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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1911)
Mr P fe f y T The Corner Shoe StorS Viersen Osborn have moved their stock of Fine Shoes to the cor ner of Main Avenue and B street inythe Ganschow building Call and see us An Up to Date Repair Shop v YOURE IN PERIL When you have a cough so dont make the common mistake of thinking it is a trifling matter A large per cent of all fatal lung troubles start from the simple cough Cure your cough at once Take McCONNELLS BALSAM This cures by removing the cause of the cough Its a dopeless remedy that does good from the first dose Price 25 cents Prepared and sold only by L W McCONNELL Druggist For Sale Cheap My fine rosewood cased Irving piano A bargain for anyone wish ing a fine toned piano A P COMINGS Commercial Hotel The Main Store On the Main Street If it is the freshest and best in gro ceries fruits vegetables etc you seek look no further than Hubers The Only Union Made overalls in the city are the Carhart Huber is the exclusive agent Also jackets and caps The phone Is 97 AH Winter Merchandise Ruth Iessly Slaughtered at HCCIapps store this week Do your buy ing during his sale Home rendered lard 17 cents per pound at the Edwards Bros meat market Viersen Osborn moved to corner Main and B street Ganschow build ing V Pure Gold flour from winter wheat at Magners McConnells Fragrant Lotion for chaps Everything Indrugs McConnell The McCook -Tribune It is 100 the year in advance IK fe if If z v - X M J NATURES BEAUTIES are now but a memory Did your last sum mers outing benefit you in spirits and in health - Then now is the time to have some PHOTOS TAKEN Come to my Studio and get portraits that will dqyou full justicerlat the time you may be at your best kKIMMELL Wtudio SXy A - TV L 3 TWENTY NINTH YEAP i r Tilly Olson The funniest of all dialect comedy dramas Tilly Olson will appear at the Teiple theatre Saturday Jan 14 The play is the latest and most up-to-date version of the Swedish dialect comedy and presents Tilly amid new who assumes the central charcter of Tilly Olson is said to be the possess or of the most perfect Swedish com edy dialect yet presented to the pub lic and her wit and humor permeates the piece during the four acts keep ing the audience in a perfect roar of laughter and applause throughout the show The supporting company is all that could be desired and largt number of clever musical and ad vanced vaudeville specialties are giv en throughout the play The regu lar house prices will prevail and re served seats are now on sale Estimate of Expenses At the regular meeting of the coun ty board of Red Willow county Ne braska held on the 10th day of Jan uary 1191 the matter of the esti mate of the necessary expenses for the year 1911 was considered and the estimate made as follows County general fund 3000000 County bridge fund 1500000 County road fund 700000 County Soldiers- Relief fund 100000 Bartiey village bond 30000 McCookC ity court house bonds 150000 McCc ck Cty Sewer bond lOOOC AWocfc City water hoid JJUiOi School dftrict bonds 1200000 Dated Mcixok this loth day of January -nil CHAS SKALLA County Clerk First publication Jan 12 it Joint Installation Following IS of P and L -of K of Pcwere jointly installed last evening a banquet concluding E O Valrue C C D N Cobb V C R L Lyon P J N Gaarde M W H W Conover M F G H Watkins M E Gaorge Kearns K R S H H Woolard M A L W Jennings I G A T Scott O G Litah Ritchie P C Maud Stokes M E C Rose Barnes M E S Eugena Day M E J Bessie Gunn Manger Ada Hofer M F Florence Wtkins M of R C Mabel Con over Protector Laura Kinghom G of O T Special Communion Bishop Beecher of the Episcopal Church will arrive in the city tonight and will remain until Saturday morn ing He will conduct special Holy Communion at 8 oclock on Friday morning and hold services at 730 Friday evening He will leave on Saturday morning Woodmen in New Quarters The Woodmen have moved from Morris hall into the Temple building meeting every 1st and 3rd Friday of each month Assessments are pay able this year at the Citizens Nation al bank C C Byfield is the new consul H M Finity remains the clerk LoLt or Stolen One dark chestnut sorrel horse colt 5 months old with white strip in face Information leading to recovery will be liberally rewarded by A C Hock man Box Elder Neb McMillen prescription druggist A F A M Special Meeting SpBcial meeting of McCook Lodge No 13j A F A M Saturday January li st 8 olclock p m Work in M M degree By Order of the M C L Fahnestock SecVi Money to Loan on Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store Lily Flour when once UBcC none will misfy vou If you feel you want to be shown in the matter of quality go to the McCook Flour and Feed Store Saturday will be the Banner Day for Bargains at HC Clapps January Clearance Sale Home rendered lard 17 cents per pound at the Edwards Bros meat market Make your hens lay Ground bone meal at the Edwards Bros market For special on dill sour and sweet pickles see Magner ---3 - jfl j Red Willow Made Showing Miss Bettcher county superintend ent is more than pleased with the showing made by the county schools in the Industrial School exhibit made during the meeting of the Nebraska State Teachers association in Lin coln recently In class F lot 1 Red Willow coun ty captured the collective prize of 150 Other prizes were taken by the city