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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1911)
KImmell Studio TWENTY NINTH YEAR SHOE SALE FOR CASH Saturday January 21st -8 Days Mens Reeds and Huiskamp any many other Dress and Work 350 and 400 included Also Many Ladier 350 and 400 Dont miss this chance to get gocd shoes below first cost COME EARLY AND GET YOUR PICK Viersen Osborn Ganchow Bld 201 Main B MAKING BIG IMPROVEMENTS The Nebraska Telephone People Have Quite a Force Here Art Records is in the city with a force of eight men for the Nebras ka Telephone Co engaged in stretch ing about a mile of new cable for the companys telephone service in this city Eighty new numbers are being placed on the local switch board and extra equipment in the main frame at Central Next May the company will install another panel in the local switch board The improvements now under way by the company will mean the expen diture of about 600000 and will place McCook in the van of Nebras ka cities of its class in telephone equipment and service The Main Store On the Main Street If It is the freshest and best in gro ceries fruits vegetables etc you seek look no further than Hubers The Only Union Made overalls in the city are the Carhart Huber Is the exclusive agent Also jackets and caps The phone Is 97 WANTED Copy of Standard Atlas of Red Willow county Nebraska 1905 Re port to this office For Rent February 1st the room under the Commercial hotel office A F COMINGS Pure Gold flour from winter wheat at Magners Everything in drugs McConnell The McCook Tribune It is 100 the year in advance The McCook Tribune 100 a year mWMm 3493 Simplfcity is often more ef fective than the most elaborate pose You can see proof of it in the sample photos to be seen at this stu dio any day We Take the Photos as you want them however You select the attitude you prefer We will do our best lo make it the best photograph you have ever had taken FirssDoor Iforth of Commercial Hotel A NEW CLOTHING FIRM muwm Am Z a Jr m m A lV A Galusha Son Buy the Drebert Clothing Co Store Last Thursday the Drebert Cloth ing Cos business was purchased by Galusha Son of Lincoln Nebraska who at once assumed possession of the store A Galusha the senior member is quite well known here particularly by lodge men as he has always taken great interest in all the Masonic bodies and has been secretary of the finance committee of the Ancient Order of United Workmen of Nebras ka for years They are both experienced clothing men having been in the clothing bus iness at Red Cloud for 20 years and they propose to give McCook one of the leading clothing stores of the state Their plans will be unfolded from time to time in the columns of The Tribune Fisher Perkins Dissolve Wednesday of this week the part nership of Fisher Perkins in the Model Shoe Store was dissolved by mutual consent Mr Fisherss health has been so undermined by confine ment that he found it necessary to retire from business He will re main in the city however and in time may return to active business of some kind Mr Perkins takes over the busi ness and associates with him in the store Mr Eb Sawyer the old re liable chief clerk of the store and the firm name will hereafter be Perk ins Sawyer Accounts against the old firm of Fisher Perkins will be paid by the new firm of Perkins Sawyer Ac counts owing the old firm will be col lected by the old firm at the store of the new firm The new member of the firm is a thoroughly experienced shoe man and with Mr Perkins will make a strong team in the business TO SAVE LABOR TIME AND MONEY Thats what you want to do when you remodeL repaint or paiper jour home We have the largest stock of wall paper that was ever shown in Western Nebraska and can show you designs for your rooms in the va rious colorings of the most artistic patterns We have the paper in stock so you can get it the day you make your selection and further more if you do not care to come to the store to pick out your paper we will be glad to send the sample books to your home where you can make a selection without the trouble of com ing down town We guarantee satsiafction and will be glad to show you our wall paper samples L W McCONNELL Druggist REMNANT WALL PAPER SALE We are selling at bargain prices while they last a good assortment of one oom Wall Paper Remnants It will pay you to call and see litem A McMILLEN Druggist CAN YOU SPARE THAT HEADCHE One tiose of McConnells Headache Capsules and it will go 25 cents for twenty doses No Tannic Acid in You Coffee when you use one of our PERCOLA TORS Positively the best way to make good coffee McCOOK HARDWARE CO At a Bargain 6 room cottage inside property Must sell in January D W Colson McMillen prescription druggist McConnell for drugs Oh you white slippers For sanitary meats calls 62 That pork sau3ie at Edward Meat Maket is certainly good McCook city schoool teachers seem to be in demand -elsewhere over the state and outside of the state as well In canned vegetables nothing choic er can be purchased than the Flag brand C L DeGroff Co sell them in McCook All kinds i ir 1 Ji Ar MCCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENING JANUARY 26 1911 