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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1911)
S r A ifi K h - j IUI1I TWENTY NINTH YEAR Ccish DEPARTMENT We have added to our Store for the benefit of those who pay cash a department of Mens and Ladies very good shoes which we guaranteefor 9 O 4jfJ a 9 e These shoes are sold on a very close margin 1 VIERSEN CORNER MAIN AND B ST REPAIRING Your Doctor Knows when ho says he knows McConnells drugs are both pure and of standard strength He means just that He takes no chances whatever and never hesitates to pay the cost of making sure He is sure of definite results from the remedies McConnell sup plies Lost Gold chain and locket with mono gram MPH on locket Leave at Stoll Cos jewelry store for re ward It The Main Store On the Main Street If it is the freshest and best in gro ceries fruits vegetables etc you seek look no further than Hubers The Only Union Made overalls in the city are the Carhart Huber is the exclusive agent Also jackets and caps The phone is 97 For Rent February 1st the room under the Commercial hotel office A F COMINGS Paper Napkins 5c a Dozen Dennisons fast color paper napkins for 5c a dozen at The Thompson D G Cos Utmost Value For Sale Two good hydrants and metal bath tub as good as new cheap Dr C L Fahnestock phone 123 For Sale Fine residence lot Very cheap Easy terms C F Lehn For special on sauer kraut by the gallon see Magner Everything in drugs McConnell Pure Gold flour from winter wheat at Magners St Valentines Day that time for the exchange of friendly and loverly tokens A of yourself in artistic finish or on post cards a natural easy picture full of character i s most fitting and up-to-date To be secured at the studio of E Schell Kimmell PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER First Door North of Commercial Hotel Phone Red 428 SPENT LAST WEEK IN OMAHA A N Lineburg of Lineburg Co Adopts New System and Gets Latest in Tailoring A N Lineburg spent all of last week in the city of Omaha investi gating the latest styles and methods in tailoring in the big shops of that city While there he bought and has adopted a new system of cutting and fitting a late and approved system which will be appreciated no doubt by his many patrons in McCook and vicinity He also spent some time inspecting the great dry cleaning shops of hat city and corner home better prepared than ever before to give the icople here the benefit of the latest results in the popular dry cleaning business Mr Lineburg is now prepared for the spring work in his line with the latest styles and materials DEATH CALLS A THIRD TIME Thomas Coyle Answers the Summons the Third Member of the Coyle Family Within Two Weeks Thomas Coyle passed away last Saturday morning after an illness of about two weeks commencing with pneumonia but ending in a fatal combination of other maladies His death makes the third member of the Coyle family to pass away within two weeks an extraordinary record of fatality all of them being taken down with pneumonia Thomas Coyle was born in Nebras ka Cit3 and came here with the fam ily in 1SSS where he lias since lived Services were conducted in St Pat ricks church last Monday morning Rev Win Patton O M I celebrant Interment followed in Calvary ceme tery The House of a Thousand Candles Chicago has a woman dramatic crit ic who is one of the best known the atrical writers on the American press This woman Miss Amy Leslie has for a number of years been the critic on the Chicago Daily News and the the atre goers of that city rely strongly upon her criticisms of a new play be fore purchasing their seats In speaking of The House of a Thousand Candles the attraction at the Temple Theatre McCook on next Thursday Feb 23d Miss Leslie says The audience at the Garrick liked the play and there will be many many audiences that will go wild over it The House of a Thousand Candles is a dramatization of Meredith Nich olsons famous novel of the same title and was originally produced at the Jjaiy s xneaire sew rum ijilv wueiu it ran four weeks and was then trans ferred to The Hackett Theatre where it ran for the balance of the season 21 Ounces for 44 Cents 21 ounces of raw cotton is worth 21c T hinlr of spinning that quantity then weaving it dying it cutting it out by a pattern sewing it up adding drill pockets buttons trimmings find ings and then think of us retailing the garments mens good stout 21 oz overalls for 44 cents We do it and sell the jackets to match for same price Yes of course its cash here Thats why we can do it The Thompson D G Co One price plain figures cash only Look for Early Resumption The recent visit of First Vice Pres ident Byram in Lincoln stirs Lincoln headquarters men to the expectation that through passenger service may bo resumed at any date all the trains taken off recently being replaced in service Heartfelt Appreciation We wish to express to our friends our heartfelt appreciation for the sympathy and many kindnesses ex tended to us during our bereavement Signed Mr and Mrs Griffin and family John Ann and Kate Coyle A Slight Fire Fire in a stack of hay on the prem ises of William Unger over on 2nd street west last evening called out the department It was soon extin guished with slight damage or loss- Stetson Hats 369 The genuine John B Stetson hats for 369 at the Thompson D G Cos Utmost Value cannot come phone and we will call for them C R WOODWORTH Druggist - ivMav w f i jgfasassmaiissxitattisssr PAINT WITH A DURABLE PAINT SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT Its time to investigate paint and painting costs if you are going to give your home a new coat this spring You can buy paints at a variety of prices Bear in mind however that extremely low prices of materials gen erally results in an expensive job of painting Be sure you get durable paint some thing that will afford protection to your buildings for years We sell such paint and our prices are low con sidering the quality of the goods THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS READY MIXED PAINTS VARNISHES ENAMELS STAINS WHITE LEAD OILS DRYERS TUR PENTINE BRUSHES OF ALL KINDS AND EVERYTHING ELSE IN PAINTERS SUPPLIES We can give you interesting paint figures and facts See us before painting L W McCONNELL Druggist Resumed Practice Here Dr Duncan has resumed the prac tice of medicine in the city and may now be found in his old quarters upstairs over the White House gro cery in the Stern brick Main avenue Perfection Oil Cook Stoves are now ready at McCook Hardware Cos You surely will want one of thejre for the summer and you might as well commence now They save you money For Sale A relinquishment of 280 acres five miles from town Must sell because of ill health For Rent Desirable suite rooms Five and pll with steam heat and other im provements All outside rooms with exclusive use of hall and stairway Al1 rooms face on B street McCOOK HARDWARE CO On Bargain Square Ladies light weight silver grey fleece lined Union Suits on Bargain Square at 19c each The Thompson D G Co Utmost Value Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee Huber is exclusive agent in McCoo1 for the unexcelled Barrington Hall coffees Priced at 20c 25c and 35c per poand I will sell my fine quarter sawed oak buffet latest style of design for 2500 if taken this week A F COMINGS Commercial Hotel quality and price courtesy and promptness in delivery are making for success at the McCook Flour and Feed Store All grades of Oxford flour anJ each sack guaranteed at the McCook Flour and Feed Store Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee and be happy At Hubers only For special on dill sour and sweet pickles see Magner 1 SSSiJ EDGAR FULTON COUSE AT REST Interment Was Made On Last Satur day Afternoon in Riverview Cemetery This City Last Saturday afternoon at two oclock brief services were held at the residence 811 3d street west Rev L E Lewis officiating and many friends paying a tribute of respect to the memory of the one gone on befon by their presence and sympathy Af ter the home service the remains were interred in Riverview cemetery of this city Edgar Fulton Couse was born in Woodstock Illinois August 17th 1858 Died in McCook Nebraska February 9th 1911 Was married to Louise Butler March 28th 18SS He is sur vived by his wife seven children Troy E Paul H Owen F Helen L Philip A Roger B and Beulah E and two sisters Mrs O C Murphy oi Callaway Nebraska and Mrs Werner Boecklin Jr of New York City Departed was among the very earl iest settlers of this part of Red Willow county He was one of the old guard Though in ill health for years he has been a man of energy and has been one of the successful farmers of this section He was highly re garded by many friends The be reaved wife and children have tender sympathy of all Am A 2 bu Seamless Bags 22c What boy in the class can speak Tight up and tell who sells them at that One Prici plain figures cash only You will be fond of the brand Try the Flag brand canned goods sold by O RIGIITSELL Wray Colo j DeGroff Co TO TRIBUNE SUBSCRIBERS We are ntw at work mailing out to subscribers notices of quent subscriptions also for subscriptions in advance to January sir 1312 J This is the last notice delinquent subscribers will receive from The Tribune office for delinquent subscriptions that is for sub til scriptions up to January 1st 1911 Such accounts unpaid will on March 1st 1911 be placed with a regular collection agency We hope as many as can will promptly renew their tions for the year 1911 that is up to January 1st 1912 tions are payable in advance and must be paid at least at some iml within the current year THE PUBLISHER YOU MUST GET A MOVE ON YOU HURRY HURRY Everybody is hurrying to McConnells Wall Paper Room to see the new spring papers before the assortment is broken Hut dreds of patterns to choose from and we guarantee to please you Ground bone at Edwads Meat Mar ket 3c per pound That pork sau5L e at Edwaics Meat Maket is certainly good Bring your prescription to us and we will fill them correctly If you Hubers coffee cannot be beat Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents and Wedding Breakfast heads the list t Z Z4 Z1 J4 I C C4 J Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Cf Farmers and Ranchmen We will give you free of charge the U S government receipt for killing prairie dogs if you wisli it It works fine We can tell you of a responsi 4 ble ranchman who exterminated an entire town of the little pests with but one application We have the drugs to fill the receipt with but you can suit yourself about that t C R WOODWORTH Druggist xittjiiiciiCi4icti4 Sunday Evening At Congregational Church SERMON SUBJECT Special Music 22rv The Immediate Decision Zxzzz I- WILL GIVE NIGHT SERVICE Traffic Manager Cole Looks Over the Situation Here and Will Ma terially Increase Our Express Facilities The McCook Commercial club re cently took up the matter of securing for McCook increased and improved express facilities Night service was desired and other conseccions