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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1910)
V K It k i I I I i V V TWENTY EIGHT EAR FOR SALE My Property On Lower Main Avenue 3000 One third Cash Balance on Easy Terms Write For Particulars to 2322 Walrond Avenue Kansas City Mo H KAPKE CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS Christian SciKNCE Subject for 27th Jbxist Jesus CONGRK5ATlONAL Morning subject Paul at Philippi METHODIST Morning subject Jtalousy At 8 p in there will he a union moi t Sojrat tho Methodist chinch Rev C If Lewis General Spcrotary of tho State Sunday School Association will ijive the address at that timo He is a splendid speaker and we invite everybody to at fend teaten service are being held every Thursday evoiing at eiyht oclock in Xh German Ev Lutheran church on Stb street east PRAIRIE DOGS Et seems from the reports of several influential farmers who have been to see tts lately that the prairie dog pest is jetting worse and worse all the time These farmers are WBging a destructive trar on these little destroying animals poisoning them with a preparation reo ommended by tho U S Government ex periment Btation We have obtained a copy of the recipe for preparing this poison also the direc tions for using it Anyone wishing to ioia in the war against prairie dogs can obtain valuable information along that Sue free at our store C R Woodwortb Druggist Some Staple Prices Simpsons prints 5c the best Best tabic oilcloth 15c American A 2 bu Sraln bags 23c Best apron gingham JjSc Unbleached muslins 5c 7c 10c Bleached muslins 5c to 12c 9--quarter-wide bleached sheetings 25c Meas blue denim overalls and jackets 39c each A heavier grade G9c each Boys double front and double at over alls 39c Rompers 39c We mean busi ness We make business The Thomp soa D G Co One price plain figures eash only Buy the Giant Cleaner Tt perfectly cleans dresses draperies rags carpets etc J G Stokes is local agent He will demonstrate tho cleaner and deliver Money to Loan Tit low rate of interest on well improved Sarms occupied by the owner J E Kelley McCook Neb FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic temple McCook Nebraska 25 tf A photo valentine would have been an appropriate gift If it did not occur to you in time better see Kimmell right away about getting some easter photos ken First door uorth of Commercial hotel Phone red 428 For Rent The National hotel Mc Cook Nebraska For particulars see -or write C G Bosworth Prop COLLEGE SINGING GIRLS Wednesday Night March 2 Typewriter ribbons papis etc of -sale at The Tribune office McConnells Balsam cures coughs j After the Show or Dance STOP AT Weidenliamers FOB Hot Chocolate and Sandwiches THAT ABE MCE OTVCCfs Has been Busy Rev Gustav Heiikelmann has been busy with homo missionary work late ly On the loth and 10th iu Sedgwick Colt whory tie baptized 3 confirmed 1 and administered the Lords bupper to 44 On 18 h ho vvim in Allttiuiv XStit baptizing preaching tin re I i tie 19 h found It ltd in EJfiiiofiifS I preaching on JMimiay ho pnaclied in tbo Presbieiinu cturch of that city continuing 2 and btpnzni 2 be prracu ed morning ari rtioon and evening hem Monday fuuud turn la scwUnilutl Neb dulllg nulllt visiting ANOTHER BIG WHITTLING MATCH At Temple Theatre Monday Feb 2- Dk B b KoLLhU vs Dit Frank Ducijay Geo G on Dr Rjllt r ihmh auu th Jetfrits Goteh UumbuiHim iInle Dr IJucray is Irom our tilatw Uuiiisiy nuuGturne Giou is one of the bepu heavy heights in the Went People who enjoy su jh contest should not fail to nee t m Prices 50j 75 81 00 St 50 Stockholders Meeting There will be a meeting of the stock holders of the McCook Driving Park association in the cigar store of W E Hart Wednesday evening March 2nd at 830 for the purpose of electing offi cers for the ensuing year and the trans action of any other business that may come before tho meeting Attest C B Gray Elmer Kay Secretary President Indifferent Success Hillmans Ideal Stock Co played in the Temple Monday Tuesday and Wed nesday eveninus with but rather in different success The company is strong and their offerings were above average but they failed to strike the publics taste for comedy etc If You Get It Charged it may be satisfactory to you to give 3 for a Stetson you get hat and time but if you have the cash gefcjthe Stetson hat from us for 369 Others at 8150 82 and S250 The Thompson D G Co Utmost value TEMPLE THEATRE Monday February 28 Greatest Wrestling Match of the sea son Prices 50c 75c 8 00 150 COUGHS are troublesome at the best Often they lead to serious complications and there fore should not be neglected You will find our cough cure effective A McMillen Druggist Only 55c a peck for large juicy and sweet Sun kist navel oranges J A Wilcox Son John Cashen Auctioneer ndianola Nebr Dates bookod at Mc Cook National bank Farm Loans Optional payments No cash com mission required P S H Eaton Straw For Sale Both wheat and barley straw Pnone