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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1911)
u K 7 V TWENTY NINTH YEAR D EPARTME NT We have added to our Store for the benefit of those who pay cash a department of Mens and Ladies very good shoes which we guaranteefor 250 These shoes are sold on a very close margin VIERSEN OSBORN CORNER MAIN AND B ST REPAIRING i Had Liberal Patronage dinner and supper Tbe Washington Aid socie y of Ladies served by the church tm w the Methodist patronized The was very liberally ladies spread a most excellent menu the liberal reward promptly and deserved ward of their efforts articles of util containing A booth adornment was also given ity and attention from careful buyers The churcli basement was pretty decorated for the and patriotically affair Wc Always Sell Best apron checked oVc Best prints Singham 6c Best table oil cloth Meritas 15c Yard wide muslin 5c Mens stout bib overalls with pants pockets 44c Stetson hats 369 Feather Pillows G5c and 12o M inch black taffeta silk 79c Am A grain bags 22c See us before you The Thomp money let go of your value for eash Utmost son D G Co Their Annual Affair The ladies of the Entre Nous club and their husbands were the guests and Mrs of Mrs Emerson Hanson Robert Gunn Tuesday evening at residence in the annual the Hanson social function of the club The Only Union Made overalls in the city are the Carhart Huber is the exclusive agent Also The phone ia 97 jackets and caps For Sale Fine residence lot Very cheap Easy terms C F Lehn kraut by the For special on sauer gallon see Magner Everything in drugs McConnell The McCook Tribune 100 a year Pure Gold flour from winter wheat at Magners mm isvT Get Right In the growing class of people who have found this studio a delightful place at which to obtain photographs Dont put it oiF another day Even twenty four hours makes you just that much older So come now and be Photographed Why so many oth ers find this studio delightful you will readily understand when you see the charming portraits we make of you E Schel Kifnmeli PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER First Door North of Commercial Hotel Phone Red 428 HOUSE OF 1000 CANDLES Postponed From February 23 to next 1 Thursday March 2 The Tribune is pleased to note that The House of a Thousand Can dles which was to have been given in the Temple theatre tonight but was cancelled has been secured for an appearance in the Temple next Thursday evening March 2nd This deservedly popular play comes to us most highly recommended and we congratulate the management in being able to finally secure this com pany No doubt it will be one of the best plays our people will see this season Prices for this engagement are 25c 35c 50c 75c and 100 CORRECT ROUND SHOULDERS There are a number of appliances on the market for which the claim is made that they will correct round or stooped shoulders Most of these appliances give the wearer more or less discomfort and inconveninece and for that reason the average individual isnt inclined to wear them for a suf ficient length of time to produce ben eficial results We have the exclusive agency for a shoulder brace simple in its con struction light cool and comfortable which will without discomfort or in convenience bring about the de sired results in such cases THE REXALL SHOULDER BRACE is highly endorsed by medical author ities and by others who have seen it and who can vouch for its superiority It will not bind under the arm does not interfere with the circulation and the wearer is unconscious of its presence except as an incorrect atti tude is assumed Prices 100 For sale at our store The Rexall Store L W McCONNELL Druggist City Schools Savings Plan Lincoln recently instituted a sav ings department in the city schools which is destined to be a success On the opening day of the department seven hundred boys and girls of the city made their first deposit the to tal aggregating between five and six hundred dollars This opens up an interesting field in which may be taught not only sav ing but minor business methods to the children of the public schools The details of the system as prac tised in the Lincoln public schools are simple and easy but practical and the results cannot fail to be beneficial For Rent Suit of two outside rooms in Electric theatre buildirjj Just the thing for offices or for light house keeping Equipped with gas stove and heated 1400 per month Also one single room in same building will rent with furniture is desired very reasonable McCOOK HARDWARE CO Washingtons Birthday The banks closed restricted post office hours the schools held spec ial exercises and a few business men closed their stores during part of the day these with limited hours in rail road offices and shops constituted the observance of the day dedicated to the Father of His Country Steel Fence Posts are now handled by us in connection with the American Fence These posts are heavily galvanized so they do not rust and they will not rot or burn Let us sell you at least a trial lot of these posts McCOOK HARDWARE CO The Main Store On the Main Street If it is