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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1910)
into the chicken business S W Rodabaugh of Logan Kans is visiting his son M W Rodabaugh and his daughter Mrs Alice Blake Howard Ruby the real estate hustler of Danbury was in town one day last mid week on business Mrs A J Green and daughter called on her parents northwest of town Sunday p m W H Eifert fixed up the room over his hardware to be used as a lodge room which was badly needed We understand that the M W A are talking of organizing a camp here in the near future Irene Marie Pearl and Winona Ruby of Danbury were in town be tween trains Saturday INFORMATION SOUGHT Miss Mamel Rimberling a girl of IS vears disappeared from her home in Frontier county about IS miles northwest of McCook presumably in October of last year Miss Kimber ling is said to have come to McCook but no trace has so far been found here or in this vicinity Otto Webber of Bartley Nebr her grandfather is most anxious to secure informa tion of her weherabouts New Depot for Holdrege The railway commission has or dered the Burlington to build a new uassenger depot at Holdrege the building not to be a frame structure The railroad company must submit plans for approval by April 10 and then the commission will set a date for the completion of the depot Holdrege is the home of Railway Cr mmisioner W H Cowgill Lin coln Journal TWO WKKKS TO MAKE SHOWING Two week additional time has been rne3 the Herbert E Gooch company tr make its showing in United court in resistance to the suit brought by the Chicago gHfcrArfrfafi ra itrrwegyagigggg Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office United States Hans I Peterson Pat s2 sw 4-13-1-30 Albert Styer etux Elwin J Lurwig wd 5S5000 se 4-25-1-29 Mary E Ritchie et al George Ridgley q c d 100 7-S-9 in 2G In dianola Elizabeth Girems et al Madalene Colling p c d 100 se 4-12-2-28 New Era Coe A J Wasson q c d 100 nw4 3 Chester C Wasson et ux Andrew J Wasson wd 4 00000 nw4 3 Charles F Lehn et ux Joseph R Stansberry wd 45000 3 in 7 lst McCook Walter Hickling et ux Alonzo J Van Buskirk wd 450000 in 15 2nd McCook n 10 in 24 McCook Wiliani Byfield et ux V Frank lin wd 3000000 1-2-3-4- n2 nw4 sw4 nw4 20 4-5-6 se4 ne4 pt n2 ne4 19-3-28 U S Grant Chandler et ux Leon L Miller wd 530000 w2 ne43 pt 4 pt ne4 Elwin J Ludwig et ux Robert S Sanders wd 400000 Alonzo J Van Buskirk et ux V Franklin in 15 2nd McCook William Byfield V Franklin Bill of Sale 400000 Grain Elevator and machinery at Red Wiliow Henry H Stedman et ux Tamme H Gronewold wd 450000 Lewis A Sheldon et ux William O Thompson wd 600000 ne4 ne4 A L Metcalf et ux Elizabeth Fletcher wd 400000 7 in 5 nw4 in S-3-26 Laura A Mitchell et ux Irving R Andrews q c d 100 7 pt S in IS Indianoba Laura E Starr W W Barrett Bill of Sale 20000 1 horse G W Roop et ux James H Mc Callum wd 500000 nw4 l 3-4-2 S George Lang et ux Hoye J Arbo gast q c d S0000 Elizabeth Fletcher et cons Wil liam Parrish wd 150000 7 in S-3- 26 Lincoln Land Co Pearl E Mills wd 100000 17 1S in 28 McCook Samuel S Garvey et ux Joel T Jones wd 220000 5 in 24 McCook George A Johnson single Otto Tilgner wd 450000 Henry N Graham et ux Franklin VanVleet wd 670000 LORDS DAY AYEEK APRIL 3 10 1910 For thrity two years societies seek ing to exalt the Lords Day in Europe and America have asked Gods people to observe one week in April as Lords Day Week Because we are in the greatest crisis of the history of the Sabbath board of trade to enjoin its use of m America ootn in tne united btates price quotations on grain options anaaa tne international incoln Journal eration of Sunday Rest Associations 1 of America ask with increased Lady friends to the number of Inasis tnat April 6 to 10 1910 be twenty two gave Grandma Strine a pleasant farewell apron and handker chief shower on Tuesday The ladies took with them lunch baskets well filled with dainty viands and an ele gant dinner was spread at noon After school the young ladies of the rublic school paid their respects to grandma also and left a number of fine handkerchiefs as a token of remembrance Grandma Strine left Friday to make her home with her daughter at McCook Strang Neb Reporter The Burlington and Pennsylvania lines jointly on October 1st 1909 inaugurated for the Adams Express company what is said to be the long est regular through express car ser vice in the world A through car will he carried daily in each direction be tween New York City and Denver Colo on the fast exclusive