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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1910)
A s S t V 5tJ TWENTY -NINTH YEAR I I Christmas Gifts UPPERS In All Crlrs For All the Family We have for your in spction an exceptionally nifty assortment Viersen Osborn DEATH OF MRS J F GANSCHOW Passed Away Last Saturday Having Been III for Long Time Tio many friends of Mr and Mrs J F Ganschow formerly of this ci ty wih be pained deeply to learn of the death last Saturday of Mrs Ganschow in their home at Colum bus Ohio Mrs Ganschow has been in failing health for some time but her death was nevertheless unexpect ed to their many old friends in Mc Cook where they formerly lived for many years The remains were taken to the old home in Danvers Illinois last Sun day for burial he Tribune expresses the senti ment of a host of friends in extend ing Mr Ganschow and son the pro foundest sympathy in this sorrow and loss New Supt Here Rev Fred Berry the newly chosen superintendent of the Nebraska Bap tist convention spent last Sunday in the city occupying the Baptist pul pit upon both morning and evening services Baby Rhodes Succumbs The four-months-old baby girl of Mr and Mrs J W Rhodes died on last Thursday morning of erysipelas Brief services were held at the home Friday morning by Rev L E Lew is burial following in the Longview cemetery of this city Electricity in Country Manager Scott of the McCook Elec tric Co tells a Tribune man that the prospects are good for an exten sion of the power of the local plant to farms in the neighborhood of McCook for power lighting etc The Main Store On the Main Street If it is the freshest and best in gro ceries fruits vegetables etc you seek look no further than Hubers City Bureau For solving holiday problems McConnells Gift Store A Pretty Picture is is an ornament any where but a phot ograph is more life like and true to na ture Wo take the Most Natural Photographs because we study the art from a sci entific standpoint and have the skill which comes from experience only We make special ties of childrens pictures talcing them by instanta neous process An artistic finish to every picture E Schell Kimmell i 1st Door North Commercial Hotel DEATH OF A FORMER RESIDENT Remains Brought to Her Old Home for Interment Tuesday The remains of Mrs Hannah J Holmes arrived in McCook Tuesday morning for burial She passed away peacefully at the home of her daughter in Missoula Montana last Friday The remains were accom panied here Tuesday morning by her son M H Holmes and son-in-law and daughter Mr and Mrs E H Edson all of Missoula Mrs Holmes and son Mel lived in McCook for several years in years agone and many Tribune readers will remember them in sympathy Mr and Mrs Edson and M H Holmes departed Tuesday night for their home in Missoula Mrs Hannah J Holmes was born in Delaware county New York July 12 1832 Died at the home of her daughter Mrs E H Edson in Mis soula Mont December 16th 1910 at the age of 78 years 5 months 4 days She was the mother of 7 children four of whom have passed on before her Three remain to mourn their loss Mrs E H Edson and Mr M H Holmes of Missoula Mont and Mrs H I Baker of Gowanda N Y Mrs Holmes was a member of the Methodist church all life and was for several years a member of the Mc Cook church She died in full faith of her eternal reward Funeral services were held in the Methodist church in our city Dec ember 20th 1910 conducted by Rev L E Lewis Card of Thanks We are most grateful to the la dies of the Aid society of the M E church the members of the I O O F and to the pastor of the church and all the friends for assistance and sympathy in the death of our moth er Mr and Mrs E H Edson Mr M H Holmes Swastikas are Entertained At a house party at the home of Miss Zella Osborn kA feature of en tertainment was a box party at the Temple Theatre Saturday evening to see Paid in Full after which the girls partook of a tempting sup per at the home of the hostess and then no end of fun and stunts more easily imagined than described They went to bed but not until chanticler had warned them of the coming of the dawn The gue3ts present were Marcella Ryan Alice McKenna Merle Hostetter Irene Cathcart Agnes El bert Mrs Jack Davis Mrs Harold Morris Chloe Davis and Hattie and Lillian Schmidt A Chest of Silver is one of the most acceptable pres ents you can buy We have many beautiful patterns in sterling and fine plated wares We can match the design you have H P SUTTON CO Jewelers Deputy Treasurer Resigns Deputy County Treasurer H W Conover handed his resignation to County Treasurer Clifford Naden Tuesday morning making same ef fective at high noon of that day No appointment so far has been made to fill the vacancy Business for Himself H W Conover informs us that he expects shortly to engage in the real estate insurance and abstract busi ness in our city Give