cherry 1651 Dave Deveny For Sale Property with 8 room modern house at 412 6th street east Money To Loan On Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store A McMillen prescription druggist Everything in drugs McConnell Feed of all kinds baled hay etc at McCook Flour and Feed Store COLLEGE SINGING GIRLS Wednesday Night March 2 At the Intermission iu Temple theatre building for the Judge Norris 10c cigar and Novum Templum 5c smoke We have the Wedding Breakfast syrup to go with the coffee at Hubers I am agent for the Spirella corset Ladies desiring to purchase one will find me at 504 west 3rd street Phone red 136 Thulia Molindeb Did you see a style or finish of photo somewhere that struck you aB just what troubles to Kim you wanted Tell your mell and he will make you something as good if not better First door north of the Commercial hotel Phone red 428 Tho word proposition has fallen heir to the unreasonable and unwarranted popularity for long enjoyed by the word thing Both words are being used to describe the whole realm of mans im agination Incidentally they add to fluency if they do cot encourage ele gance and exactness of descriptive diction f SS9 CELEBRATE 46th PERIOD McCook Lodge No 42 Scored Another Social Success Saturday Night A FINE SPREAD A MATURE Music by Pythian Ochestra Panama Canal Pictures Vocal Music Addresses Toass Make a Delightful Event One of thrt most notable social affiirs in the tiitor if M Coik Lodpn No 42 Knights of Pythias wn realized last Saturday evininif in their celeW utiou of the 46 h pi no 1 or anniversary of their pplemliri ordt r which is hero so finely represented About 1C0 knights members of their familiiH and guests participated in the c debration which uptned following several enlivening numbers by the Pyth ian orchestra of ten piece with the reading of tho annual greeting address of tho grand chancellor an inspiring presentation of Pythianism Miss E sie Campbell offered a vocal solo wih her uual t ITectiveness That masterful old pagan philosopher Pythagoras was the subject of a thought ful address by J F Forbes A lnrge number of most interesting pictures were then thrown on the can vas illustrating the Isthmus and Pana ma Canal These slides are the property of Conurestmau G W Norris tomo of the pictur s being taken by him in per son during a visit to the canal zne H U Rosebush projected them with bis fine lantern and Mr Cone delivered the letter presd description They were great ly enj yed Fuilowing several selections by the or chestra tho assemblage proceeded to the banquet hall aud negotiated an ap petizing sproad such as the boys kaow so well how to cater Beautiful bouquets of white and red carnations were the decorative elements in tho af fair besides the order colors were indi cated in some of the viands done in blue red and orange A brief post prandinl effort closed what will long leave a happy memory with all present Mrs U D Ritchie spoke in encour nging tones and diction of the recently organized Pythian Sisterhood Mr Kimmell gave a brief historical sketch of the organization institution of the order etc twenty five years ago and Mr C A Rodgers gave a short talk on the lodge as at present manifesting its tenets and activities in this city I is interesting to note iu this con nection too that the silwr anniversary of McCook lodge occurs this summer or fall A Barnett Gives Handsome Medals A Barnett has offered a handsome gold and silver medal to be awarded as first and second prizes for declamatory contest work in the high school Eleven young people in tho high school are working hard on their selections The contest will probably be given about March 26 The winner in addition to tho gold medal will represent McCook High school in the Southwest Nebraska High School Declamatory Contest at Alma April 8 IF THE THOUGHT of spring house cleaning is hovering about you like an ugly little shadow just fifteen minutes spent in looking over our beautiful new wall papers will banish it and cause you to look for ward to the new bright walls with the keenest pleasure Call now while the assortment is complete L W McConnell Drupgist To My Friends I wish to take this way of thanking all my friends for their assistance in the voting contest which won for me the beautiful watch Clara Burton old Trusty Incubators for sale at the McCook Hardware Cos store price 5980 for 100 egg machine Right now is the time to buy Remember if there is any error about your subscription credit this office will be most prompt and willing to correct it We only want what is justly and really due us No more For sale at a sacrifice if taken soon my residence Hot water beat modern Investigate this bargain F S Wilcox Ed Walters commenced work on a five room cottage for C L Bunstock this week COLLEGE SINGING GIRLS Wednesday Night March 2 A F A M Meeting Regular meeting of McCook Lodge No 135 AF A M Tuesday March 1 at S p m Work in F C degree By Order of the W M C L