EDWARDS BROTHERS wish to thank their many patrons for their continued patronage and many favors since their opening about two months ago While there have been times in the past when long waits seemed to be the order yet it has been our intention to give the best service possible and we are glad to say the people of McCook have been very patient and have helped and en couraged us greatly 1 We have been able to engage a good up-to-date meat cutter of ex- perience and will endeavor to give all the best service obtainable in Mc Cook or elsewhere Two months ago we had price lists printed and some said at that time we c uld not sell at those prices and exist We have now a new price list and would like you to compare the old with the new You will find some things have been even lowered but no price has been raised We are now buying our beef stock from J M Somerville southwest of McCook who is corn feeding about 150 head for us All of these will be fed from 50 to 100 days before using Our hogs come a few at a time from the surrounding country and are nev er allowed to stay at the slaughter house before being killed thus avoid ing that taste which we all know so well Our standard is quality first cleanliness always You will find our delivery boy is as courteous and accommodating as can be found in the city We are selling at a pretty close margin now As the price of live stock drops in grass time we will slinw vrm nripoc wbiVb hnrn Tinf haani I For Rent One nice steam heated room in the Electric theatre building Very onable McCOOK HARDWARE CO Do You Have Cold Feet Use one of McMillens Good Val ue hot water bottles For special on dill sour and sweet pickles see Magner Ground bone at Edwads Meat Mar ket 3c per pound If you feel you want to be shown In the matter of quality go to the McCook Flour and Feed Store Hubers coffee cannot be beat Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents and Wedding Breakfast heads the list heard of in McCook for ten years or more It is not our intention to handle the whole meat trade of McCook yet with the ice machinery and equip ment which we will install we will be capable of handling everything for the next five years Instead of coming in next July or August and carrying home a piece of meat which has just been killed and cut up you will be able to call for and get a piece of meat of any kind thai will come out as cold as ice Spoiled meat will be a thing of the past as we will be able with our mod ern Up-to-date methods and machin ery to keep meat almost at a freez ing point and to freeze it if neces sary We feel that McCook is entitled to the best and that the best we can do will be none too good Those large open faced scales are another feature The white clean wagon another We never use our meat wagon for anything else but hauling meat No rubbish there Located at present time at 106 South Main avenue You will know the place because the doors are al ways swinging Phone 62 Deliveries Main town 8 9 and 11 oclock a m East West and South McCook 10 a m Afternoon Main town 3 and 5 East West and South McCook 4 oclock No more long waits as we are now prepared Watch our front door and see the fur fly Again thanking you we are yours for best meats EDWARDS BROS Up-to-the-Minute Meat Dealers Subscriptions If you want to subscribe for or re new your subscription to any daily paper or magazine call on me and I will save you money BARNEY HOFER McCook News Co Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee Huber is exclusive agent in McCoo for the unexcelled Barrington Hall coffees Priced at 20c 25c and 35c per pound I will sell my fine quarter sawed oak buffet latest style of design for 2500 if taken this week A F COMINGS Commercial Hotel The Flag brand of tomatoes peas beans sweet potatoes etc Try them at DeGroff Cos DELINQUENCIES AND RENEWALS 4J4 4 Attention of Tribune subscribers is called to the fact that al 4J4 j delinquent subscriptions for the year 1910 must be paid at once This the governments postal rules make imperative As subscriptions are payable in advance renewals for the year 1911 should be sent in as promptly as possible Kindly give j this your attention THE PUBLISHER The Flag brand of canned fruits sold by C L DeGroff Co is the last word in the canned fruit line Nothing better Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee and be happy At Hubers only To hear Tom Smith chuckle softly is better than a pill For special on sauer kraut by the gallon see Magner McConnell fills prescriptions Night Shorthand pupils wanted Phone black 133 12- quality and price courtesy and promptness In delivery are making for success at the McCook Flour and Feed Store All grades of Oxford flour ana each sack guaranteed at the McCoolr Flour and Feed Store For special on home made mince meat see Magner Sunday Evening At- Congregational Church SERMON SUBJECT The Umpire1 Special Music GAS PLANT SOLD MONDAY Bought in by Some of the Old Stock holders of the Company Monday as advertised the McCook Gas Co plant was sold being pur chased by members of the old com- pany P Walsh holding the property as trustee The Tribune is advised that the new stockholders will reorganize in the