Opera Glasses An appropriate gift for lady or gentleman Go to McConnells Gift Store for them Money to Loan on Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store Subscribe for the Tribune Coffee if you want the best see MAGNER Phone 14 Get our RATES on FARM LOANS DORWART BARGER Canning pears by the bushel at MAGNERS Phone 14 All grades of Oxford flour and each sack guaranteed at the McCook Flour and Feed Store Lasting prosperity and safe bank ing grow In the same soil The lib eral policy of the First National Bank for fair dealing and home de velopment has raised a big crop of local prosperity Our depositors and friends appreciate it i t6 Postoffice Hours Dec 25 and 26 For the accommodation of patrons the postoffice will be open Sunday Christmas Day from 10 a m to 1 p m Monday December 26th will be observed as a holiday the office clos ing at 1 p m Carriers will make morning trips only The usual ser vice on rural routes LON CONEP M I Will Sell All my private furniture decorated chi na etc very cheap Parlor suit buf fet parlor and library table easy chairs chiffonier etc A F COMINGS Commercial Hotel SIGNETS Rings scarf pins brooches en graved as you want H P SUTTON CO Jewelers Remember him with a collar and cuff box We have them in celluloid leather and decorated wood boxes McConnells Gift Store You have absolute control of your account in the First National Bank No one can ever withdraw your mon ey except by your written consent Bracelets all widths and patterns H P SUTTON CO Jewelers McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENING DECEMBER 22 1910 Christmas ifts of QUALITY H P Sutton Co Jewelers Subscriptions If you want to subscribe for or re new your subscription to any daily paper or magazine call on me and I will save you money BARNEY HOFER McCook News Co Card of Thanks We wish to thank the many friends who so kindly assisted us during the sickness and after the death of our darling baby Mr and Mrs J W Rhodes For a ready-to-eat lunch try spagh etti MAGNERS Phone 14 Fancy Figs Stuffed Dates Raisins and all kinds of Shelled Nuts at the BON TON - Last Week for Christmas Shopping This is the last week in which to do your holiday buying make time and money count by buying where assortment is greatest quality high est and where your money will buy the most Do this and you will come here See our goods and get pric es then look around if you think it worth -while X W McCONNELL Druggist And these very names have a Christmassy sound Fancy boxes fill ed with the finest assorted chocolates at the BON TON Huber has tons of good stuff for the Christmas season You know the Main store on Main street Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee and be happy At Huber8 only A WIRELESS MESSAGE FROM SANTA CLAUS reveals the fact that t is a pleasure to do Christmas shopping at McMILLEN PRUGSTORE His stock includes impart Dolls GaCarts Shoo Fly Rockers Toys Books Pictures Fancy China Toi let Articles Novelties Brass Goods Handbags Box Candy Stationery Post Cards and Albums etc etc A McMillen Druggist VERY SATISFACTORY PLAY Such Is the General Verdict on Paid in Full It is a pleasure to note a perform ance of the grade and character of Paid in Full There was some meat to it The cast was strong Brooks possibly not measuring up to the stature of other members of the company But withal it was far above the average both in qual ity of play and in personnel of com pany The attendance was numerous and the point of appreciation clear if not demonstrative March Johnson Florists will have a complete line of cut and potted flowers for your Xmas table Carnations Roses Poinsettias Nar cissus Violets Loiraine Begonias Cy clamen Cineraria See our display at the Bon Ton and leave your or der there or phone red 214 For Sale Cheap My fine rosewood cased Irving piano A bargain for anyone wish ing a fine toned piano A F COMINGS Commercial Hotel The next W C T U meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Ruby December 30th It will be a social and business meeting SEE SANTA CLAUS AT MISS PRIMS AT CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH FRIDAY NIGHT AT 8 OCLOCK EVERYBODY COME REHEMBERTHE DATE essf li Nebrfif - WTsSt sran Sribtme I JQsk9 COMPLIMENTS OF SEASON AN AGED MOTHER PASSES ON The End Came for Mrs Martha J Strine Peacefully Wednes day Last Mrs Martha J Strine full of years passed away Wednesday of last week at the home of her daugh ter Mrs Edwin S Walters of our city Funeral services were held in the Methodist church last Friday after noon conducted by Rev L E Lew is after which burial was made in Longview cemetery of this city Martha J Fornish was born Jan uary 10th 1833 in Chambersburg Penna and died in McCook Nebras ka December 16th 1910 She was married to Phillip Strine March 22 1851 To this union were born seven children three of whom are still living David Strine