the freshest and best in gro ceriea fruits vegetables etc you seek look no further than Hubers Good Money in chickens Get an Old Trusty In cubator at McCook Hardware Cos at factory prices and start right Subscribe for The Tribune For special on dill sour and sweet pickles see Magner Engineer Walter Stokes had one of his periodical birthdays Wednes day and on that evening a few choice Spirits assembled at the Stokes domicile and celebrated the event It was a stag party A robust seven oclock dinner was the big end of the program - 2BC23feJi2EJ uw mirTrT in i i llIIIIlrr Jivr - ii i ii i - B TEMPLE THEATRE TUESDAY FEB 28 OUR ALMA MATER A College Comedy With Music 50-PEOPLE-50 SEATS NOW ON SALE AT McCONNELLS 50c THE HIGH SCHOOL DEBATE Was Enjoyed by a Goodly Audience of Interested Citizens Last Friday evening was decided who shall represent the McCook high school in the league debates this year Cecil McMillen Maurice Benjamin and Joseph Moore Jr will compose the team with Miss Ora Stewart as alternate The question debated was Resolv ed That the United States navy should be maintained at its present standard rather than substantially in creased Nine members of the high school engaged in the debate Affirmative Joseph Moore Jr Charles Meeker Jr Carroll Eldred Arthur ORourke Negative Cecil McMillen Hazel Nor- ris Maurice Benjamin Fred Amsden and Ora Stewart The judges were Supt Dunlap of the Cambridge schools Mr Gibbs of the Trenton schools and John Rice of this city Mr Rice delivered the de cision giving the debate to the neg ative side and constituting the above participants the debating team for i the school The debate was interesting the Working Up a Class Mr Stump of the A O U W is in the city arriving Tuesday to work c nMnfnc tlloWnrt AT LEAST look at McConnells wall paper before you decide on the paper for your home Quality and price courtesy and promptness in delivery are making for success at the McCook Flour and Feed Store All grades of Oxford flour and each sack guaranteed at the McCooi Flour and Feed Store Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee and be happy At Hubers only eday work of those engaged so good in quality that the judges admitted some difficulty in determining who were winners and entitled to the honor of representing the citty school in the coming debates At this program the High school orchestra made its first publc a pearance It deserves credit for the showng which was made on such short notice the orchestra having been organized cnly tluve weeks The picceeds were 2120 March 4th in McCook the squads from McCook and Indianola will have a debate in the further work of elim ination On the same date deDates will be held at Trenton between Cul bertson and Trenton and between Minden and Cambridge Franklin and Beaver City The final winers among these teams will reprseent this district in the state oratorical contest McCook has some good timber and heres hoping we are on the state team Childrens Rompers 25c 39c and 50c Childrens gingham dresses 29c The Thompson D G Co Utmost Value for Cash The McCook Tribune 100 a year ADMINISTRATORS SALE I Will Sell All of the S N Wilson Livery Stock Two stallions one automobile one barn at private sale Call or write if you mean business M O McCLURE Administrator A Correction The Peperell grade of wide sheet ing was advertised by us in last weeks paper at 25c for the ter unbelached Tiie price snouiu have read 23 cents The 9 quarter bleached is 28c in our store a saving of 2c to 5c for you 42 inch Pillow Tubing 19 c The Thompson D G Co Utmost Value for cash aaasruammrr i wmjJUJJMmnHtu Half Price on Cloaks Ladies Long Coats Misses long coats Ladies jacket suits all at half price 1500 ones for 750 500 ones for 250 200 ones for 100 The Thompson D G Co Ut most value for cash Ground bone at Edwads Meat Mar ket 3c per pound Liquid Smoke full pint bottles at 40c per bottle C R WOODWORTH Druggist up - Hubers coffee cannot be beat man insurance oruer me uaie oi m j vi Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents wuunibwiuy and WeddJng Breakfast heads the Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee ttv 10 ov1hovo jiont in ATcCloo list for the unexcelled Barrington Hall coffees Priced at 20c per pound 25c and 35c At LADIES For a nice hair dressing one that is not sticky or gummy and one that is antiseptic and death to dandruff one that will not discolor the hair but en liven it to its natural soft and silky condition you should use HIRSUTONE If you havent tried it we think your neighbor has Dont wait until your scalp gets dry and scaly but commence to use Hirustone now 50c per bottle of C R WOODWORTH vein ii Special Music 3 4 THURSDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 23 1911 MCCOOK RED WILLOW COUN1Y NEBRASKA Druggist Church SERMON SUBJECT RULING WOMANHOOD Washington Day Program i Appropriate exercises in oration of the day were held in the high school at nine oclock a m The senior class took charge of the pro- gram and decorations Tfle room and pictures were beautifully decorat ed with large flags The following is the program Music Selected High School Or