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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1911)
V TWENTY -NINTH YEAR it t n VSERSEN OSBORN MOVING Their stock of FINE SHOES to the store room at corner of B street and Main of DeQroff Co TIERSEN OSBORN School Board Meeting McCook Neb January 2 1911 The board met in regular session in office of superintendent Present Doan Barnett Barnes Lawritson Suess and Supt Taylor Minutes of December 5 1910 read and approved The following bills were read Ohas W Taylor tuning pianos express etc 1587 Barnett Lumber Co coal 2075 Osborn Kummr Co hauling 1160 Republican papr 5471 Mrs Howe Smith laundry 790 C R Woodworth 410 McCook Gas Co - 6i5 A AWjen 250 Mcintosh i Battery Co 495 Rockwell 3araes Co 250 St Paul 3ook and Stationery Co 350 Ronell Co 700 Amercian Book Co vrl ii 585 Neb School Supply Co fit 748 saver Burdette Co j 347 White Smith Music Co 325 Scotts ForesmanCo 400 A U Morse Co 1025 Tnos Charles Co 580 On motion above bills were allowed Supt Taylor gave his check for 33Q0 for fines collected iSupt Taylor recommends that the janitors Howe Smith Wm Rankin and C C Calvert be appointed truant officers On motion the janitors weij appointed truant officers On motion the board adjourned CW BARNES Secretary For Sale Cheap My fine rosewood cased Irving piano A bargain for anyone wish ing a fine toned piano A F COMINGS Commercial Hotel The Main Store On the Main Street If It fa the freshest and best in gro ceries - fruits vegetables etc you seek look no further than Hubers A Pretty Picture is is an ornament any where but a phot ograph is more life like and true to na ture We take the Most Natural Photographs because we study the art from a sci entific standpoint and have the skill which comes from experience only We make special ties of childrens pictures taking them by instanta neous process An artistic finish to every picture E Schel Kimmelf 1st Door NortWCimmerclal Hotel V JOHN REAL PASSES ON Death on Monday Evening Follows an Illness of Several Weeks Aaer an illness of several weeks J John Real passed away on Monday evening at the homo of his mother in this city Death was the result of a compli cation of diseases In 1897 he had an attack of inflammatory rheumatisn which left him with a vahular heart h akage Last fall an attack of ty phoid fever brought on a return of the heart trouble which finally re sulted in his death Funeral services were held in St Patricks church Wednesday morning at 1030 a requiem high mass being conducted by Rev W J Patton O M I nd assistants Jack was an old settler and much beloved by many and the services and ensuing burial in Calvary cemetery were largely attended by sorrowing and sympathizing friends The funeral services were under auspices of the Knights of Columbus of this city John Real was born in Princeville Peoria county Illinois in 18GG Mov ed to Livingston cuonty Illinois in 1 1874 Came to Red Willow county in 1 1886 For past ten years has been miinmT i inmiasHr ioi ntui 01 Ciusuui uitv at Perry station this county During the quarter century Jack has lived in Red Willow county he has endeared himself to a host of friends Among the relatives from out of town present at the funeral were Mrs OConnor Mr and Mrs Tom Real M P OConnor Emmett and Mary Real all of Grafton Nebraska and Mrs E F Caffrey of Stamford Nebraska The Newlyweds Won That is they won the approval of one of the largest audiences ever ac corded a performance in the Temple theatre last evening is one olSlhe very best that has evei visited thccity in the musical com edy line SiiTj well vere hanoome ly costumed make merriment enough Major Notmuch was simply a t JHuheajierwasgjteashQw 2 Goo r Brown -T Feeding the Complexion There is nothing better for this purpose than McCONNELLS COLD CREAM It is one of the most perfect agents for softening the skin and feeding the underlying tissues This prepara tion is almost perfect in every way their complexion during the winter months Price 35 cents L W McCONNELL Druggist How Cold Was It A difficult question to answer con clusively Reports from various ther mometers in the city and surrounding country