of Cur tis Oklahoma Eugene Strine of Strang Nebraska and Mrs Edwin S Walters of McCook Nebraska There are three stepsons Benjamin Strine of Washington Joseph and Peter Strine of Martinsburg West Va Mother Strine joined the M E church when she was 16 years old and remained a member of the church until the end In her last days she was ready and waiting for the end to come She was sweetly trusting in her Heavenly Father in whom she had trusted all her life The family wish to thank the neighbors and friends who so kind ly helped the lodges for their flow ers and sympathy and the singers at the funeral service The funeral service was held in the Methodist church December 16th conducted by the pastor Rev L E Lewis A Musical Opportunity The music loving people of McCook will have an opportunity to hear the celebrated University Glee Club of Nebi aska in the Temple theatre next Tuesday evening The glee club will be accompanied by the Steckelberg String Quartette which will render several choice numbers of the even ings program A guarantee list of subscribers for seats has been secured and these sub scribers will have the privilege of selecting their seats one day in ad vance of the general seat sale To those subscribers the sale will be open on Friday December 23rd the general seat sale being open on Saturday the 24th Our people should not fail to hear these notable musicians Brought Body from Denver Wednesday morning on No 2 the remains of little Eva Pauline the five-year-old daughter of Mr and Mrs George Gilbert arrived from Denver and at 1030 oclock in the morning brief services were held in the Pade undertaking parlor on West B street conducted by Rev L E Lewis after which interment was made in Riverview cemetery Fireman and Mrs Gilbert were former residents of our city moving from here to Denver They have another child buried here Former friends will remember them in sym pathy in this new sorrow DIAMONDS Ladies Tiffany diamond rings 13 15 18 20 up to 35000 Terms if desired H P SUTTON CO Jewelers Piano Tuning I will be home during the Christ mas holidays and will be able to promptly handle all orders for piano tuning and repairing Phone your orders to Black 344 pr 89 LEWIS LTJDWICK NUMBER 30 He That Would Not When He Might He SHALL Not When He Would Is a pretty true saying And nowhere does it annlv mnrp for cibly than regarding your bank account A good many of you make pretty good moneydraw big checks but how many of you have any of it left when the next pay day comes Now is a pretty good time to lay up a snug little balance Did you ever stop to figure that the time might come when it would not be possible Sick ness loss of employment busi ness depression and strikes are menacing things and especial ly to the man without money Better take time by the fore lock and start now with THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehjt V Pres C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTORS J J Loughran P F McKenna CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS Episcopal Saturday evening- from 730 Chil drens Christmas exercises Parents and friends are invited Christmas offerings envelopes due Sunday Christmas day At 8 oclock First celebration of Holy Communion 10 oclock Sunday school 11 oclock Second celebration of Holy Commun ion with short sermon 8 oclock p m prayers and sermon Offering for aseu clergy fund There will also be a celebration of Holy Communion on St Stephens day the L6th and on other days as announced A box is placed near the entrance to the church for questions and notes for the rector Methodist The Sunday school will have their Chrstmas services on Saturday at 7 3l p m All the services on Sunday will be Christmas services and special music will be rendered by the choir A cordial invitation is given to all peo ple who can to worship with us on this day Let the day be a Joyful Christmas unto the Lord The Sunday school of the M E church will hold its regular Christ mas exercises in the church Christ mas eve the 24th at which time an appropriate program will be giv en by the little ones and a treat will be distributed to the children All are invited to this service z Congegational Morning subject The Heart of Christmas Evening topic The Birth of the King Special Christ mas music Christian Science Morning subject Science Christian ADDITIONAL RAILROAD With heavy boiler and machinery repairs the 1911 was run out of the shop this month Among those now in the shop is the 1952 which is being given heavy machinery repairs You know lots of people who have moved from the state into Lincoln The Daily Journal will keep you posted about these people and every body else you know over the state See the editor of this paper for a special 3 rate for next year GET YOUR CARPETS CLEANED with ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER 4 cents a sq yd Phone Black 7 4