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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1911)
DANBURY Ray Ryan and wife came in Thurs day on the passenger They were married in Iown There are revival meetings at the M B church for two weeks H L Goodenberger and family were McCook visitors Wednesday Some of the members of the Ma sonic lodge went down to Beaver City Wednesday night C V Rogers and family from soutal of Marion were Danbury visitors on Wednesday T L Hughes of Lincoln was a business visitor Thursday A Chicago young woman who was engaged to a young man by the name of Carr ran away with a street car conductor In other words she chang ed cars It takes an awful lot of holding on to teacli a pretty girl to ride a bi cycle A number of Odd Fellows went to Wilronville Thursday night to a lodje meeting at that place J L Sims and H L Ruby returned home Friday from Kansas City where they attended an implement exhibi tion Mr and Mrs Wayne Ilethcote are the proud sjarents of a baby girl born January 14th Sam Dolph was a McCook visitor Thursday on business Mr and Mrs Bert Thomas arrived home on Saturday from Washington where they have been visiting the past three months Mr and Mrs Pierre MacFee ar rived home on Monday from Beaver City where they had been visiting Mrs RED WILLOW Taylor has been ill for sojio tune Miss Buker a trained nurse who has been with realtives at Freedom is nursing Mrs Taylor Miss Hughes was taken ill and had to leave school on Friday afternoon Mr Elmer slipped on the ice on his pond Friday morning and broke his ankle No school this week on account of the illness of the teacher Miss Oblinger made a hasty fare well call on friends Thursday evening Mrs Louis Longnecker was with her father on Sa turday and Sunday until Mrs Elmer returned from Den ver where she was visiting her daughter Mrs Longnecker has a fine fire less cooker and her propensity for burning her hands when cooking is carried on with the fireless Mrs Sexson is still quite sick GRANT Aug Wesch and wife went to Mc Cook Monday B W Benjamin Chas Wesch and James Bennett were McCook visitors Saturday Geo Schreiber and Miss Etta Wesch visited relatives in Oberlin Kansas Sunday We understand that Miss Louisa Wesch is the Beaver Valley Booster news reporter now A number of young people from here attended the dance at John Thomas near Perry last Saturday night Chas R Lee went to McCook on business Monday Buffalo McKenzie the junk man was around buying old iron and rub ber last week The tenant on the Bamesford farm up in Frontier county C D Ehlers died on Sunday of last week W B Whittaker was up first days of the week looking after his business affairs and arranging for his burial FOR CONSTIPATION A Medicine That Does Not Cost Any thing Unless It Cures The active medicinal ingredients of Rpxall Orderlies which are odorless tasteless and colorless is an entirely new discovery Combined with other extremely valuable ingredients it forms a perfect bowel regulator in testinal invigorator and strengthener Rexall Orderlies are eaten like candy and are noted for their agreeable ness to the palate and gentleness of action They do not cause griping or any disagreeable effect or inconven ience Unlike other preparations for a like purpose they do not create a habit but instead they overcome the cause of habit acquired through the use of ordinary laxatives cathartics and harsh physics and permanently re move th e cause of constipation or ir regular bowel action We will refund your money with out argument if they do not do as we say they will Two sizes 25c and 10c Sold only at our store The Rexall Store L W McConnell For either acute or chronic kidney disorders for annoying and painful urinary irregularities take Foleys Kidney Pills An honest and ef fective medicine for kidney and bladder disorders A McMillen K HAS m SUBSTITUTE SSI w jagg - Absolutely Pure The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Gream of Tartar FOR THE STOMACH Heres An Offer You Should Not Over look Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets remedy stomach troubles by supplying the one element the absence of which in the gastric juices causes indiges tion and dyspepsia They aid the stomach to digest food and to quick ly convert it into rich red blood and material necessary for overcomin natural body waste Carry a package of Rexall Dyspep sia Tablets in your vest pocket or keep them in your room Take one after each heavy meal and indigestion will not bother you We know what Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are are what they will do We guarantee them to relieve indiges tion and dyspepsia If they fail we will refund your money Three sizes 25 cents 50 cents and 100 Remem ber you can obtain Rexall Remedies only at The Rexall Store L W Mc Connell A Hot Offer The Lincoln Daily News will be mailed from now until April 1st for only 25 cents giving you all of the legislative news right straight from the capital city A bigger offer yet is a combination of the Lincoln Daily News Weekly Independent Farmer and Monthly Poultry Topics all three mailed to one or separate addresses from now until AJpril 1 1912 for only 225 not much