schools to the amount of 250 making 4 received by our schools out of a total offered of I 250 E C Bishop was superintend ent of the exhibit and complimented our schools upon their showing whic were taken from the exhibit made at the recent county corn show in Mc Cook Advertised List The following letters cards and packages remain uncalled for at the postoffice Letters Robertson Austin Anderson G J Hodges Mr J G Cards Chase Mrs Alace Twiney Mr Frank Churning Roy- Meeker L M McCardy Mr J W Parks Mrs Mary Maguire Walt Martin Mr E R Garrison Mr Oren Nelson A J When calling for these please say they were advertised LON CONE Postmaster Ladies Jacket Suits Half Price 900 for the 1800 ones 625 for the 1250 ones 438 for the 875 ones If you were given the mater ials you could not get the making up for as little as the above prices Nor vice versa You are invited to get your share The Thompson D G Co Long Coats for Half Price Both Ladies and Misses from 6 years up Some girls coats now only 75 cents The 900 ones for 450 Some ladies coats now only 325 The l0j ones now 750- Fair warn inq The Thompson D G Co Ut most sen it McMillens Cough Remedy will relieve that distressing cough by routing the cough germs Sooths and heals the inflamed air passages when the cough disappears A McMILLEN Druggist Ritchie Federal Commissioner C D Ritchie county attorney has been appointed federal commissioner at this place vice J F Cordeal re signed Do You Have Cold Feet Use one of McMillens Good Val ue hot water bottles Hubers coffee cannot be beat Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents and Wedding Breakfast heads the list We never hesitate to guarantee Liily Patent flour At the McCook Flour and Feed Store Home rendered lard 17 cents per pound at the Edwards Bros meat market Viersen Osborn moved to corner Main and B street Ganschow build ing Make your hens lay Ground bone meal at the Edwards Bros market Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee and be happy At Hubers only For special on sauer kraut by the gallon see Magner McConnells Balsam cures coughs McConnell fills prescriptions McConnell for drugs YOULL NOT HAVE A COLD THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW If you begin using Rexall Cold Cure today Frequently cures starting cold in a rilght fakes a little longer to banish asettled cold but so hastens the natural process as to relieve in a fraction of the usual time required to throw off a cold and prevents com plications and danger L W McCONNELL Druggist Declared Usual Dividends The three national banks of this city have held their regular annual meetings and inquriy discloses fact that no changes have occurred in any of them this year in the direct orate or officials Each bank declared the usual divi dend One Trial of McMillens Cream Lotion will convince you of its merits It is healing to all irri tated surfaces and makes the skin smooth and soft It is not sticky or greasy Ladies can use their gloves after applying It is also excellent for gentlemen after shaving A McMILLEN Druggist Subscriptions If you want to subscribe for or re new your subscription to any daily paper or magazine call on me and I will save you money BARNEY HOFER McCook News Co Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee Huber is exclusive agent in McCoo1 for the unexcelled Barrington Hall coffees Priced at 20c 25c and 35c per pound No Preaching Rev Tyler will not be home Sun day so there will not be any preach ing in the Box Blder Methodist church next Sunday Object to Fast Driving 2ome East McCook people are fil ing objections to the fast driving in dulged In on their streets r Night Shorthand pupils wanted Phone black 133 12- quality and price courtesy and promptness In delivery are making for success at the McCook Flour and Feed Store AH grades of Oxford flour and each sack guaranteed at the McCook Flour and Feed Store McConnells Liquid Meat Smoke preserves meat and improves its flav or 25 cents Viersen a Osborn moved to corner Main and B street Ganschow build ing Mr and Mrs Dean Miller of Streeter Illinois are guests of Dr and Mrs Robert Johnston John Krieger lost a thumb and a finger in the buzz saw in the car penter shop yesterday D B Doyle Jr and family depart ed Wednesday for Vernon Colorado where they will go on a claim Make your hens lay Ground bon meal at the Edwards Bros market Meat smoked with McConnells Liq uid Smoke does not lose weight For special on home made mince meat see Magner For special on simon pure lard see Magner The McCook Tribune It is 100 the year in advance Sunday Evening At Congregational Church it SERMON SUBJECT And Judas Special Music 9K The Rosary Founded upon an emblem of purity and full of human interest that goes straight to the heart The Rosary a new play by Ed E Rose has made a most favorable impression The i production is a new one and Messrs j Rowland and Clifford have given it a magnificent staging The theme of the play as expressed by the title is presented in gripping and forceful manner tnat strikes home and at thj same time there is an abundance of original and moral comedy Seldom is a cast more fitted to their respect- ive parts than the members of this company Every member is so well placed that there is not the slightest jarring of any part in the play and the re sult is a perfect rendition In Rev Brian Kelly played by one of the best portrayals of this na ture