mail and express trains of the two roads The avoidance of transfer enroute and connections thus insured will mean much to impress shipping merchants in the vast territory served fcy these two great systems of railways rr JL02 iis far cftUdrsnf sat J sure A o opiate IT observed as Lords Day Week The liquor and other powers cf evil knowing that if the Sabbath be de stroyed Christianity will perish are attacking this divine gift as never be fore Mrs J A Bruce of McCook who ran a nail in her foot about three weeks ago is recovering from the in jury Her condition was very serious for a few days on account of blood poisoning Bertrand Co Holdrege Citizen The women can do much Would to God they could vote How long would the saloons stay if they had the right of voting on this matter John R Anderson of Cambridge Miss Margaret Heagney of Geneva visited McCook friends briefly on her way to her new home in Pine Bluffs Wyoming E W Harris of Wray Colorado assumed charge and possession of the Indianola roller mills Monday - r ft - if iii g CREAM II -fill Mii from 5imps sSH lVrtt Highest award Chicago tm KK lmyKKiB in MARIOX Ray Rodabaugh and family from near Cedar Bluffs visited at E E Blakes Sunday A C Furman of Fort Collins has purchased the Marion Citizen of J H Wicks recently We welcome Mr Furman in our midst and wis him success Powell Nilsson shipped out 2 cars of sheep and one of cattle on Tuesday evenings stock train Rev Orley Miller of Garnett Kan took Tuesday evenings train for his home having visited his father and family W V Miller since last Friday Powell Nilsson began the exca vation for a large alfalfa mill to be put up here as rapidly as possible Albert Kemp left here Monday evening for his claim near Brush Colo via McCook George Adams left here Tuesday to live with Guy Smith southeast of Danbury Geo contemplates going One Moment Please Whos the Town Buster 9aaa waB7 aiT1 jm ORDERS The citizen who sneers at his own town The citizen who belittles local en terprises The citizen who scoffs at home im provements The citizen who buys his household goods by mail The citizen who gets his job print ing done outside That mans THE TO WIST BUSTER How often do you eat this food A short time ago there appeared in the columns of one of the prominent magazines an article on building brain and muscle by the proper selection of the foods you eat A good many people were surprised to find oatmeal placed at the top of the list of foods recommended but if the article had appeared in an English or Scotch paper every reader would have expected to see first place given to good oatmeal As a matter of fact Great Britian and Europe come to us for tremendous quantities of Quaker Oats because it represents to them perfect food being the richest in flavor and best in clean liness and purity of all oatmeals Americans should eat more Quaker Oats the results would soon show themselves in improved conditions of health and strength 55 Capt Bpgardus Again Hits the Buils Eye The world famous rifle shot who holds the championship record of 100 pigeons in 100 consecutive shots is at present living at Lincoln Illinois Recently in terviewed hesuid I have suffered a long time with kidney and bladder trou ble and have used several well known kidney medicines which gave me no re lief until I started taking Foleys Kid ney Pills Before taking Foleyss Kid ney Pills 1 was subjected to severe back ache and pains in my kidneys with sup pression and oftentimes cloudy voiding While upon arising in the morning I would get dull headaches Now I have taken three bottles of Foleys Kidney Pills and feel 100 per cent better I am not bothered with kidneys or bladder and once more feel like my old self All this I owe solely to Foleys Kidney Pills and I always recommend them to my fellow sufferers COURT HOUSE NEWS COUNTY COURT Following licenses to marry have been issued since our last report William M Rambeaux 22 and Ruby F Hanna 19 both of McCook Mar ried by the county judge March 7th Foleys Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine No medicine can do more A McMlllen Legal Blanks Here A few St Patricks TJav nost Tnis omce carries all kinds of legal caraa leu ami xor Baie at ine Xxitatum l mean forms ana manes special DlanH cgicgjftgjy - a to order promptly ana Rscurately rssffrBrsnarft ag DOORS TOO SMALL FOR HATS Expressmen Explain Why Rates Have Ri3en on Womens Headgear Willi an apprehensive group of man milliners looking on the other after noon the express companies struck a telling