more than half price A splendid big family daily newspape clean as a whistle and bright and snappy a sixteen page weekly farm and home magazine and a monthly poultry paper full of practical talk about chicken raiting Reading for all members of the family and you save the money by buying all three of them at once Address The Daily News Lincoln Neb Rural School Ruling The State Department of Educa tion will permit rural schools under certain conditions to offer ninth grade subjects and will recognize the grades earned as high school grades In order to gain this recognition 1 The teacher must hold a first grade certificate or must have completed the work of a twelve year school 2 The school must be properly equipped o The attendance must he small enough so as to allow ample time for recitations in the higher subjects 4 The application for permission must be made by the county super intendent and recommended by him Real Estate Filings The following real estate filingj have been made in tho county clerks Fred Nelson and Arthur W Single to O R Levine wd to n nwVi of 21-1-30 2000 0 John H Thomas et us to Eu gent II Grisby wd to 5 in 4 4th add to McCook 2500 00 Robert D Mann et ux to J J Walter wd se se I 1 00 Ella Lee et cons to C H Boyle wd to 1 in 3 Cth Mc Cook 400 0 John F Cordeal trustee to The City of McCook wd to 15 in 10 McCook G50 00 Association and Contest The county meeting of the Red Willow County Teachers association will be held at Batley Saturday Feb niary 25 Pupils spelling contest at the same time Everybody invited Huber handles the Carhartt gloves and caps also and a full line of other makes The McCook Tribune 100 a year Mages Leading Wonder Worker j J C5f the Ste gggjg HE illusions ol stageciaft are constantly a marvel to those before the cur tain Despite newspaper and magazine arti cles showing the manufacture ol thunder gallop ing horses and other effects that have been so plentifully exposed by illustrations the public still views them with awe and enthusiasm Probably the premier among stage illusions is Claude L Ilagen who con structed the stage of the New theater New York and is technical director ol all its effects Mr Ilagens career has been a long one and a catalogue of his achievements reads like a procession of theatrical reminiscences to almost any playgoer of the present day For instance Mr Ilagen was the in ventor of many of the tricks and illu sions used by Alexander Herrmann the first of the celebrated trio of magi cians of that name Then there were the sumptuous productions of Cleo patra and Gismonda by Fanny Davenport Afterward Mr Hagen was connected with the theatrical syndicate that produced Ben Hur for which he invented the world famous chariot race scene Later Mr Hagen pro duced this at the Drury Lane theater In London where it scored an immedi ate success So great was the en- j thusiasm that Mr Hagen was given the singular honor of being the only man in his line of business during the CLAUDE Ij UAGEV houses 140 years of history who had been forced to appear before the cur tain in response to the demands of the audience to personally show their ap proval of the wonderful mechanism that spelled success for the Lew Wal lace dramatization Then being overworked Mr Ilagen thought he would try something light er and emigrated to Coney Island As a result of this change of base the famous fire spectacle entitled Fight ing the Flames appeared and has since been seen from the Atlantic to the Pacific Then came the call to the New theater the contribution of the artistic wealthy to the cleansing of the drama with its opportunity for strug gling playwrights With such a theatrical record it would seem as if Mr Ilagen must have been literally born on the stage Instead he Is a native of Chicago and spent his boyhood in Minneapolis Philadelphia and Kansas City arriv ing at the Missouri burg in 1871 when to use his own words the town was practically a brickyard But he entered the theatrical business there and erected several theaters for capitalists during his stay Then he began his wanderings which have car ried him all over the United States and into some foreign countries as well One of tho best of the specimens of the Hagen handicraft at the New the ater is the revolving stage probably unsurpassed in America if not all oth er countries as well The idea is not claimed as original by Mr nagen who said in explaining its workings The first revolving stage was in use during the sixteenth century by the Japanese It was merely a round turntable Since then various modifi cations have been devised Tho stage of the New theater is a distinct type Inasmuch as it revolves moves back ward and forward or transversely and up and down as a whole or in parts It also permits sections of the trans verse stage to be dropped and the rest of the sections to be opened so as to form sinks or cuts through which to lower whole sections This stage enables us to reduce to a minimum the tima between scenes WAS OBEYING ORDERS1 testing of the tew boy HUMOROUS INCIDENT IN NEW YORK STREET CAR Twinkling Eyed Old Irishwoman Got Her Transfer Regardless of the Companys Rules What She Wanted It For When the street railway