Fahnestock Secy I Declamatory Contest About March 28tb there will be a i declamatory contest between members of the McCook high school for hand some medals For Borne timo prepara tions have been going on by a number of pupils under compete it assistance for this event which is anticipated with no little interest The medals nrj handsome and valu able the gift of Albert Barnett mem ber of the board of education One is a gold medal the other is of silver The inners in this contest will rep resent McCook in the district conttst to be held in Aln a in April during the meeting of tho Southwestern Nebraska Eaucaiional association meeting More interest is being shown in de bating and declamatory contests in this city and section of the state than ever b fore and the McCook high school ox p ots to bo at the front in tho matter Paul Anton Remarries Paul Anton and Mrs Delia Gilmoro Kendrick both of McCook were mar ried at the office of the county judgo on Monday February 14th They left the same night for a western trip Tren ton Leader Paul Anton and Delia Giimore Kend rick both of McCook were united in the holy bonds of wedlock by Judge John M Williams at bis office Monday February 14th Trenton Register 18tb Mr and Mrs Anton arrived home last Thursday from their honeymoon in Denver and have gone to housekeep ing in the Everist residence on corner of and 1st street east BE YOUR OWN MANICURIST A complete manicure outfit costs but little and it is a satisfaction to be ablo at any time to give your own hands at tention We carry a full assortment of the latest manicure utensils and also the various reparations made by leading manicure specialists L W McConnell Druggist File Claims fur Damages The city is now brought face to face jyith the consideration of several claims for damages as a result of the recently completed viaduct at foot of 6th st east The claims filed alreaCtgregate 4 600 and are as follows James Shepherd 1000 Maria E Simmons 100 Lulu Easton 1000 Minnie Snyder 700 Jacob Frank 600 N J Johnson 400 L C Blount 400 No action has yet been taken in the matter TO FARMERS This is the time of year to begin get ting that team of horses in goodshape for spring work 50c or 100 spent on them now will enable you to get a great deal more of labor out of them later We have several brands of stock fnod and condition powder also a big supply of other veterinary remedies Remember us when you come to town Woodwokth Druggist RGWland Hartman Wedding- Mr Thayer E Rowland and Mis3 Jessie E Ilartman were united in mar riage Tuesday Washingtons birthday by Rev Francis E lams at tlm Baptist parsonage The groom is employed in the Burlington shops here They will make their homo in East McCook Get one of the those Ice Cream Cones Crisp and sweet be tween acts at the ON TON Always prompt service Cream Separators The Sharpies Blue Bell and Domo any one of them will pay for itself with in one year by saving what you waste McCook Hardware Co Hay For Sale Loose wild and baled hay and alfalfa hay for sale Ed Flitcraft phone ced ar 3682 COLLEGE SINGING GIRLS Wednesday Night March 2 Pierced Brass Materials and outfits L W McConnell Druggist Dont forget Nyals Beef Iron and Wine Tones up people when they are all run down 100 per bottle Six for 5 00 at Woodworths Drugstore Why make boys waists We can sell them cheaper than you can make them Best percales stripes checks and fig ures 50c to 100 C L DeGroff Co niH HH HI P mccook red willow county Nebraska Thursday evening February 24 1910 Annual Sunday School Convention Tho annual Sunday School convention frr Red Willow county will bo hold in McCook on February 27th and 28th Baptist Church Sunday 27th 230 Opening service Invocation Rev Baynu Music 300 Address by Rev C II Lewis of Lincoln General Secretary 345 Address by Miss Margaret E Brown State Elementary Supt Methodist Church Evening Sorvico 800 Opening Service Invocation by Rov lams Announcements 815 Adorosses by Rev C II Lewis and Miss Margaret E Brown Congregational Church Monday 28 900 Song and Praise service led by Mr Howe Music 930 Report of officers 1030 Adresses by Rov Lewis and Miss Brown Afternoon Service 200 Business reports of committees election of oilicers 245 Adress by Rev Lewis 330 A dross by Miss Brown Adjournment Union Temperance Meeting- The Methodist Baptist and Congre gational people united Sunday evening lait in a temperance meeting at the Co gregational church with Rev lams of the Baptist hnrch as speaker of tho evening He gave a Christian citizens view point of the liquor question The meeting was well attended and an interest and sympathy iudicutcd which make it clear that temperance sentiment is growing in this city that the inroads of intemperance are being more rationally and determinedly oppos ed by Christians Debate Trenton Saturday Night The McCook High school will bold a contest debate with the Trenton High school at Trenton on Saturday night The question is Resolved That labor unions