that has ever been seen on the stage Mr Harlan is forceful sym pathetic and impressive and gives just the right touch of realism to character The Rosary has just completed a most successful three months run in Chicago and is now playing at the Garden Theatre in New York City At Temple theatre January 21st A Detail Correction Percy Bell asks the publisher to correct one item of the story of the fire in the Lehn brick building last week One of the two fires he says did not start in his barber shop but in the club room adjoining his shop As the fire started near the partition separating the shop from the club room the flames soon ate their way through into his shop Death of Baby Bos Little Juanita Mae the 9-months-old baby daughter of Mr and Mrs B H Bos died on Sunday Monday on No 16 the body was shipped to Prarie City Kansas for burial The sorrowing parents accompanied the remains Mr Bos is employed in the dry goods department of C L De Groff Co Furs One third Off Very timely offer Just when you need furs That puts gen uine fox scarfs 1 yards long down to 200 Others as low as 90 cents 2 or 3 doz pieces to select from scarfs muffs and sets The Thomp son D G Co Utmost value A Burst Steam Pipe Some of the properties and cos tumes of the Newlyweds who showed in the Temple last week were damaged on the way here from Denver by a burst steam pipe in the baggage car A New Barber Shop The basement under the Woodwort drug store is being remodeled and will be furnished and equipped as a barber shop by Mr Morris The shop will be run by Frank Burbridge and JUST TWO DAYS LEFT HCCIapps Muslin Underwear and Clearance Sale closes Satur day night Get your shard of the bargains I Will Sell All my private furniture decorated chi na etc very cheap Parlor suit buf fet parlor and library table easy chairs chiffonier etc A F COMINGS Commercial Hotel Theyll keep you well McConnells Little Liver Pills The Christian Science reading room is open every day but Sunday from 3 to 5 p m Make the skin soft smoothe and clear by using McConnells Fragrant Lotion 25 cents The now quarters of the county at torney on the ground floor of the court house look business like conven ient and cozy Tomorrow Jan 13th will be the date for the W C T U medal con test Mrs Thompson will be hostess and Mrs Beale leader The members of St Albans choir were entertained by Mrs Goldsmith on Tuesday evening at the rectory on 1st street west Games music songs and refreshments contributed to a very enjoyable time SjjlIsIEJnSerl uLtfl btftff rlcC00R RED WILLOW COUUTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENING JANUARY 12 1911 acm miii j AJgHUlW I 3FV NUMBER 33 He That Would Not When He Miht He SHALL Not When He Would Is a pretty true saying And nowhere does it apply more for cibly than regarding your bank account A good many of you make pretty good moneydraw big checks but how many of you have any of it left when the next pay day comes Now is a pretty good time to lay up a snug little balance Did you ever stop to figure that the time might come when it would not he possible Sick ness loss of employment busi ness depression and strikes are menacing things and especial ly to the man without money Better take time by the fore lock and start now with THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTORS J J Loughran P F McKenna CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS Christian Science Subject for Jan 14 Life German Evan Lutheran Regular service on January 22 at 230 oclock by Rev Grotheer GERMAN EVAN LUTHERAN Ser vices every other Sunday afternoon at 230 oclock Rev Grotheer Pastor Episcopal Second Sunday after the Epiphany At oclock JToly Communion In- troit Psalm 14 Special prayers for missions Communion hymn 221 At 11 Sunday school chldiren and adults meet for missionary services and ad dress special music offerings for D and F Missionary society Usual services in the evening offerings for church expenses Wednesday 730 service and ad dress choir rehearsal at 8 Names should now be given in for the proposed confirmation class Get our RATES on FARM LOANS DORWART BARGER Self raising pancake flour at Mag ners Shenff Higgins has moved nis of fice into the apartments formerly oc cupied by the county attorney The sheriffs former quarters will be made a part of the office of the clerk of the disrtict court a needed conven ience for that office The Kansas City Times says of the Tilly Olson show which will be the attraction at theT emple January 14 Tilly Olson a Swedish comedy dra ma is the offering at the Auditorium theatre this week It tells a story of a Swedish girl employed as a serv ant in the home of a Minnesota farm er She does many quaint things be cause of her lack of knowledge of the ways of this country and also suc ceeds in stopping the plans of the vil lain in the interest of the daughter of the farmer Agnes Nelson appears as Tilly and she does very well ia the character She was especially good in portraying the many eccent ricities of the Swedish girl and in the use of the dialect Severl Special ties are introduced in the play which are well up to the standard See HCCIapps advertisement on editorial page Get into the Big Sale which closes next Sat urday night ELECTRIC Curling Iron Heater No Dirt No Smoke No Smell At taches to any Lamp socket Costs little to operate R W McBRAYER Electrical Contractor Upstairs 310 Main Ave Black 433 V t