indicate a temperature of from C degrees below zero on Monday morning to 30 degrees below zero on Tuesday morning Your Attention is Called to our line of Velie Buggies Remem ber we always have a complete stock and the best of Harness for all your needs McCOOK HARDWARE CO Money to Loan on Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store Flag Telephone sugar peas are fine C L DeGroff Co Lily Pa i Flour wnen once us non- -rue will artv vou Condensed smoke 50c per bottle C R WOODWORTH Druggist If you feel you want to be shown In the matter of quality go to the McCook Flour and Feed Store The government has just isued a patent to Clarence W Rozell of our city for his hat box indicator Attendance upon school in the low er grades was somewhat reduced on Monday and Tuesday by Jack Frosts unannounced visit Our White Pine and Tar cough medicine does cure coughs Try it 25c and 50c per bottle C R WOODWORTH Druggist Taken ensemble the New r - rm - uimocu uvuver r ire uiay jo f LJ Mrs Mabel White L lyweds givii you value received from opening to finale TWO NEWYEAR FIRES Both of Them Discovered About Four Oclock A M Neither Is Serious McCook celebrated the opening of the new year with two small fires Both of them were discovered about four oclock Sunday morning when the temperatture registered several de grees below zero with a severe wind blowing and some snow falling For tunately neither was serious The first was the barn on the Starr residence property on upper Main avenue It was entirely destroyed The loss of two or three hundred dol lars is covered by insurance Origin of fire is nott known Judge Moore discovered the fire while on his way to start the fire in the Methodist church heater and rescued a cow before giving the alarm Mr Thompson the traveling man who occupies the Starr residence saved his auto very likely on ac count of his leaving the machine at Oxford Saturday evening Unfortunately by some oversight Mr Starr informs us the bam was j not included in the insurance on the rest of the property Following this fire was discovered in the basement o the C F Lehn brick on Main avenue Fortunately this fire did not get much headway or a serious conilagration must have chief cause of damage Bells barber chief cause c fdamage Bells barber shop occupies the front end of the baeinent and the cigar store and bil liard hall of A O McDonald Co is overhead on the first floor Neither suffered much damage The Favorite cigar oore is well protected by insur anct to the amount of 2000 There were apparently two fires m Ihe basement one in the rear in the stock room of the cigar store the otner in the Bell barber shop which was considerably damaged The stock room damage was not heavy jr The company I Unfortunately Mr Bell dld30t car- i itriTiidfc It - nJT ry any cuSivaTtca on iffsT tfili fit Card of Thanks For kindnesses assistance and for the most exacting and the baby sympathy in the burial of little Fran was altogether impossible while Cf S Lucilo we are most thankful to ill the neighbors and friends Mrs Goldtrap Mr and Mrs M H Hammona Misses Coats 75 Cents and Up Half price on all Misses long coats Some as cheap now as 75 cents 750 ones for 375 200 ones for 100 300 ones for 150 Clearance our only object Cost not considered Get your share The Thompson D G Co Utmost service and is almost indispensable to those McMillens Cough Remedy who desire to take proper care of will relieve that distressing cough by routing the cough germs Sooths and heals the inflamed air passages when the cough disappears A McMILLEN Druggist Save All Your Cream with a Sharpies or DeLaval Separat or the best separators made Sold by McCOOK HARDWARE CO Do You Have Cold Feet Use one of McMillens Good Val ue hot water bottles Choice Prairie Baled Hay 25 tons for sale McCook delivery McCOOK HARDWARE CO Flag tomatoes large and small cans Try one and be convinced C L DeGroff Co Note the changes in the time card on the railroad page of The Tribune this week It may save you missing a train LI for gentlemen after shaving A McMILLEN Druggist Half Price on Cloaks Ladies 1500 long coats for 750 1250 ones for 025 1000 ones for 500 G75 ones