortfeld piano tuner is luero for a short time Leave or ders at H P Sutton s store Booths solid packed fresh oys ters J A WILCOX SOX Garland Base Burners are now ready for your selection at McCOOK HARDWARE CO There is magic in the words Advo They are the final word in canned excellence AnA Huber is the prophet Bunsons Catarrh Cure will re lieve catarrhal deafness hay fev er and cold in the head A McMTLLEN Druggist cert efforts of various combinations superb bell ringing vocal New line of Ladies Hand Bags selections and readings and an accompanist who is as All the latest styles genuine plished as any member of the company The Hutcliison Kas Heather with long or short hand Daily News By some the concert was deemed the most popular les They will interest you Call number of the course and if enuusiastie and continued encores and see them are indicative of it then it undoubtedly was McCONNELL Druggist NUMBER 40 THE REASON WHY some people fail to make a financial success is not be cause they do not have the ability to make money but because they lack persisten cy or You can save if you WILL Perhaps you have tried to develop a bank account and have failed Does that one failure justify poverty in old age This bank offers you all the inducements and fa cilities nossibl for a bank to offer With the ready as i sistance and advice of which customers of this bank may avail themselves there is no reason why YOU should not accumulate an independent competence Start a bank account NOW with THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cash DIRECTORS M Loughran P F McKenna CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS Christian Sunday school at 10 a m preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m 11 M Mitchell min ister Congregational Sermon subjects for Sunday Morning What Made Paul Great Eveningj The Highest Form of Reward German Evan Lutheran East 6th St Services every Sunday morning at 1030 oclock and evening at 730 O R Richert pastor Catholic St Patricks Church S30a m low mass anel sermon 10 30 a m high mass and ser mon 2 30 p m Sunday school 800 evening services Rev Wm Patton O M 1 pastor Episcopal Choir rehearsals on Wednesdays at 8 p m Xext Sunday Holy Communion at 730 a m Sunday school at 10 a m Morning service anel ser mon at 11 a m Evening serv ice and sennon at 8pm All are welcome Baptist Xext Sunday will be jBible school rally day again at the Baptist church All pupils tlieir parents friends and the members of the church are urg ed to be present Bible school sessions from 10 to 11 followed by a short program by the eliil dren The aelelresscs by the pas tor both morning anel night will be appropriate to the occasion Christian Eneleavor session at 7 instead of 715 as heretofore D L McBride pastor DIVIXE SCIENCE Health class Tuesdays and Fridays at 10 a m Sunday school class Sun elay mornings at 11 oclock Xew Thought books anel magazines for sale Come and talk it over it may be that which you have been seeking for You are cordially invitcel to these meetings 123 D st Adv Now Is the Time of the year when everyone is be ginning to think about pancakes for breakfast Dont fail to get one of our packages of speeially prepared pancake flour It needs no preparation or bother about mixing it up as it is ready for use A trial package wall convince you that there is nothing like it Our pancake flour is always clean and frehs McCOOK MILLING CO Everything in drugs nell For pure spices try MeMillen s Drug Store All the fresh fruits of the sea son at Magners The McCook Semi Weekly Trib une It is 100 a year MeMillen s Cold Remedy will relieve the cough and cure your cold J v j