near future and that the com pany expects to interest a practical gas man in the business which will then be developed and improved There seems to be room here for such a olant and The Tribune hopes to see the business developed into a successful enterprise for the city Many Enjoyed the Rosary The Temple theatre last Saturday night was the scene of one o the best shows yet witnessed in that new play house The Rosary has been loudly and thoroughly heralded and they met every reasonable expectation Thd play itself is different from anything before presented here with a mark edly accentuated religious and moral tend and was wiwthal quite a relief from some of the frivolous stuff now before the theatre going public The cast was strong the leading lady and Father Kelly making hits especially All in all it may be listed with the best yet given here Civil Service Examinations An examination will be held in the High School building on Febuary 11th for clerks and carriers for the McCook post office The civil serv ice offers many advantages to the young man who is willing to work Better investigate Also an examina tion will be held on April 4th for stenographers for all services in the U S Isthmian Canal and Philippines Information and blanks may be pro cured from E J Brady Local Sec retary at postoffice A New Milkman McCcck will have a new milkman next Monday morning when John Poh takes charge of the Markwad estab lishment This week he purchased the cows wagon cans etc from Mr Markwad and will conduct the busi ness hereafter hoping to secure a share of the patronage of the people of McCook Champion Corn Raiser John Herold a Pawnee county farmer holds the record for raising the largest amount of corn to the acre in Nebraska He won the first prize at the corn show by producing the re markable yield of 138 bushels and forty pounds of corn on it during the season of 1910 For Sale Fine lot of vigorous snappy pure bred Rhode Island Red and Buff Orph ington cockerels single comb Bred from best laying and prize winning strains Want to sell quick to make room Price 1 and 2 each MRS C P MEYERS Palisade Neb Box 108 26 4t I Will Sell All my private furniture very cheap Parlor suit buffet parlor and library table easy chairs chiffonier etc A F COMINGS Commercial Hotel Wash Day Pleasures is what they will be if you have a One Minute Washer McCOOK HARDWARE CO YES ITS A CURE McConnells Balsam ZIIZZIZ TAX NOTICE 4 All personal taxes for 1910 remaining unpaid February 1st i are subject to collection by tress Warrant To avoid these extra fees prompt payment 4J should be made at once 26 2t C NADEN Co Treas 44 J 44 44 J 44 44 J4 4 44 J4 44 444 4 4 4 For sanitary meats call 62 For special on simon pure lard see Magner Everything in meats at Edwards Market The Dorcas society of the Congre gational church will meet with Mrs F L Schwab on Thursday February 2nd NUMBER 35 DONT SPEND BEFORE YOU EARN How many of you owe your months wages before they are in your hands Look around you and see oth ers who earned no more than you do and see the competence in some cases the fortunes they have accumulated WHY CANT YOU LIKEWISE DO Study the matter out decide how much of each months sal ary you can save and then save it Not only this month and the next but every month Make a start today with THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehit V Pres C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTORS J J Loughran P F McKenna CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS Congregational Moning The Test of rGeatness Evening The Umpire There will be a business meeting of the church after the evening service All mem bers urged to be present Christian Science Love will be the subject for the morning service next Sunday Episcajpal Sunday January 29 Sunday school at 10 Morning prayer and sermon at 11 Evening prayer and sermon at 8 Wednesday February 1st at 730 Evening service and address 8 Choir rehearsal It will pay every German speaking lady and gentleman to hear one ser mon by the new minister Rev Henry Kauerz of the German Congregational church on 3rd street W Topic for next Sunday morning What kind of a Man Is He Evening Union ism Money in Chickens Start right with an Old Trusty Incubator We sell them at Factory prices 100 egg 980 150 egg 1250 Special prices on Incubators and Brooders Avhen sold together Sam ples now ready Give us your order early McCOOK HARDWARE CO Grind Your Feed It will go a third farther and repay your small investment many times We are making SPECIAL LOW PRIC ES ON GRINDERS McCOOK HARDWARE CO Get our RATES on FARM LOANS DORWART BARGER Money to Loan on Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store Self raising pancake flour at Mag ners The McCook Tribune 100 a year ITS EASY TO DISTINGUISH the man who wears our tailor made clothes He is always the most stylishly dressed man If you allow us to TAILOR FOR YOU we can improve your appearance without adding a great deal to your yearly clothing expense Right now is between seasons with us We are offering special inducements Stop in and we will show you our materials and tell you how surprisingly reasonable we can do your tailoring LINEBURG CO n