for 338 25 or 30 coats to choose from You are invited G Co Utmost value Subscriptions If you want to subscribe for or re new your subscription to any daily will save you money BARNEY HOFER McCook News Co Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee Huber is exclusive agent In McCoo1 for the unexcelled Barrington Hall coffees Priced at 20c 25c and 35c per pound More Light Yes Water White coal oil 10c a gallon at MAGNERS Phone 14 The banks postoffice and many of the ousiness men observed Monday as New Year For a ready-to-eat lunch try spagh etti MAGNERS Phone 14 Sunday Evening At Congregational Church The Pace That Kills Special Music wiir more tf - rxtfrt reear LinnJ IP McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENING JANUARY 5 1911 t TEMPLE STOCKHOLDERS MEET TOUCH OF GENUINE WINTER Majority of the Stock Is Represent- Severe Cold Wave Sweeps the En ed and Three Members of Board Are Reelected tire Western Counrty I Commencing last Saturday night a The annual meeting of the stock- seVere cold wave swept over the en holders of the Masonic Temple Craft tire middle west during the early association w - after- days of tb m the new ye com noonir McCook ing jn v wlnfi Comm June r Tcr and a temV rature from 10 to 0 de- Of tii Jhares of stock out- grees belo zero standing 2V3 shares were represented This has been not only the coldest in the meeting by share holder or by weather of the year but the only cold proxy weather we have had so far this win- The three retiring members of the ter The transition being so marked board of driectors Messrs P Walsh has however been very severe i L W McConnell and A Barnett j Train schedules have been thereby were unanimously reelected for a badly demoralized and the business term of three years I of plumbing given a boost not equaled Expressions of appreciation were jn many days while the coal dealers made a matter of record by the stock- and the dray men came into their holders of the manner in which the own Incidentally the spectre of board of directors and the manage- the ice men stands in the background ment of the Temple theatre had con- in enlarging relief ducted their respective lines of The thermometer at the round- work during the year just closed It house Tuesday morning registered 2 has been very satisfactory j degrees below zero After the adjournment of the stock- Charles Evans announced a tern- holders meeting the board of direct- perature of 32 degrees below zero at ors reorganized for ihe ensuing year his farm on the Republican river by the selection of the same torn Tuesday morning cers and standing committees on the j Mr Hartman the dairyman report- board as held last year ed a temperature of 30 degrees below The Tribune desires to add its com- zero Tuesday morning at his place mendation to tho3e of the about 8 miles south of the city I ers for the manner the successful All Ihe water ripes jn the First manner in which the business of National Bank building were frozen was ipue in Riverview cemetery 7rances Lucile Hammond was born in McCook July 16th 1907 and died in Canyon City Colorado December -I 1910 The New Yssr was ushered in with the remains of Oscar Hammonds lit- the usual demonstration blowing of tie daughter arrived here from wW stles etc but the cold weather rado for burial Services were heV of Sunday rather put a damper on at the home of his brother Milton Hammond Thursday afternoon con observances of the day On Monday the banks were were closed in the afternoon I NUWBEB 32 He That Would Not When He Might He SHALL Not When He Would Is a pretty true saying And nowhere does it apply more for ly than regarding your bank ount A good many of you make pretty good moneydraw big checks but how many of you have any of it left when the next pay day comes Now is a pretty good time to lay up a snug little balance Did you ever stop to figursj that the time might come wr it would not be possible Si ness loss of employment bus ness depression and strikes arl menacing things and especial ly to the man without money Better take time by the fore lock and start now with THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President 