companies in New York posted notices that pas sengers desiring transfers must ask for them at the time of paying fare or otherwise forfeit right to receive them of course people constantly forgot The troubles of the street car employes were materially increased thereby except in occasional Instances The conductor on an Amsterdam avenue car was one day accosted by a quaint little twinkling eyed old woman who demanded her thransfer You should have asked me when you paid he objected Sure but I thried to do ut me bhoy she said her innate friendli ness overflowing In a smile but ye wuz that quick n lolveiy yed sthepped off befure I cud say a wurrud The conductors evidently reserved the right to make exceptions This one was a good natured looking young man indeed by this time every one about had begun to look good natured All right grandma he said jovi ally Ill give you one this time What other line do you want Whut line she repeated doubtful ly I dont wan anny other line Dont you know where you want to go Dont I know Well listen to the lmpidince of the bhoy will ye You see explained the bhoy laughing if you tell me where you want to go I know what transfer to give you Well if ye must know Im goin to git off at Wan Hundred n SIvinth athreet and go sthraight to me home wan block wist Well then what do you want with a transfer Whut do I Tls me own business that Sure taking him fully Into her confidence Ill be givin it mebby to roe little grandson Whin I git home hell be askln whut grandmas got for him the lamb But Now see here wanst me bhoy Danny thats me son he tould me per tlcKler to ask fer me thransfer whin payin me fare Tls the compnys ordhes says he An thats whut Im doin askln fer me thransfer Yeve been givin lvery wan else a thransfer an ye can hand me out mine widout so manny wurruds The conductor surrendered He se lected a red paper remarking That color will please the little grandson I guesB Then he went on made hap pier for the rest of the day Youths Companion Raising Their Cneck How is this for side said the photographer The other day I went into a crowded restaurant to take a noonday picture While I was focus ing the camera the leader of a party of men who had been sitting at a table that would show up plainest in the photograph asked the proprietor to make out a ten dollar check in big figures He did so Their own check of 465 for the bunch was hidden under a plate and the 10 check was laid down printed side up for photo graphic purposes only If the proprietor had not assured me to the contrary I should have set that down as the most flagrant in stance of snobbery on record He de clared that every time the interior of a restaurant is photographed some patron whose ambition 1b bigger than his pocketbook asks for a check big enough to cover his eating expenses for a week How Machinery Breathes An English writer on engineering subjects Mervyn OGorman calls at tention to the fact that a piece of ma chinery such as an automobile laid aside after being used is in danger of Internal rusting through a kind of respiration which affects cylinders gear boxes clutch chambers inter spaces in ball bearings and so forth Every inclosed air space breathes by drawing in air when a fall of tem perature contracts its walls and ex pelling it when the walls expand through heat The moisture Intro duced with the air is deposited in the cavities and may produce serious damage through rust The popular belief that oil will protect the inac cesslble parts of unused machinery Is fallacious since nearly all oils take up about three per cent of water in solution Youths Companion Even That Representative Nye of Minnesota has much of the wit of his lamented brother Bill Nye Himself a lawyer Representative Nye said at a lawyers banquet in Minneapolis Lawyers have grand reputations for energy and perseverance A lad said to his father one day Father do lawyers tell the truth Yes my boy the father answered Lawyers will do anything to win a case Serviceable Topic What is your opinion of the ini tiative and referendum It is flkely to prove very useful replied Senator Sorghum in helping to take my constituents minds off the tariff An Important lnfr ral Occasion at the Edge cf tre Od Swim- j ming Hole The boys knew very well how to take the conceit or vanity out of their comrades In the summer days all the boys of the village used to gather at a place on the river known as Thay ers swimming place about half a mile from the town pump which was the center from which all distances were measured in those days There was a little gravel beach where you could wade out a rod or two and then for a rod or two the water was over the boys head It then became shallow again from the opposite bank So it was a capital place to learn to swim After they came out the boys would sit on the bank and have a sort of boys exchange in which all matters of interest were talked over and a great deal of good natured chaff was exchanged Any newcomer had to pass through an ordeal of this char acter in which his temper and quality were thoroughly tried I remember now an occasion which must have hap pened when I was not more than eight or ten years old when a rather awk