are on the whole beneficial This is the first of a series of debates to pick out the champion debating team of Southwest Nebraska Adaline Koller Ray Scott and Helen Schwab will rep resent McCook with LoRene Calhoun and Joseph Moore as alternates Quite a crowd is going up from McCook Pierced Brass Art Work Art brass is becoming very popular furnishing individual and artistic art icles for the home office and gifts So Easily Done So Very Effective Most beautiful and dainty candle and lamp shades necktie racks vases whisk holders waste paper baskets etc We also have the bras3 work outfits L W McConnell Druggist McCook Team Lost Decision In the debate at Wray Colorado last Saturday evening between the McCook i High School Debating team and the Yu i ma County High School Debating team the locals lost the decision j Their next debate will be with Tren j ton next Saturday evening on the same subject Resolved That a a whole i labor unions are beneficial i Better fortune to them Si The Price of Speculation It is conservatively estimated by qual ified individuals that in years or longer of McCcoks existence specula tion in various forms aud most of the speculation might well be otherwise spelled has cost this city easily half a million dollars The assessed valuation of McCook real and personal is 616621 Were Well Patronized The ladies of the Aid society of the Me hodist church were given a liberal patronage of their excellent Washing tons Birthday dinner aud supper Tues day Their baz iar was also remembered with quite open pocket books These annual dinner supper affairs are always looked forward to by the public Our stock cf wall paper has been large in the past but it is better than ever thi3 year L W McConnell Druggist For Sale A fine high class piano Ludwig nearly new Will sell for less than half cost price J P Meyers East McCook Clothcraft suits made for you Tail oring and fit unexcelled Prices 15 to 25 at C L DeGroff Cos We now sell the Phoenician Massage Cream at 25 cents Woodworth Druggist Press Work will be the W C T U topic February 2oth Mrs E S Waite hostess Mrs Inglis leader COLLEGE SINGING GIRLS Wednesday Night March 2 I New lot of Spring styles in Wall paptr at Woodworths - NUMBER 40 YOUR BOY AND YOUR GIRL will soon bo grown up ready to start in lifo on his and her own account What will thoy havo to begin with A neat little sum to start with may mean a diirer enco of thousands of dollars by the timo they are forty years old Start an account in tho name of your boy or girl and insist on their adding to it and havesomo thing ready for them when they aro old enough to uso it THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh Prosidont C F Lehn V Pros C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTOK8 J J Loughran P F McKonna Soms Interior Improvements The county commissioners are carry ing out some interior improvements of a necessary nature at t c court house chiefly lookitg to a relief of the san itary conditions in tho baseinHiit Tho water cloaets have been moved out of the dark lower hallway and placed in separate rooim for the sexes on tho north side of tho building parts of the northeast basement room and of the boiler room being partitioned off for tho purpose The vault door in the north Bide of the basement has been changed to the hnll for convenience sake Some slight changes were also made in tho jail Notice It is with pleasure we are able to an nounce that Mrs Heaid State President of the W C T Q will give an address in the Baptist church Monday evening March 7th at 8 oclock All should avail themselves of the opportunity to bear her She is of a beautiful and charming personality and will be an in spiration to all who are interested in the cause of temperance She has the cause earnestly at heart Nebraska may well be proud to have such a lady as their leader You will miss something good if you miss this address Come out and hear Mrs Heald Lidie3 meeting in tha afternoon All invited Date to be announced next week NOTICE Parties who are owing the McCook Electric Company will certainly confer a favor bv making prompt remittance PLEASE McCook Electric Company Silk Petticoats of black taffeta at 399 125 450 and 475 Colored ones in all the desirable shades at 450 Dont pay 300 or 10 for skirts that are no better We ren der you the utmost service for cash only The Thompson D G Co Vacuum Cleaners We sell the Regina price 2500 Let us show you what it will do McCook Hardware Co Piano Tuning W J IcGilIin is in the city for a week and will attend to your piano tun ng Call up at Suttons Jewelry store COLLEGE SINGING GIRLS Wednesday Night March 2 Gordon famous hats prevailing colors this spring steel gray and blue soft hats or derbies 300 at C L DeGkoff Cos We have a deserved reputation for compounding prescriptions in the most scientific manner L W McConnell Druggist DANCE By the Catholic Ladies St Patricks Night March 17th Menards Hall Full Orchestra Tickets 100