chestra Song America High School Instrumental Duet Deborah Heck man Elsie Moore Vocal Solo Mrs Kleve Address Rev Goldsmith Song Star Spangled Banner by School The lower grades marched into the auditorium and participated Colorado Nebraska Highway An earnest effort is being made by the state of Colorado to secure an extension of their state road on east through Nebraska and is is evident ly their desire to have said road continued on east from Holyoke to Imperial thence on down the French man valley to the Republican valley and thence on east This action should and doubtless will meet with the hearty cooperation of the towns cities and counties of this section of Nebraska to which such a highway would mean much Special Meeting Board Education The board called for a special meeting at the superintendents of fice at eight oclock All members of the board and Supt Taylor were present Estimates were presented for shower baths hot and cold water Motion made seconded and carried that shower baths be put in the basement not to exceed 5500 and as much less as possible February 18 1911 C W BARNES Secretary A Notable Gavel Henry T Clark of Omaha the first Master Mason made in Nebraska has presented McCook lodge No 135 A F A M with a gavel made from wnnri taken from the mission house built in 1810 with money provided by John Jacob Astor This house missionary purposes at was built for Bellevue Nebraska This gavel will be a treasure in the lodge American Beauty Corsets are without a peer The skill em rvori in designing the perfection at tained in the making the gathering cfi all points of excellence into one pre mier make are found only in the American Beauty Satisfaction guaranteed after 30 refunded anteed or money days actual wear For sale only by The Thompson D G Co Utmost Values Palmer House Will Change This week J H Stephens closed a deal for the purchase of the furniture and equipment of the Palmer house of which he will assume charge on Monday March 6th Mr Stevens has had experience of restaurant business and years in the will no doubt succeed in this new venture j Fireless Cookers cook the food but not the cook full alum Jewel Fireless Cookers are inum lined and have vessels of the nm material Call and see them If you want the best get the Jewel McCOOK HARDWARE CO Below Zero Weather Notwithstanding the bright days this week we have had several days of zero and below weather Tuesday morning four below was reported and Wednesday was as cold if not colder NUMBER 39 IT IS ESSENTIAL That your money be placed where it is absolutely safe where the financial resources of the institution are large where the management is con servative yet progressive where you have confidence in the men directing its affairs men who have made a success of their individual affairs SUCH AN INSTITUTION IS THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehx V Pres C J OBrien Csbx DIRECTORS J J Loughran P F McKenna CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS Episcopal Quinquagesima Sunday February 26th Sunday school at 10 Usual services at 11 a m and 8 p m Ash Wednesday March 1st Lit any and penitential office with short address at 10 a m Short service for children at 330 Service and ad dress at 730 Service and address at I 730 Choir rehearsal at S For Rent 240 acres 3 miles north of McCook About 60 acres in cultivation balance hay Would like to have spring wheat sown on cultivated land Only relia ble parties need apply furnishing ref erences ED L PARIS South Auburn Neb Half Price on Furs Every scarf cut in two Every muff severed in the middle Every cravat every set every 4-in-hand rent into twain as to the price We invite you to the benefits The Thompson D G Co Utmost service For Sale A relinquishment of 2S0 acres five miles from town Must sell because of ill health O RIGHTSELL Wray Colo The King Corn Silo will give you green June pasture feed in January and save you forty per cent of the value of your com crop Let us tell you how you can be supplied with a good silo McCOOK HARDWARE CO Class Social The Young Peoples class of the Congregational church will give a social in the church on Saturday eve ning February 23th There will be a program and refreshments Admis sion 10 cents Washing MachineTim is now and the kind to buy is the One Minute or Motor guaran teed for 5 years McCOOK HARDWARE CO Christian Science Morning subject jr for next Sunday will be Christ Jesus Get our RATES on FARM LOANS DORWART BARGER Money to Loan on Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store For sanitary meats call 62 McConnell fills prescriptions Self raising pancake flour at Mag ners Everything Market in meats at Edwards That ground bone at Edwards Meat market certainly makes the hens lay eggs and look at the price of eggs II ill U r n ii Bur V NoAVflM h NTs EslE9 - v xl vPQECtv SPRING FASHIONS in mens suits and top coats show many changes from the styles of last season If you pretend to be up to date in your apparel you will have to have a new outfit OUR TAILORING will insure style class finish and wear Better order now for spring weather is likely to come any day LINEBURG CO