ward looking individual had come down from New Hampshire and made his appearance at the swimming place The boys one after another tried him by putting mocking questions or at tempting to humbug him with some story He received it all with patience and good nature until one remark seemed to sting him from his pro priety He turned with great dignity upon the offender and said Was that you that spoke or was It a pumpkin busted We all thought that It was well said and took him into high fa vor Senator Hoar in Boyhood in Concord Making Musical Instruments As a large share of the 1350000 import of musical Instruments Into tho United states last year came from Austria the following note on their manufacture may be of Inter est Musical instruments to the value of 152029 were shipped last year from the town of Graslitz in the Carlsbad consular district to the United States In 1908 the shipments amounted to 112299 and in 1907 to 178910 A large proportion of the Inhabitants of the village numbering about 15000 Ib engaged in the manufacture of brass horns trumpets bugles cym bals etc There are 11 concerns which employ 20 to 210 men in the factory and for which hundreds of men women and children work at home In addition there are 130 mas ter makers of musical Instruments who employ 756 workmen The total number engaged In the Industry is about 4000 The hours of labor in the factory are from 7 a m to 7 p m with half hour midmornlng and mldafternoon resting spells and an hour at noon for dinner The wages range from 243 to 609 a week de pending on the skill of the workman Consular Report The Waste cf the Wind Everyone who wants a cheap motive force has tried to harness the wind Every child has made a paper propel ler or a windmill But can it be said that the possible uses of the wind have been as arduously investigated as such recently discovered forces as steam and electricity and gases Is it not conceivable that the practical uses of the wind are underestimated just because they are so familiar We cannot help thinking that the wind will be more variously employed some day In the same way that proba blv the problem of laying under con tribution the great physical fact of the tides will be solved One would think that the wind could be used for electric lighting yet there is no prac tical apparatus for the purpose True the wind is variable and occasionally absent but as electricity can be stored one might suppose that this was the very case in which variabil ity did not particularly matter Lattice Screens for Inns Many quaint old inns are to be seen in Kings Lynn and the sign of the Lattice Inn is one of the oldest in existence In the olden times the win dows of inns were kept open and in order to hide the revelers within a lattice screen painted red was placed in the window There is an old say ing As well known by my wit as an alehouse by a red lattice The lat tices continued up to the beginning of the eighteenth century and when they disappeared from the windows they were adopted as signs The latter are getting very scarce and it is ques tionable whether half a dozen could be found in this country Cycling Aeroplanes It cannot be urged too strongly that no time should be lost in acquiring flying machines dirigible balloons as well as aeroplanes for the military service and engaging instructors to teach aviation France Germany England and Italy are rapidly train ing officers in the new means of reconnaissance and the United States has not yet made a respectable be ginning in the business or got beyond the experimental stage A Snake in the Grass Country Editor Im very sorry Jr Skinner that such an error crept Into our columns j Mr Skinner warmly Crept in SIch a pisenoua insinuation as that wuz must have wriggled in by heck - DAVID MAUL I Tuner of Pianos South McCook Leave orders with C C Brown in Rishels store I carry a complete line of hair goods Switches puffs and curls made from your combings L M CLYDE PHONE 72 Ill W B St UP STAIRS UPDIKE GRAIN CO handles the following POPULAR COALS Canyon City Lump Canyon City Nut Maitland Lump Baldwin Lump Sheridan Egg Iowa Lump Rex Lump Pennsylvania Hard These are all coals of highest heat producing qualities Give us your orders they will be filled promptly and to your satisfaction S S GARVEY Manager Phone 169 COAL We now handle the best grades of Colo and Penna coals in connection with our grain business Give us a trial order Phone 2G2 Real Easterday Walter Hosier Drayman Draying in all its branches promptly and carefully attended to Your patronage is earnestly solicited Phone black 244 Leave orders at any of the city lumber yards Osborn Kummer Co DRAY LINE All kinds of Hauling and Trans fer Work promptly attended to Your patronage solicited Office FJrst Door South of DeGrofFs Phone No 13 I Fire and Wind I Insurance White Line Transfer Company Hawkins Sheaffer Props Specialty of moving Household Goods and Pianos Only covered van in city Phones Office 68 residence red 456 Written in First Class Companies 0 C J RYAN Flour Feed Main av g t I I4 I 5 t 2 J J t J 5 FOR SALE Several Fine Young RED POLLED BULLS Inquire of JOS DACK McCook R F D No 4 McCook Tribune 100 a year Ti V 31 i 4 I i S