7 C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTORS J J Loughran P F McKenna ing God in American History In the evening The Pace That Kills Christian Science Subject for January 8th Sacra ment Epscopal ducted by Rev L E Lewis of the ed and the postoffice had limited coh T T scho1 u Morning and Methodist riurch after which burial hours u I - prayer ser- while many business houses mon 8 Evening prayer and sermon Carson Ziegler A Codess Winter A S0d resolutlon to make is New Year 1 now morning John W Car son of Wray Colo and Miss Laura w iF The sympathy of many friends go Belle Ziegler of Alma Neb were ieumuuu iuu ue KePL by keep- out to the sorrowful ones married lv t w t inS handy a package of REXALL COLD CURE Methodist parsonage Mr and Mrs One Trial of McMillens Carson will make their future home in U prevents coIds tf taken when the Cream Lotion will convince you of Wray leaving for there on No 3 first symptoms appear and cures its merits It is healing to all same night them 1uickly at any stage of their de- tated surfaces and makes thp skin cents I smooth and soft It is not sticky or J I Will Sell All IJgreasy Ladies can use their gloves my m ivatft fnmif v after applying It is also excellent na etc very cheap Parlor suit buf fet parlor and library table easy chairs chiffonier etc A F COMINGS Commercial Hotel Half Price on Suits Ladies 2500 Jacket Suits for voi unea 101- 33 rne rnompson D i Pn Illtiintt inl L W McCONNELL Druggist Womans Suffrage Lecture January 12th Dr Ayles worth laffl j president of the Colorado Agricultur al college at Fort Ctollins will deliv er his lecture on Womans Suffrage in the Christian church of our city The doctor is a man of abilitv and his address on this subject is said I hv MlrtCQ TlfTr tlOrt Kanxrl VSr 1 to get your share The Thompson D I L lit Strons and logical- He should ave a ones fnr 750 12o0 ones for C2o iQ -- c i Mifo -v iutyoi VUAUt I Mnr ri the feed myself Notice GEORGE HOFHENKE Commence the New Year Right by purchasing a Majestic Range and not only save fuel but always be su e of satisfactory work McCOOK HARDWARE CO Piano Tuning I will be home during the Christ mas holidays and will be able to promptly handle all orders for piano tuning and repairing Phone your orders to Black 344 or 89 LEWIS LUDWICK Klipper Klub Skates the kind that stay sharp Full line now on sale at i McCOOK HARDWARE CO Flag canned goods none O L DeGroff Co better There is a big black leather glove at this office for the owner January 13th is the date for the W C T U Medal Contest Mrs Thompson is to be the hostess Mrs J3eale leader We sell Flag canned goods pack ed by Fort Stanwix Canning Co at Rome N Y conceded to be as good as can be packed C L DeGroff Co If you feel run down take cold easily or are inclined to be nerv ous try McConnells Sarsaparilla and Burdock Youll feel better in 24 hours For a short time we will give a h ndsome souvenir nlate with All nfirSnnc nro linrDhir rrtfial in 141 i paper or magazine call on me and llkeM1 7 nampions louet a11 horses and cattle off the 1 ikeep s There is nothing better for channed hf 14 sw qr 13 nw qr 23-3-29 I need hands and face or roughness of the skin Buy a bottle before the plates are all gone 25c per bottle C R WOODWORTH Druggist Regard the Women Wisely One Minute and Motor Washers save the women work and do good work They run easier loaded than others do empty Fully guaranteed McCOOK HARDWARE CO Get our RATES on FARM LOANS DORWART BARGER Canning pears by the bushel at MAGNERS Phone 14 Our stock of school pencils tab lets inks and all necessary school supplies is ample to supply the de mand When there is anything in this line you should see L W McCONNELL Druggist Coffee if you want the best see MAGNER Phone 14 ELECTRIC Curling Iron Hester No Dirt No Smoke Nc taches to any Lamp little to operate R W AIcBRj Electrical Contract 31UK Alain Ave the Temple association has been Monday night the first time slvce regational sv handled during the year just closed the completion of the buildAijr I Subjects for Sunday Jan 8 Morn Brought Here for Burial Last Thursday morning on No 2 The New Year CrjLRCH VTES AND TOPICS