blow at the mushroom hat in dustry It happened at the interstate commerce commission inquiry into the rates for transporting millinery be fore Commissioner lames S Harlan at Chitago In the last two years the express companies have been putting up the rales on hats until they are nearly twice what they were in 1100 Tin hut makers were before the commis sion to lind out why C W Stockton who did most of the talking for the express companies said When first began making rates on womens hats the hats were small neat compact affairs that looked like a pat of butter and were fastened to the weareis head with a bit of string We charged by the pound at that time Since then the hats have been grow- steadily in width height length and the fourth dimension but they havent grown an ounce in weight Why five years ago you could get from 000 to 3000 womens hats into an ordinary express car Now you have to take out the double doors to get one in Another thing These hat people have been coming to us demanding damages for dents which our oxpress meu make in these hats occasionally Why everybody knows that the more dents a hat has in it the better hat it is AEROPLANES IN MAIL SERVICE Lecturer Advocates Their Use JZ For Rural Free Delivery Aeroplanes for use in rural free de livery was the plan advocated the oth er night by Wilbur R Kimball in a lecture on aeronautics at the West Side Young Mens Christian associa tion in New York city There has been a remarkable devel opment within the last few months in aeroplanes said Mr Kimball and today their practicability has been ful ly established There is no reason now why the aeroplane should not be used in delivering mail in the rural free delivery system The government has gone to great expense to establish our present rural free delivery but it is subject to de lays especially in the winter months because of the storms which make bad roads With the aeroplaue however the farmers hard earned free delivery would be above poor roads His mail would be dropped in front of his door in a little leather pouch from the aerial delivery wagon which would then speed on to the next farmhouse to deliver its packet Mail could also be collected by areo plane mail wagons in the rural dis tricts with an arrangement by which the aerial chauffeur could lower a hook and catch up packets of mail PARIS FLOOD JEST Warning of the Great Inundation Lightly Treated Paul- W Linebarger of Milwaukee Wis formerly a judge in the Philip pines who was in Paris when the re cent flood began to show itself re turned to New York the other day Mr Linebarger noticed that the pop ulace as a whole was inclined to make light of a warning from the hydro graphic bureau to be prepared for an unusual flood Parisians stood on the bridges over the Seine and made friv olous remarks about the bureau some saying to each other Look out or youll get your feet wet In the provinces the warning was heeded and at one town Mr Line barger saw a dike built chiefly of coal to check an expected invasion of wa ter New Comets Speed Forty one miles a second measures the speed at which Comet A 1910 is traveling from the earth according to a telegram recently received at the Harvard college observatory in Cam bridge Mass from the Lick observa tory The telegram states that Mr Albrecht photographed the spectrum of the comet and found the sodium lines displaced thus indicating the motion of the luminary So far as known the new comet can not be identified with any other comet that has ever visited us and it is likely that it is moving in a parabola which is an open curve that does not return into itself It is one of the tramp family of celestial wanderers and seems to have had no special discoverer but was discovered by about everybody Signaling Military Balloons A device for sigualiug to military balloons at night has been fixed on the tower of the railway station at Spandau It consists of a large hori zontal wooden ring provided with thirty eight big electric incandescent lamps Such lighthouses with inter mittent lights for aerial navigation are also to be erected at Nauen and Pots dam Experiments have recently been made with the intermittent lights on the tower at Spandau Ridding Kansas of Coyotes The war on the coyotes in Kiowa county Kan is showing good results The county commissioners were called on recently to vote 73 to pay for as many scalps It is known that more than thirty scalps were not turned in which would swell the death rate to more than a hundred A few years ago it was