The committee having in charge this mat ter received ready response from the Adams Express Co Their traffic manager Mr Cole was in the city Monday and went over the situation carefully to the end that he promised night service and other minor conces sions and improvements in the express service at this point This announcement will be welcom ed especially by those of our busi ness men who have calls for night business with the express company The local express representatives are pleased with the prospect of bet terment and enlargement of service Washington Dinner and Supper To be served in the basement of the M E church Feb 22 1911 DINNER 35c Roast Turkey with Dressing Roast Beef Brown Gravy Cranberry Sauce Jelly Mashed Potatoes Escalloped Corn Cabbage Salad Pickles White Bread Brown Bread Celery Cheese Mince Pie Pumpkin Pie Apple Pie Coffee Tea SUPPER 25c Cold Sliced Meat Hot Croquettes Escalloped Potatoes Baked Beans Cold Slaw Pickles Fruit Salad Assorted Cake Tea Coffee A Classy Social Affair One of the sparkling social affairs of ths winter was the return dance tendered the j oung men of the Junior Dancing club by the young ladies who have enjoyed the clubs dances during the winter The dance was held in the Monte Cristo hall Monday even ing and naturally took on the char acteristics of St Valentines approach ing day hence the hall was cheer fully and appropriately decorated wit hearts and other emblems and de signs of the day Refreshments were served at The Bon Ton twenty couples enjoying the dainty spread Heart shaped sand wiches ice cream etc further car ried out the scheme of the season Wide Sheetings 25c Thats for the S quarter unbleached of the Peperell quality The 9 quartci bleached is 28c The bleached pillow tubing is 19c Hope bleached muslin 10c Lonsdale 12 c Good unbleach ed muslin oc The Thompson D G Co Utmost Value Notice To all persons concerned I will be responsible ONLY for debts that I personally contract Mrs Louise B Couse McCook Nebraska Feb 16 1911 I Vill Sell All my private furniture very cheap Parlor suit buffet parlor and library table easy chairs chiffonier etc A F COMINGS Commercial Hotel Had a Good Patronage The dance held by the Boys Or chestra in the Armory Tuesday night was well patronized by a nice com pany They Need It Everybody needs it some of that new wall paper that is being shown in McConnells wall paper room Half Price on Furs and Cloaks Also on Ladies Jacket Suits at The Thompson D G Cos Utmost Value Magic Clothes Cleaner removes grease and any spots from the most dainty fabrics 25 cents Everything in meats at Edwards Market The Flag brand of canned goods stands for purity and excellence Try them Sold by DeGroff Co That ground bone at Edwards Meat market certainly makes the hens lay eggs and look at the pric8 of eggs fJrs - j T a McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 16 1911 79k - NUMBER 38 IT IS ESSENTIAL That your money be placed where it is absolutely safe where the financial resources of the institution are large where the management is con servative yet progressive where you have confidence in the men directing its affairs men who have made a success of their individual affairs SUCH AN INSTITUTION IS TTTP I McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cshr DIEECTOHS J J Loughran P F McKenna CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS Christian Science Subject for Sun day morning Februay 19 Mind Congregational Morning sermon subject The Cost of the Priceless Evening The Immediate Decision Episcopal Sexagesima Sunday Feb 19 Holy Communion at 8 Introit Psalm 24 hymn 221 Nunc Dim Sun day school at 10 Morning prayer and sermon at 11 Evening prayer and ser mon at S Service and choir rehearsal every Wednesday evening Appreciates Good Work The following letter explains itself The compliment is enjoyed by Treas urer Nadens friends no less than by the treasurer himself State of Nebraska Auditor of Pub lic accounts Lincoln Silas R Bar ton Auditor J W Shahan Deputy Feb 11 1911 C Naden Co Treas McCook Neb Dear Sir Enclosed please find receipt and clearance sheets Your settlement is strictly A No 1 first class in every respect which this department highly appre ciates and begs leave to thank you for it No better settlement has come this year from any county in tiie state than that from Red Willow county and it certainly does you credit Again thanking you for your excellent work Yours very truly Signed Silas R Barton By Wm M Wheeler bookkeeper For Rent 240 acres 8 miles north of McCook About 60 acres in cultivation balance hay Would like to have spring wheat sown on cultivated land Only relia ble parties need apply furnishing ref erences ED L PARIS South Auburn Neb Start Your Incubator Now but be sure it is an OLD TRUSTY and then you will have good results Suld at Factory prices by McCOOK HARDWARE CO Get our RATES on FARM LOANS DORWART BARGER Money to Lean on Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store For sanitary meats call C2 McConnell fills prescriptions Self raising pancake flour at Mag ners The McCook Tribune 100 a year 2 J I C Z Z t4 I4 J breath or disagreeable taste in Anyone troubled with foul the mouth due to decaying teeth or disordered stomach can find instant relief by the use of LYPTURINE 4 There is nothing better as an antiseptic mouth wash It is not poisonous and a little swallowed can do no harm Ex- cellent for sore throat Use 1 part diluted with four parts water 25c per pottle of I nil jivJ X C R WOODWORTH Druggist p 1