a common thing to see nark rf 1 dozen covotes but now ow ing to the bounty they rarely are seen r packs vffJiSBfo i5 SsSH3MHp WHAT WIRELESS AMATEURS CLAIM Declare They Are tiis Only Real Experimenters MEATO DEFEND THEIR RIGHTS Object to Bill For Federal Control of the Air Say Their Small Instru ments Can Send Messages Only a Short Distance They Blame thfc Hired Operators Alarmed by a resolution Introduced in congress on Dec 17 last calling for the appointment of a board or experts to prepare a comprehensive system of regulations to govern the operation of all wireless plants the amateur wireless operators are pre paring to defend what they consider their rights The editor of a publica tion devoted to the Interests of the wireless amateur has received 0000 letters from amateurs protesting against the restriction of wireless rights to government and commercial stations which they fear will be the outcome of the resolution It is on the ground that the wireless has been largely perfected by ama teurs that the latter base their claims to consideration They say that they are the only ones actively interested in experimenting with new apparatus because they can do so on a small and inexpensive scale Individuality In a Spark In fact the amateurs twit the profes sional wireless men with being behind the times and declare that the much talked of interference with the work of the regulars by amateur senders is very largely a myth They say that a really good wireless man finds indi viduality in a spark just as he would in a voice and that just as a man in a crowd where many are speaking can distinguish and understand the words spoken by the particular voice in which he is interested so a good wire less man can concentrate his attention upon the particular message which Is meant for his ear A good operator say the amateurs has no difficulty in reading through six messages Even if this were not so say the de fenders of amateur air line rights the invention of the loose couples or induction tuner enables the operator to cut out from his receiver all but the particular message which he wishes to take The amateurs suggest that the expense of installing really up to date apparatus in the commercial stations may have something to do with the at tack There are estimated to be about 00 000 amateur wireless stations in the United States New York has at least 1000 and the number is growing rap idly The value of these plants ranges from 10 to what you please and the business of supplying materials neces sary for their construction is a consid erable one so that the amateurs are being marshaled for the fight by the interested dealers The Air Nuisance One of these dealers said recently that he had begun the work of supply ing wireless apparatus to amateurs in 1004 and that in a way he felt that he was largely responsible for what the regulars have termed the air nui sance This man said that to trans mit a wireless message sixty miles re quires a plant costing at least 37 and that the majority of the amateurs were content with a 10 plant which while capable of receiving messages sent within a radius of 200 miles can not transmit one more than one or two miles The ability of the amateur to receive messages sent from long dis tances of course makes privacy for official messages impossible unless a code is used The amateurs say how ever that there have been no com plaints on this head They say that a majority of the complaints aside from those which they believe are in spired by commercial companies seek ing a monopoly come from inefficient commercial or government operators One amateur who says that he knows personally twenty five such operators declares that not four of the men were able to draw a diagram showing how their instruments were connected up The amateur says that his pro fessional brother isnt interested in the game and doesnt care to learn and as a cover to his inefficiency blames all his shortcomings on the innocent amateur whose weak spark cannot as a rule be heard half a mile As a final plea to be allowed to ex- ist the amateur associations say that the amateur wireless plant is a One thing to keep boys at home and out of mischief Course In Poetry A course in writing poetry is to be established at the University of Mis souri in Columbia Mo It will be un tler the direction of Dr It II Miller of the English department A prize of 100 for the best poem has been offered for several years at the uni versity but no poem regarded as of sufficient rierit to win the prize has been submitted by a student Vegetable Banquet As an expression of dissatisfaction with the prevailing high prices of meats the executive committee of the Vermont Ilotel Mens association has Toteci to hare a vegetable it the annual dinner in llontpelier yt on Feb 18 5 Avoid Cheap and BlCan Baking powders The cheap baking powders have dug one recommendation they certainly give of powder for hia the purchaser plenty money but its not all baking powder the bulk is made up of cheap materials that have no leavening power These powders are so carelessly made from in ferior materials that they will not make light wholesomo food Further these cheap baking powders have a very small percentage of leavening gas therefore it takes from U oto three times as much of the powder to raise tho cake or biscuit as it does of Calumet Bnking Powder Therefore in the long run the actual coat of the cheap powders is raor than Calumet would be Cheap baking pow ders leave the bread sometimes bleached and acid somotimes jollow and alkaline and often unpalatable They are never of uniform strength and quality Why not buy a perfectly wholesome baking powder like Calumet that is at the same time moderate in price and one which can be relied upon Calumet is always tho same keeps indefinitely and gives the cook the least trouble CITY CHDRCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Congregational Preaching at 11 and 8 oclock Sunday school at 10 a m Christian Endeavor 7 oclock Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at eight oclock The public is cor dially invited to these services Rev R T Bayne Pastor Episcopal Preaching services at St Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p m Sunday Bchool at 10 a m Com munion 1st Sundays 11 a m 3rd Sun days 745 a m each month All are welcome to these services E R Eable Rector Catholic Order of services Mass 330 am Mass and sermon 1030 am Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday Wai J Kirwin O M I Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth League at 615 Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 745 Bryant Howe Pastor Baptist Sunday school at ten oclock am Preaching at 11 a m and 745 p m B Y P U 045 p m Prayer meeting and Bible study on Wednesday at 8 p m A most cordial invitation is extended to all to worship with us Francis E Iams Pastor Evangelical Lutheran Regular German preaching services in church corner of E and 6th street east every Sunday morning at 1030 All Germans cordially invited Rev Wm Brueggeman 607 5th st EaBt Christian Science 219 Main Ave nue Services Sunday at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room open all the time Science literature on sale Evangelical Lutheran Congrega tional Sunday School at 930 a m Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m Senior C E at 700 p m Prayer meetings every Wednesday and Satur day evenings at 730 All Germans cordially invited to these services Rev GustavHenkelmann 505 3rd street West No Substitute Accept no substitute for Foleys Honey and Tar It is the best and safest rem edy for coughs colds throat and lung troubles Contains no opiates and no harmful drugs Remember the name Foleys Honey and Tar and accept no substitute A McMillen Wonder of Mechanism A German shoemaker spent 15 years of his leisure moments in constructing a clock of the grandfather shape near ly six feet high made entirely of straw The wheels pointers case and every detail are exclusively of straw The most remarkable fact is that it Is reported to keep perfect time though the durability of this strange piece of mechanism is a matter of doubt Riches In Aspirations An aspiration Is a joy forever a possession as solid as a landed estate a fortune which you can never ex haust and which gives year by year a revenue of pleasurable activity To have many of these is to be spiritual ly rich Robert Louis Stevenson IHAnfUWRTArcrc vAJuamjWiiUjfH1 O Cough Remedy Cures Coughs Colds Croup Grip and Whooping Cough Phased to inform onr readers that r Chamberlains Cough Remedy doe not contain narcotics of anv kind Thi makes it the safest and best for children It makes no difference when yon caught that cold you have it and want to get rid Remedv of it quickly Take Chamberlains Cou It wont do to fool Trith a bad cold 0 one can tell what the end will be Pneumonia catarrh chronic bronchitl and consumption invariably result from a neglected cold As a cure for cougS ChamDertains Congu Kemetiy sola everywhere at 25c 5Qe ana U0 Mtg - t